
Stylistic analysis of the part of the novel "Rebecca" by Daphne Du Maurier (стр. 2 из 3)

Прогулка в домик привратника, в руке корзинка с виноградом и персиками для его прихворнувшей престарелой матушки. Ее руки, протянутые ко мне: «Благослови вас Господь, мадам, вы так добры», — и я в ответ: «Присылайте к нам за всем, что вам может понадобиться». Миссис де Уинтер. Я видела полированный стол в столовой и высокие свечи. Максим во главе стола. Прием на двадцать четыре персоны. У меня в волосах роза. Все глядят на меня, подняв бокалы. «За здоровье новобрачной». А потом, после их отъезда, Максим: «Я еще никогда не видел тебя такой прелестной». Большие прохладные комнаты полны цветов. Моя спальня зимой, с горящим камином. Стук в дверь. Входит незнакомая женщина, она улыбается, это сестра Максима. «Просто удивительно, каким вы его сделали счастливым, все в таком восторге, вы имеете огромный успех!» — говорит она. Миссис де Уинтер. Я буду миссис де Уинтер...

— Эти дольки кислые, я бы не стал их есть, — сказал он, я уставилась на него — до меня с трудом дошел смысл его слов, — затем посмотрела на четвертушку мандарина, лежащую передо мной на тарелке. Она была жесткой и светлой. Он прав. Мандарин был очень кислый. Во рту у меня щипало и горчило, а я только сейчас это заметила.

It is meaningful to explain a situation, which had taken place up to this fragment. The main heroes, Maxim and the narrator, were having a breakfast. Maxim asked the narrator to marry him. By the way before that scene Maxim frequently told the narrator about his famous manor Manderley. And she recollected a long time ago, when she was just a child, she had bought a card with a photo of a manor and had fallen in love with this majestic house. It’s interesting that the novel opens not with the exposition. In the beginning of REBECCA we learn about the outcome, which will be described after in the form of the main heroine’s memoirs. So we have the composite device of ‘the story in the story’.

To begin the stylistic analysis we ought to mention that the narration is conducted from the first person that’s why the described events had subjective character. The author has a possibility not just to show some events, but also to open the internal world of the storyteller. It defines the specificity of the further reader's recognition.

Stylistic morphology. In the given part of the text we can find a few usages devices of the stylistic morphology. It is necessary to emphasize a transposition. It is the usage of a word-form in unusual context where it gets unusual meaning. Framed in transposition some abstract nouns can get meaning of an object: 'It's really wonderful how happy you have made him; everyone is so pleased, you are such a success'. In this example the abstract noun success is combined with a pronoun and so gets a tinge of an object.

Also there is a stylistic device of categories of time usage. In the given text fragment we have the narrator’s dreams about her future marriage. In the beginning her thoughts have grammatically correct construction, according to the sequence of tenses and the conditional modality: ‘I would be his wife, we would walk in the garden together, we would stroll down that path in the valley to the shingle beach’; ‘We would be in a crowd of people, and he would say’ But the heroine is so fascinated in a considering of the future, that her thoughts are becoming chaotic, incorrect from the angle of the grammar. In order to create an effect of a flow of consciousness the author uses participles (it will be described in my work later), and the forms of the present tense instead of the past tense: ‘And a woman comes in, smiling; she is Maxim's sister, and she is saying’ Du Maurier used this device for showing the described events more vividly, for providing the visual demonstration.

We can see there a lot of participles: ‘Going down to the lodge with a basket on my arm’; ‘Maxim sitting at the end’; ‘Someone knocking at the door’. Mainly such constructions are used not as a part of the sentence. They are used separately, turning into the incomplete sentences. The usage of participles is a stylistic device which helps to show a flow of consciousness. The functions of the usage of categories of tense and the usage of participles are similar. The usage of the participle forms as the basic element of the incomplete sentence helps to achieve the effect of the free ragged idea which has been not subordinated to rules of grammar, therefore so real and alive.

The other form of the stylistic morphology is the usage of the pronouns. During the novel we have not found out a name of the main heroine. The author almost all the time used for her description the various forms of pronouns: ‘I drummed with my fingers on the table’; ‘I'm being rather a brute to you’; ‘Oh, but she's simply charming, you must meet her’. More often Daphne used different variants of I, because the story goes from first person. Such stylistic device pursues simultaneously some purposes. With its help the author enters the reader in the thick of things, representing the unknown as already known. The usage of pronouns in such cases specifies intimacy, trusting intonation between the author and the reader, as though the reader is included in conversation and becomes listener and its direct participant. Also the given device can be used in order to create an internal monologue or flow of consciousness and it finds an expression in the analyzable fragment.

So in the given part of the text we have 4 examples of using the devices of the stylistic morphology.

Stylistic syntax. The style of any work as well as the style of the any author is substantially defined by the syntax. The syntactic organization of speech is one of the basic means of the literary art. There are a lot of devices of the stylistic syntax in the analyzable text fragment. Repetition – the stylistic device which serves to emphasize the state of the personage or character overcome by strong emotions. The author draws our attention to something. The repetitions are quite often met in REBECCA. In the given part of the text we meet the line ‘He wanted to show me Manderley...’ two times. Du Maurier accented the reader’s attention on that because the fact, that Maxim wanted to show the narrator his manor, is very important for the main heroine. From the childhood she was dreaming to see that wonderful house and now she could be an owner of it. And it is important that Maxim wanted to it her. His patrimonial manor is extremely significant for him. And the fact that he wanted to show Manderley her meant for the narrator that she is important for him. The line ‘Mrs de Winter. I would be Mrs de Winter’ is met three times. The narrator repeated that phrase for two reasons. On the one hand, the heroine could not believe that she would be Maxim’s wife and so she repeated it to herself. On the other hand, with every repetition she enjoyed the understanding that it all would happen with her. And thus she tried to get used that soon she would began to play a new role – she would a wife of the rich person of consequence instead of being the underpaid companion for the old lady. And besides the line ‘Mrs de Winter. I would be Mrs de Winter’ is so-called repetition in the repetition because this line illustrates the repetition itself but it also contains a repeated element Mrs de Winter:Mrs de Winter. I would be Mrs de Winter’. This element has the same function as well as all line, but owing to its double repetition we meet it in the text six times so the author six times accented reader’s attention on the dreams of the narrator about her future married life. The similar repeated element can be mentioned in the line: ‘People, always a throng of people’. But in the first example this element stronger, because it represents the nominative sentence by itself, it breaks one semantically homogeneous phrase on two parts.

Parenthetic sentences / parenthesis – is an explanatory or qualifying word, clause, or sentence inserted into a passage with which it has not necessarily any grammatical connection, and from which it is usually marked off by round or square brackets, dashes, or commas. In the given part of the text we have just one example of such construction: ‘My mind ran riot then, figures came before me and picture after picture – and all the while he ate his tangerine, giving me a piece now and then, and watching me’. In this example the author wanted to show the difference between the imagined and the real events with a help of the given stylistic device. Also parenthesis creates effect of a mockery. The parenthetic sentence emphasizes, that the heroine’s imagination withdraw her far from the reality, because she is a dreamer, filled with the youthful maximalism and superfluous haste. Also this way shows a difference between the naive dreamy young story-teller and experienced cynical Maxim de Winter. But even experienced Maxim was delighted with a lovely children's spontaneity of the narrator.

Parallelism is a balance of two or more similar words, phrases, or clauses. The application of parallelism in sentence construction improves writing style and readability. In fiction the basic function of parallelism is the amplification of the communicative and expressive importance of the statement There are a few examples of the parallel constructions: ‘we would walk in the garden together, we would stroll down that path in the valley to the shingle beach’ (parallel grammatical bases of the sentence); ‘I knew how I would stand on the steps after breakfast, looking at the day, throwing crumbs to the birds’(parallel participles); ‘Iconsidered my name, and the signature on cheques, to tradesmen, and in letters asking people to dinner’ (parallel objects); ‘I saw the polished table in the dining-room, and the long candles’ (parallel objects); ‘Great cool rooms, filled with flowers. My bedroom, with a fire in the winter…’ (parallel subjects in the nominative sentences).

Nominative sentences – are the sentences with an incomplete syntactic basis. In these sentences the main component expressed by a noun. Such sentences are distributed by the words with emotional connotation, they have laconic brevity and certain expressiveness: ‘Mrs de Winter’; ‘People, always a throng of people’; ‘My bedroom, with a fire in the winter’; ‘A party of twenty-four’. It is also often used in spoken language, so the author needs this device in describing an internal monologue or flow of consciousness.

Aposiopesis is a stylistic device by which the writer deliberately stops short and leaves something unexpressed, but yet obvious, to be supplied by the imagination, giving the impression that she is unwilling or unable to continue. It often portrays being overcome with passion (fear, anger, excitement) or modesty. The ellipsis is also used in the constructions with aposiopesis. There is an example in the offered fragment: ‘He wanted to show me Manderley...’ Daphne Du Maurier made break in the text because the story-teller of the novel was too exited to continue the narration therefore the pause was necessary for her to realize idea of the statement.

Ellipsis – is a figure of speech, the omission of a word or words required by strict grammatical rules but not by sense. The missing words are implied by the context. In the novel this reception is used rather frequently, because the story goes from the first person. This device is used to create an effect of the colloquial language, to represent an internal monologue or flow of consciousness, so to show such speech sphere, where the man does not need to be guided by rules of grammar in order to create the statement. Ellipsis may convey the emotional state of the narrator. ‘Why not come down to Manderley next week-end?’ – in this sentence a subject and an auxiliary verb are omitted.

Rhetorical question is a figure of speech in the form of a question posed for special effect rather than for the purpose of getting an answer. Such constructions we can find in the analyzable part of the text in the thoughts of the narrator ‘Was he still laughing at me, was it all a joke?’, and in the direct speech of Maxim ‘I'm being rather a brute to you, aren't I?’. These questions require no answer. The heroes set such question to themselves or assert obvious in the form of a question.

Stylistic semasiology. Metonymy refers to the use of a single characteristic to identify a more complex entity and is one of the basic characteristics of cognition. It is extremely common for people to take one well-understood or easy-to-perceive aspect of something and use that aspect to stand either for the thing as a whole or for some other aspect or part of it. It is based on the associations between two concepts: the object implied and object named. In the given fragment of REBECCA there is just one example of metonymy: ‘…and a violin playing a waltz in the distance’. Course, we understand that the violin can not play by itself that the musician plays on it. But Du Maurier transfer attributes of the man on the musical instrument, omitted man’s necessity, invested it with the ability to play independently.

Metaphor – is defined as a direct comparison between two or more seemingly unrelated subjects. More generally, a metaphor casts a first subject as being or equal to a second subject in some way. Thus, the first subject can be economically described because implicit and explicit attributes from the second subject are used to enhance the description of the first. With a help of such device few words, emotions and associations from one context are associated with objects and entities in a different context. In the analyzable part of the text we can see the metaphor: ‘This about me, a whisper on the fringe of a crowd…’ It is known, that there is no fringe at a crowd. Nevertheless we always can use phrases such as at the centre of a crowd. On logic if there is a centre so there is a fringe. Thus the author allocate concept crowd with characteristics of the concept city. And the author attribute to crowd an opportunity to have characteristic feature of city. The given metaphor makes the language of a narration more figurative and associative, so it becomes more stylistically decorated. The next metaphor is It was a premonition,a blank step into the future’. The metaphor a step into the future is settled that’s why some stylists do not allocate given expression as a metaphor at all. But there we also have an attribute blank, which makes this metaphor unique. It means the subconscious, unknown step into the future. This metaphor describes something indissolubly and imperceptibly which had connected the main heroine with her future, had given the prompting about what this future will be.

Oxymorons are a proper subset of the expressions called contradictions in terms. What distinguishes oxymorons from other paradoxes and contradictions is that they are used intentionally, for rhetorical effect, and the contradiction is only apparent, as the combination of terms provides a novel expression of some concept. In REBECCA’s fragment we have ‘violent love’. To describe such feeling as love the positive adjectives are used more often. In the given example the adjective with negative colouring is used thus it receives the meaning strong.