
Эксперимента (стр. 2 из 6)

The Present Indefinite Tense

Exercise 1. Pay attention to the forms of the third person singular of the verbs in the Present Indefinite Tense in the following proverbs and saying. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Laughter is the best medicine.2. The exception proves the rule.3. After dinner comes the reckoning.4. Many a little makes a mickle.5. A bad penny always comes back.6. Every bullet has its billet.7.He who laughs last laughs longest.8. Zeal without knowledge is a runaway horse.9. Nothing succeeds like success.10. A great ship asks deep waters.11. All is well that ends well.12. The customer is always right. Exercise 2. Fill in the blank spaces of the following proverbs and saying with the verbs in the Present Tense given in brackets at the end.1. The early bird … the worm. (to catch)2. All work and no play … Jack a dull boy. (to make)3. Distance … enchantment to the view. (to lend)4. Time and tide … for no man. (to wait)5.Still waters … deep. (to run)6. Many words … more than swords. (to cut)7. The dogs … , but the caravan … . (to bark, to go on)8. Practice … perfect. (to make)9. Times … . (to change) Exercise 3.Insert in the blank spaces of the following sentences the negative form of the verbs given in brackets at the end. Use the Present Indefinite Tense.1 .Life … all beer and skittles. (to be)2. The cowl … the monk. (to make)3. What the eye … , the heart … . (to see, to grieve over)4. Money … on trees. (to grow)5. Clothes … the man. (to make) Exercise 4.Memorize the following proverbs paying attention to the unrestrictive use of the Present Indefinite Tense. Give their Russian equivalents using ex.5 as a key.1. Fools rush in where angels fear to tread.2. Success has many friends.3. Practice makes perfect.4. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.5. Wise men learn by other men’s mistakes, fools by their own.6. Praise makes good men better and bad men worse.7. Appetite comes with eating.8. Every cook praises his own broth. Exercise5. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings. Concentrate on the use of the Present Indefinite Tense. Use ex.4 as a key.1.Съедай по яблоку в день и обойдешься без врачей.2.Аппетит приходит во время еды.3.У победы много родителей.4. Всяк кулик своё болото хвалит.5. Разумные люди учатся на чужих ошибках, глупцы – на своих собственных.6. Дураки спешат туда, где ангелы и ступить боятся.7.Дело мастера боится.8.От похвалы хорошие люди становятся лучше, а плохие еще хуже.

The Past Indefinite Tense

Exercise1. Memorize the following proverbs in which the Past Indefinite Tense is used. Point out the regular and irregular verbs giving there forms of the latter.

1. Care killed a cat.

2. The golden age was never the present age.

3. A little bird told me.

4. Since Adam was a boy.

5. When I lent I had a friend; when I asked he was unkind.

6 Almost never killed a fly.

Exercise2. Fill in the blank spaces of the following proverbs and saying with the verbs in the Past Indefinite Tense given in brackets at the end.1. Almost never … a fly. (to kill)2. As good luck as … the cow that … herself with her own horn. (to have, to stock)3. He who never … , never … . (to climb, to fall)4. If you want a pretence to whip a dog, say that he … a frying-pan. (to eat)5. When you … just a twinkle in your father’s eye. (to be)6. Since Adam … a boy. (to be) Exercise 3.Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings using the Past Indefinite Tense.1.Коли быть собаке битой, найдется и палка.2.Заботы и кошку уморят.3.Не ошибается тот, кто ничего не делает.4.Слухом земля полнится.5.Повезло, как той корове, которая боднула себя своим рогом.

The Future Indefinite Tense

Exercise 1. Pay attention to the forms of the third person singular of the verbs in the Future Indefinite Tense in the following proverbs and saying. Give their Russian equivalents.1. Take care of the pence and the pounds will take care of themselves.2. Do as most men do, then most men will speak well of you.3. (He) who keeps company with the wolf will speak well of you.4. The fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait.5. He will never set the Thames on fire.6. Much will have more.7. Nature will have its course.8. An old dog will learn no new tricks.

Exercise 2.Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings with the Future Indefinite Tense from of the verb-predicate.

1. Копейка рубль бережет.

2. Дай ему палец, он и всю руку отхватит.

3. Природа своё возьмёт.

4. Посади свинью за стол, она и ноги на стол.

5.Кто украдёт иголку, украдёт кошелку.

The continuous Tenses

Exercise 1. Memorize the following proverbs and sayings paying attention to the use of the Continuous Tenses. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. Know where one is going.

2. One’s left hand does not know what one’s right hand is doing.

3. Don’t cut the bough you are standing on.

4. He that has a long (great) nose thinks everybody is speaking of it.

5. The tortoise wins the race while the hare is sleeping.

6. Fiddle while Rome is burning.

7. Fools (every fool) will be meddling.

Exercise 2. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings, concentrating on the use of the Continuous Tenses. Use ex. 1 as a key.

1. Черепаха выигрывает бег, пока заяц спит.

2. Не руби сук, на котором сидишь.

3. Левая рука не знает, что делает правая.

4. Пир во время чумы.

5. Дураки любят во всё вмешиваться.

6. Знать, чего хочешь.

7. На воре шапка горит. (тот, у кого большой нос, думает, что все говорят только об этом)

The Perfect Tenses

Exercise 1. Comment on the use of the Present Perfect Tense in the following proverbs and sayings. Memorize them. Give their Russian equivalents.

1. It is too late to lock the stable (door) after/when the horse has bolted.

2. When children stand quiet they have done something ill.

3. Don’t sell the bear’s skin before you have caught the bear.

4. Every oak has been an acorn.

5. Drink as you have brewed.

6. The cow knows not what her tail is worth until she has lost it.

7. The mountain has brought forth a mouse.

8. A thief passes for a gentleman when stealing has made him rich.

9. He knows best what good is that has endured evil. (Who has never tasted bitter knows not what is sweet.)

10. One has made one’s bed and one must lie on it.

11. We know not what is good until we have lost it.

Exercise 2. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs and sayings. Take care to use the Perfect Tenses. Use ex. 1 as a key.

1. Если дети притихли, значит, они набедокурили.

2. Гора родила мышь.

3. Не убив медведя, шкуры не продавай.

4. Поздно запирать конюшню после того, как лошадь украли. (Задним умом крепок)

5. Много воды утекло с тех пор.

6. Вор сойдет за джентльмена, когда становится богатым.

7. Большое вырастает из малого. (Каждый дуб был когда-то желудем.)

8.Не отведав горького, не узнаешь и сладкого.

9.Вино погубило больше людей, чем море.

10. Как постелешь, так и поспишь.

The Passive Voice

Exercise 1. Memorize the following proverbs with the passive form of the verb-predicate used in the A. Present, B. Past, C. Future Indefinite Tense.. Give their Russian equivalents.


1. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

2. A man is known by the company he keeps.

3. Never ask pardon before you are accused.

4. What may be done at any time is done at no time.

5. Fire that’s closest kept burns most of all.

6. A little fire is quickly trodden out.

7. Advice when most needed is least heeded.

8. Marriages are made in heaven.

9. What is done cannot be undone.


1. Rome as not built in a day.

2. Almost was never hanged.

3. Fingers were made before forks.

4. Acorns were good till bread was found.


1. Youth will be served.

2. The fish will soon be caught that nibbles at every bait.

3. What may be done at any time will be done at no time.

4. Ask no questions and you will be told no lies.

Exercise2. Fill in the blank spaces of the following proverbs and saying with the verbs in the Passive Voice (Past Indefinite Tense) given in brackets at the end.1. Well begun … half done. (do)2. The road to hell … with good intentions. (pave)3. The devil is not so black as he … . (paint)4. Money spent on the brain … never … in vain. (spend)5. The moon … not ... when the sun shines. (see)6. A bird … by its note, and a man by its talk. (know)7. Don’t cry before you … .(hurt)8. By-and-by … easily … . (say)9. Eaten bread … soon … . (forget)10. Know which side one’s bread … (on). (butter)11. Poets are born, not .. . (make)12. Life … of little things. (make up)

Exercise 3. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs. . Take care to use the Passive Voice.

1. Скрытый огонь сильнее горит.

2. легче погасить искру, чем пожар.

3. Когда светит солнце. Луны не видно.

4. Не сразу Москва строилась.

5. Жизнь состоит из мелочей.

6. Сделанного не воротишь. (Что с воза упало, то пропало)

7. Легко попадается та мышь, у которой только одна норка. (Не следует ставить все на одну карту)

8. Когда хлеба не было, то и желуди были хороши. (Все хорошо в свое время)

9. Браки совершаются на небесах, кому на роду написано. (Суженого и на коне не объедешь)

Modal Verbs


Exercise 1.Note the use of the verb “can” in the following proverbs and sayings. Give their Russian equivalents. Comment on the meaning of the verb “can”.

1. Never put till tomorrow what you can do today.

2. A man can do no more than he can.

3. You cannot have both ways.

4. He cannot speak well that cannot hold his tongue.

5. Money can’t buy everything.

6. One cannot be in two places at once.

7. You cannot sell the cow and drink the milk.

8. You can’t eat your cake and have it.

9. You cannot get an omelet without breaking eggs.

10. Man cannot live by bread alone.

Exercise 2. Give English equivalents of the following proverbs. . Take care to use the correct form of the modal verb “can”.

1. Не разгрызешь ореха, не съешь и ядра.

2. Никогда не откладывай на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.

3. Один пирог два раза не съешь.