Metal Gear Solid Walkthrough Essay, Research Paper
Metal Gear SolidPlaystationWarning: The following is a detailed walkthrough of Metal Gear Solid. It contains a wealth of information that will help you solve the game. Please, DO NOT READ FROM START TO FINISH. You’ll just end up spoiling the game. Besides, you spent your hard earned money on the game – you should try and figure it out yourself.For more cheats, check out our Metal Gear Solid Cheats page. >[ T A C T I C A L E S P I O N A G E A C T I O N ] ,——–++———-.| M E T A L G E A R |——+——’-++———–+—–’ (000>>+—–’$$$*^$$$*^$$b d$$*^*$$b $$$ d$$*^*$$b $$$ d$$*^*$$b d$$*^*$$b d$$*^*$$b $$$*^*$$b$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$*^^$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ .aaaad$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ .aaaad$$$ $$$ $$$$$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$P $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$^^$$b $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$^^^^^^ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ $$$ ^^^^^^$$$ $$$^^^^^^ $$$ $$$ $$$ ‘$$$$$$ $$$ $$$ T$$b.d$$P T$$b.d$$P T$$b.d$$P T$$b.d$$P T$$b.d$$P T$$b.d$$P T$$b.d$$P $$$ $$$,—–+’—>>————–+——————-+———————>+——————| S O L I D | ‘—>>——’ SCPS 45317 9 SLUS 00594 —+>> Metal Gear Solid FAQ and Walkthrough 2.0 —+>> Everything in here is (c) Johan Henriksson (crayon) 1998 —+>> | [please note that I am swedish and any spelling or grammatical errors are therefor justified and excusable :]If anything is wrong, gomenesai. Please inform me at hson@hotmail.comlast update: 25th Oct. 1998,———————————————————————————————–.| Table of Contents |’———————————————————————————————–’[ introduction / general info ]0.0.0 Updates0.0.1 Intro0.0.2 Story *spoilers*0.1.0 Controls[ walkthrough ]1.0.0 Dock1.0.1 Heliport1.0.2 House 1 – Tank Hangar1.0.3 House 1 B1 – Cells1.0.4 Armory [boss - Revolver Ocelot]1.0.5 Tank Hangar1.0.6 Canyon [boss - Tank]1.0.7 Nuke Building 11.0.8 Nuke Building B11.0.9 Nuke Building B2 + Lab [boss - Ninja]1.1.0 House 2 B1 [boss - Psycho Mantis]1.1.1 Cave1.1.2 Underground Passage [boss - Sniper Wolf]1.1.3 House 1 B1 – Torture / Prison1.1.4 REMOVED SECTION [not there anymore]1.1.5 Communications Tower A1.1.6 Communications Tower B [boss - Hind D]1.1.7 Snowfield [boss - Sniper Wolf]1.1.8 Blast Furnace1.1.9 Cargo Elevator1.2.0 Warehouse [boss - Vulcan Raven]1.2.1 Passageway1.2.2 Underground Base 1 [boss - Metal Gear Rex, Liquid Snake]1.2.3 The Chase[ additional ]2.0.0 Frequencies2.0.1 Characters *spoilers* 2.1.0 Equipment2.1.1 Cardboard Boxes2.1.2 Camera2.1.3 Inventory Growth2.2.0 VR Training2.5.0 Frequently Asked Questions3.0.0 Secrets / Mysteries3.0.1 *Subject to change*3.0.2 Getting a better score [japanese version]3.0.3 Rankings3.0.4 Japanese English differences.3.0.5 Games Psycho Mantis react to3.1.0 The Premium Package3.1.1 Rumours?3.1.2 Metal Gear Solid merchandise!3.1.3 Reader tips3.1.4 Metal Gear Solid Original Game Soundtrack,———————————————————————————————–.| Updates 0.0.0 |’———————————————————————————————–’News > It’s here. I’ve seen the light, I finally understand what they’re saying! My old japanese copy of MGS has been tucked back into the Premium Package box and the only CDs spinning in my PlayStation nowadays are my MGS US CDs! It’s better than I was expecting, it’s like a whole new experience. The voices are good, and now that i can understand them I can say that the story is good. All I can say is if you don’t get it; BUY IT NOW!@ This update of the FAQ (2.0) is updating the info to fit both the japanese and US versions, the game is exactly the same but area names and minor details are different (section 3.0.4) |>>> 25 Oct. 1998 [2.0]Fixes, smaller additions. All the US info I could think of added.>>> 05 Oct. 1998 [1.6]Minor stuff added + fixed.>>> 26 Sept. 1998 [1.5]Big update, lots of stuff added. Check the table of contents!>>> 23 Sept. 1998 [1.4]Fixed up the characters section and made a few other fixes, also added the ‘Story’ section.>>> 22 Sept. 1998 [1.3]Removed two sections [ 1.1.4 + 0.9.9 ] and added the Ratings section [ 3.0.4 ]>>> 20 sept. 1998 [1.1]Added the “Making it through the game with a nice score [ 3.0.3 ]” section>>> 17 sept. 1998 [1.0]Added all the stuff that wasn’t in the last version (too much to list)>>> 12 sept. 1998 [0.1]First FAQ stolen and sent to several sites by a certain Jonathan Leissler>>> 12 sept. 1998 [0.1]FAQ started, walkthrough and partial inventory lists added,———————————————————————————————–.| Intro 0.0.1 |’———————————————————————————————–’Metal Gear Solid is Konami’s latest action adventure released for the Playstation. Like the logostates it’s “Tactical Espionage Action” where your goal is to rather than kill everyone, you need to hide from enemies, sneak around and find stuff and rescue people, your ultimate goal being tostop Fox Hound. This doesn’t mean that you can’t get any killing action if you want it, there isplenty of killing going on. You get a ton of weapons and you can even break peoples necks.This game is the third in the series, the first two (Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake) appeared on the pretty uknown console MSX. Like this game the goal was to sneak around a military base and to defeat the enemy, basically. I remember spending weeks on the first Metal Gear on the NES, I loved every minute of it and hated when I had to return it to the rental store. Being moreof an experience than a game, this game has to be seen and lived before you can get an accurateview of it. My text can’t begin to imitate the experience, so I wont. All I can say is that if you can stand Japanese, you need to import this game ASAP! If you don’t like japanese, or if youthink japanese games are hard to play, wait for the american version. Or you can do it like me,get both! Now that the US version is out, there is no real need for anyone to get the import version, unless someone comes across a premium package

I’d say that this is easily the game of the year, if not the best game for the playstation altogether.Anyways, thanks for giving this FAQ a chance and reading it. If you’d like to contact me for anyreason I can be reached at or on IRC as crayon (or crayonFLG, crayon_Q0, or…you get it right?).Best regards (to anyone I don’t hate

Johan Henriksson a.k.a Crayon(another small disclaimer: I only know hiragana and katakana, basic H&K that is, and like 5 kanji and how sentences are built in japanese. That’s it, so please don’t verbally kill me if something is wrong, ok? O_O),———————————————————————————————–.| Story *spoilers* 0.0.2 |’———————————————————————————————–’The covert operation team known as FOX-HOUND takes over a nuclear weapon disposal facility, theythreaten to fire nuclear weapons at the united states if they do not give them the remains of Big Boss. But things don’t go as they had originally planned and they can’t activate the stealthmissile launchers, which is why they let Snake infiltrate their base. Liquid also has an ulterior motive, he wants to get revenge on Snake. They were both cloned from Big Bosses DNA, and Snake got all the good stuff while Liquid got the bad stuff. Big Boss always said that Snake was the good one, his favorite.If Liquid Snake only knew how wrong he is.,———————————————————————————————–.| Controls 0.1.0 |’———————————————————————————————–’You control Snake basically the same you would control him in a NES game. In other words, you don’t control him like in Resident Evil, where up is forward. Here each direction on the d-pad is the direction where Snake will head if you hold it.All the buttons on the controller are used as well.Cross Press this once to squat. Hold a direction on the d-pad to start crawling, useful for hiding under objects like trucks or tanks and for going through air ducts.Triangle Hold this to look through Snake’s eyes, sometimes pretty useful to get a better look at whats going on in front of him. VERY useful if you have the Radar turned off.Square If you don’t have a weapon equipped, you will grab people with this button. When you have them grabbed you can do three things; Hold them, drop them or break their necks. You can hold them and use the enemy as a human shield by holding the Square button pressed and walking around. You drop them by letting go of the Square button, then press a direction. Breaking their necks is done by repeatedly pressing the Square button until the enemy gives in and dies. With a weapon equipped this will fire it. If you hold a direction and press this close to an enemy, you will throw him in the direction you pressed. Excellent for use in the 1st tower, during the chase sequence.Circle If you’re close to a button, or a console you can use this will activate it. If you’re not, this is the fighting button. Press the button once to swing with Snake’s right arm, press it twice to make him punch with each arm once. And press it three times to make him make a combo with two punches and a kick.L1 Quick selection of the last item you had used. L2 Hold and press directions on the d-pad to go through your inventoryR1 Quick selection of weaponsR2 Hold and press directions on the d-pad to go through your weaponsIf you start shooting and hold down Square, you can also hold the Cross button, now you can run around shooting! Only weapon it’s really practical with it Fa-Mas though.The game supports Analog control as well as the Dual Shock feature.[It does not use the second analog stick, R3 and L3],———————————————————————————————–.| Dock 1.0.0 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Ration][Ration][Ration]Run down the stairs into the water to get a Ration.The best way to go through here is this way:Crawl under the pipe, run to the upper wall and wait until the coast is clear for you to run to the very right side of the room. Stand to the right of the big vent and wait for the guard to come stand to the left of it. Crawl under the pipe and run straight up. Wait on the right side of the Forklift until the elevator comes down and the guard who comes out leaves and the coast is clear. Run into the elevator and it’ll automatically go up. If the alarm is on, the elevator will not leave.,———————————————————————————————–.| Heliport 1.0.1 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Rations ][Chaff Grenades x3][Stun Grenades x3][Socom [gun]Run to the right side of the helipad, and wait until the two spotlights are as far away from each other as a possible, then make a run for it. Pick up the Chaff Grenades while you run. Run into the room on the left, and sneak along the top crates then make a run for the Stun Grenades when the camera isn’t looking. Sneak back outside then run up the left wall and make sure the guard in the upper left corner is sleeping. If he is, make a run for the truck. While inside pick up the Socom and wait for the right moment to run outside, past the camera and up the stairs to the right. Sneak past the guard up here and crawl into the air vent.,———————————————————————————————–.| Tank Hangar 1.0.2 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Thermal Goggles ][Socom Bullets x12]Sneak past the camera in the top right corner and then down and into the cargo room (room on the right, you can’t miss it). Watch out for the camera and pick up the Thermal Goggles. Run out of the cargo room and follow the bridge. Ignore all closed doors since you do not have a keycard yet. Sneak down the stairs at the end of the “bridge” while watching out for the camera. Sneak behind the stairs and pick up the Socom Bullets. Then wait until the coast is clear and run right to the elevator (double-doors saying “EV.” with a yellow button next to it) Go down to B1.,———————————————————————————————–.| House 1 B1 – Cells 1.0.3 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Socom Bullets x12][Level 1 Keycard ][Socom Bullets x12][Socom Bullets x12]Follow the passage-way down and right until you reach a ladder, then climb it. Explore this vent and look down through all the grates. After the long talk scene with the leader of DARPA, there will be a short shooting sequence. Just shoot everyone you see and pick up the ammo/rations they drop. Use rations if necessary. Now you’ll have a Level 1 Keycard. You can open all doors that have a 1 on them now. Go back inside the door you just exited and pick up some more ammo inside. Go back to the elevator now and go down to B2.[NOTE: Anderson, the manager of DARPA, is telling you about Metal Gear and how Snake needs to find PAL keys to shut it down] [remember that you need to equip keycards for them to function],———————————————————————————————–.| Armory 1.0.4 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Socom Bullets x12][Socom Bullets x12][Grenade x04][Grenade x04][C4 x02][C4 x02][C4 x02] [Socom Bullets x12][Socom Bullets x12][Chaff Grenades x03][Stun Grenades x03][Socom Bullets x12][Socom Bullets x12][Socom Bullets x12][Level 2 Keycard ][Fa-mas ][Fa-mas Bullets x25][Fa-mas Bullets x25]This floor consists of one big room with 2 exits, and 6 smaller rooms. The smaller rooms are the ones I’m talking about.Go out of the elevator and down to the room in the mid-low part. Watch out for trap-doors. Run out of the room and to the room on the left, there pick up the grenades and run out. Go to the mid-high room and pick up the C4. Now, look at the walls on each side of the elevator. Notice the blueish cracked ones? Place a C4 in front of one of them and blow it up. Get all the bonuses and run down to the lower left corner, here blow up the wall and go in. In this little hall find the wall you can blow up and do so. And in this next hall blow up the upper wall that you can destroy, the rightmost one is for later.You will now face Revolver Ocelot.He will run around the cubic room and fire at you, after he has fired 6 shots he has to reload. Try to get a shot in on him and then advance after him while he’s stunned, just keep doing this and watch out for his shots. Pretty easy eh?A good tactic is to run+shoot with the Socom, only hold both the buttons until you can get a clearshot. There’s no need to waste too much ammo, right?After the very lengthy talking sequence with Kenneth Baker you will have the Level 2 keycard. Go back the way you came and enter the Level 2 room in the big B2 room. Equip the Thermal Goggles and evade the infra-red sensors and you’ll have yourself a new weapon, the Fa-mas. Go out and take the elevator back up to the Tank Hangar [level 1][NOTE; Cigarettes will also help you find infra-red!],———————————————————————————————–.| Tank Hangar 1.0.5 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Socom Supressor ][Cardboard Box A ][Chaff Grenades x3][Mine Detector ][Ration ]First off call Meryl on the radio. [her frequency is on the back of the box, lower right screenshot]She will tell you to wait and she’ll open the big door to the right of the elevator.While you wait I suggest you do the stuff below.Go out of the elevator and through the door on the right, sneak up on the sleeping guard and kill him. Get the supressor and use it (if you have the Socom equipped it will be used automatically). Go out of this room and go up the stairs to the 2nd floor of the Tank Hangar. Go through the first door on the 2nd floor. Pick up the Cardboard Box and the Chaff Grenades. Go out of this room and follow the bridge back to the top right room, go inside and pick up the Mine Detector and perhaps the rations. Now you you can go downstairs, kill the guards and go through the big door.When you’re through the big door, equip the Thermal Goggles and avoid the infra-red sensors and go through the door on the other side, welcome to the Canyon.,———————————————————————————————–.| Canyon 1.0.6 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Ration ] [Ration ][Grenade x4][Grenade x4][Ration ]Here you will fight a boss, a tank, so I suggest you make sure you’re ready before you go ahead.You have to make your way pretty far up, the best way is alongside the left wall. You can just equip your Mine Detector and avoid the mines. Either way you have to go upwards. When you’ve reached the tank simply run around it throwing grenades up on the tower to take out the gunner. Watch out for the machine gun fire. You will now automatically enter the Nuke Building 1.[NOTE; Crawl on top of mines and you'll pick them up],———————————————————————————————–.| House 2 – Nuke Building 1 1.0.7 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Rations]Run up to the left to pick up the rations.In this entrance just run down the passage and crawl under the door. Watch out in here because if the alarm is set off the place will be filled with gas and you will die. Stick to the bottom wall and creep into your cardboard box to hide from the patrolling guard. Once he passes you continue to the left and sneak up the stairs. Pick up any bonuses along the way but don’t bother with any out of the way bonuses because they can easily get you spotted and killed. Once up the stairs, run to the elevator and take it down to B1.,———————————————————————————————–.| Nuke Building B1 1.0.8 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Ration ][Socom Bullets x12][Stun Grenade x3 ][Nikita Launcher ][Nikita Missile x4][Nikita Missile x4]Run to the left and into the bathroom and kill the guy taking a leak (just to stop him from disturbing you later). Now run through the lower door and into the office room. Kill the guard and enter any doors you can. Get the Nikita+ammo and run out to the elevator, take it down to B2.,———————————————————————————————–.| Nuke Building B2 + Lab 1.0.9 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Ration ][Gas Mask ][C4 x2 ][Grenade x4 ][Grenade x4 ][Nikita Missile x4][Nikita Missile x4][Chaff Grenade x03][Ration ][Fa-mas Bullet x25][Chaff Grenade x03][Fa-mas Bullet x25][Fa-mas Bullet x25][Ration ][Level 4 Keycard ]Go to the right wall and press against it, then go through the door on the bottom wall. When you get through the second door you will enter a gas-filled room with an electrical floor. Fire a nikita missile and guide it to the left and up to the switch box on the wall. (the one shown in the littleanimated sequence). Run out and get some air, then run in again and enter the two rooms you can enteron the right wall. Get the Ration and the Gas Mask and run down the passage, here you can either goright and fight a boss or go left and pick up a few bonuses. Even if you go for the bonuses you shouldgo to the right and through the door afterwards. Go through a few doors and see a few pretty bustedup bodies and your old friend Ninja slice a few guys up. Follow him through the door then get readyto fight.Fighting Ninja isn’t too hard. Just watch out for his attack and hit him when you can. Don’t use any firearms in the beginning, only throw punches. When you beat him up a little he’ll start hiding, just equip the Thermal Goggles and keep beating him up. When he starts walking around calmly and throwing punches that HURT, just throw Chaff Grenades to stun him and beat him up. When he is starting to break down and stands in a big blue ball, fire at him with the Fa-mas and he’ll soon be out of the way.After a lengthy talk with Lee ‘Otacon’ Emmerich (some of it concerning anime!

you will have a level 4 keycard. Now go back the way you came and go to the elevator. Take it up to B1.,———————————————————————————————–.| Nuke Building B1 1.1.0 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Level 5 Keycard ][PAL key ][Socom Bullet x12][Ration ][Fa-mas Bullet x25][Fa-mas Bullet x25][Socom Bullet x12][Ration ]Go into the big office and kill the guard patrolling on the right. Then let the guard on the left see you. He will flee, follow him. Run up to the last booth in the ladies bathroom and look in it. You will now meet Meryl again (she was the guard in disguise, see). You will talk for a while and she will equip you with a level 5 keycard and the PAL key. After this it’s time to enter the double-doors in the corridor to the left of the elevator and fight Psycho Mantis.Mantis will control Meryl at first, throw a Stun Grenade and he’ll come out and introduce himself and the real fight will begin.—+>> [tip from Leon] “Also, to enlighten your readers more about the “hideo” display when you fight Mantis. As you correctly pointed out, Japanese TVs display this sign for video inputs. The actual katakana says “hideo”, which is a play on “bideo” (or “video” in English). Most Sony TVs display this when you’re using the video input to let you know which line input you are using.” That play on “video” is a joke, it’s supposed to mean that Mantis is powerful enough to even control your TV!The Hideo thing was kept in the US version, it’s in plain roman letters now though.Ok, so there is a REALLY easy trick to beating him. As I said earlier, he is so powerful that hecontrols your TV, right? He can even predict what you’re doing, by reading what buttons you pressthrough controller port 1. So if you have a second controller (or you can just switch places withone controller) you can just pick that up and beat him up. Equip the thermal Goggles and followhim around. Duck under any flying furniture.He will wake Meryl up again later on, just keep stunning her with stun grenades and Mantis will give up trying to control her.When you beat him you exit through the hidden door behind the top right bookshelf. (opensautomatically, don’t worry).,———————————————————————————————–.| Cave 1.1.1 |’———————————————————————————————–’Meryl walks off to the right, you should follow the snowy path and crawl under that low bridge. Then run through the caves (keeping to the right) until you reach the point in the lower right corner where you can crawl under and met Meryl again. You can place a bullet in the wolves if they bother you too much. Exit through the door to the north.,———————————————————————————————–.| Underground Passage 1.1.2 |’———————————————————————————————–’Meryl will get shot by Sniper Wolf here. After all the talk and automated sequences, run all the way back to the very first house (you know, with the Tank Hangar) and go down to B2. Enter the level 5 (up-left) room and get the PSG1, then run all the way back to where you just were, where Meryl got shot.While on your way either forth or back, you can stop by in the Office room in B1 in the 2nd House,the Nuke Building 1. Here you can now pick up Cardboard Box B.[NOTE; use Diazepam pills, they making snipering ALOT easier!]Now get ready to start some sniper-fighting with Sniper Wolf. She will keep shooting and runningaround, all you have to do is hit her a few times. There are a number of usable tactics here, all I can say is that it’s pretty easy if you concentrate.After you beat her, follow the passageway and try to enter the door on the right. You will be captured and get to play the “Torture Scene”,———————————————————————————————–.| Torture / Prison 1.1.3 |’———————————————————————————————–’[Ketchup ][Scarf ][Level 6 Keycard]During torture, all you have to do is keep pressing Circle to survive. If you can’t hack it you must press select before you die, since there is no Continue option in this part of the game![NOTE: The torture scene will decide which ending you get, if you endure it or surrender, you willrecieve different endings. If you endure you get the "good" ending]Ocelot says something like “Don’t even think about using an auto-fire controller, or I’ll know”. Well, I used a Blaze autofire controller and he didn’t say anything about it, it helps greatly, I had full life almost all the time. Between the torture sequences you will be in a cell, the first time nothing will happen. The 2nd time Otacon will come and give you some Ketchup, a Scarf and a level 6 keycard. During the 2nd time the guard will also run to the bathroom which gives you the chance to hide under the bed and get him to open the door. If you don’t do this, you can wait ’til the third time in the cell and let Ninja smash the door. Either way, if you survive the torture you will get to escape.Follow the passage-way back into the torture room when you escape, don’t forget to grab the big red box which contains all of your old belongings. Go out through the door and watch out for the cannon above it. Leave using the Elevator. Take it up to Level 1, the Tank Hangar.,———————————————————————————————–.| Going back 1.1.4 |’———————————————————————————————–’ >From the Tank Hangar you have to make your way back, all the way, to where you fought Sniper Wolfand got caught. Along the way you can go down to B2 in house 2 and pick up the Body Armor in theleftmost corridor (the gas-filled one). Or you can just ignore it since you will get it later.Anyways, when you reach Underground Passage (where Meryl got shot and all that), enter through the door with your new Level 6 card. ,———————————————————————————————–.| Communications Tower A 1.1.5 |’———————————————————————————————–’Run down the corridor and enter the door. This will sound an alarm and basically the only thing you’re supposed to do is grab the Rope and Stun Grenades and run like hell. Run up the stairs as far as they go, throwing Stun Grenades to get rid of enemies when they get too close. Ignore the door you see half-way, you can’t open it yet. Just keep running and throwing Stun Grenades.Once up, go outside and up the stairs (upper left). After the satellite has been destroyed, equip the rope and walk up to the edge. This will start the Rappelling sequence. Watch out for steam and