Probability distribution laws of the amplitude and phase errors have also been evaluated by the means of computer simulation. For this purpose a LFM signal with time-compression ratio 6 400 was used. Statistical distributions were estimated with usage of 9 600 samples for inphase and 9 600 samples for quadrature components. Thirteen points of these statistical distributions were chosen. The plot of the statistical distribution law
Fig. 5. Probability distribution laws of the phase error for different word length,
Fig. 6. Probability distribution laws of the amplitude error for different word-length,
narrowband signal error
The results of theoretical analysis and computer simulation of the amplitude and phase errors of the narrowband signal, caused by quantizing of the signal's inphase and quadrature components show that the mean of the amplitude of the distorted signals remains equal to the input amplitude, but the output amplitude becomes fluctuated with the variance, determined by the variance of D/A converter error. The phase error has zero mean, maximum deviation 53° and a variance which is inversely proportional to the number of quantization levels. The results achieved may be used in digital filters' design.
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