
Аффиксация как основной способ словообразования в английском языке (стр. 3 из 4)

-ly bad (плохой) - badly (плохо), part (часть) - partly (частично), first (первый) - firstly (во-первых)

2. Суффиксы, образующие наречия от существительных и наречий и

обозначающие направление(или направленность):

-wards -ward -wise North (север) - northward(s) (к северу, на север), back (обратно, назад) - backward(s) (назад, в обратном направлении)home (дом, домой) - homeward (к дому, по направлению к дому)clock (часы) – clockwise (по часовой стрелке)

Наиболее употребительные префиксы и их значения:

1. Префикс со значением “снова”, “заново”, “вновь”, “пере”:

re- to read (читать) - to reread (перечитать), to write (писать) - to rewrite (переписать)

2. Префиксы, которые придают слову противоположное значе­ние или

обозначают противоположное действие:

un- dis- de- anti- counter-contra- to tie (связывать) - to untie (развязывать)to appear (появляться) - to disappear (исчезать)formation (формирование) - deformation (деформация) fascist (фашист) - anti-fascist (антифашист)attack (атака) - counterattack (контратака)to contradict (противоречить, возражать)

3. Префиксы, имеющие отрицательное значение:

a-ab-un- im-in- ir- il- dis- mis- non- amoral (аморальный, безнравственный)absent (отсутствующий)kind (добрый) - unkind (недобрый)possible (возможный) - impossible (невозможный)ability (способность) - inability (неспособность)regular (регулярный) - irregular (нерегулярный)legal (легальный) - illegal (нелегальный)honest (честный) - dishonest (нечестный), understand(понимать) - misunderstand(неправильно понять)interference (вмешательство) - non-interference (невмешательство)
Приставка, которая начинается на “i” изменяется в зависимости от того, какая за ней стоит буква: il + l, ir + r, im + b, m, p.
4.Префиксы, имеющие значение “сверх”, “пере”, “чрезмерно”:

12. через-, транс-

trans- transatlantic (трансатлантический)

5.Префиксы со значением “между”, “взаимно”:

со- inter- co-existence(сосуществование)international(интернациональ­ный)

13. вверх, кверху, наверху

up- upstairs (вверх по лестнице), upside (верхняя часть)

6. перед”:

рге- fore- pre-war(довоенный),prehistoric(доисторический)to foresee (предвидеть)

14. двойной, два, дважды

bi- bilingual (двуязычный)

7. “недостаточно”, “недо-“:

under- tounderpay( недоплачивать)

15. имеющий дело с книгами

bibli(o)- bibliography (библиография)

8. под”:

sub- subdivision (подразделение)

16. . относящийся к жизни

bio- biography(биография)

9. “экс”, “бывший”

ex- ex-champion (бывший чемпион)

17. второстепенное значение

by- by-street(переулок, улочка)

10. само-, авто-

auto- autobiography (автобиография), automatic (автоматический)

18. много-, мульти-, поли-

multi-poly- multicolored(многоцветный), multimillionaire (мультимиллионер)polyglot (полиглот),polytechnic (политехнический)

11. полу-

semi- semifinal (полуфинал),semicircle (полукруг)

19. Префикс глагола, имеющий значение “делать”:

en- to enlarge (увеличивать), to endanger (подвергать опасности)


Материалы данного исследования позволят учащимся не только качественно подготовиться к Единому Государственному Экзамену в разделе «Лексика и грамматика» за счет выполнения разработанных авторами работы системы упражнений на словообразование и подобранных в Интернете тестов on-line, но и сэкономят их время на поиск слов, образованных с помощью аффиксов, в англо-русском словаре за счет использования предлагаемого словообразовательного словаря.

Таким образом, положенный в основу изучения словообразования системный подход и сформированные навыки сознательного образования слов различных частей речи путем выполнения упражнений обеспечат более качественное усвоение темы «Аффиксация в английском языке».

Список литературы

  1. Арнольд И.В. Стилистика современного английского языка. – М.: Просвещение. 1990
  2. Афанасьева О. В., Михеева И. В. Английский язык: тренировочные тесты для подготовки к единому государственному экзамену, Ростов-на-Дону «Феникс», 2003
  3. Большая Советская энциклопедия. – Изд-во «Советская энциклопедия», 1969 – 1978 г.
  4. Бортничук Е.Н. Словообразование в современном английском языке : учеб. пособие для институтов и факультетов иностранных языков / Е.Н. Бортничук, И.В. Василенко, Л.П. Пастушенко. – Киев : Вища школа, 1988
  5. Вербицкая М. В., Соловова Е. Н.. Учебно-тренировочные материалы

для подготовки уч-ся / ФИПИ – М.: Интеллект- Центр, 2009

  1. Каращук П. М. Словообразование английского языка. – М.: Высшая школа. 1977.
  2. Кобрина Н. А., Корнеева Е. А., Оссовская М. И., Гузеева К. А. Учебное пособие для студентов "Иностранные языки". - СОЮЗ, 1999.
  3. Мюллер В. К. «Новый англо-русский словарь», М.: Русский язык медиа, 2005
  4. Розенталь Д. Э. Словарь лингвистичечких терминов.
  5. Оксфордские тесты по английскому языку для подготовки к Единому Государственному Экзамену. Mark Harrison, Victor N. Simkin. Oxford University Press
  6. Царёв П.В. Сложные слова в английском языке. М.: Издательство Московского

университета, 1980.

12.Чусова Лидия Вениаминовна. Аффиксация в английском языке

    Practice Tests for the Russian State Exam. Elena Klekovkina, Malcolm Mann, Steve

Taylore-Knowles. Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2006



Система упражнений, направленная на формирование навыков словообразования при подготовке к ЕГЭ

1. Задания в формате PowerPoint

2. Задания в формате Excel

3. Задания в тестовой форме


Conceptnoun Personalnoun Adjective Verb
absenteeism absentee absent-minded to be absent
accounting accountant accountable account
accusation accuser / accused accusing accuse
achievement achiever achieved achieve
addiction addict addictive/addicted to become addicted
administration administrator administrative administrate
admiration admirer admired / admiring admire
advertisement advertiser advertised advertise
advice adviser advisory advise
aggravation aggressor aggravating aggravate
agitation agitator agitated agitate
analysis analyst analytical analyse
antagonism antagonist antagonistic antagonize
arbitration arbitrator arbitrary arbitrate
assassination assassin assassinated assassinate
authorization authority authoritarian / authoritative authorize
baking baker baked bake
banking banker bankrupt bank
belief believer believable believe
benevolence benefactor beneficial benefit
bidding bidder bidden bid
blackmail blackmailer blackmailed blackmail
blasphemy blasphemer blasphemous blaspheme
bombardment bomber bombarded bomb
brainwashing brainwasher brainwashed brainwash
broadcasting broadcaster broadcast broadcast
calculation calculator calculated calculate
censorship censor censored censure
challenging challenger challenged challenge
charming charmer charmed / charming charm
cheerfulness cheerleader cheerful cheer
childbearing childcare childlike child
choreography choreographer choregraphed choreograph
civilization civilian civil civilize
collaboration collaborator collaborated collaborate
comedy comedian comic
competition competitor competitive compete
dancing dancer danced dance
deafness deaf deafening to go deaf
dealings dealer / dealership dealt deal
decoration decorator decorative decorate
defeat defeatist defeated defeat
defense defendant / defender defended defend
demonstration demonstrator demonstrative demonstrate
design designer designed design
destruction destroyer destructive destroy
determination determiner determined determine
development developer developed develop
dictatorship dictator dictatorial dictate
diplomacy diplomat diplomatic to be diplomatic
direction director directed direct
discipline disciplinarian disciplinary discipline
distribution distributor distributed distribute
divorce divorcee divorced divorce
drama dramatist dramatic dramatize
drunkenness drunkard drunk drink
dwelling dweller dwelt dwell
eavesdropping eavesdropper eavesdropped eavesdrop
economics economist economical economize
education educator educational educate
egotism egotist egocentric to be egotistical
election electorate electoral elect
elitism elitist elite to be elite
emancipation emancipator emancipated emancipate
embezzlement embezzler embezzled embezzle
emigration emigrant emigrated emigrate
(un)employment employer (un)employed employ
entertainment entertainer entertaining entertain
enthusiasm enthusiast enthusiastic enthuse
escapism escapist escaped escape
evacuation evacuee evacuated evacuate
exaggeration exaggerator exaggerated exaggerate
examination examiner examined examine
exploration explorer explorative explore
exportation exporter exported export
farming farmer farmed farm
fighting fighter fought fight
finality finalist finalized finalize
finance financier financial finance
flirtation flirt flirtatious flirt
forgery forger forged forge
foundation founder founded found
freelancing freelancer freelanced freelance
friendship friend friendly to be friendly
gambling gambling gambled gamble
government governor governmental govern
growing up grown-up grown grow up
guidance guide guided guide
homemaking homemaker homemade
hospitalization patient hospitalized hospitalize
humanities humanist humanitarian humanize
humor humorist humorous
idealism idealist idealistic idealize
illustration illustrator illustrative illustrate
immigration immigrant immigrated immigrate
immortality immortal immortal immortalize
impersonation impersonator impersonated impersonate
importation importer imported import
industrialization industrialist industrialized industrialize
innovation innovator innovative innovate
inspection inspector inspected inspect
instruction instructor instructive instruct
interpretation interpreter interpreted interpret
intrusion intruder intrusive intrude
invasion invader invaded invade
invention inventor inventive invent
investigation investigator investigative investigate
justice justice of the peace justifiable justify
law lawyer lawful / lawless
leadership leader lead lead
learning learner learned learn
legislation legislator legislative legislate
liberalism liberal liberal liberalize
linguistics linguist linguistic speak
logging logger logged log
love lover lovesick love
machinery machinist machined machine
magic magician magical
management manager manageable manage
manufacturing manufacturer manufactured manufacture
marketing marketer marketable market
materialism materialist materialistic materialize
mathematics mathematician mathematical
mechanics mechanic mechanical mechanize
migration migrant migratory migrate
modeling model modelled model
morality moralist moralistic moralize
mugging mugger mugged mug
music musician musical to make music
narration narrator narrated narrate
nationalism nationalist nationalistic nationalize
naturalization naturalist naturally naturalize
navigation navigator navigable navigate
negotiation negotiator negotiable negotiate
nursing nurse nursed nurse
offense offender offensive offend
office officer official officiate
operation operator operative operate
opportunism opportunist opportunistic opportune
oppression oppressor oppressive oppress
optimism optimist optimistic to be optimistic
organization organizer organizational organize
ownership owner owned own
pacifism pacifist pacified pacify
painting painter painted paint
participation participant participated participate
parenting parent parented parent
patriotism patriot patriotic to be patriotic
peacekeeping peacekeeper peaceful to make / keep peace
perfection perfectionist perfect perfect
performance performer performed perform
perpetuation perpetrator perpetual perpetuate
persecution persecutor persecuted persecute
pessimism pessimist pessimistic to be pessimistic
philosophy philosopher philosophical philosophize
photography photographer photographic photograph / take pictures
plumbing plumber plumbed plumb
poetry poet poetic to write poetry
possession possessor possessive possess
pragmatism pragmatist pragmatic to be pragmatic
professionalism professor professional profess
programming programmer programmed program
psychology psychologist psychological
purification purist pure purify
quitting quitter quit quit
reaction reactionary reacted react
realism realist realistic to be real
reception receptionist receptive receive
recruitment recruiter recruited recruit
redemption redeemer redeemable redeem
reformation reformer reformed reform
relationship relative related relate
remembrance reminder reminded remind
representation representative representative represent
research researcher researched to do research
residency resident residential reside
retail retailer retail retail
retirement retiree retired retire
revelation reveler reveled revel
robbery robber robbed rob
rule ruler ruled rule
sadism sadist sadistic to be sadistic
sales salesclerk / salesperson sold sell
satire satirist satirical satirize
science scientist scientific to do science
sculpture sculptor sculpted sculpt
seduction seducer seduced seduce
service serviceman / servicewoman serviceable service
shipping shipper shipped ship
showmanship showman shown show
skateboarding skateboarder skateboarded skateboard
skepticism skeptic skeptical to be skeptical
slavery slave slavish enslave
smoking smoker smoked smoke
smuggling smuggler smuggled smuggle
socialism socialist sociable socialize
speaking speaker spoken speak
specialization specialist specialized specialize
speculation speculator speculative speculate
studies student studious study
supervision supervisor supervisory supervise
supply supplier supplied supply
support supporter supportive support
survival survivor survivable survive
sympathy sympathizer sympathetic sympathize
talk talker talkative talk
teaching teacher taught teach
terrorism terrorist terrorized terrorize
theory theorist theoretical theorize
thievery thief stolen steal
thinking thinker thought think
torture torturer tortuous torture
tourism tourist toured tour
training trainer / trainee trained train
transformation transformer transformed transform
travel traveler traveled travel
trickery trickster tricky trick
typing typist typed type
usefulness user useful use
uselessness user useless use
vacation vacationer - vacation
vandalism vandal vandalized vandalize
victimization victim victimized victimize
victory victor victorious win
viewing viewer viewed view
violation violator violent violate
visitation visitor visited visit
voting voter voted vote
waiting waiter / waitress waited wait / serve
wandering wanderer wandered wander
winning winner won win