
Some problems of the russian spelling (стр. 2 из 2)

Orthographical assimilation of foreign words by the Russian system in the XVII century mainly occured on the basis of morphological and traditional principles. It would be evidence of the readiness for establishment of morphological principle as the fundamental in the Russian spellling in the XVII century.There was only one impediment in it. It was the presence of doublet letteres being chosen according to the tradition. The reform by Peter I abolished doublets and morphological principle took the leading place in the Russian orthography.

Negligible quantity of hyperical spellings in comparison with phonetic ones shows that the real composition of phonemes is the main factor determining the choice of letteres in the sound (phonetic) script.

Having considered the orthography of foreign words given in the business written language monument of the XVII century from the point of view of their correlation with the Russian orthographical system of that time I would like to remark the spelling of the borrowings from "Vesty-Kuranty. 1600-1639." does not demonstrate noticeable specificity. At any rate the orthographical assimilation of foreign words in the XVII century was according to common tendency of the Russian language orthographical system progress in that time.

Список литературы

Иванова В.Ф. Современная русская орфография. М., 1991. С. 79.

Осипов Б.И. История русской орфографии и пунктуации. Новосибирск, 1992. С. 12.