
Методические указания к изучению дисциплины и выполнению контрольной работы №2 для студентов заочной формы обучения Все специальности (стр. 3 из 6)

(A) The increase in the number of sales employees

(B) The lack of employees seven years ago

(C) The increase in the number of women employed

(D) The expansion of Sales Region E

2. What is true about Region I?

(A) It had the smallest increase in the number of male employees.

(B) It had the greatest increase in the number of female employees.

(C) It has the most employees overall.

(D) It has the fewest employees overall.

3. In what region did the greatest increase in personnel occur?

(A) A

(B) C

(C) E

(D) J

3.2. (4 x 2 points) Read the following article. For questions 1-8, you are to choose the option (А, В, С or D) which best matches the information given in the article.

The increasing cost of energy has caused many companies to make permanent changes in their offices. On a small scale, office managers are purchasing energy-efficient office machines and encouraging recycling programs to cut energy costs. On a larger scale, architects and builders are responding to the demands of companies for more energy-efficient buildings.

Buildings constructed or renovated in the last few years have incorporated energy-saving measures. Office maintenance workers have sealed cracks around windows and doors. Builders have installed sets of double doors to reduce the exchange of indoor and outdoor air when doors are opened.

This has reduced transfer of air in and out of the building. While it has had cost-saving benefits, it has caused personnel-related costs such as increased employee absences due to illness. Since the interior air is recirculated and little fresh air is allowed in, everyday contaminants such as dust and germs remain in the air. Employees in energy-efficient buildings breathe the same air again and again. They suffer from an increase in headaches, colds, dry skin, and dry throats, and in severe cases respiratory problems.

1. Why was the construction of office buildings changed?

(A) To make construction easier

(B) To use better building materials

(C) To reduce energy consumption

(D) To make the offices more attractive

2. How is construction different now?

(A) Offices have fewer entrances.

(B) Windows and doors fit tightly.

(C) Air conditioning has been eliminated.

(D) Sprinkler systems are used.

3. What unexpected problem has this caused?

(A) It takes longer to enter the building.

(B) Employees are not warm enough.

(C) Offices cannot be cleaned.

(D) More workers take sick leave.

4. What illness increased among workers in these buildings?

(A) Headaches

(B) Muscle aches

(C) Rashes

(D) Nausea





3.3. (19 points) Translate the following text into Russian.

Economic efficiency

A major goal of almost all societies is economic efficiency, or using scare resources to produce as much as possible of desired goods and services. This goal represents the practical economist in action, confronting scarcity with self-interested, maximizing behaviour. Economic efficiency means not only producing goods as cheaply as possible in terms of opportunity cost, but also choosing the most desirable output combination on the production possibilities frontier.

Economic efficiency is reflected in both the what-to-produce and the how-to-produce questions. Production efficiency involves answering the question of how to produce successfully. Production efficiency means producing a given amount of a good or service at the lowest possible opportunity cost (smallest sacrifice of resources). Thus, if a good can be produced with more than one combination of resources, much capital and little labour or less capital and a lot of labour, for example, the least costly resource combination should be chosen for production efficiency.

Allocative efficiency means allocating resources among all the possible goods and services that could be produced so that consumers get the products they want most. Allocative efficiency is the response to the desires of a whole society full of practical economists. A society enjoys allocative efficiency if the answer to the what-to-produce question maximizes the satisfaction of its consumers.

Remember the Great Wall of China? If one were to build such a wall today, the production efficiency question would be whether to use a million people with only a little capital (tools) to build a wall, or whether to use only a thousand people equipped with earth-moving machinery and concrete trucks. Building it the cheapest way would be efficient production. The allocative efficiency questions are whether to build it at all, in preference to other goods and services that could be produced, or to build it half as high or half as long, and use the remaining resources to produce other goods that consumers value more highly.

Вариант № 2.

(Выполняется студентами, фамилии которых начинаются

с букв И – О).

1. Vocabulary and Grammar Exercises.

1.1. (20 x 1 point) Supply the articles where necessary. Write your answers (a, an, the or ‘−’) in the boxes.

a) ___(1)___ prices for this type of ___(2)___ are usually high.

b) We can offer you our cars at ___(3)___ price of 20 $ per ___(4)___ unit.

c) As it was ___(5)___ trial order Rossexport found it possible to give ___(6)___ Buyers ___(7)___ 2% discount off ___(8)___ value of ___(9)___ contract. That settled ___(10)___ price problem. After ___(11)___ engineers discussed all ___(12)___ matters ___(13)___ Managing Director of Rossexport invited Mr. Walker to visit ___(14)___ Bolshoi Theatre to see ___(15)___ ballet performance there.

d) ___(16)___ fair was held under ___(17)___ motto: Peace and progress to all nations.

e) We are interested in receiving ___(18)___ various information concerning ___(19)___ situation on ___(20)___ world market.

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

1.2. (20 x 1 point) Supply the prepositions where necessary. Write your answers in the boxes.

a) We quote our machines 20 $ ___(1)___ unit.

b) We have bought some carpets lately ___(2)___ a lower price. – Then I’m sure their quality is worse than the quality ___(3)___ our carpets. You will see it yourself if you come ___(4)___ our shop. We are open ___(5)___ 7 o’clock ___(6)___ the evening. I’m sure you’ll be satisfied ___(7)___ the quality.

c) The company can guarantee shipment ___(8)___ the goods ___(9)___ seven days.

d) The company delivers their goods ___(10)___ markets ___(11)___ Europe, ___(12)___ the North and the South ___(13)___ America. The company is also interested ___(14)___ selling their goods ___(15)___ the countries ___(16)___ the East.

e) You should take ___(17)___ consideration that the reliability ___(18)___ these compressors is different ___(19)___ that ___(20)___ the previous model.

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

1.3. (20 x 2 points) Supply the correct tense and voice. Write your answers in the boxes.

a) – Where is Mr. Dunn?

– He is in his study. He ___(1)___ (to read) newspapers there since he ___(2)___ (to come) back from the office.

b) – You still ___(3)___ (to discuss) the prices?

– Yes, we ___(4)___ (to discuss) them for two hours.

c) – What Betsy ___(5)___ (to do) now?

– She ___(6)___ (to listen) to music. She ___(7)___ (to listen) to music since she ___(8)___ (to come) home.

d) – How long your friend ___(9)___ (to learn) Spanish?

– For two years.

e) – I ___(10)___ (to know) this man.

– How long you ___(11)___ (to know) him?

f) Last month Lavrov had to go on business to London. Before he ___(12)___ (to go) there he ___(13)___ (to discuss) some business matters with his director.

g) It began snowing after I ___(14)___ (to come) home.

h) – Have you sent for the doctor?

– Yes, the doctor ___(15)___ (to send) for a few minutes ago.

i) The world exhibition ___(16)___ (to arrange) lately.

j) The goods ___(17)___ (not to deliver) on time because the plant was heavy with orders.

k) – When ___(18)___ (to complete) the construction of the new hotel?

– It ___(19)___ (to complete) by last June.

l) Accommodation ___(20)___ (to reserve) for Lavrov before he left for London?

1. 11.
2. 12.
3. 13.
4. 14.
5. 15.
6. 16.
7. 17.
8. 18.
9. 19.
10. 20.

1.4. (10 x 2 points) Use the correct forms of Complex Object/Complex Subject. Write your answers in the boxes.

1. I’d like ___(1)___ (this job, to do) as soon as possible.

2. I’d like ___(2)___ (she, to do) this job as soon as possible.

3. I want ___(3)___ (my son, to begin) learning French.

4. When you ___(4)___ (to expect, I, to come)?

5. We watched ___(5)___ (the train, to leave) the station.

6. I heard ___(6)___ (somebody, to call) my name.

7. When I came to the beach I saw ___(7)___ (they, to swim).

8. When do you want ___(8)___ (the new computers, to advertise)?

9. You expect ___(9)___ (a new feature film, to broadcast) today, don’t you?

10. We would like ___(10)___ (new models, to introduce) into the market.


1.5. (10 x 1 point) In the sentences below, identify the one underlined word or phrase that is incorrect. Write your answers (letters A, B, C or D) in the boxes and make the corrections.

1. We can expect risen costs in lumber this month.


1. The speech that Mark delivered was planning well.


3. It is imperative to know how to use research and


writing proposals in order to receive grants.


4. Before he made his vacation plans, he asked his boss about the


amount of unused leave he could have taken next month.


5. You couldn't have known about it, but for future reference, his


parents must consulted first.


6. The office assistant doesn’t know where did Mrs. Park go, but


he says is sure she will return before 3:30, so we can speak with


her later this afternoon.


7. Surprisingly, it was discovered that the best service was found in


countries where is the labour supply both abundant and cheap.


8. This figure could yield a return enough high to provide a healthy



9. Have warning of the danger, I took extra precautions.


10. I had to make so many international calls last month that now


I am faced at a huge bill.


Mistake Correction


1.6. (10 х 2 points) Translate into English.