Model 15. Initial period of the Chinese population existence and Chinese SCS creation
(from legendary Hsia Dynasty 1800 - 1500 BC to Eastern Chou Dynasty 770 BC)
Model 16. Socio-cultural contest for creating the most efficient socio-cultural standard for Chinese SCS (from 770 to 221 BC - Eastern Chou Dynasty)
Model 17. Unification of the Chinese SCS territory based on the chosen socio-cultural standard. Beginning of the homeland growth and establishing the naturally dependent vassals (221 BC - 317 AD)
Model 18. Creating the internal buffer zone on the North, new naturally dependent vassals on the West and new homeland on the South (317 - 1211 AD)

Model 19. Socio-cultural integration with Barbarian-Nomadic SCS. Creating the internal buffer zones,
naturally dependent vassals and homeland growth on the South. Unification of the socio-culturally transformed territories into the united state (from 1211 until 1840-s)

Model 20. Defining the buffer zones territories through conflict with various SCS-s. Military, political and economic presence of alien socio-cultural systems in the Chinese homeland. Beginning of the Chinese population intensive diffusion around the World (from 1840-s until the Great Cultural Revolution)
Model 21. Creating the integral internal buffer zone and liberation of the Chinese homeland from the alien socio-cultural systems presence. Establishing the Chinese enclave-communities within Western SCS and
the mixed socio-cultural regions (as from the end of the Great Cultural Revolution and for some future)

Model 22. Initial period of the Western population existence and Western SCS creation.
Initial sporadic colonization of the homeland territory in the most ancient civilizations
(from ancient times until 770 - 750-s BC)
Model 23. Greek-Roman times. Western homeland growth. Rise of the first Empires and Greek-Roman communities outside the homeland.
Establishing the buffer zone with Barbarian-Nomadic SCS (770 - 750-s BC - 380-s AD)
Model 24. Socio-cultural integration with Barbarian-Nomadic SCS. Transformation and further expansion of the homeland. Creating internal buffer zones. Defining the new ideological grounds of Western SCS,
based on Roman Catholicism (from 380-s AD until the Crusades beginning)
Model 25. Socio-cultural contest of Western SCS. Transformation of the Pyrenees Muslim enclave into internal buffer zone. Creating naturally dependent vassals in the East-European buffer zone. Expansion outside own homeland into the mixed socio-cultural regions (from the Crusades beginning until the discovery of America)

Model 26. Global overseas colonial expansion of Western national states.
Growth of the homeland in the mixed socio-cultural regions with Western predominance (1490-s - 1918)