Сонымен, зерттеуде қойылған міндеттер шешілген, «ағылшын тілінің азаматтық құқық саласына қатысты термин ұғымының теориялық негіздемесі беріліп, ағылшын және қазақ тілдеріндегі қолданыста бар терминдердің аудармасы мен мағынасы берілген.
on dissertation for academic degree of master of philology.
Speciality 6N0119 - Foreign language: two foreign languages
Akhmedova B.Gulmira
The formation of Kazakh and English law terms
The thesis is devoted to the formation of Kazakh law terms under the influence of English legal terms in the Civil Code of Kazakhstan which have the same meaning in both languages.
The aim of the dissertation work is the comprehensive study of fundamental problems related to the forming and functioning legal terminology in the Civil law of Kazakhstan and the development of practical recommendations aimed at improving the quality of the legislative texts of the civil law.
The thesis consists of the Introduction, three chapters, Conclusion, List of the literary sources and Appendix.
The Introduction covers the topicality of the research,the aim and the objectives, the object and the subject of the research,its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical value and the methodological base. Besides, the material of the thesis is revealed, the main points and the structure of dissertation are formulated.
The first chapter considers the theoretical issues, the theoretical problems of the legal terms, and the meaning of the legal term, its types. The system of terms and the legal term, the classification of terms from the functional-stylistic viewpoint, the requirements of using legal terms in the legislative texts are given as well.
The second chapter gives the analysis of the history, the formation, the function of the civil law in Kazakhstan and the UK. The method of comparative law is used in this dissertation. It enables to determine the problem of emergence of the legal terms in all spheres of law. The meaning of terms is defined which entered to the civil law of Kazakhstan from the English language but they haven't been translated yet, as well as the meaning of the words from Kazakh history.
In the Conclusion of the dissertation work we emphasized that the legal terms which entered to Kazakhstan's civil law from English language are not the terms of the civil law because they are the terms of different sphere, especially the terms of economics. The terms which belong to the civil law in both languages came to us from Rome Empire. So, there are just economical terms in the civil law which entered from English language.
The theoretical results and the practical material can be used in the courses of the comparative linguistics, in theoretical and practical grammar and in language teaching for special purpose. The list of the legal terms can serve as the basis for election of the lexical minimum for the students of the law faculties and compile the legal tools of the studied languages in the practice of organizing the polylingual dictionary of law.