
Деловой английский. Ускоренный курс (стр. 29 из 48)

Ivan: OK. There is a good cosy restaurant near the hotel. It's called White and Red Roses.

Frank: Fine. I'll be waiting for you in the lobby at seven p. m.

Ivan: See you at seven then. Goodbye.

Words and expressions

airfreight ['e@freIt] авиафрахт — стоимость
перевозки груза на само­
to insure страховать
shipment отгрузка
preferable ['pref@r@bl] предпочтительный
to type печатать
price list прейскурант
to admit допускать
to mention упоминать
precedent ['presId@nt] прецедент
particular частный, особый, осо­бенный, данный
in every particular case в каждом отдельном слу­чае
far from it ничего подобного
extraordinary [ex'strþdnrI] чрезвычайный
ant. ordinary обычный
to happen случаться
fob (FOB, f.o.b. F.O.B.) = free on board ['ef'ou'bÖ] фоб, свободно на борт — условия поставки, при которых продавец несет ответственность за товар до момента его поставки на борт судна/самолета
on fob terms на условиях фоб
as usual [@z'jüZu@l] как обычно
objection возражение
to object возражать
No objections on our part. Никаких возражений с нашей стороны.
power of attorney ['pau@r @v @'týnI] доверенность
cosy уютный


1. Read the following:

• when • It would be splendid.
will What would you say to that?
want I have the power of attorney.
where I'll be waiting for you in the
would lobby.
wait We could have dinner later.

• Shall we have a standard contract?

Shall we discuss the terms of delivery?

Shall we discuss the fob terms?

Shall we discuss the cif terms?

Shall we discuss the price then?

Shall we discuss the discount then?

Shall we have a break?

2. Underline the answers true to the text:

• What first matter did the businessmen discuss after the break? The time of delivery. The price problem. The terms of delivery.
• Who was to pay the air-freight? The Russian company, the Buyers.
The English company, the Sellers.
The businessmen did not men­tion this fact.
• Who was to insure the de­vices? The Buyers. The Sellers.
It is not quite clear.
• Did Mr. Freiser give Mr. Smirnov the cif prices dur­ing the talk? No, he didn't because Mr. Smirnov didn't ask for them. No, he didn't because the sec­retary didn't type them.
Yes, he did, as the secretary typed them and brought them to Mr. Freiser during the talk.
• Did Mr. Smirnov ask Mr. Freiser to give them a dis­count for this particular or­der? No, since he admitted it was a small order. Yes, though he admitted it was a small order.
Mr. Smirnov never mentioned a discount during the talk.
• Did Mr. Freiser make a hint that in future they might give a discount? Yes, he did. No, he didn't. He mentioned a discount of 10 per cent.
• What terms of delivery did the Buyers usually practice in dealing with this par­ticular company? FOB Tilbury. CIF Sheremetievo. It is not quite clear.
• When did the businessmen plan to sign the Contract? The next morning after Mr. Smir­nov got the power of attorney. As soon as Mr. Smirnov could get the power of attorney. The same evening, since it was necessary only to prepare the Contract itself.

3. Underline the verbs in the following sentences:

Shall we sign the Contract then?

Shall we resume the talks?

Shall we discuss the price problem first?

Could you give me your idea of the pi ice?

Could we hope to have discounts for our future Contracts?

Could we sign the Contiact tonight?

Will you always prefer cif teims?

Will you always piefer shipment by ail?

Will you give us your fob prices now?

Would you give us your fob prices now?

Could you give us your fob prices now?

May I have your fob prices now?

4. Match English and Russian equivalents:

And now comes the price problem. As far as I understand... You wanted us to pay air-freight, didn't you? You wanted us to insure the goods, didn't you? For our trial order these terms are preferable. Насколько я понимаю... Для пробного заказа именно эти условия предпочтительны. Вы хотели, чтобы мы оплатили стоимость авиаперевозки, да? Вы хотели, чтобы мы застра­ховали товар, да? А теперь обсудим вопрос о цене.

5. Insert prepositions:

Could you give me your idea... the price... each . the devices then?

... the break I asked the secretary to type the price list.. this basis.

Now you may have a look... the prices.

When we make contracts... future we hope we shall have a certain discount... the prices.

We shall discuss this matter... every particular case.

6. Insert articles:

There is... question I would like to ask you.

Shall we have... standard contract for your trial order?

I have... power of attorney.

I propose to sign it in... evening.

We could have dinner at... restaurant of your choice.

There is... good restaurant near... hotel.

I'll be waiting for you in... lobby.

7. Choose the correct variant:

If you mention future contracts there (is, are) a question I (would, will) like to ask you.

Only in this particular case we (has, have) chosen shipment by plane.

Only in this particular case we (are, have) chosen cif terms.

If nothing extraordinary (happen, happens) we shall practice fob Tilbury term.

If yoг сan (have, has) prepared it now it (would be, is) splendid.

Придаточные предложения условия и времени "If" and "when" clauses

Если в придаточных предложениях условия и времени говорится о действиях, которые должны произойти в буду­щем, то, глагол в этих предложениях употребляется в на­стоящем времени.


When we make contracts in future we shall give you a discount.

If we make contracts in future we shall always give you dis­counts.

If we meet in the evening we shall sign it then.

We shall sign it when we meet in the evening.

8. Use the verbs in the right forms:

When we (to make) contracts in future we hope we shall have a certain discount off the price.

If nothing extraordinary (to happen) we shall practice fob Tilbury terms.

If nothing extraordinary (to occur) we shall buy goods on fob terms.

If you (to prepare) it today we shall sign it today.

We shall sign it as soon as you (to prepare) it.

We shall sign it after we (to discuss) all these details.

We shan't sign it before we (to discuss) all these particulars.

9. Complete the dialogues and act out similar ones:

— I certainly... small... Therefore... mention discounts you usually... But don't take it as a... When we make ...

— We shall certainly...

— If you mention future Contracts there... question... ask... Will you always prefer...

— Oh no. Far from it. Only in this particular... But in future if nothing extraordinary... as usual.

— Fine. No... on our part.

10. Act out the dialogues between Ivan and Frank:

• When they speak about airfreight, insurance and prices for this Contract.

• When they agree to sign the Contract in the evening.

11. Sum up how the businessmen agreed on the prices.

12. Agree or disagree:

• It is usually very difficult on the price.

• The Sellers always agree to give a discount.

• The Buyers always ask the Sellers to grant them a discount.

Unit forty

Contracts in foreign trade


Here is a part of the Contract Mr. Freiser handed over to Mr. Smirnov in the evening:

Words and expressions

to hand something over to somebody передавать кому-либо
to quote to conclude называть, назначать что-либо (цену)заключать
to conclude a contract заключать контракт
syn. to make a contract
whereby [we@'baI] по которому
condition условие
standard conditions стандартные условия
on the terms and condi­tions на условиях
herein [hI@r'In] здесь
subject to при условии (соблюдении)
to form составлять, образовывать
integral ['intIgr@l] неотъемлемый
to form an integral part составлять неотъемлемую
of часть
thereof его (зд. этого документа)
to effect осуществлять
payment платеж
to effect payment осуществлять платеж
syn to make payment
under по; в соответствии с; под
irrevocable [I'rev@k@bl] безотзывный
divisible делимый
letter of credit аккредитив — документ, направляемый одним банком другому с указа­нием произвести платеж при отгрузке товара
to establish устанавливать
to establish a letter of credit открывать аккредитив
syn. to open a letter of credit
correspondent корреспондент
against против
air waybill авианакладная
packing list упаковочный лист
work's test certificate сертификат заводского
invoice ['InvoIs] счет
insurance policy страховой полис
advice извещение, уведомление,
readiness готовность
account счет
pie = public limited com­pany компания с ограничен­ной ответственностью — компания, выпускающая свои акции на свободный
рынок и публикующая свои отчеты о финансо­
вой деятельности
sort code сортировочный код
partial частичный
schedule ['Sedjül] график
delivery ahead of sched­ule поставка ранее сроков, указанных в графике
to allow разрешать
legal юридический, законный, легальный
legal address юридический адрес
for and on behalf of от имени и по поручению


1. Match English and Russian equivalents:

hereinafter в данном документе
herein которого
thereof по которому
whereby далее в данном документе
the Contract whereby the на условиях, указанных в на­
Sellers sold and the Buyers стоящем Контракте
bought... с одной стороны
on the terms and conditions с другой стороны
stated herein Контракт, по которому Продавец продал, а Покупатель купил...
the Standard Conditions
forming an integral part
thereof Общие условия, являющиеся
on the one hand неотъемлемой частью Кон­тракта
on the other hand
Newall Ltd. referred to as the фирма Ньюол, именуемая Продавцом
Ruslmport referred to as the фирма РусИмпорт, именуе­мая Покупателем
They have concluded this Contract subject to the Stan­dard Conditions the Specification attached to the Contract 25 Security Devices as set out in the Specification Они заключили настоящий контракт на основе стан­дартных условий.25 приборов охраны в соот­ветствии со Спецификацией Спецификация, приложенная к Контракту

2. Translate the first paragraph of the Contract into Russian.