
Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс (стр. 30 из 48)

Модальный глагол to be Modal verb to be

Если глаголto be употребляется как модальный глагол, то следующий за ним глагол употребляется с частицей to.

Модальный глагол to be переводится как "должен" (в соответствии с планом, указанием и т.д.) Например:

The Group is to come to London on 12 November. Группа должна приехать в Лондон 12 ноября.

В документах модальный глагол to be и следующий за ним глагол часто переводятся одним глаголом внастоя­щем времени. Например:

The goods are to be delivered before the 25 December

Товар поставляется до 25 декабря.

3. Translate into Russian:

The price is to be understood CIF Sheremetievo.

Payment is to be effected in GBP.

Payment is to be effected under a letter of credit.

The letter of credit is to be established with the first class bank.

The letter of credit is to be established against certain shipping documents.

The letter of credit is to be valid for 60 days.

The letter of credit is to be opened within 10 days.

The Sellers are to send the Buyers an advice of the readiness of the goods for shipment.

4. Translate into English:

страховой полис банковский счет
авианакладная отделение банка
отгрузочная спецификация адрес отделения банка
упаковочный лист сортировочный код
заводской сертификат об ис­ отгрузка по частям
пытаниях досрочная отгрузка
счет-фактура юридические адреса сторон
номер счета от имени и по поручению
владелец счета

5. Translate the Contract starting with the words " The total price.

6. Read as in the examples:

• Example GBP 3,000 three thousand pounds sterling
GBP 4,000 USD 4,000 DM 4,000
GBP 2,000 USD 2,000 DM 2,000
GBP 5,000 USD 5,000 DM 5,000
GBP 7,000 USD 7,000 DM 7,000
• Example GBP 200 two hundred pounds sterling
GBP 300 USD 400 DM 700 GBP 100 USD 700 DM 600
• Example GBP 225 two hundred and twenty five pounds sterling
GBP 675 USD 389 DM 173 GBP 834 USD 572 DM 311
• Example GBP 3,250 three thousand two hundred and fifty pounds sterling
GBP 2,974 GBP 3,333
USD 7,123 USD 5,110
DM 1,560 DM 7,123

7. Translate into Russian and answer the questions as in the example:

• Example — You remember these rules, don't you? — Yes, I do. / No, I don't.

These rules are easy to remember, aren't they?

This Unit was very easy to read, wasn't it?

You know many English words now, don't you?

You like the English language, don't you?

You can translate some papers into Russian now, can't you?

You remember the part of the Contract quoted in this Unit, don't you?

8. Write a similar text of another Contract, changing:

• the names of the companies

• the goods

• the dates

9. Role play.

Imagine you are discussing the above contract with the Sellers before it is signed.

Unit forty one

London taxis


One day after an external visit Vladimir Antonov one of the par­ticipants of the Programme decided to go sightseeing by himself. Just to economise time, he decided to go by taxi.

The famous London black taxi cabs can be hailed in the street. Some cabs are now painted different colours and carry limited adver­tising, but are still bound by the same strict regulations. They are available for hire if the yellow light above the windscreen is lit. All these taxis have meters which the driver must use on all journeys within the Metropolitan Police District. The District covers most of Greater London and goes out to the Heathrow Airport. For longer journeys the price is usually negotiated with the driver beforehand. There is also a minimum payable charge which is shown on the meter when you hire the cab. Passengers are expected to pay extra for large luggage, journeys between 20.00—06.00, at weekends and holidays.

There are over 500 ranks throughout London, including all major hotels and British Rail stations.

Besides black cabs there are mini-cabs which practically render similar services. But they cannot be hailed in the street, they are in­distinguishable from private cars. Unlike the black cabs they are not licensed and their drivers do not take the same stringent tests. They are cheaper than black cabs. Usually they are ordered by telephone. They are listed in Yellow Pages.

When Vladimir saw a cab with a yellow light he signaled it to halt:

Vladimir: Excuse me, could you take me to Westminster Bridge?

Driver: Yes, certainly. Get in please. .... Where do you want me to stop?

Vladimir: Near Big Ben or just opposite the Houses of Parlia­ment.

Driver: Good..... Here you are.

Vladimir: How much is it?

Driver: The meter says three forty.

Vladimir: Here it is... Keep the small change.

Driver: Thank you. Good-bye. Enjoy the sights.

Words and expressions

taxi такси
cab такси
syn. taxi cab, taxi
to go by taxi поехать на такси
by himself сам, самостоятельно
to economise экономить
to hail останавливать
to hail ataxi останавтивать такси
in the street на улице
to paint окрашивать, красить
to be painted different colours быть окрашенным в раз­ные цвета
to be painted led быть окрашенным в красный цвет
to be painted green быть окрашенным в зе­леный цвет
limited ограниченный
advertising ['{dv@taIzIÎ] реклама
to bind (bound, bound) связывать
strict точный, строгий
regulation [,regju'leISn] предписание, правило
yellow желтый
light [laIt] огонек, огонь, свет
to light (lit, lit) освещать
windscreen переднее /лобовое стекло
meter счетчик
metropolitan столичный
police полиция
district район
to cover покрывать, охватывать
Greater London Большой Лондон
to negotiate обсуждать, вести перего­
воры о ..
to negotiate the price обсуждать цену
beforehand заранее
payable подлежащий оплате
charge плата (за услуги)
passenger пассажир
passengers are expected предполагается, что пас­
to pay сажиры заплатят...
weekend уикенд: выходные дни,
начиная с вечера пятни­
цы, включая субботу и
rank стоянка такси
syn taxi rank
throughout [Trü'aut] повсюду, по всему ..
major ['meI³s] главный
rail железнодорожный
syn railway
railway station железнодорожная стан­
indistinguishable неразличимый
to distinguish [dIs'tIngwIS] различать
distinguishable различимый, отличимый
unlike непохожий на
license ['laIs@ns] лицензия
to license выдавать
licensed лицензированный
stringent строгий, обязательный
cheap дешевый
cheaper дешевле
to list перечислять
Yellow Pages Желтые страницы — те­лефонный справочник
to signal подавать сигнал
to halt syn. to stop останавливать (ся)
bridge мост
Westminster Bridge Вестминстерский мост (по названию района, где он находится, построен в 1854-1862 гг.)
Big Ben "Биг Бен", "Большой Бен". Колокол часов-курантов на здании Пар­ламента, назван по имени лорда Бенджамина Холла, смотрителя работ по ус­тановлению и восстанов­лению колокола в 1855— 1860 гг.
opposite противоположный
the Houses of Parliament здание Парламента на берегу Темзы на Парла­ментской площади, где проходят заседания обеих палат Парламента — Па­латы Лордов (the House of Lords) и Палаты Общин (the House of Commons)
small change сдача, мелочь
sight вид


1. Insert prepositions:

Vladimir decided to go sightseeing... taxi.

He hailed a taxi... the street.

The charge is usually shown... the meter.

Mini-cab companies are mainly listed... Yellow Pages.

Mini-cabs are usually ordered... telephone.

Could you take me... Westminster Bridge, please?

Will you stop... Big Ben just... the Houses... Parliament?

2. Insert articles:

... famous London taxi cabs can be hailed in... street.

They are bound by... same strict regulations.

They are available for hire if... yellow light above... windscreen is lit.

... driver must use meters on all... journeys within...

Metropolitan Police District.

... District covers most of Greater London and goes out to... Heathrow Airport.

There is... minimum payable charge which is shown on .. meter when you hire. . cab.

3. Underline the verbs in the Passive Voice and translate the sentences into Russian:

• The famous London black cabs can be hailed in the street.

Some cabs are now painted different colours.

They are bound by the same strict regulations.

They are available for hire if the yellow light above the wind screen is lit.

For longer journeys the price is usually negotiated.

• The minimum payable charge is shown on the meter when you hire the cab.

Passengers are expected to pay extra for large luggage.

Mini-cabs cannot be hailed in the street.

Mini-cabs are not licensed.

They are usually ordered by telephone.

4. Find the answers in the text:

• What place of interest did Vladimir want to see that day?

Did he hire a taxi cab or a mini-cab?

Can taxi cabs be hired only in the street in London?

How many taxi ranks are there in London, approximately?

Where are they located mostly?

What colour are they?

• Do they usually carry advertising?

What helps people to distinguish a free taxi?

What is the function of meters?

Are the prices or fares negotiated with the driver?

Must the driver always use the meter?

When are passengers expected to pay extra?

5. Complete as in the text:

Besides black... there are mini... which.. render similar... But they cannot... in the street. They are indistinguishable from... Unlike the black cabs they are not... and their drivers do not... stringent... They are cheaper... Usually they are ordered... They are listed in...

6. Sum up what the text said about:

the famous London black cabs

mini-cab services in London.

7. Read the following:

where what when why Wednesday

want wish well winter Westminster

Could you take me to Westminstel Bridge, please?

Excuse me, how can I get to Westminster Bridge, please?

8. Complete the dialogue and act out a similar one:

— Excuse me, could you...

— Yes.. Get.. Where do you want me...

— Near... just opposite...

— Good. Here...

— How much...

— The meter says..

— Here it is. Keep..

— Thank you. Good-bye. Enjoy...

9. Make short dialogues as in the examples:

• Example the talk/short The talk is very short, isn't it? — Yes, it is. / No, it isn't.
the journey/short the charge /big the sight /wonderful
• Example the sights / wonderful The sights are wonderful, aren't they? — Yes, they are. / No, they aren't.
the tests / stringent the tests of taxi cab drivers / stringent the regulations / strict
• Example he / go by taxi He went by taxi, didn't he? — Yes, he did. / No, he didn't.
he / hire the cab in the street the driver / stop near Big Ben the meter / say three fortyVladimir / ask the driver to keep the smal change

10. Role play.