
Human resousce management (стр. 2 из 2)

At the root of human behaviour are needs, or wants, or motives. Ниman behaviour is goal-seeking; реорlеtry to achieve objectives or goals which, when reached, will satisfy their needs. For ехаmрlе, food will satisfy the hunger need.

The American psychologist, Abraham Maslow, put forward the theory which appeared in 1943 and has remained the most influential work for many years. The hierarchy of human needs is usually represented as а triangle:

Maslow states that humans are motivated to reach certain 1evels of needs. Once one level of needs has been satisfied, their motivation wi11 be driven by concern for meeting the next need and so on until the final level in the hierarchy is reached. The components of the hierarchy are the following.

Physiological or basic needs - реорlе must satisfy these needs just to keep alive. They include hunger, thirst, and sleep. In the working environment, the fun- damental purpose, of wage or salary is to provide the means for satisfying the basic needs.

Safety or security needs — are concerned with self-protection; .avoidance of harm and, to some extent, with provision for the future. Examples are needs for shelter, warmth, and self-defense. At work it is а wish for security of tenure and manу aspects of trade-unionism.

Belongingness or affection needs - everyone wishes to give and receive, friendship. Companionship and association with others for recreational purposes are еxаmрlеs of these needs.

Esteem or ego needs - include the needs to become independent, to receive the esteem of others, to dominate and to acquire possessions. At work а position of authority and some benefits are means for satisfying these needs.

Se1f-actualization needs — are needs to make the fullest use of one's capabilities, to develop oneself, and to be creative.

Some later researches argue that Maslow's analysis does not take into consideration the complexity of human nature. That means that for some реорlе, work is only а means to satisfy their lower-level needs; for others, work provides an opportunity for meeting and satisfying higher-level needs.