
The place of “Macbeth” among Shakespeare’s tragedies (стр. 3 из 5)

The word «bloody» is a very often come across in this work, it runs all through the tragedy. The same can be said about the word tyranne. We often meet this word too. The theme of the tragedy is about a bloody usurper, who first achieves his goal = aim but evils, recons with for his crimes. Here also the tragedy end with the glory of positive forces, the destroyed harmony is erected in the state. «Macbeth» is near to «Richard III» where we see much blood.

Macduff discovers that Duncan did not die, he has been murdered, and Banquo expresses his greef simply and from the beath. He soon voices his suspicions of Macbeth.


Thou hasf it now, king, Cowdor, Clames, all,

As the weird women promised; and I fear,

Thou playedst most foully for’t; yet it was said,

If should not stand in the posterity;

But that myself should be the rot and father

Of many Kings. If there come truth from them

(As upon thee Macbeth, their speeches shine),

Why, by the verities on three made good,

Mat they not be my oracles as well,

And set me up in hope? But, hush or more.

(III.I. p 91)


Ҳам қиролсан, Ҳам Гламис, Кавдор бегисан,

Гарчанд бир охз гумоним бор ҳалоллигингга,

Тўғри чиқди, рост айтибди кароматгўйлар.

Буюрмагай авлодингга лекин тожу тахт,

Қиролларнинг падари ва илдизи бўлиш

Сенга эмас, балки менга насиб айламиш.

Лекин алдашмаса ўша бибилар агар.

(Алдашмаса керак, чунки қисматинг – гаров)



Теперь ты всё, что предсказали сестры:

Гламисский и Кавдорский тан, король,

И я боюсь, ты сплутовал немного.

Однако или же возвещено,

Что твой престал не прейдет к потомкам,

А я – начало ветвы королей.

Но если все сбилось с тобой, не ыижу

Причины не надеяться и мне.

Я верю в то, что мне они сулили.

Но полно, тише!

(III.I. стр. 512)[4]

In Uzbek Sasdulla Ahmad read these lines as follows:


Ҳаммасига эришдинг сен! Аммо қойилман,

Ул алвасти ҳамширалар айтгани келди.

Гламис, Кавдор ҳокими, сўнг қирол ҳам бўлдинг!

Қўрқаманки, бирозгина найрангинг ҳам бор.

Кароматга кўра, лекин, тахт ворислиги

Менинг наслу насабимнинг насибасидир.

Менга ваъда қилган, сенинг пуштингга эмас!

Ҳа, ҳа1 Менинг шохларимда шоҳ болалайди.

Башоратнинг боши ҳақли, – ноумид шайтон, –

Жон тикаман, жодугарлар лафзи халолдир.

Мен уларга ишонаман. Шошма, ким келди?

(III.1. 59–60 б)

But he does nothing; perhaps he is satisfied for the moment to watch events, and in any case he too is concerned in the witches prophecies. But for this he is given no time. Macbeth quickly convinces two murderers that Banquo is the person who in secret makes them suffer cruelty and injustice, and, when Banquo is returning with his son in the evening after a day away from the castle, he is murdered. Macbeth pretends that he is expected at the banquet arranged for that evening, and his ghost, covered in blood, comes and sits in Macbeth’s own chair. Macbeth is over – come with the horror of the apparition, and the party breaks up.

He is, nevertheless, to see Banquo once again. The witches show Macbeth eight – kings, with many more reflected in a mirror, and the ghost of Banquo following them. this signifies to Macbeth that although Banquo has been murdered by his orders, Fleance, Banquo’s son, has escaped, and is destined to be farther of a line of kings; although Macbeth has won the throne, it is foretold that his children will never follow him in a royal line.

Macduff is nobleman who discovered the murder of Duncan. Commanded to call early on his king, he enters the king’s chamber and quickly returns with horror in his eyes and voice. Macbeth pretends not to understand him. It is Macduff who first expresses surprise at Macbeth admitting that he had himself murdered the grooms who were attending the king. «Wherefore did you so?» he asks, and, since he does not seem to be convinced by Macbeth’s answer, Lady Macbeth pretends to faint so that attention is drawn away from her husband. Macduff asks help for her. But his suspicions are aroused; he leaves for his own part of the country and then makes his way to England.

His wife and children are left behind in Scotland, and Lady Macduff is unable to understand his flight. Rosse tries to persuade her that her husband has left for the good of the country, and implies that he is in England to raise forces to oppose the tyrant Macbeth Rosse says he is:


But for you husband,

He is noble, wise, judicious, and best knows

The fits o ‘th’ season I dare not speaks much further. (IV.II. 15 p)


Ваш супруг.

Умен и добр. Он лучше многих знает,

Что делать в наше время. Ничего

Я не прибавлю. (IV. 2.стр. 536)


Биздан кўра, у билади нима қилишни.

Ёвқур ақли асқатади шундай пайтларда.

Бошқа бир гап айтолмайман. Замона оғир.(IV. 2. 100 б)

But this is no comfort to his wife, who is killed with her children by order of Macbeth.

In England Macduff has met Duncan’s son Malkolm, and a at first Malkolm wishes to test Macduff’s loyalty; he is afraid that Macbeth may have sent Macduff to trick him into telling his secret plans for an attack. Macduff, an honest and straight – forward person, is at first guit confused at Malkolm’s words. Since Malkolm makes himself out to be even more evil than Macbeth. But when all is explained, Rosse enters and announces a more bitter tragedy, the murder of Macduff’s family. He cannot believe that so purposeless a crime is possible:


He has no children. All my pretty ones?

Did you say all? – O hell – kite! – All?

What, all my pretty chickens, and their dam,

At one fell swoop? (IV.III. 249–19)


Но Макбет бездетен!

Всех бедненьких моих? До одного?

О Изверг, изверг! Всех моих хороших?

Всех ты сказал? И женушку мою?

Всех разом. (IV.III.стр. 546)


Аммо Макбет, оласиз –да! – Битта қўймай – а?

Бечорагиналаримнинг барчасиними? –

О, одамхўр! – Ҳаммасими? Вой, ширинларим!

Ёппасига? Хотининг ҳам сўйилди, дегин?!

(С.А.) (IV. 3. 117 б)


Гўдакларим барини – я? Битта қўймасдан!

О, дўзахий калхат! Барча жўжаларимни

Бир ҳамлада ҳалок этмиш онаси билан! (Ж.К.)

At first he had been unable to express his sorrow in words: now he tells his determination to take revenge on Macbeth, and to do it quickly.

The first Apparation called up by the witches had warned Macbeth of Macduff, confirming suspicions which Macbeth claims to have had already. Now the play leads to their final meeting. Macduff shows that the witches’ words concerning Macbeth’s safety are useless, since they «palter» «in a double sense». «None of woman born» seemed to mean «nobody at all»; but in another sense it means «no child to whom a woman has given natural birth».

Macduff tells Macbeth that his mother did not «bear» him (in his second sense), and they fight until Macbeth is killed. Macduff leaves and returns after a moment with Macbeth’s head carried in triumph.

Macduff represents the main opposition to Macbeth. He is the chief instrument by which Malkolm is able to obtain the throne of his father Duncan, and he everywhere acts with good sense, bravery and nobleness of nature. Only his wife doubts the wisdom of his flight to England, calling it «madness», and a mixture of fear and treachery. She accused him too of lacking «the natural touch», the guality of humanity, but, when told of the murder of his family, he says simply, If Macbeth’s ambitions had good ends, not evil ones, his wife Lady Macbeth would have been the perfect partner for him, for she completes his personality, and provides just those qualities which he lacks. If the play is complete in the form in which we now know it, there exists an understanding between Macbeth and his wife which depends on feelings rather than words. For when we first see Lady Macbeth, she is reading a letter from her husband telling her of the witches prophecy and particularly that he is, according to that prophecy, destined to become king. She, too is intensely ambitious, and cannot bear even to mention the kingship directly.

But she is afraid that he is evil enough to obtain it by the most direct means. She reveals her own nature most fully in the address she then makes to the spirits of evil:

Lady Macbeth:

Come, you spirits

That tend on mortal thoughts unsex me here,

And fill me, from the crown to the toe, top – full

Of direst cruelty! … (I.V. 38–41)

Леди Макбет:

Сюда, ко мне злодейские наиться

В меня вселитесь, бесы, духи тьмы!

Пусть женщина умрет во мне. Пусть буду

Я лютою жестокостью полна. (I.V. стр. 493)

Макбет хоним:

Қани сиз эй, ёвузликнинг топқирликлари,

Зулмат руҳи қабоҳатлар қалбимга келинг!

Сафро билан тўлатинглар сийналаримни!

Қонхўрликнинг ваҳший кучи танамга тшлсин! (С.А.) (I.V.27 бет)

Макбет хоним:

Ҳай қайдасиз, келинг, ўлим фаришталари!

Ўзгартиринг жинсимни. Ва ёвузликларга

Чулғаб олинг мени бошдан – оёғим қадар. (Ж.К) (I.V. 80 бет)[5]

Realizing that her husband’s hopes of the crown may be impeded by his feelings of humanity, she prays that her own similar feelings may be suppressed. This proves that she not the hard, cold, unfeeling villain of the piece, but one who, if she is to attain what she aims at, will also have to reckon with those finer feelings which are common to most human natures. But she is, perhaps, more purposeful, less ready to consider secondary matters (even those which concern conscince), and this is why she is, unlike her husband, has no need of supernatural encouragement, and therefore why none is given to her.

When her husband comes soon often her first appearance, they understand one another exactly, without saying so, each realizes that Duncan will not leave the castle alive. Lady Macbeth seems to wish that the whole plan should be put into her hands, for she thinks she is now supremely firm in her purpose. But when the time is right for the murder, and she has urged Macbeth’s feelings; for, as the noise of Macbeth calling out at the back suggests that he has been discovered and has failed in his attempt, she admits that she could not have done the deed her self:

He could not miss them – Had he not resembled

My father as he slept, I had don't – My husband

Alack! I am afraid they have awoked,

And’t is not done: – the attempt, and not the deed,

Confounds us. – Hark! – I laid their dangers ready.

However, even if her actions are hindered, she thinks quickly. Her impassioned speeches when Macbeth first comes to her in the play are in significant contrast to those in which she smoothly and humbly flatters her quest. Duncan with her offers of service. And so it is through the play: Macbeth is again and again relieved of burdens and accusations because his wife is ready to excuse him and explain away

What seems so evil. When Macbeth has murdered Duncan he is haunted with the vision of murderous hands turned against him. His wife is not so troubled, and when the knocking begins at the outer gate she is ready with measures to conceal the crime. She sees the blood on his hands, and says;

A little water clears us of this deed

How easy is it then! You constancy

Hath left you unaltended. (II. 2. 66–68)Макбет хоним:

Тетикроқ бўл, тан!

Қўлингни юв, кўз – кўз қилма шармисорликни.

Қўлингдаги қонларни юв, юқи қолмасин. (С.А.) (II.2.42 б)

(Ж.К.) (II. 2. 195 б)

And she realizes that they must quickly get on their night – clothes or people will wonder why they were not in bed when Duncan was murdered. And when, often the discovery of the murder, Macduff asks Macbeth why he murdered Duncan’s attendants and Macbeth’s answer is too sensational to be very convincing, his wife quickly notices it, and pretends to faint so that attention is disfacted from her husband.

For the murder of Banquo, Macbeth seems at first to be less dependant upon his wife. It is he who plans it with the two murderers, and then tells his wife about it. She is at first unsure, but is soon convinced, and then Macbeth plays the lordly husband:

He cannot know how soon he will once more need to depend upon her. Banquo’s ghost comes to haunt his state banquet. Lady Macbeth again quickly understands what is happening, though only her husband can see the ghost, and tries to explain it away:

Sit, worthy friends. My lord is often thus,

And hath been from his youth. (III. 4. стр. 523)Макбет хоним:Йўқ, қўзғалманглар.Бу касали ёшликдан бор, хавотирланманг.

(III. 4. 77 б)

Леди Макбет:

Прошу сидеть.

Все это вмиг пройдёт. Не обращайте.

Вниманья, чтоб припадка не продлить.

At the second appearance she speaks of her husband’s fit as «a thing of custom», and even hints at a treatment for it:To the Lords:I pray you, speak not: he grows worse and worseQuestion enrages him. (III.IV. 117–118)

Ўтинаман гапга солманг, у бетоб ҳали. (Ж.К.) (III.V. 223 б)

Не говорите с ним. Еще все хуже.

Расспросы злят его. Прервемте пир. (стр. 525).

Сўз ташламанг, қирол ҳамон ўзида эмас.

Гап сўраса қутуради. (С.А.) (III. 4. 81 б)

Still as if the incident were a common one.

She really thinks he needs sleep, and as

Soon as the quests have left in confusion and they have both mentioned Macduff as the next centre of opposition, Macbeth tries to rest.

Lady Macbeth, however, is unable to sleep in peace. In the great scene at the beginning of Act she appears with a taper in her hand, walking in her sleep and reliving her experience and thoughts at the murder of Duncan. Again she speaks words of encouragement to her husband; she speaks her thoughts on the old man’s bluding, but mostly she thinks of the blood on her own hands which no water has been able to wash off:

Lay Macbeth:

Hare’s the smell of the blood still:

All the perfumes of Arabia will not sweeten this little hand. (V.I. 40)

Леди Макбет:

И рука все еще пахнет кровью. Никакие

ароматы Аравии не отобьют этого запаха

у этой маленькой ручки! (стр. 548) Макбет хоним:

Қўлимдан ҳали ҳам қон иси бурқсияптию