
Stand (стр. 2 из 2)


Stand and Deliver is a film that offers a multitude of organisational behaviour theories to critically analysis and relate to a real-life situation. Through serious examination, the topics of individual differences, perception and attribution, and managing change in learning organisations were prevalent.

These topics equipped us to take an in depth look at what made Mr Escalante s teaching methods so successful, and how he managed to relate and extract the most out of every individual.

With their backs against the wall, the concept of desire shone through, and with this useful tool, Mr Escalante and his class was able to achieve unimaginable results.



Leatherman. D., 1990, The Training Trilogy: facilitation skills, Human Resource Department Press Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts, p 72.

Knowles. M.C., 1990, Organisational Behaviour: Changing Concepts and Applications, Harper & Row, NSW, p 351.

Kreitner. R., and Kinicki, A., 1998, Organisational Behaviour, 4th edition (international edition), Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Boston, Massachusetts, p 125.

Vecchio, R.P., Hearn, G. and Southey, G., 1996, Organisational Behaviour, 2nd edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NSW, p 236.


Brown. A.D. and Starkey. K., 2000, Organisational identity and learning: A Psychodynamic Perspective , The Academy of Management Journal, January.

Farrell. M.A., 2000, Developing a Market-Oriented Learning Organisation , The Australian Journal of Management, September.

Hardingham. A., 2000, Charged with intent , People Management, March.

Lam. S.K., and Schaubroeck. J., 2000, The role of locus of control in reactions to being promoted and to being passed over , Academy of Management Journal, February.

Managing Emotions and Needs , 2000, Henley Manager Update, volume 12 No. 2.

Weiss. R.P., 2000, Brain-based learning , Training & Development Journal, July.



Daniels. C.A, 2000, Bringing out the best in people, McGraw-Hill, New York.

Leatherman. D., 1990, The Training Trilogy: facilitation skills, Human Resource Department Press Inc., Amherst, Massachusetts.

Knowles. M.C., 1990, Organisational Behaviour: Changing Concepts and Applications, Harper & Row, NSW.

Kreitner. R., and Kinicki, A., 1998, Organisational Behaviour, 4th edition (international edition), Irwin/McGraw-Hill, Boston, Massachusetts.

Toropov. B., 1997, Managers guide to dealing with difficult people, Prentice Hall, New Jersey.

Vecchio, R.P., Hearn, G. and Southey, G., 1996, Organisational Behaviour, 2nd edition, Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, NSW.


Brown. A.D. and Starkey. K., 2000, Organisational identity and learning: A Psychodynamic Perspective , The Academy of Management Journal, January.

Farrell. M.A., 2000, Developing a Market-Oriented Learning Organisation , The Australian Journal of Management, September.

Hardingham. A., 2000, Charged with intent , People Management, March.

Lam. S.K., and Schaubroeck. J., 2000, The role of locus of control in reactions to being promoted and to being passed over , Academy of Management Journal, February.

Managing Emotions and Needs , 2000, Henley Manager Update, volume 12 No. 2.

Weiss. R.P., 2000, Brain-based learning , Training & Development Journal, July.


Stand and Deliver.

Teams and Leaders.