
Introduction To Evolution Essay Research Paper Introduction (стр. 2 из 2)

land were only crudely adapted for terrestrial existence, but because they did

not encounter competitors, they survived.

Lobe-finned fish did, however, possess certain characteristics that

served them well in their new environment, including primitive lungs and

internal nostrils, both of which are essential for breathing out of the water.

Such characteristics, called preadaptations, did not develop because the others

were preparing to migrate to the land; they were already present by accident and

became selected traits only when they imparted an advantage to the fish on land.

The early land-dwelling amphibians were slim-bodied with fishlike tails,

but they had limbs capable of locomotion on land. These limbs probably developed

from the lateral fins, which contained fleshy lobes that in turn contained bony


The ancient amphibians never became completely adapted for existence on

land, however. They spent much of their lives in the water, and their modern

descendants, the salamanders, newts, frogs, and toads–still must return to

water to deposit their eggs. The elimination of a water-dwelling stage, which

was achieved by the reptiles, represented a major evolutionary advance.

The Reptilian Age

Perhaps the most important factor contributing to the becoming of

reptiles from the amphibians was the development of a shell- covered egg that

could be laid on land. This development enabled the reptiles to spread

throughout the Earth’s landmasses in one of the most spectacular adaptive

radiations in biological history.

Like the eggs of birds, which developed later, reptile eggs contain a

complex series of membranes that protect and nourish the embryo and help it

breathe. The space between the embryo and the amnion is filled with an amniotic

fluid that resembles seawater; a similar fluid is found in the fetuses of

mammals, including humans. This fact has been interpreted as an indication that

life originated in the sea and that the balance of salts in various body fluids

did not change very much in evolution. The membranes found in the human embryo

are essentially similar to those in reptile and bird eggs. The human yolk sac

remains small and functionless, and the exhibits have no development in the

human embryo. Nevertheless, the presence of a yolk sac and allantois in the

human embryo is one of the strongest pieces of evidence documenting the

evolutionary relationships among the widely differing kinds of vertebrates. This

suggests that mammals, including humans, are descended from animals that

reproduced by means of externally laid eggs that were rich in yolk.

The reptiles, and in particular the dinosaurs, were the dominant land

animals of the Earth for well over 100 million years. The Mesozoic Era, during

which the reptiles thrived, is often referred to as the Age of Reptiles.

In terms of evolutionary success, the larger the animal, the greater the

likelihood that the animal will maintain a constant Body Temperature independent

of the environmental temperature. Birds and mammals, for example, produce and

control their own body heat through internal metabolic activities (a state known

as endothermy, or warm-bloodedness), whereas today’s reptiles are thermally

unstable (cold-blooded), regulating their body temperatures by behavioral

activities (the phenomenon of ectothermy). Most scientists regard dinosaurs as

lumbering, oversized, cold-blooded lizards, rather than large, lively, animals

with fast metabolic rates; some biologists, however–notably Robert T. Bakker of

The Johns Hopkins University–assert that a huge dinosaur could not possibly

have warmed up every morning on a sunny rock and must have relied on internal

heat production.

The reptilian dynasty collapsed before the close of the Mesozoic Era.

Relatively few of the Mesozoic reptiles have survived to modern times; those

remaining include the Crocodile,Lizard,snake, and turtle. The cause of the

decline and death of the large array of reptiles is unknown, but their

disappearance is usually attributed to some radical change in environmental


Like the giant reptiles, most lineages of organisms have eventually

become extinct, although some have not changed appreciably in millions of years.

The opossum, for example, has survived almost unchanged since the late

Cretaceous Period (more than 65 million years ago), and the Horseshoe Crab,

Limulus, is not very different from fossils 500 million years old. We have no

explanation for the unexpected stability of such organisms; perhaps they have

achieved an almost perfect adjustment to a unchanging environment. Such stable

forms, however, are not at all dominant in the world today. The human species,

one of the dominant modern life forms, has evolved rapidly in a very short time.

The Rise of Mammals

The decline of the reptiles provided evolutionary opportunities for

birds and mammals. Small and inconspicuous during the Mesozoic Era, mammals rose

to unquestionable dominance during the Cenozoic Era (beginning 65 million years


The mammals diversified into marine forms, such as the whale, dolphin,

seal, and walrus; fossorial (adapted to digging) forms living underground, such

as the mole; flying and gliding animals, such as the bat and flying squirrel;

and cursorial animals (adapted for running), such as the horse. These various

mammalian groups are well adapted to their different modes of life, especially

by their appendages, which developed from common ancestors to become specialized

for swimming, flight, and movement on land.

Although there is little superficial resemblance among the arm of a

person, the flipper of a whale, and the wing of a bat, a closer comparison of

their skeletal elements shows that, bone for bone, they are structurally similar.

Biologists regard such structural similarities, or homologies, as evidence of

evolutionary relationships. The homologous limb bones of all four-legged

vertebrates, for example, are assumed to be derived from the limb bones of a

common ancestor. Biologists are careful to distinguish such homologous features

from what they call analogous features, which perform similar functions but are

structurally different. For example, the wing of a bird and the wing of a

butterfly are analogous; both are used for flight, but they are entirely

different structurally. Analogous structures do not indicate evolutionary


Closely related fossils preserved in continuous successions of rock

strata have allowed evolutionists to trace in detail the evolution of many

species as it has occurred over several million years. The ancestry of the horse

can be traced through thousands of fossil remains to a small terrier-sized

animal with four toes on the front feet and three toes on the hind feet. This

ancestor lived in the Eocene Epoch, about 54 million years ago. From fossils in

the higher layers of stratified rock, the horse is found to have gradually

acquired its modern form by eventually evolving to a one-toed horse almost like

modern horses and finally to the modern horse, which dates back about 1 million



Although we are not totally certain that evolution is how we got the way

we are now, it is a strong belief among many people today, and scientist are

finding more and more evidence to back up the evolutionary theory.