
North Korea Essay Research Paper The United (стр. 2 из 3)

The new technological advance could spark an arms race in missiles in the

region. Rubin also stated in this briefing that the United States does believe

that the August 31st incident was a failed satellite launch attempt. CNN

reports, however, show that little progress was made. The talks, held behind

closed doors in Geneva, gave way to North Korea demanding the immediate removal

of 37,000 U.S. troops from South Korea. Washington reportedly rejected this .

Recent developments in North Korea have been focused mainly on the massive

famine that is plaguing the country. With North Korea only able to produce

two-thirds of the minimum supply of food it needs, it has been reported that

thousands of people are dying of hunger and diseases. A CNN report on November

9, 1998 stated that the North Korean government asked the United States for cash

as a condition of allowing an American mission visit to Pyongyang for talks on a

suspected underground nuclear site. Spokesman James Rubin responded to this,

?And given that kind of posture (referring to the offer of money for

visitation rights), it?s why we don?t expect to see this resolved, because

we don?t intend to pay money to see whether they are living up to their

expectations under the Agreed Framework.? Access to two disputed underground

sites that are reported to be nuclear development sites is a key point in the US

arguments. Latest reports do show that the United States has sent 300,000 tons

of grain to North Korea through the World Food Program. Hopes are that the

humanitarian aid will help inspire North Korea to cooperate. Decision Options

Towards North Korea The United States is presented with a difficult situation in

North Korea. The country falls deeper into depression and famine each day.

Undoubtedly, if funds were diverted from the military into agricultural

assistance, the situation would be eased. This is unlikely seeing that military

exports account for such a significant portion of foreign revenue. Therefore,

several options are presented to us: 1.) Increasing United States leadership

responsibilities and bolstering the military presence in the Pacific. Also,

cutting off all aid to N. Korea and letting them ?sweat it out?. U.S. public

support would be instrumental in this. 2.) The United States should utilize

constructive engagement to gain more influence. Tools for this would be KEDO and

humanitarian aid that could be directly sent and distributed by the United

States. 3.) Do nothing. By doing nothing we can let the North Korean government

destroy itself. Our involvement may be what is keeping the government in power.

4.) Military invasion of North Korea. Take control of their economy and let

Korea unite into one nation. These options are all viable, but perhaps not

realistic solutions to the North Korean problem. For instance, a military

invasion of North Korea, while some in the government may want it is not

acceptable. The Department of State would not support this option either seeing

their extensive efforts already in place. Domestic would generally be

unsupportive, and support in Congress appears almost obsolete. Public opinion

abroad might turn overwhelmingly anti-American and the United States would be

could be forced with a coalition of Asian states against it. Also this would not

back the United States? morally righteous opinion of itself. Therefore, we can

conclude that this option is neither achievable nor realistic. Option three,

doing nothing, is also a viable solution. Could it happen though? The United

States may already have too many interests and groundwork laid in North Korea to

simply take everything aback and cut off all support. Again, public opinion

comes into play. The media would exploit this decision as mean and cruel. That

in turn would put pressure on the ?public servants? who run the government.

They might be compelled to alter the decision. This would not be a very

humanitarian option and might conflict with the president?s seemingly more

idealistic foreign policy. The Department of Defense also would not be keen on

the idea seeing it would give the North Koreans an opportunity to mobilize its

resources, perhaps even develop nuclear weapons. Therefore, this is also not a

realistic option. Option two seems more realistic. It also seems to be the

current foreign policy being used on North Korea as dictated by the State

Department. The State Department has the task of overseeing the implementation

of the Agreed Framework of 1994. They can use KEDO and the Agreed Framework to

put pressure on the North Korean government to make concessions and reforms.

This would be a peaceful process that would only require time and cooperation

from most of the legislative and executive branches of the government. It would

also require adequate help from Japan and South Korea. China might be a wild

card to throw into this as well. They could help the North Koreans restructure

their system away from a command economy and provide leadership in relations

with the United States and the United Nations. Charles Kartman stated in his

address to the House International Relations Committee, ?Through engagement,

in 1994 we concluded with the DPRK the Agreed Framework to deal with the

DPRK?s nuclear program.? He also stated, ?Although it is a difficult task

we are convinced that we can achieve our objectives best by carefully engaging

the North Korean regime, not by isolating it.? This clearly shows the entire

State Departments views towards North Korea: constructive engagement. In

response to the missile test of August 31, 1998, we can observe that the United

States is responding to this point of view as if it were not really important in

the grand scheme of dealings with North Korea, although it should not be

repeated. Notice that no extremely harsh measures were imposed against North

Korea for this. Implementation of KEDO went along as planned. Kartman?s

statements above can illustrate that the basis of this decision is deeply rooted

in the Agreed Framework and the precedent that was started with it. The strength

of this argument lies in the fact that North Korea has not developed any nuclear

weapons (that we know of at this time) and that engagement resolved a crisis in

1994. The weaknesses of this argument are that it gives too much leeway to North

Korea in terms of what happened August 31. Was that actually a satellite launch

or was it a test for their new missile for potential buyers elsewhere? We still

do not know what is contained in the two underground sites that they hold and we

are still unsure of where all of the nuclear products have gone. This system is

based on a level of trust and the assumption that North Korea will play by the

rules. In a pre-production copy of a report to Congress, the Committee to Assess

the Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States stated that development of the

Taepo-Dong 2 is currently taking place. Our knowledge of their ability to use

this weapon may be very short before the actual launching. This missile is

thought to have a long enough range to target most military bases in Alaska as

well as an area from Phoenix, Arizona to Madison, Wisconsin. This could be used

to target the United States and other countries with nuclear weapons that could

be developed away from the watchful eyes of the United States. The fourth option

of the United States would be to increase military pressure on the North Korean

government by taking a strong leadership role in the International Community.

Richard V. Allen, an analyst for the Heritage Foundation, wrote an essay on Ten

Steps to Address North Korea?s Nuclear Threat. The general scheme of the

document is the basis for this argument. The United States must be ready

militarily for a backlash from the North Korean government. The United States

should lead the allied coalition for a strong policy against North Korea. They

need to stop funding and technology transfers coming from other countries,

especially Japan, China and Russia. Koreans in Japan send as much as one billion

dollars a year in aid to North Korea. If this is cut off, we can effectively use

sanctions against North Korea. Korea uses much of this money to buy oil from

China, who supplies up to 75% of North Korea?s imported oil. China is also

suspected to be a principle supplier of technology information to North Korea.

The United States should also make sure to let it be known to China and Russia

that sanctions are sanctions and the United States expects them to be followed.

Non-compliance consequences could be set up to prompt a more pro-US trade

relation between those countries and North Korea. US forces should be deployed

to counter any North Korean attack on South Korea or its neighbors. If the North

Korean government collapses, it might lash out militarily as it goes, leaving

behind a war-zone in the wake of its destruction. The launch of the missile on

August 31 only goes to bolster this argument, the worse off the people become,

the better equipped the government becomes militarily and the more desperate

they become. Public support in the United States would be essential to the

implementation of this. That could determine partisan support in congress. That

support would be greatly needed to fully implement this. Only a total conviction

would be fully effective. It could not be half-asked. The pressure built on

North Korea would hopefully force it to comply with United States? demands and

maybe even collaborate with South Korea over some issues of migration and maybe

even unification. The weakness of this position is that it is so complex. The

end result can only be achieved by a full commitment. Past United States history

has shown that since Vietnam the country is very reluctant to go to war unless

we are sure to win (Persian Gulf), also the Nixon Doctrine may be used in

retaliation to U.S. increased military presence in Asia. Vietnam will be used as

an example and the media may turn the situation sour. This might also lead North

Korea to desperation in their anticipation of a U.S. attack. They could attack

South Korea, hoping to gain territory to be used for bargaining. Also the

volatile nature of the North Korean government lends another hand to this issue.

What will the North Korean?s reaction be when the United States withdraws from

the Agreed Framework 0f 1994? It is currently unpredictable. The Best Solution

Many factors must go into the United States? foreign policy decision about

North Korea. There are many long term and short term complications that one must

consider. Unification is an enormous factor. It is generally thought that there

is a sense of manifest destiny on the Korean peninsula. But Korean unification

could be costly and painful. Estimates are that the cost could amount to

something like $800 billion over ten years. This is based upon the assumption

that a German model will be used with heavy expenditures on social welfare and

environmental cleansing. That is a long-term implication of policy. Both options

one and two work to achieve this but through different ways. The best solution

in my opinion is option number one. I agree with the slightly more idealistic

option. It warrants a peaceful solution that would perhaps ease the North and

South into unification over a long, extended period of time. The increase of

troops in option two could serve to undermine security on the Korean Peninsula.

?Reducing an adversary?s security can reduce the state?s own security in a

way?by increasing the value the adversary places on expansion, thereby making

it harder to deter.? The United States? buildup of military on the Korean

Peninsula could serve to make the North Korean?s believe that we intend them

for offensive use. The first option also seems better to me because is has

proven successful in a number of ways so far. While the North Koreans are still

building missiles, they are not building nuclear warheads to arm them with. The

non-proliferation aspects of this option work. The IAEA is monitoring the

nuclear reactors there effectively. Although things are not quite what we

desire, cooperation is being used to benefit all. North Korea will greatly

benefit from the two new energy reactors and the world will benefit from them

not becoming a nuclear power. North Korea still will remain a threat to peace

and stability in northeast Asia. We can only attempt to deal with them as we did

with South Africa. Hopefully, the recent domestic problems will fuel dissent

among the North Koreans and perhaps there will be an overthrow of the government

(although unlikely at this time). Economically, it is more beneficial to aid

them. We appear to the world community to promote economic welfare and

humanitarian aid while we establish closer links to our partners in KEDO. North

Korea could ease into the unification process by working together with the South

to build the new power plants. The people working together might inspire a new

age to the Korean Peninsula and might push the people of North Korea to want

reform. The Four-Party Peace Talks might yield progress yet, although when will

progress come about is another question. This option is the long and tedious

process of negotiation, testing each other?s will and making concessions

towards progress. This seems to be the logical choice in light of public opinion

today and the growing anti-war trend in world politics. A change could be made

however in the nature of the aid that is being given to North Korea in the form

of food. Instead of going through International groups, the United States should

take the initiative to give and distribute the aid themselves. If United States

workers got contracts to ship and distribute the food aid, it might possibly

help the situation. It would do this by improving relations on the grass roots

level. It might help settle anti-United States feelings that are running high in

Korea. Stronger leadership is another pre-requisite for a change in the current

situation The United States must be resolute in its dealings with North Korea.

Without strong leadership, partisan politics could restrain the implementation

of KEDO and other vital resources to the Korean Peace Process. KEDO can not

survive without funding from the United States government. Congress must

appropriate the money as it sees fit. It will be the job of the leader to

convince Congress and the whole nation that this is the right option. Conclusion

The United States? dilemma towards North Korea was heightened by the August

31, 1998 launch of the new missile. The incident tightened an already tight

operation. The United States responded to it in two different manners.

Domestically, people including Congress wanted to cut funding seeing that the

process wasn?t going anywhere. Whereas the State Department and some choice

institutions believe that the process of constructive engagement is the best way

to achieve progress. Historically it seems that our ?quarantine? of North

Korea only led to a near disaster in 1994. The engagement worked here and

produced an agreement that still binds the four parties involved. While there

have been bumps in the road, it seems that things are progressing. Unfortunately

the famine and widespread poverty in North Korea dampens the situation and

requires food aid that would otherwise not be diverted there. This catastrophe

might even heighten the situation to the point where North Korea is willing to

negotiate in more favor of United States interests. This could come in exchange

for a clause to the Agreed Framework whereby food is included in drop-offs of

oil and parts for the reactors. This scenario is still tense, with each side

attempting to play out the situation to the best of their advantage. I do

believe that the best foreign policy option to pursue in light of the situation

is the current one; building ties through engagement. It might not produce the

desired result to all, but it will keep North Korea from nuclear power and it

will provide them with a basis to build?the power plants. The United States

future with North Korea may appear doubtful, but one should not lose hope. I

predict that the North Korean government will collapse or lose power in the next

twenty years. They will go out with a brief flash, and then havoc. The

reunification process will have already begun by then?made more possible by

joint North-South Korean workers working on the power plants. But just as Russia