Kingsland, Cawsand and Millbrook in Cornwall celebrate Black Prince Day on the May Day bank holiday. A model of the ship The Black Prince is covered in flowers and is taken in procession from the Quay at Millbrook to the beach at Cawsand where it is cast adrift. The houses in the villages are decorated with flowers and people traditionally wear red and white clothes. There are further celebrations in Cawsand Square with Morris dancing and May pole dancing.
St Andrews has a similar student tradition — some of the students gather on the beach late on April 30 and run into the North Sea at sunrise on the 1st, occasionally naked. This is accompanied by torchlight processions and much elated celebration.
Both Edinburgh and Glasgow organize Mayday festivals and rallies. In Edinburgh, the Beltane Fire Festival is held on the evening of May eve and into the early hours of May Day on the city's Calton Hill.
On May 1st, 1561, French King Charles IX of France received a lily of the valley as a lucky charm. He decided to offer a lily of the valley each year to the ladies of the court. At the beginning of the 20th century, it became custom on the 1st of May, to give a sprig of lily of the valley, a symbol of springtime. The government permits individuals and workers' organizations to sell them free of taxation. It is also traditional for the lady receiving the spray of lilly of valley to give a kiss in return.
A stamp from East Germany celebrating its 100 year anniversary on the 1st of May from 1990.
In rural regions of Germany, especially the Harz Mountains, Walpurgisnacht celebrations of Pagan origin are traditionally held on the night before May Day, including bonfires and the wrapping of maypoles, and young people use this opportunity to party, while the day itself is used by many families to get some fresh air. Motto: "Tanz in den Mai!" ("Dance into May!"). In the Rhineland, a region in the western part of Germany, May 1 is also celebrated by the delivery of a tree covered in streamers to the house of a girl the night before. The tree is typically from a love interest, though a tree wrapped only in white streamers is a sign of dislike. On leap years, it is the responsibility of the females to place the maypole, though the males are still allowed and encouraged to do so.
Berlin with a population of 9 million people is a collection of mostly socially and politically liberal groups. These groups use Mayday to protest and bring attention to social, political and environmental causes. These groups clash with the conservative groups on Mayday.
"Mayday, a celebration of spring and all that is free in life for the rural peasantry, was transformed through persistent repression into a symbol of class struggle and revolutionary aspirations for the proletariat. Despite the historical change of perspective, Mayday is still premised, whether industrial or rural, carnival or resistance, in the same notions - namely, a refusal to work, disobedience and the spirit of anarchy. Mayday in Berlin is this, and more. Tales from the burning barricades, and a Bacchanalian song!"
In Hawaii, May Day is also known as Lei Day, and is normally set aside as a day to celebrate island culture in general and native Hawaiian culture in particular. While it was invented by a poet and a local newspaper columnist in the 1920s, it has since been adopted by state and local government as well as by the residents, and has taken on a sense of general spring celebration there. The first Lei Day was proposed in 1927 in Honolulu. Leonard "Red" and Ruth Hawk composed "May Day is Lei Day in Hawai'i," the traditional holiday song. Originally it was a contemporary fox trot, later rearranged as the Hawaiian hula song performed today.
May Day was also celebrated by some early European settlers of the American continent. In some parts of the United States, May Baskets are made. These baskets are small and usually filled with flowers or treats and left at someone's doorstep. When you ring the bell, you are supposed to run away. The person receiving the basket would try to catch the person running away. If they caught the person, a kiss was to be exchanged.
Modern May Day ceremonies in the U.S. vary greatly from region to region and many unite both the holiday's "Green Root" (pagan) and "Red Root" (labor) traditions[16]. Among the largest is the May Day Parade and Pageant created by In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre, an event that has happened every year since 1974 in Minneapolis and now attracts some 35,000 people.
May 1, popularly known as 'Workers' Day' worldwide, seems to have lost its relevance at present. With the privatisation and liberalisation of economy, unionism in the present era has been pushed to the back-burner.
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Computerization and privatization seem to have eclipsed the relevance and importance of May 1 as ’Workers’ Day’ across the globe. The unionism in the present era is also pushed to the back-burner, as the computer savvy professionals seem to be less dependent on the workforce, believing that the present day machines function more accurately with remotes than hands and further don’t create organizational problems for the employers and the management.
Few decades back, this was not the situation. Instances have been that employees would resort to agitational path to press for their rights. The government-run factories and public sector undertakings were, at times, to be locked either by the employees or by the management itself. But with the privatization and liberalization of economy, unionism or incidents of locking the factory doors hardly take place. Even if the government employees this time go on agitation, the same is not viewed seriously. In private sector, which has become the order of the day, the employees and employers are more aware of policy of ’hire and fire’ and not unionism. Even bollywood has also dropped this plot, while producing feature films. Few decades back, May Day’s relevance and unionism were the centre-plots of most of the feature films!
With America already opposed to this day, is the May Day then losing its relevance, particularly after the breaking of Soviet Union? This International Workers’ Day, in fact, has its own rich history and commemorates the historic struggle of working people throughout the world except in America, Canada and South Africa.
It was in 1884 when the Federation of Organised Traders and Labour Unions passed a resolution, stating that eight hours would constitute a legal day’s work. The resolution had called for a general strike to achieve the goal, since the legislative methods had already failed. With workers being forced to work for 10, 12 and 14 hours, the rank and file support for the eight hour movement grew rapidly, despite the indifference and hostility of many union leaders. By April 1886, over 2, 50,000 workers were involved in May Day movement. The heart of the movement was in Chicago. Police had to resort to firing, to disperse the protesting workers, fighting for their rights. Some got killed in police firing, prompting the workers to celebrate May Day as Workers’ Day, in memory of those who sacrificed for the cause.
But then May Day is not merely associated with workforce and has been celebrated all these years as the International Workers’ Day. America used to celebrate May 1 as ’Law Day’—devoid of any significance. In the United Kingdom, political events have sometimes split into two camps. The mainstream workers’ movement celebrated May Day on the first Monday after May 1, which is the national Spring Bank Holiday and may or may not actually occur on May 1. Political parties hold small-scale rallies.
In present day Germany, the May Day is still of political importance, with labour unions and parties using this day for political campaigns and activities. In recent years, neo-Nazis and other groups have also used the day to schedule public demonstrations, often leading to clashes with left-wing protesters, which turned violent in the historical city of Leipzig in 1998 and 2005.
Since 2001, the Euro May Day has become the part of the celebration of the First of May, aiming at updating the political content of the traditional May Day. Euro May Day was originated in Milan, Italy, from where it first spread to Barcelona in 2004 and then to over a dozen cities all over the Europe in 2005.
In 1955, the Roman Catholic Church Christianized May 1 as the Day of ’Saint Joseph, the Worker’. Traditional English May Day rites and celebrations include Morris dancing, crowning a May Queen, celebrating Green Man Day and dancing around a Maypole. In Oxford, on May morning, many pubs are open from sunrise and some of the college bars are open all night.
Adding to the list of May Day celebrations— this day, of late, is now celebrated as ’Global Love Day’. It was in 2004 that Love Foundation came into existence that began to celebrate the day. The Czech Republic too celebrates the day as ’National Love Day’, as couples tend to flock to the memorial of a poet in Prague and kiss.
May Day has not remained confined to labour struggle or spring fun. May Day has become an emergency code, used internationally as distress signal. Some people say that it was derived from the French Venez m’aider (come help me).
May Day is a fictional character too in the James Bond film— ’A view to kill’,—— played by actress Grace Jones. This film was released in 1985. There have also been many phrases associated with May Day across the globe. May Day mystery, May Flower, May Fly and May Day Stadium are few terms often used by linguists.
The May Day might have lost its relevance as a Workers’ Day, but the fact is that this day will continue to be the 121st day of the year in Gregorian calendar (122nd in leap years). It was on this day in 1045 that Gregory VI was appointed as Pope. In 1707, the Act of Unions joined England and Scotland to form the Kingdom of Great Britain.
In 1790, on May 1, America completed its first census. In 1930, this day, the planet Pluto was officially named. On May 1 in 1940, the Summer Olympics were cancelled due to war. In 1948, the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (North Korea) was established, with Kim IL Sung elected as President.
Jones Salk, who developed polio vaccine, made the same available to the public on May 1. In 1978, Japan’s Naomi Uemura, travelling by a dog sled, became the first person to reach North Pole on this Day. It was again in 2004, when May 1 became the part of the history when Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Slovakia and Slovenia joined the European Union.
II. May Day in Great Britain
The May garland is a symbol of the coming summer. To do a garland one must pick a lot of beautiful spring flowers that bloom in the fields and valleys. On May Day one can see beautiful garlands of flowers and greenery carried by children. Those who carry the garland are called garland-carriers. The most skillful garlands makers can make a pyramid of hoops of different sizes. Each hoop in the pyramid is wreathed with flowers and greenery. May garlands may be also decorated with ribbons. Garlands-parties are usually accompanied by musicians and Morris dancers. The word Morris comes from the French Moresque or the Spanish Moriska. Morris dance, or Moorish dance, was brought to England from Spain and become a traditional English ceremonial dance for men. It is performed by a team of 6 dancers decked with rubbons, rosettesand flowers. Morris is often danced round the Maypole, which is another important feature of May Day celebrations. The Maypole is an ancient fertility emblem. Originally it was a tree that was brought from the woods and set up on the village green. The tree was richly decorated with flowers and ribbons. But later people decided that it was easier to have a permanent Maypole of a wooden shaft. such Maypoles remained in position all the year round, but they were annually refreshed with new paints and decorated with keaves, flowers and ribbons before the holiday. Pernament poles were usually very tall. There are still in Britain now, and most schools have them. The May Queen is the central figure in May Day celebrations. She is crowned with a crown of flowers. Everybody is to obey her orders. Being elected the May Queen was the great honour for a girl. This becomes clear from Alfred Tennyson's famous poem The May Queen.
As May 1st is not a public holiday in Great Britain, May Day celebrations are traditionally held on the Sunday following it, unless, of course, the 1st of May falls on a Sunday. On May Sunday workers march through the streets and hold meetings to voice their own demands and the demands of other progressive forces of the country. The issues involved may include demands for higher wages and better working conditions, protests against rising unemployment, demands for a change in the Government’s policy, etc.
The 1st of May has also to some extent retained its old significance — that of а pagan spring festival. In ancient times it used to be celebrated with garlands and flowers, dancing and games on the village green. А Maypole was erected — a tall pole wreathed with flowers, to which in later times ribbons were attached and held by the dancers. The girls put on their best summer frocks, plaited flowers in their hair and round their waists and eagerly awaited the crowning of the May Queen. The most beautiful girl was crowned with а garland of flowers. After this great event Веге was dancing, often Morris dancing, with the dancers dressed in fancy costume, usually
This festival was disliked by the Puritans and suppressed during the Commonwealth, 1649 — 60. After the Restoration it was revived but has gradually almost died out. However, the Queen of May is still chosen in most counties, and in mаnу villages school Maypoles are erected around which the children dance. The famous ceremony of the meeting of the 1st of May still survives at Oxford, in Magdalen College. At 6 o’clock in the morning the college choir gathers in the upper gallery of the college tower to greet the coming of the new day with song.
May Day is the name given to their first day or May, which for centuries has been celebrated among the Latin and Germanic peoples. May Day is celebrated as a festival or children marking the reappearance of flowers during the spring. May Day is also celebrated in many European countries as a labour holiday. It is celebrated as the First Day of Summer. It is a merry folk holiday known for many traditional customs. The First Day of Summer is very important. It means that people need not be afraid of cold any longer. They are looking forward for warm sunny weather.
May Birching is one of the folk customs May Day is known for. It is observed on May Eve. A group of young men called May Birchers go to the wood and cut the branches of many different trees to bring them home. They put these branches on the doors of their neighbours' houses, this is always done secretly. The branches express the May Birchers' opinion about those who live in the house. A branch of hawthorn or lime means a compliment. A branch of a briar may snow that a liar lives in the house. A willow branch means affection, while nettle and thistle express quite the opposite emotion. They mean that May Birchers are displeased with the owners of the house. Girls like to get up early on May Day. In rural areas they come out early in the morning to search for May-Dew. It is considered good to gather dew in early morning and wash one's face witnit. Dew is collected from the grass and the bushes. It is believed May-Dew makes ladies' faces rosy and pretty. In ancient times May-Dew was also supposed to de a good medicine for the sick. People believed in its magic powers.
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От Шотландии до Корнуолла, Великобритания полна таможни(обычаев) и традиций. Многие из них имеют очень длинные хронологии. Некоторые забавны, и некоторые странны. Но они весь интересны. Есть длинное меню традиционного британского продовольствия. Есть много королевских случаев. Есть песни, говоря и суеверие. Они - вся часть британского образа жизни.