Promotional Strategy:
The company have not marketing their own brand name so they are not involved in any promotional activities .
Cultural Adjustments:
When the company sets its unit Galaxy Textiles in Oman they employed the whole labor from Pakistan . So there are no cultural differences faced by the company .
Channel Of Distribution:
The company has effective and efficient distribution channel and provide the finished good to their customers in time .The company has two distribution channels ,
The overall evaluation of the mother company and its two subsidiaries are as follows ,
In Oman the company is successfully achieving its goals objectives , but they are still little behind in achieving their targets .
In Pakistan the company is almost achieving their targets , and the reason for this success is the skilled Labor , professional Managers , Quality control , and full determination in achieving the companies Mission Goals and Objectives .
The major achievement of the company is that it is the only industry in Asia which have got ISO 9000 certificate .
The Companies international focus creates a unique opportunity to meet the demands of the marketplace with targeted innovative strategies and brands.
?The company has good image among its buyers and a strong hold in knitwear industry , and also has a strong financial positions.
?The major strength of the company is that it is the only industry in Asia which have got ISO 9000 certificate .
?Ammar textiles is the biggest quota share holder in the knitwear industry .
?The effective distribution channel providing on time delivery to its buyers
?There is no employees union in the company .
?Highly decentralized management helps the company to take timely decisions .
?The company has most advance technology for producing value added goods .
?The company has special employee training program for effective and efficient management .
?The strategic alliance of the company with Levi?s .
?The company is bearing high labor cost in Oman .As the company is sending the whole skilled labor from Pakistan .
?The company?s business operations are working successfully and that is the reason the management is overconfident , but in the long run this would create a problem in overall operations .
?Long working hours creates a problem for the labor that they are not been full determined in their work .
?The biggest opportunity for the company is to capture the biggest European Market .
?The company has a chance to increase their market in Japan .
?Due to the SAARC the trade barriers are reducing the company can capture the Asian market .
?The company can promote there own brand name in the international market .
?The biggest threat for the company in the international market is the intense competition with INDIA , SRI LANKA , and BANGLADESH , due to the over all low cost .
?The Quota restriction creates barrier in the way of operating the business .
?Continues changing policies regarding exports and duties .
Ammar Textile is 100% export oriented company and have created its name for quality and integrity with some of the big name of fashion world .
The company is focusing on quality products which are delivered by skilled people the strategic intent is very much help for the employees to conduct their job efficiency .
The overall operations of the company is performed successfully .
?The company should reduce their dependency on the US market i.e. from 80 to 85% to 60% and would increase in the rest of the market .
?The company should go for European Market as there are lot of opportunity for them to excel with high quality standards .
?The company should Promote their own Brand name .