
Beruniy’s Theory of Shadows (стр. 3 из 3)

formulas, here


The formulas (3), (4), (5) are formulas of measuring the distance from the Earth to the celestial bodies the Moon and the Sun and their size. Unfortunately in practice when we use rudimentary equipment for measurement and as the Moon and the Sun are too far from us, the vales

or the angles
are almost equal to each other, and the denominators of the fractions in the formula are also almost equal to 0. Therefore, during Beruniy’s period there was no possibility to use the formulas in measuring the astronomical objects. Beruniy wrote in details about the attempts in measuring the astronomical objects, about vagueness and confusion in the measurement, and although he offered theoretically simple and easy formulas for such measurements, he didn’t introduce any definite figures concerning the measurements of the Moon and the Sun.

But we can use the formulas suggested by Beruniy to measure the height of unapproachable objects from the surface of the Earth, which are far from us, also to measure the distance up to them. It would be just to call these formulas the formulas of Beruniy and to connect his theory of gnomon (shadows) with his name.

*The modern scientist established that 1 mil = 4000 gaz = 1973,2 meters (see, Hints “Muscleman Measurements)

[*]Above mentioned

quantities are distances, which can be measured being on the Earth.