
Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс (стр. 3 из 48)


1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее):

• David glad car area

shake hand park parking area

later man parking

• the airport

the businessmen

the friend

the colleague

the time

the first time

the step

the parking area

• They are at the airport.

They are at the airport in Moscow.

They are at Sheremetievo airport.

The Russian businessmen are at the airport.

Later they are in the parking area.

The Russian businessmen and David are in the parking area.

2. Translate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):

The businessmen are in the parking area.

David Hill is an English businessman.

Nick is a Russian businessman too.

They are Russians.

They are glad to see David.

David and Nick follow Pete to the car.

The car is in the parking area.

3. Make sentences and translate them into Russian (Составьте предло­жения и переведите их на русский язык):

They are in Moscow

in Sheremetievo

at Sheremetievo airport

at the airport

in the parking area

4. Insert articles (Заполните пропуски артиклями):

David is... English businessman.

Pete is... Russian businessman.

Nick is... Russian businessman too.

5. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

Они бизнесмены.

Они находятся в аэропорту Шереметьево.

Они находятся в Москве.

6. Match English and Russian equivalent (Подберите английским фразам русские эквиваленты):

I am glad to meet you. Рад вас видеть

I am glad to see you. Рад с вами познакомиться.

It is so good to see you. Я так рад вас видеть!

I am very glad to see you too. Здравствуйте!

How do you do? Осторожно, ступенька.

Follow me, please. Спасибо, что вы приеха­ли меня встретить.

Watch the step. Я тоже очень рад вас ви­деть.

Thank you for meeting me. Проходите, пожалуйста, за мной.

7. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones (Дополните диалоги и разыграйте аналогичные):

Р.: Hello, Mr. Hill!

D.: Hello, Pete! It is so good... Thank you for...

P.: I am very... too.

P.: Can I introduce my...?

D:. How..., Nick?

N.: How...? I am glad...

8. Underline the sentences true to the text (Подчеркните предложе­ния, соответствующие тексту):

Pete and David shake hands.

Nick and David shake hands.

In Britain people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.

In Britain people shake hands when they say good-bye.

In Britain people shake hands when they meet again later.

In Russia people shake hands when they meet someone for the first time.

In Russia people shake hands when they say good-bye.

In Russia people shake hands when they meet again later.

9. Complete Pete's words (Дополните слова Петра):

Follow... please. Watch... Our car is in...

Unit two

Speak with Englishmen!


Pete, Nick and David are in the car. They are going to the centre of Moscow.

Pete: Did you have a good trip, Mr. Hill?

David:Oh, yes. The flight was quite smooth. And I'm very glad the plane came on time.

Pete: And how do you like so much snow around?

David: Oh, I like Russian winter. Our winter is different. It's much milder. Have you ever been to England, Nick?

Nick: Will you repeat it, please? My English is not good enough, I am afraid.

David: Have you been to London?

Nick: No, not yet. But I am planning to go to England in summer.

David: As a tourist?

Nick: I think so.

Pete: And here is the hotel... Let me help you with the suit case, David.

David: Thank you. That's very kind of you.

Words and expressions

Слова и выражения

two [tu:] два (числ.)
to speak [spÖk] говорить
with [wiD] с
Englishman ['iÎglISm{n] англичанин, англи­чанка
Englishmen ['iÎglISmen] англичане
Speak with Englishmen! Поговорите с англи­чанами!
to get to ... [get] добраться до
getting to ... [getIÎ] поездка до ...,
centre ['sent@] центр
of [ov] (предлог, указывает на принадлежность)
the centre of Moscow центр Москвы
getting to the centre of Moscow поездка в центр Мо­сквы, дорога до цен­тра Москвы
to have a trip [h{v] совершать поездку
Did you have a good trip? Вы хорошо доехали?
flight [flaIt] полёт
quite [kwaIt] вполне
smooth [smüD] гладкий
plane [pleIn] самолёт
to come [köm] приходить, приле­тать, приезжать
came [keIm] пришел, прилетел, приехал
on time [taIm] во время
how [hau] как
to like [laik] нравиться, любить
How do you like it? Как вам это нравится?
much [mötS] много
snow [snow] снег
around [@'raund] вокруг
winter ['wIInt@] зима
different ['dIfr@nt] различный, разный
milder ['maIld@] мягче
It is much milder. Погода намного мягче.
England ['iÎgl@nd] Англия
Have you ever been to England? Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии?
to repeat [rI'pÖt] повторять
Will you repeat it, please. Повторите, пожа­луйста.
English ['IÎglIS] английский
enough [I'nöf] достаточно
My English is not good enough. Я не очень хорошо знаю английский.
I am afraid ... Боюсь, ...
yet [jet] пока, ещё
but [böt] но
to plan [pl{n] планировать
I am planning... Я планирую ...
summer [‘söm@] лето
in summer летом
as [@z] в качестве, как
as a tourist в качестве туриста, как турист
to think [TIÎk] думать
1 think so. Думаю, да.
here [hI@] здесь
Here is the hotel. Вот и гостиница.
Here is the car. Вот и наша машина.
Here is Mr. Hill. Вот и г-н Хилл.
to help [help] помогать
suitcase ['sju:tkeIs] чемодан
Let me help you with the suitcase. Разрешите ваш че­модан?
kind [kaInd] добрый, любезный
That's very kind of you. Вы очень любезны.



1. Read the following (Прочитайте следующее):

• Pete here

see yet

get very

let men

help step


• the centre the suitcase

the centre of Moscow the hotel

the flight the parking area

• That's kind of you. Thanks.

That's very kind of you. Thank you. I think you.

• They are in the car. Our winter is different.

Here is the hotel. Our summer is different.

2. Translate into Russian (Переведите на русский язык):

The businessmen are in the car.

They are going to the center of Moscow.

They are going to the Russia hotel.

They are speaking English.

They speak about the flight. They speak about Russian winter. They speak about English winter. They speak about Nisk's plans to visit England.

3. Match English and Russian equivalents (Подберите английским фразам русские эквиваленты):

Did you have a good flight? Мне нравится русская зима.
The flight was quite smooth. Наша зима совсем другая.
I'm glad the plane came on time. Вам нравится, когда столь­ко снега вокруг?
How do you like so much snow around? Я планирую поехать в Анг лию летом.
I like Russian winter. Вы когда-нибудь были в Англии?
Our winter is different. Полет был вполне спокой­ным.
Have you ever been to Eng­land? Я рад, что самолет прибыл вовремя.
I'm planning to go to Eng­land in summer Вы хорошо долетели?

4. Make sentences and translate them into Russian (Составьте пред ложения и переведите их на русский язык):

Did you have a good trip David

very good Mr. Hill

The flight was good

very good


quite smooth

'Im glad the plane came on time

very glad

so glad

How do you like Russian winter

so much snow in Moscow

so much snow around

Russian summer

English summer

English winter

• I like Russian winter this snow around English winter too Moscow
• Our wintersummer is different is much milder
• Have you ever been to England Britain London Moscow
• I'm planning to go to England Britain London Paris in summer in winter

5. Insert prepositions (Заполните пропуски предлогами):

Nick is planning to go ... England ... summer. He is planning to go as a tourist.

Mr. Hill had a good time. The flight was quite smooth. The plane came ... time.

Have you ever been ... London?

Let me help you ... the suitcase.

That's very kind ... you.

6. Translate into English (Переведите на английский язык):

Вы хорошо долетели?

Да, полет был вполне спокойным.

Я рад, что самолет прибыл вовремя.

Как вам нравится так много снега вокруг?

Я люблю русскую зиму.

Наша зима совсем другая.

Она намного мягче.

Повторите, пожалуйста.

Я еще не знаю английский достаточно хорошо.

Разрешите помочь вам донести чемодан?

Спасибо, вы очень любезны.

7. Complete the following dialogues and act out similar ones (Дополните следующие диалоги необходимыми словами и разыграйте ана­логичные диалоги):

Р.: Did you have a good... Mr. Hill?

D:. Oh, yes, the flight... And I'm glad the plane...

P.: And how do you like... snow...?

D.: Oh, I like Russian... Our... is different. It is...