4. Невозможно продать корову и пить ее молоко. (нельзя делать две взаимоисключающие вещи)
5. Не все продается, не все покупается.
6. Невозможно служить и нашим и вашим. (невозможно вести двойную игру)
7. Выше головы не прыгнешь.
8. Не хлебом единым жив человек.
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “may” in the following proverbs. Memorize them.. Give their Russian equivalents. 1. A cat may look at a king.2. If you don’t like it you may lump it.3. Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip.4. Friends may meet, but mountains never (greet).5. At the end of the work you may judge the workman.6. That which was bitter to endure may be sweet to remember.7. Men may come and may go but I go on for ever.8. A fool may sometimes speak to the purpose.Exercise 2. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs. . Take care to use the correct form of the modal verb “may”.
1. Не говори «гоп», пока не перепрыгнешь. (Многое может случиться, пока поднесешь чашку к губам)
2. Гора с горой не сходится, а человек с человеком всегда сойдутся.
3. И мы не лыком шиты. (И кошке не возбраняется смотреть на короля)
4. Иной раз и дурак правду скажет.
5. Иногда бывает приятно вспомнить пережитую боль.
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “must” in the following proverbs. Memorize them.. Give their Russian equivalents.1. The longest day must have an end.
2. Needs must.
3. The best friends must part.
4. A door must be either shut or open.
5. You must lose a fly to catch a trout.
6. Every oak must be an acorn.
7. Children and fools must not play with edged tools.
8. Everything must have a beginning.
9. If two man must ride on a horse, one must ride behind.
10.One must draw back in order to leap better.
Exercise 2. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs. . Take care to use the correct form of the modal verb “must”.
1. Все имеет начало.
2. Детям и дуракам нельзя давать острые инструменты.
3. Когда двое едут на одной лошади, то одному всегда приходится сидеть позади.
4. И самые лучшие друзья расстаются.
5. Большое вырастает из малого.
6. Кто хочет преуспевать, должен пораньше вставать.
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “shall” in the following proverbs. Memorize them.Give their Russian equivalents.1. He who does not work neither shall he eat. (He that will not work shall not eat)
2. Man shall not live by bread alone.
3. At the game’s end we shall see who gains.
4. He who touches pitch shall be defiled.
5. As a tree falls so shall it lie.
6. We shall see what we shall see.
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “shall” in the following proverbs. Memorize them.. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Куда дерево клонилось, туда и повалилось.
2. Не хлебом единым жив человек.
3. Кто не работает, тот не ест.
4. Еще посмотрим, чья возьмет.
5. Это мы еще посмотрим.
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “ought” and “should” in the following proverbs. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Books and friends should be few but good.
2. Fools and bairns should not see half-done work.
3. Law-makers should not be law-breakers.
4. The cobbler should stick to his last.
5. Blind men should judge no colours.
6. He should have a long spoon that sups with the devil.
7. Those (people) who live in glass houses should not throw stones.
Exercise 2. Comment on the use of the verb “ ought” and “should” in the following proverbs. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Слепой не может судить о красках.
2. Связался с чертом, пеняй на себя. (Когда садишься за стол с чертом, запасись ложкой подлиннее.)
3. Тот, кто издает законы, не должен нарушать их.
4. Не следует осуждать других тому, кто сам небезупречен. (Живущий в стеклянном доме не должен бросать в других камни)
5. Детям и дуракам не показывают незаконченной работы.
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “will” in the following proverbs. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Love will find a way.2. A small leak will sink a great ship.3. If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain.4. The longest day will have an end.5. A wise man changes his mind, a fool never will.6. He that will not work shall not eat.7. The fire which lights (warms) us at a distance will burn us when near.8. He that will thrive must rise at five.9. Fools will be fools.10. Accidents will happen (occur) in the best-regulated families. Exercise 2. Comment on the use of the verb “will” in the following proverbs. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.1. От маленькой течи может потонуть большой корабль.2. Для любви нет преград, любовь все побеждает.3. Кто не работает, тот не ест.4. Дурак остается дураком.5. Кто хочет преуспеть, тот должен рано вставать.6. Умный меняет свое мнение, дурак-никогда.7. Неприятности бывают в самых лучших домах.8. Чему быть, того не миновать.9. Огонь, грядущий на расстоянии, жжет вблизи.WOULD
Exercise 1 Comment on the use of the verb “would” in the following proverbs. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.1. He that would eat the fruit must climb the tree.2. He who would climb the ladder must begin at the bottom.3. He that would have eggs must endure the cackling of hens.4. The cat would eat fish and wouldn’t wet her feet.5. He that would eat the kernel must crack the nut. Exercise 2. Comment on the use of the verb “would” in the following proverbs. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Без труда нет плода.
2. И хочется и колется. (Кошка хочет рыбку, а замочить лапки боится)
3. Успех дается трудом.
4. Любишь кататься, люби и саночки возить. (Любишь есть яйца, примирись с кудахтаньем кур)
5. Если хочешь подняться по лестнице, начинай снизу.
Exercise1. Define the form of the infinitive in the following pro-verbs and sayings. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.
1. Live not to eat, but eat to live.
2. Promises are like pie-crust, made to be broken.
3. You may lead a horse to the water, but you cannot make him drink.
4. A lion may come to be beholden to a mouse.
5. It is love that makes the world go round.
6. Sometimes the best gain is to lose.
7. When guns speak it is too late to argue.
8. It is never too late to learn.
9. Live not to eat, but eat to live.
10.Each bird loves to hear himself sing.
11.Curses, like chickens, come home to roost.
12.To know everything is to know nothing.
Exercise2.Translate the following proverbs and saying into English. Concentrate on the use of the appropriate infinitive.
1. Чего не ждешь, то и случается.
2. Когда пушки заговорили, уж спорить поздно.
3. Не дав слова - крепись, а дав слово – держись.
4. Учиться никогда не поздно.
5. Каждая птица любит слушать свое пение.
6. Знать все – значит не знать ничего.
7. Дружбу на ярмарке не купишь.
Exercise3. Complete the following proverbs and saying by adding suitable infinitives or infinitival constructions.
1. Sometimes the best gain is …
2. When guns speak it is too late …
3. It takes two …
4. Live not to eat but eat …
5. You can lead the horse to the water but you cannot …
6. It is better to give than …
7. Don’t teach your grandmother …
8. Curses, like chickens, come home …
9. Each bird loves …
10.To know everything is …
Exercise1. Comment on the use of the gerund in the following proverbs and saying. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.
1. Be slow in choosing a friend, slower in changing him.
2. Saying and doing are two things. (Saying is one thing and doing another)
3. Seeing is believing.
4. Doing is better than saying.
5. A good tale is none the worth for being twice told.
6. Catching fish is not the whole of fishing.
7. A watched pot is long in boiling.
8. A crow is never the white for washing herself often.
9. Clean hands want no washing.
10. Between promising and performing a man may marry his daughter.
Exercise2.Translate the following proverbs and saying into English. Concentrate on the use of the appropriate gerund.
1. Хорошие дела лучше хороших слов.
2. Работая, мы учимся.
3. Выбирая друга – не торопись, тем более не торопись менять его.
4. Легко ловить рыбку в мутной воде.
5. Кто над чайником стоит, у того он не кипит. (когда ждешь, время тянется медленно)
6. Обещанного три года ждут.
7. Черную душу мылом не отмоешь.
Exercise3. Fill the blanks with suitable prepositions preceding the gerunds. Translate into Russian.
1. … doing nothing we learn to do it.
2. A good tale is none the worse … twice told.
3. …. Doing we learn.
Exercise4. Complete the following proverbs and saying by adding suitable gerunds or gerundial phrases.
1. A good tale is none the worse for …
2. Be slow … a friend, slower … him.
3. Clean hands …
Exercise1. Point out participle I and participle II in the following proverbs. Give their Russian equivalents.
1. Stone pleasures are sweetest.
2. A watched pot never boils.
3. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
4. A growing youth has a wolf in his belly.
5. Let sleeping dogs lie.
Exercise2.Translate the following proverbs and saying into English. Concentrate on the use of the appropriate participle.
1. У грядущих событий есть предвестники.
2. Под лежачий камень вода не течет.
3. Не буди лихо, пока лихо спит.
4. Тот герой, кто беду одолел.
Вашему вниманию предлагаю сборник из 23 фрагментов уроков и двух заключительных тестов, целью которого является помочь учителю активировать умения общения и обсуждения учеников при помощи мини текстов и заданий к ним, используя английский язык, как инструмент для решения тех или иных проблем коммуникативного характера.
Фрагменты уроков
Lesson 1 |
А теперь прочитайте историю и скажите, какая из пословиц могла бы стать наиболее удачным окончанием.
The Farmer’s Treasure
A farmer who was very ill heard from the doctor that he had only a short time to live. He was not a rich man and had worked very hard all his life. But his sons were very lazy and did not like to work hard in the fields. |
He called his sons to his bedside and said, “My sons, I shall die very soon and you will be alone on this farm. I leave a treasure, but you must find it yourselves in one of the fields.” |
He did not say anything more and soon died. His sons wanted to find the treasure very much and though they were lazy they went to the fields to dig. They dug all over the fields, but they did not find any treasure there. They were very tired and angry at first but when they came to plant wheat, they found that their digging had made it much easier for them. The harvest was very rich and they sold it in the market and got a good sum of money. So now they understood what treasure their father had left them. |
You cannot eat your cake and have it. Custom is a second nature. A man can die but once. A cat in gloves catches no mice. |
Lesson 2 |
А теперь прочитайте историю и скажите, какая из пословиц могла бы стать наиболее удачным окончанием.
The Poet and the Lady
A famous poet came on a visit to a lady who always said that she was fond of literature and especially of poetry. When they sat down to tea, the poet wondered whether she had received the little book of poems he had sent her. With a charming smile the lady said that poems were splendid and she would like to read some from book, but she could not remember where she had put it. Her little son was ready to answer, “Under the leg of the table, mama, to make it steady.” |
Murder will out. If the cap fits, wear it. Deeds, not words. Every dog has his day. |
Lesson 3 |
А теперь прочитайте историю и скажите, какая из пословиц могла бы стать наиболее удачным окончанием.
The Vain Stag
One hot day a big stag who had a pair of very large antlers stood on the bank of a river. He was thirsty and went down to the water to drink. Suddenly he saw his reflection in the water. He was very pleased with what he saw. “Oh,” he said, “what a beautiful pair of antlers I’ve got! How fine my head is! How proud I look! Nobody has such beautiful antlers as I have. Perhaps some people will say that my antlers are too big, but I don’t think so. I like them very much.” And the vain stag looked again at his reflection in the water. |
Suddenly he heard the dogs. Three hunters and their dogs came out of the forest. The stag ran across the field into the forest. He was already far from the dogs, but he caught his antlers in the branches of some low trees and could not go on. |
The dogs run up to him and pulled him to the ground. Then the hunters came up and killed him. So his beautiful antlers, of which he had been so vain, were the cause of his death. |
A drowning man will catch a straw. There is no smoke without fire. Pride goes before a fall. The proof of the pudding is in the eating. |
Lesson 4 |
А теперь прочитайте историю и скажите, какая из пословиц могла бы стать наиболее удачным окончанием.