
North Korea Essay Research Paper The United (стр. 3 из 3)

tumbled into depression even after Gorbachav?s attempts at turning the economy

into a market economy, Korea?s new economy will also. But I predict that it

could grow after that and come to join the ranks of the Asian Tigers in the

distant future. When looking at this situation, it appears ominous. We must

maintain a narrow margin of hope and build upon it. The North Korean problem

will not solve itself. We must be strong and resolute and go through with our

policy to the end, whether it be bitter or sweet.

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September 18, 1998. Text on North Korea www.fas.org/news/dprk/1998/980918db.html

– Briefer: James P. Rubin. Thursday, October 1, 1998. Text on North Korea,

Talks began today, US has serious concerns about their missile development

programs. www.fas.org/news/dprk/1998/981001db-2.html -DoD News Briefing. Tuesday

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-Committee to Asses the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States (online)

Pre-production Copy Pursuant to Public Law 201: 104th Congress July 15, 1998

http://www.house.gov/nsc/testimony/105thcongress/BMThreat.htm -Carnegie

Endowment for International Peace. Non-Proliferation North Korea http://www.ceip.org/programs/hpp/korea.htm

created Sunday November 1, 1998 -Centre for Defense and International Security

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-CIA Country Fact Book (online) North Korea http://www.dci -Nuclear

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-CNN World News (online) North Korea Apologizes for submarine intrusion October

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– North Korea asked for cash, US says November 10, 1998 http://cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9811/09/BC-KOREA-NORTH-USA/reut/index.html

-Strategic Implications of the US-DPRK Framework Agreement (online) By Thomas L.

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Major, United States Air Force Director of Operations 5th Reconnaissance

Squadron Osan AB, Republic of Korea http://www.cadre.maxwell.af.mil/airchronicles/cc/jackson.html

Other Resources 1. Encyclopedia Britannica. Micropedia, vol. 6. (Encyclopedia

Britannica Co. Chicago, 1991). Pp958-959.