
Правительство Соединенных Штатов (стр. 3 из 5)


The Department of Labor promotes the welfare of wage earn­ers in the United States, helps improve working conditions and fosters good relations between labor and management. It ad­ministers more than 130 federal labor laws through such agencies as the Occupational Safety and Health Administra­tion (OSHA), the Employment Standards Administration and the Mine Safety and Health Administration. Among its respon­sibilities are: guaranteeing workers' rights to safe and healthy working conditions; establishing minimum hourly wages and overtime pay; prohibiting employment discrimination; and providing for unemployment insurance and compensation for on-the-job injury. It also protects workers' pension rights, sponsors job training programs and helps workers find jobs. Its Bureau of Labor Statistics monitors and reports changes in employment, prices and other national economic measure­ments. For job seekers, the department makes special efforts to help older workers, youths, minorities, women and the handicapped.


The Department of State advises the president, who has over­all responsibility for formulating and executing the foreign pol­icy of the United States. The department assesses American overseas interests, makes recommendations on policy and fu­ture action, and takes necessary steps to carry out estab­lished policy. It maintains contacts and relations between the United States and foreign countries, advises the president on recognition of new foreign countries and governments, negoti­ates treaties and agreements with foreign nations, and speaks for the United States in the United Nations and in more than 50 other major international organizations. As-of 1988, the department supervised 141 embassies and 113 missions or consulates in foreign nations.


The Department of Transportation (DOT) was created in 1966 by consolidating land, sea and air transportation functions scattered thoughout eight separate departments and agen­cies. DOT establishes the nation's overall transportation poli­cy through nine operating units that encompass highway plan­ning, development and construction; urban mass transit; rail­roads; civilian aviation; and the safety of waterways, ports, highways, and oil and gas pipelines. For example, the Federal Aviation Administration operates more than 350 air traffic control facilities across the country; the Federal Highway Ad­ministration is responsible for the 68,000-kilometer inter­state highway system; the National Highway Traffic Safety Ad­ministration establishes safety and fuel economy standards for motor vehicles; and the Maritime Administration operates the U.S. merchant marine fleet. The U.S. Coast Guard, the na­tion's primary maritime law enforcement and licensing agen­cy, conducts search and rescue missions at sea, combats drug smuggling and works to prevent oil spills and ocean pollution.


The Department of the Treasury is responsible for serving the fiscal and monetary needs of the nation. The department per­forms four basic functions: formulating financial, tax and fis­cal policies; serving as financial agent for the U.S. govern­ment; providing specialized law enforcement services; and manufacturing coins and currency. The Treasury Department reports to Congress and the president on the financial condi­tion of the government and the national economy. It regulates the sale of alcohol, tobacco and firearms in interstate and for­eign commerce; supervises the printing of stamps for the U.S. Postal Service; operates the Secret Service, which protects the president, the vice president, their families, and visiting dignitaries and heads of state; suppresses counterfeiting of U.S. currency and securities; and administers the Customs Service, which regulates and taxes the flow of goods into the country. The department includes the Office of the Comptrol­ler of the Currency, the Treasury official who executes the laws governing the operation of approximately 4,600 banks; and the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), which administers tax laws—the source of most of the federal government's revenue.


The Department of Veterans Affairs, established as an independent agency in 1930 and elevated to Cabinet level in 1988, dispenses benefits and services to eligible veterans of U.S. military service and their dependents. The medicine and sur­gery department provides hospital and nursing home care, and outpatient medical and dental services through 172 medi­cal centers, 16 retirement homes, 228 clinics and 116 nursing homes in the United States, Puerto Rico and the Philippines. It also supports veterans under care in hospitals and nursing homes in 35 states. The veterans benefits department over­sees claims for disability, pensions, specially adapted housing and other services. This department also administers educa­tion programs for veterans, and provides housing credit assis­tance to eligible veterans and active-duty service personnel. The memorial affairs department administers the National Cemetery System, providing burial services, headstones and markers to eligible veterans and their spouses within special­ly designated cemeteries throughout the United States.


The executive departments are the major operating units of | the federal government, but there are many other agencies which have important responsibilities for keeping the govern­ment and the economy working smoothly. These are often called independent agencies, since they are not part of the ex­ecutive departments. The nature and purpose of these agen­cies vary widely. Some are regulatory groups, with powers to supervise certain sectors of the economy. Others provide spe­cial services, either to the government or to the people. In most cases, the agencies have been created by Congress to deal with matters that have become too complex for the scope of ordinary legislation. The Interstate Commerce Commission, for example, was established by Congress in 1887 to curb the growing power of the railroads. In recent years, however, a trend toward deregulation of the economy has altered the functions of many federal regulatory bodies. Among the most important independent agencies are the following:

actionis the principal federal agency for administering do­mestic volunteer service programs to meet basic human needs, and to support the self-help efforts of poor individuals and communities. Some of action's programs are Foster Grandparents, offering older Americans opportunities for close relationships with needy children; Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA), which provides volunteers to work in poor communities; and Student Community Service Projects, which encourages students to volunteer in their communities as part of their education.

central intelligence agency (cia)coordinates intelligence ac­tivities of certain government departments and agencies; col­lects, correlates and evaluates intelligence information relat­ing to national security; and makes recommendations to the National Security Council.

environmental protection agency (epa), founded in 1970, works with state and local governments throughout the United States to control and abate pollution in the air and water, and to deal with the problems of solid waste, pesticides, radiation and toxic substances. EPA sets and enforces standards for air and water quality, evaluates the impact of pesticides and chemical substances, and manages the so-called "Superfund" program for cleaning toxic waste sites.

the federal communications commissionlicenses the operation of radio and television stations and regulates interstate tele­phone and telegraph services. It sets rates for interstate com­munications services, assigns radio frequencies, and adminis­ters international communications treaties.

the federal reserve systemsupervises the private banking system of the United States. It regulates the volume of credit and money in circulation. The Federal Reserve performs many of the functions of central banks in other countries, such as is­suing paper currency; unlike central banks, however, it does not act as the depository of the country's gold reserve.

the federal trade commission guards against trade abuses and unfair business practices by conducting investigations and holding hearings on complaints.

the general accounting officeis an arm of the legislative branch that oversees expenditures by the executive branch. It is headed by the comptroller general of the United States. It settles or adjusts—independently of the executive depart­ments—all claims and demands by or against the federal gov­ernment, and all money accounts in which the government is concerned. It also checks the ledger accounts of all federal disbursement and collection officers to see that public funds have been paid out legally.

the general services administrationcontrols much of the physical property of the federal government. It is responsible for the purchase, supply, operation and maintenance of federal property, buildings and equipment, and for the sale of surplus items.

the interstate commerce commissionregulates the rates and practices in interstate commerce of all common carriers, such as railroads, buses, trucks, and shipping on inland water­ways. It supervises the issuance of stocks and bonds by com­mon carriers and enforces safety laws.

THE NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION (NASA), established in 1958 to run the U.S. space program, placed the first American satellites and astronauts in orbit, and launched the Apollo spacecraft that landed men on the moon in 1969. Today, NASA conducts research aboard Earth-orbiting satel­lites and interplanetary probes, explores new concepts in ad­vanced aerospace technology, and operates the U.S. fleet of manned space shuttles. In the 1990s, NASA will assemble, in space, the components for a permanent space station manned by international crews from the United States, Europe and Japan.

THE NATIONAL FOUNDATION ON THE ARTS AND THE HUMANITIES encourages the development of American arts, literature and scholarship, through grants to individuals, groups, institutions and state agencies.

the national labor relations boardadministers the principal U.S. labor law, the National Labor Relations Act. The Board is vested with the power to prevent or remedy unfair labor prac­tices and to safeguard employees' rights to organize and de­termine through elections whether to have unions as their bargaining representative.

the national science foundationwas created to strengthen ba­sic research and education in the sciences in the United States. It grants funds for research and education programs to universities and other institutions, and coordinates the sci­ence information activities of the federal government.

the office of national drug control policy, created in 1988 to raise the profile of the U.S. government's fight against illegal drugs, coordinates efforts of such agencies as the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, the Customs Service and the Coast Guard.

THE OFFICE OF PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT in 1979 assumed functions of the Civil Service Commission, which was created in 1883 to establish a merit system for government service and to eliminate politics from public appointments. The agency holds competitive examinations across the country to select qualified workers for over three million govern­ment posts. It also sponsors training programs to increase the effectiveness of government employees.

the peace corps, founded in 1961, trains volunteers to serve in foreign countries for two years. Peace Corps volunteers, now working in more than 60 nations, assist in agricultural-rural development, small business, health, natural re­sources conservation and education.

THE SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION was established to protect investors who buy stocks and bonds. Federal laws require companies that plan to raise money by selling their own secu­rities to file facts about their operations with the commission. The commission has powers to prevent or punish fraud in the sale of securities, and is authorized to regulate stock ex­changes.

the small business administration lends money to small busi­nesses, aids victims of floods and other natural disasters, and helps secure contracts for small businesses to supply goods and services to the federal government.

THE UNITED STATES AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT (USAID) carries out economic assistance programs designed to help the people in developing countries develop their human and economic resources, increase their productive capacities, and improve the quality of human life. The USAID administra­tor also serves as director of the U.S. International Develop­ment Cooperation Agency, which serves as the focal point for U.S. participation in such organizations as the UN Children's Fund (UNICEF), the Organization of American States (OAS) Technical Assistance Funds program, the World Bank Group, and along with the Department of Agriculture, the Food for Peace Program.

THE UNITED STATES ARMS CONTROL AND DISARMAMENT AGENCY is responsible for U.S. participation in international negotiations on arms limitation and disarmament. It represents the United States on international arms control commissions and sup­ports research on arms control and disarmament.

THE UNITED STATES INFORMATION AGENCY (USIA) seeks to promote better understanding of the United States in other countries through the dissemination abroad of information about the na­tion, its people, culture and policies. USIA also administers a number of two-way educational and cultural exchange pro­grams, such as the Fulbright Program, with foreign nations. It provides assistance to foreign press and television journalists covering the United States. The Agency also advises the presi­dent and the various departments of the government on for­eign opinion concerning U.S. policies and programs.

the united states postal serviceis operated by an autonomous public corporation that replaced the Post Office Department in 1971. The Postal Service is responsible for the collection, transportation and delivery of the mails, and for the operation of thousands of local post offices across the country. It also provides international mail service through the Universal Postal Union and other agreements with foreign countries. An independent Postal Rate Commission, also created in 1971, sets the rates for different classes of mail.



Article I of the Constitution grants all legislative powers of the federal government to a Congress divided into two cham­bers. a Senate and a House of Representatives. The Senate, the smaller of the two, is composed of two members for each state as provided by the Constitution, Membership in the House is based on population and its size is therefore not specified in the Constitution.

For more than 100 years after the adoption of the Consti­tution, senators were not elected by direct vote of the people but were chosen by state legislatures. Senators were looked on as representatives of their home states. Their duty was to ensure that their states were treated equally in all legislation. The 17th Amendment, adopted in 1913, provided for direct election of the Senate.

The delegates to the Constitutional Convention reasoned that if two separate groups—one representing state govern­ments and one representing the people—must both approve every proposed law, there would be little danger of Congress passing laws hurriedly or carelessly. One house could always check the other in the manner of the British Parliament. Pas­sage of the 17th Amendment did not substantially alter this balance of power between the two houses.

While there was intense debate in the Convention over the makeup and powers of Congress, many delegates believed that the legislative branch would be relatively unimportant. A few believed that the Congress would concern itself largely with external affairs, leaving domestic matters to state and lo­cal governments. These views were clearly wide of the mark. The Congress has proved to be exceedingly active, with broad powers and authority in all matters of national concern. While its strength vis-a-vis the executive branch has waxed and waned at different periods of American history, the Congress has never been impotent or a rubber stamp for presidential decisions.


The Constitution requires that U.S. senators must be at least 30 years of age, citizens of the United States for at least nine years, and residents of the states from which they are elected. Members of the House of Representatives must be at least 25, citizens for seven years, and residents of the states which send them to Congress. The states may set ad­ditional requirements for election to Congress, but the Con­stitution gives each house the power to determine the quali­fications of its members.