
Information Technology Essay Research Paper Information technology (стр. 2 из 2)

also includes a variance column so the vet can customize the estimate for

the severity of the patient’s condition. An example of this is the

standard hit by a car dog would need to be hospitalized over night receive

a certain number of injections and IV bags. A dog may come in that

was hit by a car, but is not in as bad shape as would be expected.

The doctor would then reduce the number of injections, IV bags and hours

of hospitalization predicted for the dog. The price on the estimate

would change accordingly to give a more accurate expectation to the client.

After the estimate is complete it is printed to and brought out the client

for review. This saves the doctor time by eliminating having

to write this all out and look up the prices. Before software like

this was made available for use by veterinarians all of this had to be

done by hand and recorded on paper. Storing the files of all of the

patients who received care in a facility took up a lot of room and time

to organize.

Technology has changed greatly what a vet

has to do. The above information technologies play an important role

in the practice of veterinary medicine. Over the years, however,

technology has changed. What has been available to veterinarians

has changed as a result. Thus technology has allowed veterinary facilities

to accommodate more patients at once and accept more animals as patients

in their practice. This is because the time it takes to treat an

animal is shortened thanks to technology.

Section IV:

It is hard to single out the most important

aspects of the role of information technology in the practice of veterinary

medicine. Primarily because know one knows where veterinary medicine

would be to today if any or all of the technology that is a part of it

had not been applied to this science. Any information technology

that increases the chance of a veterinarian being able to save the life

of an animal would be considered important in this field. The list

of these would be never ending. The ones that facilitate vets. the

most are the ones that increase the speed and accuracy of the vets. procedure.

Examples of these information technologies are the idexx machine and the

IV pump.

Technology of veterinary medicine has already

had an influence on human medicine. An example of this are the use

of vaccinations which are now used both on humans and animals. Vaccinations

were originally developed for animals, but were found to be effective in

humans. The use of live-virus vaccines has been used on humans since

WWII. (www.encyclopedia.com) The use of certain information technologies

in the field of human medicine are sure to have an influence in the practice

of veterinary medicine. Antibiotics are another example of veterinary

technology influencing human medicine. It is expected that

advances in human medicine will affect veterinary medicine. The use

of information technology to enable surgeons to perform surgery off site

is sure to carry over to veterinary medicine. This will have a great

affect on the way doctors perform in this field.

To prepare oneself for success in veterinary

medicine all of the required graduate and undergraduate courses must be

completed. However, the best preparation for success is exposure

to the field. In order to be completely ready for the practice of

veterinary medicine knowing how to use the relevant information technologies

is a necessity. The best way to accomplish this is through additional

courses or observation. According to Tamela, a licensed veterinary

technician who works at the AEC of CNY, watching another vet. at work,

and seeing how he/she uses the technology to his/her advantage is an invaluable

way to prepare for success in this field.”