
English Grammar in Use Raymond Murphy 2nd ed (стр. 53 из 56)

5 I'm not interested in football.


3 spiders 4 meat

5 the questions 6 the people

7 History 8 lies

9 the hotels 10 The water

11 the grass 12 patience


3 Apples 4 the apples

5 Women ... men

6 tea 7 The vegetables

8 Life 9 skiing

10 the people

11 people ... aggression

12 All the books

13 the beds 14 war

15 The First World War

16 unemployment

17 the marriage

18 Most people ... marriage ... family life ... society



1 b. the cheetah

c. the kangaroo (and the rabbit)

2 a. the swan

b. the penguin

c. the owl

3 a. the wheel

b. the laser

c. the telescope

4 a. the rupee

b. escudo

c. the ...


2 a 3 the 4 a 5 the

6 the 7 a 8 (-) 9 The


2 the injured

3 the unemployed

4 the sick

5 the rich ... the poor


2 a German the Germans

3 a Frenchman/a Frenchwoman the French

4 a Russian the Russians

5 a Chinese the Chinese

6 a Brazilian the Brazilians

7 an Englishman/an Englishwoman the English

8 a/an ... the ...



2 the 3 The ... the

4 - 5 the 6 -


3 right

4 the United States

5 The south ... the north

6 right

7 the Channel

8 the Middle East

9 right

10 right

11 the Swiss Alps

12 The United Kingdom

13 The Seychelles .. the Indian Ocean

14 The River Volga ... the Caspian Sea


2 In South America

3 The Nile

4 Sweden

5 The United States

6 The Rockies

7 The Mediterranean

8 Australia

9 The Pacific

10 The Indian Ocean

11 The Thames

12 The Danube

13 Thailand

14 The Panama Canal

15 The Amazon



2. Turner's in Carter Road

3 the Park Hotel in Park Road

4 St Peter's in Baines Street

5 the Royal Oak in Union Street

6 the City Museum in Baines Street

7 Lloyds Bank in Forest Avenue

8 Victoria Park at the end of Baines Street

9 the New China House in Carter Road


2 The Eiffel Tower

3 The Vatican

4 Buckingham Palace

5 Broadway

6 The White House

7 The Acropolis

8 St Mark's Cathedral


2 Hyde Park

3 St James's Park

4 The Grand Hotel ... Baker Street

5 Gatwick Airport

6 Liverpool University

7 Harrison's

8 the Ship Inn

9 The Statue of Liberty .. New York harbour

10 the Science Museum

11 IBM ... British Telecom

12 The Classic

13 the Great Wall

14 the Independent ... the Herald

15 Cambridge University Press



3 shorts

4 a means

5 means

6 some scissors or a pair of scissors

7 a series

8 series

9 species


2 politics 3 economics

4 athletics 5 physics

6 gymnastics 7 electronics


2 don't 3 want

4 was 5 aren't

6 wasn't 7 does or do

8 isn't 9 they are

10 are 11 Do 12 is


2. wearing black jeans

3 right (is playing is also correct)

4 nice people

5 Ten pounds is not enough.

6 some new pyjamas or a new pair of pyjamas

7 right (hasn't is also correct)

8 Many people have

9 a policeman/a policewoman/a polce officer

10 Have the police

11 These scissors aren't



2 a computer magazine

3 holiday photographs

4 milk chocolate

5 a factory inspector

6 a central London hotel

7 examination results

8 the dinig room carpet

9 a football club scandal

10 a two-part question

11 a seven-year-old girl


1 a. a houseboat

b. a boathouse

2 a. a race horse

b. a horse race

3 a. a cardphone

b. a phonecard


2 room number

3 seat belt

4 credit card

5 weather forecast

6 newpaper editor

7 shop window


3 20-pound

4 15-minute

5 60 minutes

6 two-hour

7 five courses

8 two-year

9 500-year

10 five days

11 six-mile



3 that man's jacket

4 the top of the page

5 Charles's daughter

6 The cause of the problem

7 yesterday's newspaper

8 my father's newspaper

9 the name of this street

10 the children's toys

11 the new manager of the company or the company's new manager

12 the result of the football match

13 our neighbour's garden

14 the ground floor of the building

15 Don and Mary's children

16 the economic policy of the government or the government's economic policy

17 Catherine's husband

18 the husband of the woman talking to Mary

19 Mike's parents' car

20 Helen's friend's wedding


2 a boy's name

3 children's school

4 a girls' school

5 a women's magazine


2 Last week's storm caused a lot of damage.

3 The town;s only cinema has closed down.

4 Britain's exports to the United States have fallen recently.

5 The region's main industry is tourism.


2 five minutes' walk or a five-minute walk

3 two weeks' holiday or a two-week holiday

4 an hour's sleep



2 We must a relation of yours.

3 Henry borrowed a book of mine.

4 Anne invited some friends of hers to her flat.

5 We had dinner with a neighbour of ours.

6 I went on holiday with two friends of mine.

7 Is that man a friend of yours?

8 I met a friend of Jane's at the party.


2 my own television

3 her own money

4 her own business

5 his own private jet

6 his own ideas

7 its own parliament


2 your own fault

3 his own ideas

4 your own problems

5 her own decisions


2 makes her own clothes

3 writes his own songs

4 bake our own bread


2 my own 2 myself

4 himself 5 themselves

6 herself 7 their own

8 yourself 9 our own

10 her own



2 hurt himself

3 blame herself

4 Put yourself

5 enjoyed themselves

6 burn yourself

7 express myself


2 me 3 myself 4 us

5 yourself 6 you 7 ourselves

8 themselves 9 them


2 feel 3 dried herself

4 concentrate 5 defend yourself

6 meeting 7 relax 8 wash


2 themselves

3 each other

4 each other

5 themselves

6 each other

7 ourselves

8 each other

9 ourselves to each other


2 He cut it himself.

3 I'll post it myself.

4 Linda told me herself. or Linda herself told me.

5 Why can't you phone him yourself? or ... do it yourself?



3 Is there ... there is/there's

4 there was ... It was

5 It was

6 There was

7 is it

8 It was

9 It is/It's

10 there wasn't

11 Is it ... it's

12 there was ... There was

13 It was

14 There wasn't

15 There was ... it wasn't


2 There is a lot of salt in the soup.

3 There was nothing in the box.

4 There was a lot of violence in the film.

5 There were a lot of people in the shops.

6 Example answers:

There is/There's a lot to do in this town./... a lot of life in this town./... a lot happening in this town.


2 There might be or There should be

3 there will be or there should be

4 There's going to be or There might be

5 There used to be

6 there should be

7 there wouldn't be


2 there was a lot of snow

3 right

4 There used to be a church here

5 right

6 There must have been a reason.

7 right

8 There's sure to be a car park somewhere.

9 there will be an opportunity

10 right

11 there would be somebody to meet me at the station but there wasn't anybody.



2 some 3 any

4 any ... some

5 some 6 any

7 any 8 some

9 any

10 any (some is also possible)


2 somebody/someone

3 anybody/anyone

4 anything

5 something

6 somebody/someone ...anybody/anyone

7 something ... anybody/anyone

8 Anybody/Anyone

9 anybody/anyone

10 anywhere

11 anywhere

12 somewhere

13 anywhere

14 anybody/anyone

15 something

16 Anybody/Anyone

17 She never tells anybody anything or ... anyone anything.


2 Any day

3 Anything

4 anywhere

5 Anything

6 Any time

7 Anybody/Anyone

8 Any newspaper/Any one



2 Nobody/No one.

3 Nowhere.

4 None.

5 None.

6 Nobody/No one.

7 Nothing.

9 wasn't talking to anybody/anyone.

10 I'm not going anywhere.

11 I haven't got any luggage.

12 They haven't got any children.

13 I didn't meet anybody/anyone.

14 I didn't buy anything.


3 no 4 any

5 None 6 none

7 No 8 any

9 any 10 none


2 nobody/no one

3 Nowhere

4 anything

5 Nothing ... anything

6 Nothing

7 anywhere

8 Nobody/no, one said anything.


2 nobody

3 anybody

4 Anybody

5 Nothing

6 Anything

7 anything



3 a lot of salt

4 right

5 right

6 a lot

7 many/a lot of

8 a lot

9 right


2 plenty of money

3 plenty of room

4 plenty to learn

5 are plenty of things to see

6 There are plenty of hotels.


2 little 3 many

4 much 5 many

6 few 7 little


3 a few dollars

4 a little time

5 right

6 right

7 only a few words


2 a little 3 a few

4 few 5 little

6 A little

7 little

8 a few



3 - 4 of 5 of 6 -

7 of 8 - 9 -


3 of my spare time

4 of the house

5 accidents

6 of ther friends

7 of the population

8 birds

9 of the pople I invited

10 of her opinions

11 European countries

12 (of) my dinner


3 Many people

4 Some of the photographs

5 Some people

6 most of the food

7 all (of) the money

8 all the time

9 most of the time

10 Most people

11 half (of) the questions


2 All of them

3 none of us

4 some of it

5 none of them

6 None of it

7 Some of them

8 all of it



2 Neither 3 either (of them)

4 both 5 Either

6 Neither


2 either 3 both

4 Neither of

5 neither ... both/both the/both of the

6 both/both of


2 either of them

3 both of them

4 neither of us

5 neither of them


3 Both Jim and Carol are on holiday

4 George neither smokes nor drinks.

5 Neither Jim nor Carol has (got) a car.

6 The film was both long and boring.

7 That man's name is either Richard or Robert.

8 I've got neither the time nor the money to go on holiday.

9 We can leave either today or tomorrow.


2 either 3 any 4 none

5 any 6 either 7 neither

8 none



3 Everybody/Everyone

4 Everything

5 all

6 everybody/everyone

7 everything

8 All

9 everybody/everyone

10 All

11 everybody/everyone

12 Everybody/Everyone

13 All

14 everything


2 The whole team played well.

3 He ate the whole box (of chocolates).

4 They searched the whole house.

5 Ann worked the whole day.

6 The whole family play/plays tennis.

7 It rained the whole week.

8 Ann worked whole week.

9 It rained all week.


2 every four hours

3 every four years

4 every five minutes

5 every six months


2 every day

3 all day

4 The whole building

5 every time

6 all the time

7 all my luggage



3 Each 4 Every 5 Each

6 every 7 each 8 every


3 Every 4 Each 5 every

6 every 7 each 8 every

9 every 10 each 11 Every

12 each


2 Sonia and I had ten pounds each./... each had ten pounds.

3 Those postcards cost 40 pence each./... are 40 pence each.

4 We paid L40 each./We each paid L40.


2 everyone 3 every one

4 Everyone 5 every one



2 A burglar is someone who breaks into a house to steal things.

3 A customer is someone who buys something from a shop.

4 A shoplifter is someone who steals from a shop.

5 A coward is someone who is not brave.

6 An atheist is someone who doesn't believe in God.

7 A pensioner is someone who no longer works and gets money from the state.

8 A tenant is someone who pays rent to live in a house or flat.


2 The man who/that answered the phone told me you were away.

3 The waitress who/that served us was very impolite and impatient.

4 The building that/which was destroyed in the fire has now been rebuilt.

5 The people who/that were arrested have now been released.

6 The bus that/which goes to the airport runs every half hour.


2 who/that runs away from home

3 that/which won the race

4 who/that stole my car

5 who/that invented the telephone

6 that/which were on the wall

7 that/which cannot be explained

8 that/which gives you the meaning of words

9 who/that are never on time

10 that/which can support life



3 (who) 4 who

5 (who) 6 (that)

7 that 8 (that)

9 that


2 (that/which) Ann is wearing

3 (that/which) we wanted to visit

4 (that/which) you're going to see

5 (who/that) I invited to the party

6 (that/which) you had to do

7 (that/which) we hired

8 (that/which) Tom recommended to us


2 (that/which) we were invited to

3 (who/that) I work with

4 (that/which) you told me about

5 (that/which) we went to last night

6 (that/which) I applied for

7 (who/that) you can rely on

8 (who/that) I saw you with


2 (that) 3 what

4 that 5 (that)

6 (that) 7 what

8 (that)



2 whose wife is an English teacher.

3 who owns a restaurant.

4 whose ambition is to climb Everest.

5 who have just got married.

6 whose parents used to work in a circus.


2 where we can have a really good meal

3 where I can buy some postcards

4 where we had the car repaired

5 where John is staying

6 where she (had) bought it


2 where 3 who

4 whose 5 where

6 whose 7 whom

93.4 Example answers:

2 we got stuck in a lift

3 I didn't write to you

4 you phoned

5 they haven't got a car

6 Mary got married



3 which we enjoyed very much.

4 I went to see the doctor, who told me to rest for a few days.

5 John, who/whom I have known for a very long time, is one of my closest friends.

6 Sheila, whose job involves a lot of travelling, is away from home a lot.

7 The new stadium, which can hold 90,000 people, will be opened next month.

8 We often go to visit our friends in Bristol, which is only 30 miles away.

9 Glasgow, where my brother lives, is the largest city in Scotland.


3 The strike at the car factory, which lasted ten days, is now over.

4 I've found the book I was looking for. or ... the book that/which I was looking for.

5 The population of London, which was once the largest city in the world, is now falling.