
Система разрешения споров вто: создание и развитие, общесистемные черты, институциональные основы (стр. 5 из 9)

17. L/5718, Dispute Settlement Procedures, dated 31 October, 1984.

18. L5718/Rev.1, Dispute Settlement Procedures – Revision, dated 19 November, 1984.

19. L/5752, GATT Dispute Settlement Procedures, dated 20 December, 1984.

20. L/6489, Decision on Improvements to the GATT Dispute Settlement Rules and Procedures, dated 12 April, 1989 // BISD 36S/61.

21. MTN.GNG/NG13/W/20 Note by the Secretariat on Concept, Forms and Effects of Arbitration, dated 22 February, 1988.

22. WT/DSB/M/42, Minutes of Meeting held on 13 February, 1998.

23. WT/DSB/M/44, Minutes of Meeting held on 25 March, 1998.

24. WT/DSB/M/46, Minutes of Meeting held on 22 June, 1998.

25. WT/DSB/M/47, Minutes of Meeting held on 23 July, 1998.

26. WT/GC/M/32 Minutes of Meeting held on 8-11, 18 December, 1998.

27. WT/GD/M/60, General Council Minutes of Meeting held on 22 November, 2000.

28. WT/MIN(01)/DEC/1, Ministerial Declaration, dated 14 November, 2001.

29. WT/MIN(05)/DEC, Ministerial Declaration, dated 22 December, 2005.

30. WT/AB/WP/7, Working Procedures for Appellate Review, dated 1 May, 2003.

31. WT/DSB/RC/1, Rules of Conduct for the Understanding on Rules and Procedures Governing the Settlement of Disputes, dated 11 December, 1996.

32. WTO Annual Report 1998. Geneve: WTO Publications, 1998.

33. WT/DSB/42/Add.1, Dispute Settlement Body – Annual Report 2006. Addendum, dated 4 December, 2006.

34. EC № 3286/04, Council Regulation, dated 22 December, 1994.

35. U.N. Doc. A/56/10 (2001), Text of the Draft Articles with Commentaries // Report of the International Law Commission, Fifty-Third Session, U.N. GAOR, 56th Sess., Supp. No. 10. – Р. 59-365.

36. Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice // Series A. – 1928. – № 17. – P. 47.

37. Publications of the Permanent Court of International Justice // Series A. – 1929. – № 8, 4. – P. 21.

Документы Специальной сессии Органа по разрешению споров

38. TN/DS/1, Report by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee, 23 April, 2002.

39. TN/DS/9, Report by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee, 6 June, 2003.

40. TN/DS/10, Report by the Chairman to the Trade Negotiations Committee, 24 June, 2004.

41. TN/DS/M/1, Minutes of Meetings held on 16 April, 2002, circulated 12 June, 2002.

42. TN/DS/M/2, Minutes of Meetings held on 21 May, 2002, circulated 3 July, 2002.

43. TN/DS/M/3, Minutes of Meetings held on 15 July, 2002, circulated 9 September, 2002.

44. TN/DS/M/4, Minutes of Meetings held on 10 September, 2002, circulated 6 November, 2002.

45. TN/DS/M/5, Minutes of Meetings held on 14 October, 2002, circulated 27 February, 2003.

46. TN/DS/M/6, Minutes of Meetings held on 13-15 November, 2002, circulated 31 March, 2003.

47. TN/DS/M/7, Minutes of Meetings held on 16-18 December, 2002, circulated 26 June, 2003.

48. TN/DS/M/10, Minutes of Meetings held on 10-11March, 2003, circulated 14 August, 2003.

49. TN/DS/M/11, Minutes of Meetings held on 10–11 April, 2003, circulated 13 November, 2003.

50. TN/DS/M/12, Minutes of Meetings held on 20-21 and 23 May, 2003, circulated 19 January, 2004.

51. TN/DS/M/14, Minutes of Meetings held on 13-14 November, 2003, circulated 20 April, 2004.

52. TN/DS/M/15, Minutes of Meetings held on 26-27 January, 2004, circulated 4 June, 2004.

53. TN/DS/W/1, Contribution of the EC and its Member States to the Improvement of the WTO DSU: Communication from the EC, circulated 13 March, 2002.

54. TN/DS/W/2, Proposal to Review Article 17.1 of the DSU: Communication from Thailand, circulated 20 March, 2003.

55. TN/DS/W/5, India’s Questions to the EC and its Member States on Their Proposal Relating to Improvement of the DSU: Communication from India, circulated 7 May, 2002.

56. TN/DS/W/7, The EC’ Replies to India’s Questions: Communication from the EC, circulated 30 May, 2002.

57. TN/DS/W/9, Contribution of Ecuador to the Improvement of the DSU: Communication from Ecuador, circulated 8 July, 2002.

58. TN/DS/W/12/Rev.1, Proposal by Costa-Rica – Third Party Rights: Communication from Costa-Rica. Revision, circulated 6 March, 2003.

59. TN/DS/W/13, Contribution by the United States to the Improvement of the DSU Related to Transparency, circulated 22 August, 2002.

60. TN/DS/W/15, Negotiations on the DSU: Proposal by the African Group, circulated 25 September, 2002.

61. TN/DS/W/16, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Communication from Paraguay, circulated 25 September, 2002.

62. TN/DS/W/17, Negotiations on the DSU: Proposal by the LDC Group, circulated 9 October, 2002.

63. TN/DS/W/18, Negotiations on the DSU: Proposal on DSU by Cuba, Honduras, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, circulated 7 October, 2002.

64. TN/DS/W/18/Add.1, Negotiations on the DSU: Proposal on DSU by Cuba, Honduras, India, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, circulated 9 October, 2002.

65. TN/DS/W/19, Negotiations on the DSU. Special and Differential Treatment for Developing Countries: Proposal on DSU by Cuba, Honduras, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Zimbabwe, circulated 9 October, 2002.

66. TN/DS/W/21, Contribution by Jamaica to the Doha Mandated Review of the DSU: Communication from Jamaica, circulated 10 October, 2002.

67. TN/DS/W/21/Corr.1, Contribution by Jamaica to the Doha Mandated Review of the DSU: Communication from Jamaica. Corrigendum, circulated 18 October, 2002.

68. TN/DS/W/22, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Proposal by Japan, circulated 28 October, 2002.

69. TN/DS/W/23, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Proposal by Mexico, circulated 4 November, 2002.

70. TN/DS/W/25, Contribution by the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu to the Doha Mandated Review of the DSU, circulated 27 November, 2002.

71. TN/DS/W/28, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU on Improving Flexibility and Member Control in WTO Dispute Settlement: Contribution by Chile and United States, circulated 23 December, 2002.

72. TN/DS/W/30, Proposal to Review Article 17.1 of the DSU: Communication from Thailand, circulated 22 January, 2003.

73. TN/DS/W/31, Contribution to Clarify and Improve the DSU: Communication from Thailand, circulated 22 January, 2003.

74. TN/DS/W/32, Amendment of the DSU: Proposal by Japan, circulated 22 January, 2003.

75. TN/DS/W/33, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Proposal by Ecuador, circulated 23 January, 2003.

76. TN/DS/W/35, Contribution of the Republic of Korea to the Improvement of the DSU, circulated 22 January, 2003.

77. TN/DS/W/36, Contribution by the Separate Customs Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, Kinmen, and Matsu to the Doha Mandated Review of the DSU, circulated 22 January, 2003.

78. TN/DS/W/37, Text for LDC Proposal on DSU Negotiations: Communication from Haiti, circulated 22 January, 2003.

79. TN/DS/W/38, Contribution of the EC and its Member States to the Improvement of the WTO DSU: Communication from the EC, circulated 23 January, 2003.

80. TN/DS/W/40, Amendments to the DSU Proposed by Mexico: Communication from Mexico, circulated 27 January, 2003.

81. TN/DS/W/41, Contribution of Canada to the Improvement of the WTO DSU: Communication from Canada, circulated 24 January, 2003.

82. TN/DS/W/42, Text for the African Group Proposals in DSU Negotiations: Communication from Kenya, circulated 24 January, 2003.

83. TN/DS/W/43, Jordan’s Contribution towards the Improvement and Clarification of the DSU: Communication from Jordan, circulated 28 January, 2003.

84. TN/DS/W/44/ Rev.1, Contribution by Jamaica to the Doha Mandated Review of the DSU: Communication from Jamaica. Revision, circulated 14 February, 2003.

85. TN/DS/W/45/ Rev.1, Contribution of Brazil to the Improvement of the WTO DSU: Communication from Brazil. Revision, circulated 4 March, 2003.

86. TN/DS/W/46, Further Contribution by the United States to the Improvement of the DSU Related to Transparency, circulated 11 February, 2003.

87. TN/DS/W/47, DSU Proposals: Legal Text; Communication from India on behalf of Cuba, Dominican Republic, Egypt, Honduras, Jamaica, and Malaysia, circulated 11 February, 2003.

88. TN/DS/W/49, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Communication from Australia, circulated 17 February, 2003.

89. TN/DS/W/51/ Rev.1, Specific Amendments to the DSU – Drafting Inputs from China: Communication from China. Revision, circulated 13 March, 2003.

90. TN/DS/W/52, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU on Improving Flexibility and Member Control in WTO Dispute Settlement: Textual Contribution by Chile and United States, circulated 14 March, 2003.

91. TN/DS/W/53, Jordan’s Further Contribution towards the Improvement and Clarification of the DSU: Communication from Jordan, circulated 21 March, 2003.

92. TN/DS/W/56, Jordan’s Further Contribution towards the Improvement and Clarification of the DSU: Communication from Jordan, circulated 19 May, 2003.

93. TN/DS/W/60, Contribution from Thailand (Related to Article 17.1 of the DSU): Communication from Thailand, circulated 8 December, 2003.

94. TN/DS/W/74, Contribution by the United States, circulated 15 March, 2005.

95. TN/DS/W/79, Contribution by the United States on Some Practical Considerations in Improving of the DSU, Related to Transparency and Open Meetings, circulated 13 July, 2005.

96. TN/DS/W/82, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Further Contribution of the United States on Improving Flexibility and Member Control in WTO Dispute Settlement, circulated 24 October, 2005.

97. TN/DS/W/82/Add.1, Negotiations on Improvements and Clarifications of the DSU: Further Contribution of the United States on Improving Flexibility and Member Control in WTO Dispute Settlement. Addendum, circulated 25 October, 2005.

98. TN/DS/W/86, Further Contribution by the United States to the Improvement of the DSU Related to Transparency: Revised Legal Drafting, circulated 21 April, 2006.

Документы из практики рассмотрения споров ГАТТ

99. ADP/47, US – Imposition of Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Seamless Stainless Steel Hollow Products from Sweden – GATT Panel Report, 20 August 1990, unadopted.

100. ADP/82, US – Anti-Dumping Duties on Gray Portland Cement and Cement Clinker from Mexico – GATT Panel Report, 7 September 1992, unadopted.

101. ADP/117 and Corr.1, US – Anti-Dumping Duties on Imports of Stainless Steel Plate from Sweden – GATT Panel Report, 24 February 1994, unadopted.

102. ADP/136, EC – Anti-Dumping Duties on Audio Tapes in Cassettes Originating in Japan – GATT Panel Report, 28 April 1995, unadopted.

103. DS7/R, US – Countervailing Duties on Fresh, Chilled and Frozen Pork from Canada – GATT Panel Report, adopted 11 July 1991 // BISD 38S/30.

104. GATT/CP.4/39, The Australian Subsidy on Ammonium Sulphate – Working Party Report, adopted 3 April 1950 // BISD II/188.

105. GPR.DS2/R, Panel on Norwegian Procurement of Toll Collection Equipment for the City of Trondheim – GATT Panel Report, adopted 13 May 1992 // BISD 40S/319.

106. L/61, Netherlands Action under Article XXIII:2 to Suspend Obligations to the United States – Working Party Report, adopted 8 November 1952 // BISD 1S/62.

107. L/1923, Uruguayan Recourse to Article XXIII – GATT Panel Report, adopted 16 November 1962 // BISD 11S/95.

108. L/5814, New Zealand – Imports of Electrical Transformers from Finland – GATT Panel Report, adopted 18 July 1985 // BISD 32S/55.

109. L/6175, US – Taxes on Petroleum and Certain Imported Substances – GATT Panel Report, adopted 17 June 1987 // BISD 34S/136.

110. L/6627, EEC – Payments and Subsidies Paid to Processors and Producers of Oilseeds and Related Animal-Feed Proteins – GATT Panel Report, adopted 25 January 1990 // BISD 37S/86.

111. SCM/85, Canada – Imposition of Countervailing Duties on Imports of Manufacturing Beef from the EEC – GATT Panel Report, 13 October 1987, unadopted.

112. SCM/162, US – Measures Affecting Imports of Softwood Lumber from Canada – GATT Panel Report, adopted 27 October 1993 // BISD 40S/358.

Документы из практики рассмотрения споров ВТО

113. WT/DS2/10, USStandards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline – Status Report by the United States, circulated 10 January, 1997.

114. WT/DS2/10 Adds. 1-7, US - Standards for Reformulated and Conventional Gasoline – Status Report by the United Stated (Addendum), circulated February-August, 1997.

115. WT/DS8/15, WT/DS10/15, WT/DS11/13, Japan – Taxes on Alcoholic Beverages, Arbitration under Article 12.3(c) of the DSU – Award of the Arbitrator, circulated 14 February, 1997.

116. WT/DS18, Australia – Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon – Request for Consultations, circulated 11 October, 1995.

117. WT/DS18/9, Australia – Measures Affecting Importation of Salmon, Arbitration under Article 12.3(c) of the DSU – Award of the Arbitrator, circulated 23 February, 1999.

118. WT/DS22/AB/R, Brazil – Measures Affecting Desiccated Coconut – Report of the Appellate Body, circulated 21 February, 1997.

119. WT/DS24/R, US – Restriction on Imports of Cotton and Man-Made Fibre Underwear – Report of the Panel, circulated 8 November, 1996.

120. WT/DS/26, EC – Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) – Request for Consultations, circulated 31 January, 1996.

121. WT/DS26/AB/R, EC Measures Affecting Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) – Report of the Appellate Body, circulated 16 January, 1998.

122. WT/DS26/15, WT/DS48/13, EC – Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Arbitration under Article 12.3(c) of the DSU – Award of the Arbitrator, circulated 29 May, 1998.

123. WT/DS26/17, WT/DS48/15, EC – Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) – Status Report by the EC, circulated 14 January, 1999.

124. WT/DS26/17 Add.1-3, WT/DS48/15 Add.1-3, EC – Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) – Status Report by the EC, circulated 5 February, 9 March, and 16 April, 1999.

125. WT/DS26/17 Add.4, WT/DS48/15 Add.4, EC – Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones) – Status Report by the EC, circulated 11 May, 1999.

126. WT/DS26/ARB, EC – Measures Concerning Meat and Meat Products (Hormones), Recourse to Arbitration by the EC under Article 22.6 of the DSU – Decision by the Arbitrators, circulated 12 July, 1999.

127. WT/DS/27, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas – Request for Consultations, circulated 12 February, 1996.

128. WT/DS27/AB/R, EC – Regime for Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas – Report of the Appellate Body, circulated 9 September, 1997.

129. WT/DS27/15, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Arbitration under Article 12.3(c) of the DSU – Award of the Arbitrator, circulated 7 January, 1998.

130. WT/DS27/17, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas – Status Reports, circulated 13 July, 1998.

131. WT/DS27/ARB, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Recourse to Arbitration by the EC under Article 22.6 of the DSU – Decision by the Arbitrators, circulated 9 April, 1999.

132. WT/DS27/RW/EEC, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Recourse to Article 21.5 DSU by the EC – Report of the Panel, circulated 12 April, 1999.

133. WT/DS27/ARB/ECU, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Recourse to Arbitration by the EC under Article 22.6 of the DSU – Decision by the Arbitrators, circulated 24 March, 2000.

134. WT/DS27/RW/ECU, EC – Regime for the Importation, Sale and Distribution of Bananas, Recourse to Article 21.5 by Ecuador – Report of the Panel, circulated 12 April, 1999.

135. WT/DS31/9, Canada – Certain Measures Concerning Periodicals – Status Report by Canada, circulated 13 March, 1998.

136. WT/DS33/AB/R, US – Measures Affecting Imports of Woven Shirts and Blouses from India – Report of the Appellate Body, circulated 25 April, 1997.

137. WT/DS44/R, Japan – Measures Affecting Consumer Photographic Film and Paper – Report of the Panel, circulated 31 March, 1998.

138. WT/DS46, Brazil – Export Financing Programme for Aircraft – Request for Consultations, circulated 21 June, 1996.

139. WT/DS46/R, Brazil – Export Financing Programme for Aircraft – Report of the Panel, circulated 14 April, 1999.