
Методические материалы для учащихся при подготовке к Единому государственному экзамену Екатеринбург (стр. 6 из 11)

A. It can be hot and humid in the speaker's city

B. The speaker lives in the industrial city

C. The speaker wants to move to another city

D. There are not so many young people in the speaker's city.

E. The speaker's city is a popular tourist destination

F. The speaker lives in the city of skyscrapers.

G. The architecture in the city represents the mixture of old and new.

Говорящий 1 (Paulo) 2 (Gisela) 3 (Armelle) 4 (Luigi)

Вы услышите разговор двух родителей, которые обсуждают, в какую летнюю школу отправить сына. Определите, какие из приведенных утверждений A1 - А7 соответствуют содержанию текста (1 - True), какие не соответствуют (2 - False) и о чем в тексте не сказано, то есть на основании текста нельзя дать ни положительного, ни отрицательного ответа (3 - Not stated). Обведите номер выбранного вами ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A1 There is only one course Bob can take in Forest Dale summer school.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A2 Bob's parents will choose a new language for Bob to study

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A3 Bob has already been to the Pinewood Summer festival.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A4 Bob’s parents are going to contact the headmistress of Forest Dale
summer school.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A5 Bob can be probably visiting Forest Dale summer school in July.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A6 Bob’s father wants him to study Arts when he is in Forest Dale
summer school.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

A7 The summer school is not too far from the city Bob and his parents
are living now.

1) True 2) False 3) Not stated

Вы услышите интервью с владельцем цирка и его ассистенткой. В заданиях A8 – A14 обведите цифру 1, 2 или 3, соответствующую номеру выбранного вами варианта ответа. Вы услышите запись дважды.

A8 Why did Tony go to work in a circus?

1) It was a family tradition.

2) It was his childhood ambition.

3) He felt it was time to leave home.

A9 When he first joined a circus, Tony was

1) keen to develop his own art.

2) disappointed not to work with the animals.

3) determined to develop his career.

A10 Tony recognizes that he only managed to start his own circus because

1) he was unable to negotiate loan.

2) he received a generous gift.

3) he employed a skilled secretary.

A11 Initially, Anita regarded joining the circus as a way of

1) achieving a dream come true.

2) improving her career prospects.

3) putting her problems behind her.

A12 Anita says that she became Tony’s personal assistant

1) because her range of duties had increased

2) once she had gained further qualifications.

3) when he decided to give up doing office work.

А13 When dealing with local officials, Anita has to be

1) willing to meet unreasonable requests

2) careful not to give offence

3) ready to argue her case forcefully

A14 What does Anita appreciate most about working with Tony?

1) His attitude towards the work

2) His sensitivity to her needs

3) The level of responsibility he gives her

Раздел 2. ЧТЕНИЕ


Установите соответствие между заголовками A - H и текстами 1-7.
Занесите свои ответы в
таблицу. Используйте каждую букву только один раз. В задании один заголовок лишний.

A. Weather E. Business

B. People F. Auto News

C. Crime G. Ecology

D. Travelling H. Fashion

1. Many areas of the UK will have a drier and sunnier day than of late. Western areas are expected to have the best of the sunshine with many places staying dry.

2. Exam papers for 500,000 GCSE students have had to be scrapped alter the theft of a Parcelforce van.

English and English Literature papers for a West Midlands school were part of the van's load when it was attacked by robbers.

3. The best season in the Himalaya is March-May, and September-November. This is when the weather is most mild, and the clear skies almost every day provide unmatchable views of the mountains. Although it is possible to trek during other times of the year, you may find that the high passes are flooded in the rainy season.

4. One of the biggest issues for every major city is car smog. One of the first steps to solving the issue is lowering the time any vehicle should be allowed to.

5. Taking an interest to folk costumes is another constant in fashion design. The typical interest in Africa-Asia was enhanced by folk designs from South America. Eastern Europe, Tyrol and Switzerland.

6. Many drivers are curious which interesting innovations have been unveiled at the Paris, Detroit, Geneva and Frankfurt auto shows and which innovations will appeal on the world market in the next few months.

7. Flourishing consumer demand is one of the key factors that has driven the Spanish to record its fastest annual rate of growth in almost two years in the third quarter. Demand lor air conditioners, bottled water, soft drinks and ice cream during the summer heatwave is partly responsible for the surge.









Прочитайте текст и заполните пропуски1 - 6 частями текста, обозначенными буквами A G. Одна из частей в списке A - G лишняя. Занесите букву, обозначающую соответствующую часть текста в таблицу.

Film Star to Auction Van Gogh

Elizabeth Taylor has been busy shedding some of the possessions she acquired during her ungovernable marriages to Richard Burton. She recently sold 'La Noche de la Iguana', the villa they bought together in Puerto Vallarta. Mexico, and now she's put her Van Gogh up for sale.

1 - ____________.

Liz started collecting works of art in the mid-1950s and always wanted to have a Van Gogh in her collection.

2 - ____________.

They sought the advice of her lather. Francis Taylor, a specialist art dealer.

3 - ____________.

A year later Richard and Liz/ were married for the first time in Canada, but chose to hang their precious painting in their hideaway in Gstaad. Switzerland.

4 - ____________.

The Kalizma was often seen on the berth in London when the Burtons visited Britain, to ensure they would never be separated' from their pets during their travels.

5 - ____________.

Latterly, the 'Asylum' has hung in her Bel Air home, ever since she divorced Warner in 1982.

6 - ____________.

It is difficult to ascertain how much the painting will go for, because the market for Van Goghs has been extremely volatile during the last decade. 'A view of the Asylum' is one of many paintings Van Gogh produced during his last year of life while he was staying at the very asylum depicted on the canvas.

A. In April of 1963, her wish was fulfilled when she saw 'A View of the Asylum' among some of the paintings Alfred Wolf had put up for auction. At the time she told Richard that she wanted this particular painting 'no matter what'.

B. The painting, 'A View of the Asylum and the Chapel at Saint Remy', will be auctioned at Christie's in London on December 3 and is expected to letch £10 million.

C. Last year alone Van Gogh's 'Portrait of Dr Paul Cachet' sold for a staggering £49,1 million, breaking all the records for a single painting.

D. Now she's selling it 'for entirely personal reasons'.

E. Following her final break-up with Richard, Elizabeth took the painting with her to Washington DC, when she was married to the American politician John Warner.

F. Eventually, they had the state room of their yacht Kalizma (a mixture of the names of their daughters: Kate Burton. Liza Todd and Maria Burton) remodeled specially to enhance the Van Gogh painting.

G. Francis managed to purchase the painting in her name for £92,000 after cautioning Liz and Richard that if either of them turned up at the auction hall on the day of the sale they would he recognized and knowledge of their interest could double the price.







Прочитайте рассказ и выполните задания A15 – A21. В каждом задании обведите 1, 2, 3 или 4, соответствующую выбранному вами варианту ответа

The woman next door is a troglodyte

In France cave dwellers are making a comeback. Ian Harding looks at some of the advantages of a home hewn from the rock.

The traditional image of cave dwellers is probably ape-like creatures clad in a skimpy animal skins, complete with clubs and matted hair and chewing unidentifiable bones. But in the region around Saumur, living in caves is making a comeback. Not that it ever completely disappeared.

In a region famous for its wine production (Anjou), it is hardly surprising that caves form a part of local life. Excavating the stone for building purposes left arched caverns, and local inhabitants found that these provided cheap living quarters. If you wanted to extend them, all you had to do was to hack away g bit more of the easily worked rock. Build a wall across the front, with a door and windows and you had a home.

Until recently many cave houses were used for storage, for maturing wine and for growing mushrooms rather than for habitation, but now there is a definite trend back to cave dwelling. Caves are proving particularly popular with painters, sculptors and craft workers There is even a building firm that specializes in restoring and making safe disused cave houses.

Bernard Foyer, once an electronics executive, moved to a cave this summer, selling his conventional home. 'It’s more tranquil.' he explains. 'It suits my state of mind: I like to be left alone in my cave.' He claims that the authorities pay little attention to cave dwellers and. knowing that they often have small incomes, the tax collectors by and large leave them be.

'And they're a lot cheaper to buy than any normal house.' says Mr Foyer. 'I bought my first cave 15 years ago. It had five rooms, a lot of storage space and cost me 1,000 francs (about £100).'

Mr Foyer's latest cave cost him 20,000 frs two years ago. What is it like? From the road it is invisible. All around the courtyard are little doors and windows set into the rock. Behind them are large, high looms, some with fireplaces and all connected by passageways. It is light, dry and airy.

Across the road is Mr Foyer's troglodyte neighbor, Mrs Saumorou. She has never lived anywhere but in caves, moving from that of her parents when she

'I'm 71,' she says, 'and I don't leave my cave very much now.' The local commune tried to get her to accept a modern apartment in a special development of old people's housing, but 'I told them no.' says Mrs Saumorou. 'I would rather die here in my bed.'

What guidance can anyone offer for those who want to escape convention and live in a cave? 'Aeration,' says Bernard Foyer. 'That is the most important rule: aeration and how you might put in a chimney. The nature of the rock around here is such, however, that the land drains easily and so the caves are rarely damp.' But it is very important to own land immediately above your cave. If you don't, the local farmer may decide to plough it, or to remove vegetation which can cause cracks and unstable ceilings. If the land is yours, you can grow vegetables around your chimney pot and drop them straight down the chimney into the cooking pot on the stove or fire below.

There are sound ecological reasons for living below ground. But, the most compelling reason for choosing to live in a cave is to be found somewhere deep in blood or memory. Warm, cosy, safe, private: caves appeal to our primitive instincts and continue to provide perfectly acceptable homes, free from the guiding hand of architect, speculator or local authority.

A15 What has the writer found in Saumur?

1) traces of prehistoric cave dwellers

2) caves inhabited since prehistoric times

3) people who dress in animal skins

4) people who choose to live in caves

A16 How did cave dwelling start in this region?

1) It is an ancient tradition.

2) The wine producers lived near their stores.

3) Local people moved into the holes made when rock was cut.

4) Persecution made it necessary for people to live secretly.

A17 Why did Bernard Foyer move to a cave?

1) He wanted to live among artists and craft workers.

2) He wanted somewhere peaceful to live.

3) He was short of money.

4) He wanted to avoid paying taxes.

A18 What is unusual about Mrs Saumorou?

1) She has lived in caves all her life.

2) She was married in a cave.

3) She has never been out of her cave.

4) She has decorated her cave with wallpaper.

A19 What should be considered most carefully when planning a cave home?

1) drainage

2) heating

3) ventilation

4) lighting

A20 Why should the cave dweller own the land above the cave?

1) The weight of heavy farm machinery may cause structural problems.

2) Roots may grow down into the cave through cracks.

3) Change of land use may damage the cave below.

4) Vandals may drop things down the chimney.

A21 Why does the writer believe people want to live in caves?

1) They are idealists.

2) They want to escape bureaucratic constraints.

3) They need somewhere very cheap.

4) They are obeying an instinctive urge.


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