
Freud Essay Research Paper Sigmund Freud was (стр. 2 из 2)

When he actually began to write about human sexuality and legitimize it as an up

and coming field of study, Freud stated that women were indeed beings with

sexual needs. He also suggested that the repression of sexual expression was a

major cause of neurosis in women. His theories evolved out of his own personal

interpretation of these women?s underlying emotions and unconscious motives.

While he believed women should express our sexuality, he also believed that our

fulfillment could only come about in the form of a vaginal orgasm (distinct from

the clitoral orgasm, which Freud considered "masculine" and

"childish") and the resulting bearing and nurturing of children.

Although in many ways Freud began a "liberation of female sexuality,"

his theories had certain stigmas attached which passed on yet another set of

masculine standards against which women were to judge themselves. Freud

unsympathetically analyzed many women but none so in depth as an

eighteen-year-old girl named Dora. He had treated Dora?s father for syphilis a

few years before. The reason that Dora was brought for the consultation was a

letter that her parents had found. The letter basically just said goodbye to her

parents, and made clear that her intention was to take her own life. Her parents

thought that she didn?t really mean it, but were concerned enough to force her

to see a doctor. Other symptoms of apparent illness were: a "nervous

cough", a history of fainting spells, loss of voice, headaches, and

depression that could be traced back to her early childhood. Freud diagnosed her

collection of symptoms as a typical case of hysteria, and made it his business

to figure out the cause. Freud was convinced that it was a deeply rooted

leftover from her early sexuality. Freud?s observation was that Dora was

"tenderly attached" to her father. Her mother was the sort of woman

who spent most of her time obsessively cleaning the house and performing other

mindless and typical "female" activities. Dora was extremely critical

of her mother and the two did not generally get along. Dora?s older brother

sided with the mother in all of the arguments, and that left the family divided

in a constant mother/son vs. father/daughter confrontation. A governess had been

part of the household and was very close with Dora until the girl began to

suspect that the reason they got along so well was that the woman was trying to

attract her father. Dora?s father told Freud that he believed he knew what had

caused his daughter?s latest symptoms and the suicide note. The family had

formed a close friendship with another married couple, Herr and Frau K. Frau K,

and energetic and very attractive woman, had nursed Dora?s father through a

long illness, and Herr K was very fond of Dora. He took her on walks and bought

her presents, and his wife acted as Dora?s confidant. She took on a role

virtually like a mother figure for Dora (which was something that the child

lacked while she was growing up). Two years before, Dora told her father that

Herr K had made an indecent proposal to her while they were walking past a lake.

She had slapped him in the face and had gone home alone. When confronted by her

father, Herr K denied that the incident ever happened, and insisted that books

with explicit sexual scenes had affected the girl, and that she had fanaticized

the entire thing. The father was convinced by Herr K?s explanation and left it

at that. Dora continued to insist that he break off relations with the K?s,

especially Frau K. Her father refused to do so on the grounds that Herr K was

innocent and that his relationship with Frau K was completely non-sexual. Dora

was convinced of two things: her father and Frau K had been having an affair for

years, and Herr K had tried to seduce her. "I came to the conclusion that

Dora?s story must correspond to the facts in every respect," stated Freud

in reference to Dora?s interpretation of reality. Analysis of her dreams was

consistent with Freud?s theory of the girl?s Oedipal love for her father. He

believed that Dora was reacting to her father?s affair with Frau K as if she

were a wronged wife or a betrayed lover- as if she were the woman her father

once loved, or the woman he now loved. Since she was neither, her reaction,

which Freud interpreted as jealousy, was inappropriate. He also thought that her

reaction to Herr K?s advances was "entirely and completely

hysterical." Dora had felt disgust as a reaction towards Herr K. Disgust is

an "oral phenomenon", and this along with her throat symptoms of

coughing and loss of voice, led Freud to the absurd conclusion that her symptoms

were related to her fantasies of her father and Frau K having oral intercourse.

Although she denied it, Freud insisted that Dora was sexually attracted to Herr

K as well. Freud stated "Her feeling for him reflected both her feeling for

her father and her feeling for Frau K. That is, she identified Herr K with her

father, and herself with Frau K. Thus her attraction to Herr K was a

recapitulation of her father?s love affair with Frau K." Freud believed

that the two men were involved in an unspoken conspiracy in which Dora was a

pawn: her father would ignore Herr K?s attempted seductions of his daughter in

exchange for Herr K?s pretend ignorance of his wife?s affair with Dora?s

father. Freud also knew the father?s motive for bringing Dora to see him. He

wanted Freud to talk her out of believing that there was anything more than

friendship between him and Frau K. Dora was a young girl caught in a web of lies

and betrayal, where she could not turn to anyone for help. Her parents were

directly involved in deceiving her, and Freud was trying to brainwash her into

thinking that it was her fault for feeling the way she did, and that it was all

in her mind. Freud knew the real situation, yet he consistently hid the truth

from Dora, and led her to believe that she had deeply rooted problems that

started in her childhood. In reality, Dora was having a very normal reaction to

the harsh truth of what her father was doing. Freud?s treatment of Dora lasted

for three months, until she abruptly terminated it, much to Freud?s

disappointment. Freud interpreted her unexpected termination of her therapy as

evidence of his newly developed theory of transference. This theory states that

the patient transfers to the therapist old feelings and conflicts, which she

once felt for people in her past, such as her mother and father. Freud believed

that in the same way that she had transferred her love for her father to Herr K,

she now transferred some of the same feelings towards Freud. But these feelings

were positive and negative, and as a result of the treatment she received at the

hands of Herr K and her father, she would take revenge on all of them by

deserting Freud. Freud thought that Dora was saying, "Men are so detestable

that I would rather not marry. This is my revenge." Nearly a year and a

half later, Dora revisited Freud for treatment of facial neuralgia. Freud told

her that her pain was a self-punishment for a "double crime": the

long-ago slap at Herr K when he had made advances toward her, and her revenge on

Freud by terminating the treatment before it was completed. Freud never saw her

again after that but in 1905, he published "Fragment of an Analysis of a

Case of Hysteria," better known as the case of Dora. Dora was not actually

a hysterical patient. She was simply a young woman in shock due to her

father?s affair, her constant fighting with her mother and brother, and the

fact that a married man (who was also a friend of the family) was hitting on her

and no one really believed it. Freud could have said to her "You are right,

and they are wrong," but instead, he chose to manipulate Dora?s mind and

make her believe that the whole scene was a result of her childhood sexual

insecurities. Freud related neurosis and hysteria in women to marriage and

sexual frustration in most cases. His explanation is vague and it seems as

though he just tries to make it applicable to the entire gender in any

situation. Under the cultural conditions of today, marriage has long ceased to

be a panacea for the nervous troubles of women; and if we doctors still advise

marriage in such cases, we are nevertheless aware that, on the contrary a girl

must be very healthy if she is able to tolerate it?.On the contrary, the cure

for nervous illness arising form marriage, would be marital unfaithfulness. But

the more strictly a woman has been brought up and the more sternly she has

submitted to the demands of civilization, the more she is afraid of taking this

way out; and in the conflict between her desires and her sense of duty, she once

more seeks refuge in neurosis. -Freud, 1976a, p.195 Evidence shows that men and

women in extreme cases have the same degree of neurosis and hysteria as a result

of marriage and sexual frustration. The symptoms are the same regardless of

gender. Freud was extremely presumptuous when it came to drawing conclusions

about women. For example, Freud said "One might consider characterizing

femininity psychologically as giving preference to passive aims?It is perhaps

the case that in a woman, on the basis of her share in the sexual function, a

preference for passive behavior and passive aims is carried over into her

life?" He is assuming that a woman?s role in the sexual function is a

passive one. It seems to me that the males have the passive role in this

situation considering that it is the woman who carries and gives birth to

babies. Feminists who have been arguing against Freudian theory for many years

all come to the same basic conclusion about his philosophies on women: Freud was

greatly influenced by the societal norms of his time, and that factor had a

great impact on his theories about women?s roles. Since the days of Sigmund

Freud, our society has progressed a great deal, and women have been gradually

accepted as more than the property of their husbands. It is the freedom to

decide her own destiny; freedom from sex-determined role; freedom from

society?s oppressive restrictions; freedom to express her thoughts fully and

to convert them freely into action. Feminism demands the acceptance of woman?s

right to individual conscience and judgment. It postulates that women?s

essential worth stems from her common humanity and does not depend on the other

relationships of her life. During the nineteenth century, feminism was virtually

non-existent, and the beliefs of Freud and other great minds were just accepted

as fact. The stereotypical role of women as passive caretakers of the home and

of children that existed throughout Freud?s lifetime, is gradually diminishing

and women are gaining social status as well as respect from the men who at one

time were out oppressors. The feminist movement has played a huge role in

changing the opinions of many people that carried with them the same

philosophies as Freud in regards to women and their capabilities as humans. This

narrow-minded nature only succeeded in making women more and more determined to

prove their "worth" to members of the opposite sex. Although Freud was

leading the pack of male chauvinists in the late nineteenth century he has since

been overpowered by females that are no longer afraid to say what they feel or

act on their impulses.

Bell Hooks; Feminist Theory: From Margin to Center. c.1984 by bell hooks;

South End Press 2) Freud, Sigmund; "Femininity" from Juanita H.

Williams, ed. Psychology of Women. NY: W.W. Norton, 1979 3) Hunter College

Women?s Studies Collective; Women?s Realities, Women?s Choices NY: Oxford

University Press, 1983 4) Smithsonian World; Gender: The Enduring Paradox NYC:

UNAPIX Entertainment Inc., 1996 5) Williams, Juanita H.; Psychology of Women NY:

W.W. Norton & Company, 1987