128.Translate into Russian: multiple argumentation
129.Translate into Russian: considering the fact
130.Translate into Russian: to outline facts
131.Translate into Russian: to justify the conclusion
132.Translate into Russian: masked argumentation
133.Complete the sentence:
A question stating a problem or a situation, the main question that should be answered in the course of your report is called _________________.
134.Complete the sentence:
The first stage of the research is called ________ ________.
135.Complete the sentence:
The main types of reports are _______, ________and ________.
136.Complete the sentence:
Gathering and interpretation of data, facts and figures are the most important activities in purely ________ ________.
137.Complete the sentence:
The definition of the problem should be stated in _____________.
138.Complete the sentence:
The components of a definition of a problem are:
139.Complete the sentence:
A diagram that, by means of its branches, indicates the relationships between pieces of information is ... .
140.Complete the sentence:
Paragraphing a text can be regarded as a part of... .
141.Answer the question:
How many principles of classification per joint should be used in a tree diagram?
142.Answer the question:
What is the classification based on time principle especially useful for?
143.Complete the sentence:
Every start of a new branch in a tree diagram is called ...
144.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: nevertheless -
145.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: that is why -
146.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: after this -
147.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: in brief -
148.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: for example -
149.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: provided -
150.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: so-
151.What type of relations between paragraphs do the following linking words express: besides -
152.Give a plain English equivalent: persons-
153.Give a plain English equivalent: interim (noun)
154.Give a plain English equivalent: pursuant to
155.Complete the sentence: The definition of the problem is a question ...
156.Complete the sentence: The structure of a report becomes visible in ...
157.Complete the sentence: In a policy making report you try to tell ...
158.Complete the sentence: A paragraph is ...
159.Complete the sentence: The foreword is used to ...
160.Complete the sentence: The table of contents offers the reader a possibility to ...
161.Complete the sentence: The table of contents reflects ...
162.Provide an official term with the following meaning: repay -
163.Provide an official term with the following meaning: need, have to, require -
164.Provide an official term with the following meaning: cut -
165.Provide an official term with the following meaning: carry out, do
166.Provide an official term with the following meaning: right -
167.Provide an official term with the following meaning: evidence, proof, support -
168.Provide an official term with the following meaning: set up, create, form -
169.Provide an official term with the following meaning: send, give -
170.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How has the American market for company software developed in the past ten years and how big is the market share of the ten most important manufacturers?
171.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How attractive is car leasing for the self-employed?
172.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What is the reason for the alarming increase of environmental pollution?
173.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What approach should governments adopt to decrease international terrorism?
174.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What has been the increase in the market share of foreign car dealers in Japan for the last 2 years?
175.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
Why has the number of drug addicts in the USA increased by 18% since 1997?
176.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
How effective is the new law, which was ratified by the Russian parliament more than 5 months ago in order to reduce corruption?
177.Below you will find a definition of the problem. Indicate whether it is descriptive, evaluative or policy-making. In the case of a descriptive definition of the problem also indicate the subtype.
What will be the share of Japanese products in the American market in the next 3 years?
178.Translate into English: определение проблемы
179.Translate into English: наблюдение за соблюдением законов
180.Translate into English: таможня
181.Translate into English: наконец
182.Translate into English: прямойпорядокслов
183.Translate into English: данноевыражение
184.Translate into Russian: accordingly
185.Translate into Russian: subsequently
186.Translate into Russian: correspondingly
187.Translate into Russian: similarly
188.Translate into Russian: as a result
189.Translate into Russian: basically
190.Translate into Russian: therefore
191.Give both the American and British spellings of the following Russian words: честь; вкус; литр; центр; телеграмма.
192.Define when the definite article the with the word «hospital» is used and not used in American and British English.
193.Define when the definite article the with the word «kindergarten» is used and not used in American and British English.
194.Define when the definite article the with the word «school» is used and not used in American and British English.
195.Define when the definite article the with the word «college» is used and not used in American and British English.
196.Define when the definite article the with the word «university» is used and not used in American and British English.
197.List the personal pronouns when the modal verb «will» is used in America.
198.The modal verb «shall» in England is used:
199.List the personal pronouns when the modal verb «will» is used in England.
200.Describe the difference in verb conjugation for plural group nouns in England and America.
201.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Обефутбольныекомандыиграютввысшейлиге 10 лет.
202.Give the equivalent to one centimeter in inches.
203.Give the equivalent to one mile in feet.
204.Give the equivalent to one gallon in pints.
205.Give the equivalent to one pint in cups.
206.Give the equivalent to one quart in gallons.
207.Give the equivalent to one pint in quarts.
208.Show the formula to translate Fahrenheit into Celsius.
209.Give the equivalent in American pounds to one British tonne.
210.Give the equivalent of one British stone in American pounds.
211.Translate the sentence into American English:
МыпровеливИталии 2 недели.
212.Translate the sentence into American English:
Она сказала, что познакомилась с ним в прошлом году.
213.Translate the sentence into American English:
214.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Ядумал, тынаконец-тоизбавилсяоттогоужасногосвитера.
215.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
216.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Онасообщила, чтособраниесостоитсязавтрав 5 часов.
217.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
218.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Скажитемне, сколькостудентоввэтойгруппе?
219.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
Онисказалимне, чтовстречанамеченанаследующуюсреду.
220.Give an American and a British translation to the Russian phrase:
221.List the British monetary coin units in order from least to most in monetary worth.
222.List the American monetary coin units in order from least to most in monetary worth.
223.List the American monetary coin units in order of size from smallest to largest in diameter.
224.Give the American equivalent to the British «quid.»
225.Give the British equivalent to the American «buck.»
226.Give the history of the slang phrase «buck» in America.
227.List the bank note (paper money) denominations used in the United States.
228.Explain how men’s pants, slacks, and jeans are measured in the United States.
229.Explain how men’s dress shirts and other shirts are measured in the United States.
230.Explain how men’s shoes and socks are measured in the United States.
231.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
232.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
233.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
234.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мамапошлаваптекузалекарством, котороетебепростонеобходимо.
235.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
236.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Еслинепоторопишься, мыопоздаемнаавтобус.
237.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Онапоказаланам, чтомыдлянееничегонезначим.
238.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
239.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Сестрапошланарынок, чтобыкупитькабачок.
240.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Такого не может быть, что в течение 3 часов я звонил на работу, было занято.
241.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Есликартошкинедостаточно, товозьмивкладовой.
242.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Наташа, помогибратунакрытьнастол.
243.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
244.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
245.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Ясчитаю, чтоЖеня, родившаясяврубашке, неможетизбежатьнеприятностей.
246.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Малышплачет. Мне кажется, что надо поменять ему подгузники.
247.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Яумираюотголода! Давай зайдем в закусочную.
248.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Перед тем, как подать на стол консервированные персики, удали из них косточки.
249.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Мнеоченьнравитсясельдь, приготовленнаясмайонезом.
250.Give the American and British equivalent to the Russian phrase:
Чтобыбыстроперекусить, можнорастворитькубикбульона.
251.List the questions that should be answered in the first two paragraphs in media English or newspaper articles.
252.Define sub-dialect.
253.Define sub-subdialect.
254.Explain why dialects occur.
255.Explain the influence(s) that Quebec has(have) on North American English.
256.List Canada’s dialects.
257.Describe the subdialect of the Appalachians in the United States.
258.Describe the subdialect of the Southern United States.
259.Describe the subdialect of Texas.
260.Describe the subdialect of the Rocky Mountain/West Coast area of the United States.
261.Describe the subdialect of Hawaii.
262.Give a synonym for the word «district» which is only used in New York City.
263.Describe the sub-subdialects of New York City.
264.Describe the sub-subdialect of Chicago.
265.Describe the sub-subdialect of Boston.
266.Describe the sub-subdialect of Washington, D.C.
267.Name the chief distinguishing feature which divides England into a North and South dialect.
268.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order: ...give me it.
269.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order: ...give it me.
270.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order: ...give it to me.
271.Name the area(s) in England where you may hear the following word order: ...give me.
272.Define «Scots language.»
273.Define the Scottish vowel-length rule.
274.Define the velar fricative which is used in Scotland.
275.Define the glottal stop which is used in Scotland.
276.In the Scottish dialect, give the plural for the following singular nouns: leaf, eye, knife, shoes.
277.Show the three forms (present, past, perfect tenses) of the following verbs in the Scottish dialect: to go, to hang, to laugh.
278.Describe auxiliary verb usage in the Scottish dialect.
279.List the languages that influence the Scottish dialect.
280.Translate the following sentence from the Shetland dialect into modern English: Da twa languages melled tagidder to mak da tongue we caa Shetlandic; diswis English-osed by da Kirk, da laacoorts an id skols.
281.Describe the history of the Welsh dialect of the English language.
282.Name the letter-sound that does not exist in the Welsh dialect of English.
283.Explain tag question usage in the Welsh dialect of English.
284.Describe the history of the Irish dialect of the English language.