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Основная информация, содержащаяся в тексте, выражается с помощью ключевых слов, в роли которых выступают существительные, глаголы и другие части речи, которые несут смысловую нагрузку. Их нужно выделить и использовать при изложении текста.

Отдельно взятый абзац является логическим этапом развития авторской мысли. Обычно абзац начинается фразой, выражающей мнение, утверждение автора, которое потом обосновывается или подтверждается с помощью конкретных примеров, статистических данных и т.п. Таким образом, и на уровне абзаца нужно уметь выделить содержащуюся в нем главную и второстепенную информацию для того, чтобы понять и передать содержание текста в целом.

Изложение содержания текста в сокращенном виде предполагает сохранение основного содержания текста при изменении его структуры, т.е. переформулирование текста. Переформулирование позволяет, во-первых, более четко и ясно представить основные положения текста. Для этого используются лексические замены ключевых слов: замена слова на синоним или словосочетание, замена фразеологизма на свободное словосочетание. Во-вторых, переформулирование позволяет сократить объем текста, опуская второстепенную и обобщая конкретизирующую информацию. Последнее достигается благодаря таким лексическим заменам, как замена словосочетания на слово, выражающее более общее понятие. Наряду с лексическими заменами используются приемы упрощения грамматической структуры предложения. Это замена сложных грамматических конструкций словом или словосочетанием. Так, придаточные определительные часто допускают замену на определение, выраженное прилагательным, придаточные дополнительные – на дополнение, выраженное существительным, придаточные обстоятельственные - на существительное с предлогом. При упрощении структуры предложения за счет опущения членов предложения, несущих второстепенную (детализирующую, поясняющую информацию), можно сократить объемное сложное предложение до простого предложения, содержащего лишь главные члены. При этом, разумеется, теряются детали, но достигается сжатие текста.

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Прочтите текст «EU leaders seek broad bank reform”, переведите его на русский язык

EU leaders seek broad bank reform

Gordon Brown on Europe's 'common action' over the crisis European leaders are calling for major reform of the global banking system, as they meet to discuss an EU rescue plan. UK PM Gordon Brown said the IMF should be "rebuilt" to help regulate the world's financial systems.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel backed French calls for better international supervision of the financial system. Meanwhile, eight east and central EU members issued a statement saying targets on climate change, the original focus of the summit, should be eased. Poland threatened to use its veto on some parts of the legislation package unless its coal-based economy was shielded from the impact. France, which currently holds the EU presidency, is keen to push through the legislation by the end of this year.

Earlier, the European Commission's President, Jose Manuel Barroso, had urged leaders not to forget climate change. "Climate change does not disappear because of the financial crisis," he said. "Tackling climate change is central to Europe's future prosperity."

Early warning system

Speaking to reporters on Wednesday ahead of the meeting, Mr. Brown made an impassioned plea for a global summit to reform the International Monetary Fund (IMF), to help regulate the world's financial systems.

He also called for the creation of an early warning system for the international economy and for more cross-border supervision of multinational financial companies. "We need to deal with the crises as they arise in a better, more coordinated way," Mr. Brown said. "The IMF has got to be rebuilt as 'fit for purpose' for the modern world." Mrs. Merkel said a G8 summit should be held with the participation of emerging countries.

Earlier this week, French President Nicolas Sarkozy called for joint EU-US action, and said he would go to Washington with Mr. Barroso to persuade President George W Bush and his successor to come on board.

At Wednesday's EU summit, the 27-member bloc is expected to rally behind plans agreed on Sunday by officials from the 15-nation eurozone. Jose Manuel Barroso pays tribute to Gordon Brown It will discuss lifting the guarantee on bank deposits to 100,000 euros ($136,760; £77,760) within a year.

The proposal is one of several due to be tabled at the summit, and follows a commitment last week to raise the guarantee level to 50,000 euros. But the cost of the latest proposal is likely to concern smaller EU countries. Ferenc Gyurcsany - the prime minister of Hungary, one of the worst affected EU countries - called for more Europe-wide support for individual nations.

"The current approach is to let the nation state apply its own instruments, but we urge more common actions," he said. "We need a supervisory body at a European level".

EU Internal Markets and Services Commissioner Charlie McCreevy said increasing the minimum protection by next year would "strengthen Europeans' confidence in the safety of their deposits".

Also on the packed agenda for the two-day talks:

  • Leaders are expected to sign an immigration pact, committing their countries to common principles for handling immigrants
  • A decision to revive the failed Lisbon treaty, meant to give the EU more stable institutions in difficult times, is expected to be put on the back-burner until December
  • Talks on a new EU-Russia partnership treaty have been postponed, amid continuing concern about Russia's military presence in Georgia. There are divisions in the EU about when to resume them

Markets across Europe rallied after eurozone governments last Sunday pledged around $3 trillion (£1.7 trillion) to restore confidence in the banking system.

But on Wednesday recession fears sent both US and European share prices plummeting.

Asian and European stock markets also lost ground following two days of dramatic rises, and a report suggested Germany, the EU's biggest economy, was on the verge of recession.

Задания по тексту

1. Разделите текст на смысловые части, составьте план.

2. Выпишите из текста ключевые слова.

3. Упростите структуру предложений. Выберите наиболее важную информацию, опуская незначительные детали.

4. Используя план и ключевые слова, кратко изложите содержание текста.

5. Отредактируйте свой вариант текста, переведите его на русский язык.

Образец выполнения заданий по тексту

EU leaders seek broad bank reform


1. The IMF should be “rebuilt” to help regulate the world’s financial systems

2. An early warning system for the international economy should be created

3. Talks on a new EU-Russia partnership treaty have been postponed

4. There are divisions in EU about resuming talks on a new EU-Russia partnership treaty


Reform, banking system, IMF (International Monetary Fund), world’s financial system, international supervision, target, financial crisis, prosperity, warning system, cross-border supervision, multinational financial company, G-8 summit, joint action, bank deposit, increase protection safety, partnership treaty, to resume talks.


Mr. Brown called for the creation of an early warning system for the international economy. He also called for more cross-border supervision of multinational financial companies. A G-8 summit should be held with the participation of emerging countries. Nicolas Sarkozy called for joint EU-US action.

EU summit will discuss lifting the guarantee on bank deposits to 100.000 euros within a year. Increasing the minimum protection would strengthen Europeans’ confidence in the safety of their deposits.

One of the questions on the agenda for two-day talks:

● Talks on a new EU-Russia partnership treaty have been postponed, because of Russia’s military presence in Georgia. There are divisions in the EU about when to resume them.

Тексты для реферирования

Текст 1

Under the plans, a "period of non-disclosure" would be allowed so that there is not an "immediate adverse impact on consumer confidence". The government wants to avoid the situation in which the news that Northern Rock had received emergency funding led to a run on the bank as savers queued to withdraw their money. "It's unclear whether the devastating run on the Rock could have been prevented by the kind of clandestine help which the Bank may in future be able to provide," said BBC Business Editor Robert Peston. "The Treasury believes that the Rock probably needed too much money for too long for the Bank of England to be able to keep the rescue operation out of the public domain." Under the plans, the Bank of England will also no longer have to publish accounts each week setting out how much money it has lent as emergency funding. Bank of England staff will be immune from prosecution by shareholders who are unhappy about the way it has dealt with a particular bank.

Compensation scheme

The proposals also look at the way that people's savings are protected when a bank fails. At the moment bank deposits are protected up to a limit of £35,000 per person per bank. The Treasury proposed keeping the limit at that level but has tried to find ways to speed up the process, such as avoiding the need for victims to make formal claims for compensation. The Conservative Party has proposed raising the limit to £50,000. Under the new proposals, the banks that fund the compensation scheme may also have to make pre-payments into it instead of contributing when a bank fails. However, this could prove problematic for banks given the current financial climate. "The volatile conditions in financial markets that have created anxiety about the robustness of banks are what make the reform proposal difficult for banks: right now they are chronically strapped for cash," said Mr Peston. The Conservative's plans do not support the idea of up-front payments from banks.

Tripartite [1]system

The current tripartite system, under which the FSA[2], the chancellor and the Bank of England work together to deal with emergencies, has been criticised for failing to prevent the first run on a UK bank for more than a century. But that system will remain largely in place under the new proposals, although there will be a few changes, including strengthening the Bank of England's role in maintaining financial stability. The chancellor also wants to introduce a "special resolution regime" that will provide tools to deal with failing banks. This will allow the quick transfer of a struggling bank's business to a healthy bank, and the appointment of a restructuring officer to the bank seeking help.

Текст 2

Gloomy forecasts for UK economy

King: 'It now seems likely the UK economy is entering a recession'

The Bank of England governor and an influential think tank have predicted that the UK economy is likely to sink into recession in 2009.

Mervyn King told business leaders in Leeds he was concerned about rising unemployment and falling house prices. Meanwhile, the National Institute of Economic and Social Research said the UK was on the brink of its first full year of recession since 1991. Economic fears sent the pound plunging to a five-year low against the dollar.

In other signs of the widening economic crisis:

  • All nine members of the Bank of England's monetary policy committee voted for this month's half-point emergency cut in rates to 4.5% because of a "sharp deterioration" in the UK's economic prospects, according to minutes of the meeting. Further rate cuts next month are expected
  • European stock markets were jittery in mid-morning trading as fears of a global recession and further economic woe returned to haunt investors - London was down 2%, Paris was 2.3% lower and Frankfurt down 2.7%
  • Oil fell below $70 a barrel on worries the gloomy global economic outlook could limit the impact of any supply cuts that producers' cartel Opec might agree to at its meeting on Friday. Brent crude was down $2.62 at $67.10 a barrel. Opec says there will be a huge oversupply of oil next year if production continues at current rates
  • The pound fell to to $1.620 at one stage, its lowest level against the US dollar since September 2003, following Mervyn King's warning, while the euro and other high-yield currencies saw sharp falls. Further UK interest rate cuts would make sterling a less attractive investment than the dollar
  • Europe's banks have borrowed $72bn in short-term loans from the European Central Bank. The ECB has had to replace commercial banks to keep euro zone money markets functioning, as normal credit sources have dried up in the financial crisis
  • The Yorkshire Building Society is to take over its smaller rival, the Barnsley Building Society, in the latest deal among the UK's building societies resulting from the international financial crisis

The Bank of England has also been criticised for being too slow to cut interest rates in response to the UK's worsening economic climate.