
Изобретание, проектирование, разработка и сопровождение) Том Интеллектуальные системы (Системы решения проблем)  Альберт Александрович Красилов (стр. 84 из 85)

abacus abbreviation abnormal termination
absolute term abstract abstracting
abstract abstract entity abstraction
abstract machine abstract object accept statement
access access method access time
access to resources support access type access value
account accumulation information accumulator
acquisition action active window
actual parameter adaptation adapter
adaptive algorithm addition address
addressing addressness address of Internet
adequacy aggregatation aggregate
aim alarm alarm clock
algebraic expression algebraic operation algebraic inference engine
algorithm algorithm design algorithmic analysis
algorithmic knowledge algorithmic language algorithmic problem
algorithmic programming algorithmic support algorithmizing
algorithm schema algorithm synthesis problem allocation
alphabet alphabetic catalog alphabetic code
alphabetic coding alphanumeric keyboards alphanumeric printer
alternative alternatives of joint facts amendment
amount of information anagram analiticist
analog analog computer analogy
analyser analysis analysis scenes
analytical expression analytical manipulation analytical solution
anonymous type answer a posteriori
appearance application axiom application program package
approximate calculations programming approximation a priori
aquisition of knowledge arabian number archives
argument arithmetic arity
array array passport array type
article artifact artifical intelligence
aspectual entity assemblage assembler
assembler language assertion assignment
assignment statement association associative memory
asynchronous computer attribute auditor
author authorization author right
autocode autoinformator automata
automation automated automatic
automatic checkout system automatic coding automatic communication
automatic information-search system automatic machine automatic programming
automatic translation automation automatized control system
automatic data processing automatized instruction system automatized scientific research
automatized working station automonitor autonomy system
availability axiom axiomatic definition
axiomatic method axiom schema back tracking
backup backward link base operation
baud billion binary code
binary relation binary search binary tree
binding bit black box
block diagram blocking blocking designing
blocking programming block statement body
book booklet box
brackets brainstorming branch
break buffer buffer storage
bulletin byte cache-memory
calculator calculus calculus mathematics
calculus of utterances call call entry statement
call procedure statement capability capacity
capacity for work carrier case statement
case study catanation categorization
cataloging catalogue certificate
certification of knowledge chained variable channel
character characteristic check an accesories
checking an accesories of value to ensemble checking correctness of writing a program checkment (of knowledge)
checkpoint Cherch thesis chip
cipher class class of error
clock cluster analysis code
code generator coder code sign
code statement coding cognition
collection collectional programming command
comment communication compatibility
compilation program compilation unit compilator
complex complexity complex type
component composition compound
comprehension of knowledge compression computer
computer-added design CAD computer apparatus computer architecture
computer center computer center network computer graphics
computerization copmputer literacy computing experiment
computing geometry computing machinery computing model
computing network computing process computing system
concatenation concept concept synthesis problem
conceptual error conceptual knowledge conceptual language
conceptual model conceptual programming conceptual support
concrete entity concretization condition
conditional statement conduct an modula library conduct an program proect
configuration confirmationment (of knowledge) conjunction
connection consciousness constant
constraint consulting system context
control control total control transfer
conventions converter convolution
coprocessor copy copying
correspondence cost count
counter creative work criterion
cross cross-compilator cryptography
cursor curve plotter cybernetical knowledge
cybernetics cycle data administrator
data bank data base data base administrator
data base attestation data base control system data base design
data base library data description language data element
data field data model data processing
data programming data protection data shop
data structure debugger decimal numeration system
decision table declaration declarative division
decoder decoding decompiling
decomposition decoverring deduction
deduction conclusion deduction system default
default principle definition delimiter
demand denotion derived type
descriptor design design language
design mode develop development
develop programming device diacritical sign
diagnosis diagnostics diagram
diagram of dataflow dialog dialogue mode
dialogue program dialogue system dictionary
digit dimension dinamic
dinamical logic dinamical object direct access
directions direct knowledge discret
discrete mathematics discretement discrete type
discussion display disjunction
dispatcher distribution dit
document documentation do loop
domain do statement division
driver dual Boolean operation dump
echo ecology of knowledge economic support
editing editor education
effect efficiency electronic computing {calculating} machine
electronization element elementary conjunction
elementary disjunction elimination of operation E-mail
empirical emptily literal emulation
emulator encapsulation enciphering
encirclement end-to-end computer aided design engineering
engineer programming engineer psychology enhancement
entitling entity entity sort
entity volume entropy enumeration literal
enumeration type environment equivalence
erasing error ethic
evaluation event event modeling
evident (implicit) transformation of value of type example exception
exception handler exception handler division exception situation
excitation statement exclusive situation exit statement
execution expanded name experience
experiment expert expert system
explanation exposition expression
extended name postfix extension extent
extrapolating extreme problem extremum
facility fact factografy
factual knowledge fallback family
fault fault (program) figure
file file-cabinet file control
file system filter filtering
finite fuzzy logic fixed point type flexible CAM
flip-flop float point floatting point type
flop floppy disk flops
following font form
formal grammar formalization formal language
formal parameter formal parameter specification format
formation format language formatting
form name reduction form of control with intermediate check form result
formulas formulas error fragment
frame frequency full solution
function functional mashine functional model
functional programming function graph function passport
fund fuzzy (-set) logic game
garbage generalization generation grammar
generation of computer generator generic unit
genetic definition geometric design geometric solution
gigabyte gipertext global contradiction
global object go to statement graph
grammar grammar analysis grammar control
grammar parser graph grapheme
graphic computation graphic editor graphic information
graphic knowledge graphic scene graphical solution
hammock hacker hartley
hardware hash function hashing
hazard help heuristic
heuristic programming heuristics hidance
hidden data, operations and control hierarchical categorization hierarchy
hieroglyphic hindrance histogram
holding homograph homonym
hypothesis ideal model identication operation
identification identifier ideogram
idiom illusory illustration
image implantment implementation
inaccuracy incomplete description incremental development
indentation independence of knowledge index
indexing indexing component indication
indicator induction induction system
inequality inference inference engine
inference rule infinity informatical logic
informaticist informatics information
information assuranse information blast information crisis
information economics information facility of state information field
information flow information infrastructure information model
information organ information processing information production
information protection information resorce information scheme
information search problem information society information support
information system information technology information unit
information value information want informing
initialization input input language
insolubility installation instance
instruction instructions integer literal
integer type integration of science integrator
integrity intellectual data base intellectual data model
intellectual interface intellectual programming intellectual programming tools
intellectual property intellectual support intellectual system
intellectual system generation intellectual system level intellectual system library
intellectual system tuning intellectual system type intellectual terminal
intellectualizing of computer intellectual tools intelligence
Intelsys interactive grafics interactive language
interface interfacing with high-level languages interfacing with low-level languages
interpretation interpretator interpretating system
interruption interruption statement interview
intuition intuitionistal logic intuitive knowledge
investigation invention inventivement
invariant job job control language
joy stick judgement kernel
kernel language key keyboard
keyword kilo.. kilobyte
knowledge knowledge algorithmic debugging knowledge attestation
knowledge base knowledge base administrator knowledge base attestation
knowledge base control system knowledge base design knowledge base library
knowledge-based system knowledge conceptual debugging knowledge debugging
knowledge declaration knowledge definition knowledge division
knowledge element knowledge engineering knowledge fullness
knowledge generalization knowledge logical debugging knowledge mode
knowledge pragmatical debugging knowledge processing knowledge protection
knowledger knowledge representation knowledge representation language
knowledge section knowledge semantic debugging knowledge sense debugging
knowledge specification knowledge system debugging testing
knowledge verification label labour production increasing
layer language language convertor
language graph language processor law
legibility legislation of data protection Leibniz language
leisure informatics lemma length of word
letter level lexical analysis
lexical element lexicographic order lexicon
library library of dictionary library of symbol
library part life computer light pen
limited type link link editor
line linguisemiothical knowledge linguistical processor
linguistical support linguistic error linguistic programming
linguistics list listing
literal load loader
local computing network local contradiction lockout
logic logical computor logic algebra
logical equation logical expression local object
logical processor logical programming logical record
logical type logic inferance per second loop
loop parameter machine independence support machine language
machine oriented language machine translation machine word
main programer team maitenance macro
macroassembler macrocall macrogenerator
macrolevel macroorder macroprogramming
macroskeleton mailbox maintainability
maintenance maintenancement (knowledge) manual
marker Markov algorithm Markov thesis
mask mass service system machine
man factor matching mathematical induction
mathematical linguistics mathematical logic mathematical machine
mathematical model mathematical modeling mathematical signs
mathematical support measuring media
medium megaflop megs
memory memory mapping menu
menu language message meta
metaconsciousness metadata metaentity
metaknowledge metalanguage metamathematics
metaprogram metarule metasymbol
metathiory metautterance method
method of analogies method of brainstorming method of focal objects
method of gilding section method of limiting borders method of morphological tables
method of overhand-downwards method of programming production raising method of reduce-upwards
method of questioning method of shaping a new knowledge method of studies
method of technical syntheses methodology microcomputer
microprocessor microprogram microprogramming
million instruction per second misinforming mixed calculations
mnemonic code mnemonics mode
model model number modularity
modular programming module monograph
morpheme motivation mouse
multiple-valued logic multiplication multiprocessing
multiprogramming multisequencing multisysnem
name naming matching natural language
natural language semantic grammar natural language syntax grammar natural number
nesting new knowledge newspaper
nomogram nomography noncontradiction knowledge
noise normal algorithm notation
notice-board notion null
null literal null statement number
number literal number passport number type
numerical solution numeric sequence object
object area division object error object life loop
object-oriented programming object scope observation
obvious programming occurance offer
official word operand operating system
operation operator operatoral programming
opinion optimizer order
organization support output output language
overloading pace package
package body package declaration package specification
page paperless informatics paradigm
paradox paralleling parallel processing
parallel programming parameter parameter transfer
parental type parentheses parentheses-free record
parsing part pass
password patching pathway
pattern pattern recognation pedagogy
pencil (light) performance peripherel equipment
perpose personal computer pertinency
phase phrase physical effect
physical record pick-off pictograph
picture picture processing piece
planning of experiment plan synthesis problem pointer
pool position positional matching
Post machine postprocessor postulate
power practicability pragma
pragmatical error pragmatics precedence
precision predicate prediction
predictor-corrector method preexecution prefix
preprocessor primitive principle
printing printer priority
privacy private type probabilistic automaton
problem problem area division problem scope
problem solving problem-oriented language problem programming
procedure procedural language procedural programming
process processing processing the observations
processor product production
production rule proffesional prose language program
program attestation program carrying and reuse support program debugging
program generator program library program efficiency support
program design programme document programme product
programmer programming programming an astronomical time
programming efficiency programming a real scale of time programming language
programming language encirclement programming methodology programming overhand-downwards
programming reduce-upwards programming system programming style
programming textbook programming the consequent calculations programming the temporary diagrams
programme module program monitor program optimization
program overload program production program proect control
program reliability support program reuse program specification
program synthesis program testing program theory
program unit project Prolog
prolog system proof proof programming
property proposal proposition
protocol prototype provision support
pseudo.. pseudocode pseudorandom number
publication punch card qualified expression
qualifier quality quantifier
quantum guard query
question question-naire queue
quotient raise to degree, involution randezvous
randomization random number random number allocator
random-number generator range rank
ranking raster rate
rating ratio rationalization
read reading real literal
real time real time processing system real-time system
real type reenterability receipt
recognition grammar recognition system recognizer
record recording record passport
record type recurrence correlation recursion
recursive data programming recursiveness recursive programming
recursive subroutine reduction redundancy
reference reflection register
regression regularity regulations
relation relational data base relation operation
reliability reliability programming support remember device
renaming declaration replication report generator
representation request request division
research research revolution reserved word
reset resolution resource
response time result resultativility
return return statement revealing the exceptions
robot robotics robustness
Roman numerals route scalar type
scale division scaling scan
scanner scanning schema
scientific creativation scientific fact scientific knowledge
scientific information scientific principle scientific result
scientific revolution scope of action screen board {desk}
script scrolling search information system
searching sampling section
sectioning security segment
segmentation selected component selection statement
selector selfadapting selfchecking
selfdiagnosis selforganizing semaphore
semantic error semantic knowledge semantic network
semantics semiotics seniority
sense sense error sense of picture
sensor sentence sentinel
separator serial access serial data passport
serial input-output serial processing sertificationment (knowledge)
service service discipline session
set set data programming set passport
seven-level link shaping the new intellectual systems Sheffer touch
shennon side effect sign
signal signify digit sign system
siliceous compiler simple knowledge simple name
simulation simulation system simulator
situation skip slang
slash slicing slot
software software design solution
solution space sorting source data
source of knowledges space graphic specification
specifier speech input-output speech recognation
spelling check spreadsheet sprite
stability stack stage
standard standardization standby
state statement statement division
static expression static object station
statistical modeling status status pavement
steps to formalizations stereotype stochastic process
storage storage allocation strategy
string string literal string passport
string type structure structure and system synthesis problem
structured programming structure model structuring
stub study subcomponent
subconstant subject subjectal programming
subject solution subject variable submodule
subprogram subprogram body subprogram declaration
subscriber substation of operation subtype
subtraction suggestion supervisor
supplier information support support of reading (of program)
surplus information swapping switch
symbol symbolic calculus symbolic type
symbol literal synchronization synonym
synonymic programming syntax syntax analysis
syntax error synthesis system
system analysis system approach systematization
system design system deskside system division
system error system language system programming
table table passport tabulations
tacit transformation tact tactics
tag target task
task body task declaration task object
task specification task type tautology
taxonomic scheme teaching teaching machine
technical offer technical task technological route
technology teleconference telecontrol
telematique teleprocessing teletex
teletext teletype telex
template tempo terminal
termination statement terminology term
termod termop term symbol
test testing text
text recognation theoretical knowledge theory
thesaurus thinking thought
thrue table timing time
timer time-of-day clock time-sharing operating system
timetable title tool control program
tools tools pavement topology
trace trackball traffic
traduction transaction transformation rule
transient error transition translation
translation unit translator transliteration
transparent transparent box transparent data
transputer tree trigger
true truth condition problem search truth proofing problem
tuple turbo Turing machine
Turing thesis type type conversion
type operation unary operation unicode
unification unit unit entity
universal algorithm user user division
using the knowledges utility validation
value variable verity of knowledges
versatility vitality vector
verification version video disc
videotex videotext virtual
virtual machine virus visibility (entity)
von Neuman computer well-behaved problem window
window menu word word-building
work cell wrench writing system