
Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для студентов заочного отделения (стр. 1 из 2)


НОУ «Балтийский Гуманитарный Институт»

Экономический факультет

Кафедра гуманитарных и естественнонаучных дисциплин

Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для студентов

заочного отделения

«Английский язык»


080507 «Менеджмент организации»

081005 «Финансы и кредит»

080100 «Бухгалтерский учет, анализ и аудит»

080504 «Государственное и муниципальное управление»



Н. М. Грабко



Для правильного выполнения контрольной работы необходимо усвоить следующие разделы курса «Деловой английский язык»:

  • Деловая командировка. Быт и сервис
  • Город. Экскурсии. Выставки. Достопримечательности. Встречи
  • Визит на фирму. Организационная культура

1. Дополните диалог, переводя соответствующие реплики на английский язык:

Simon: When are you taking us on the river?

Peter: (После обеда. До обеда я отведу вас к Букингемскому дворцу.)

S.: Are we going to the Post Office Tower, too?

P.: (Да, мы пойдем туда после обеда.)

S.: Are we walking?

P.: (Нет, мы поедем на автобусе… Но поспешим! Нам надо успеть на тот автобус!)

S.: Is this Piccadilly Circus?

P.: (Нет, это Трафальгарская площадь.)

S.: What a high building! Is that the Post Office Tower?

P.: (Нет, отсюда нам ее не видно. Она между Тоттенхем Корт Роуд и Риджинт Стрит.)

S.: What is that?

P.: (Это мое любимое здание, Национальная галерея. Я часто бываю там во время обеденного перерыва.)

S.: Is your office somewhere near here?

P.: (Да, он в Стрэнде.)

S.: Where’s that?

P.: (Это между Чэринг Кросс и Элдвич.)

S.: Oh, you are lucky!

P.: (Да. Посмотрите! Отсюда мы уже видим Почтовую башню.)

S.: I can see the top. How high is it?

P.: (Я не знаю. На самом верху есть экскурсовод. Можете спросить у него.)

S.: Can we go to the top?

P.: (Да, можем.)

S.: Great! Are you coming? Hurry!

P.: (Я тоже люблю высокие здания. Нам повезло, сегодня нет облаков. Прекрасный вид, не правда ли?)

S.: Is that Hyde Park?

P.: (Нет, это парк Святого Джеймса, Гайд парк с той стороны.)

S.: Oh! And there is Buckingham Palace. It’s right between the two parks! Look! There is the Tower, just near the river! Are we going there?

P.: (Да, думаю, что пойдем сегодня вечером.)

S.: Oh, good. What a wonderful view!

2. Прочитайте перечень блюд. Что бы вы заказали на ужин? Оформите свой заказ.

Snacks Hot dishes Wine and beverages
Stuffed pike Jelled pike-perch Jelled tongue Hard-smoked sausage Hot-smoked sturgeon Cold-smoked sturgeon Crab salad Lampreys in mustard Sauce Salmon Perch in marinade Sprats in oil Salads Roast chicken Hot pot Veal, pork, mutton chops Fish balls Meat balls Hot dogs Boiled sturgeon Fried cod Roast turkey Boiled tongue Sturgeon on a spit Stewed beef Vodka Sherry Claret Cognacs Ratafia Liquors Rum Gin Lemon squash Orange juice Cranberry beverage Fruit kissel

3. Переведите на английский язык:

- Где вы собираетесь праздновать слияние наших фирм? – мы собираемся отметить это событие в нашем новом кафе. Я собираюсь пригласить всех ведущих сотрудников наших компаний. Я закажу столики и сделаю заказ заранее. – Что вы закажете к ужину? – Я закажу черную и красную икру, фаршированного судака, семгу, севрюгу горячего копчения, холодную жареную курицу, заливной язык и фирменное мясное блюдо. – Какие вина и напитки мы будем пить? – Я закажу марочные вина и фирменные напитки. Я думаю, наши сотрудники хорошо проведут время и вечер пройдет успешно.

4. Дайте ответы на реплики официанта:

Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. How many are you?


W.: Take your seats at the table on your right. It’s vacant. Here is the menu. Make your choice.


W.: All right. Would you like any soup?


W.: Sorry, roast goose is off. I can recommend you roast chicken or roast beef.


W.: Will you have anything for a drink?


W.: We’ve got a big choice of wine today. I‘d recommend you light red wine. It goes nicely with roast chicken and roast beef.


W.: Anything for a sweet?


W.: Very well. Here are your snacks. Good appetite!

5. Прочтите текст о французской компании “Bic”, заполните бланк истории компании.

Bic’s success in a throwaway world

Bic is a household name, synonymous with a disposable age

Few companies can say that they are responsible for changing the everyday habits of billions of people throughout the world, but the French company Bic, founded in 1950, is one that can.

The ballpoint pen came first. The original biros – named after Lazlo Biro, their Hungarian inventor – were expensive and difficult to use. Baron Marcel Bich, the owner of a small office supplies company, brought together French and British scientists to refine and modify the design. He negotiated the rights to produce and sell the pen with Biro. Production of the Bic “Crystal” began in 1953. The “Crystal” had a clear blue plastic tube and a visible ink supply which was sufficient to draw a line three kilometers long.

Sales rose from around 50,000 a week in the last year to a quarter of million a day by 1956. Today sales of Bic writing instruments total more than 20 million a day in 160 countries.

Bich was not content with a one-product business and wanted to find other throwaway ideas. In 1972 came the disposable lighter. It is another success story which made Bic world leader in the sector, with daily sales of disposable lighters now numbering almost 4 million.

Bic’s winning formula was a combination of simplicity of production and reliability; the company claims that its lighters will work 3,000 times compared with competing brands’ 1,000.

The company used healthy profits to invest in its third major product range – the throwaway razor – 1n 1975. It now contests market leadership with Gillette. Bic subsequently diversified further – into windsurfing boards and fashion – but the three original throwaway ideas remain its success stories.

COMPANY HISTORY 1950 The company was founded 1950 – 53 Lazlo Biro invented the first pen. Marcel Bich __________and__________ the design. Bich negotiated with Biro to __________ 1953 Production of the ________ began. Sales of the biro rose to ________ 1972 Bic invented ________ 1975 Bic invented ________ Now Bic sells ________ ballpoints every day Bic sells ________ disposable lighters per day Bic and ________ are leaders in the market for disposable razors.

6. Прочтите диалог, в котором служащая компании рассказывает о различных аспектах работы. Заполните соответствующе записи, выбрав подходящую информацию.

Int = Interviewer ML - Morna Lawson

Int.: Can you tell me what gives you satisfaction in your job?

ML.: Well, there’s different things really, obviously salary is important, status is important – I want to be respected for what I do – but most importantly I can’t bear being bored, with routines, so I want the freedom to develop my role really.

Int.: So, it’s important your manager gives you autonomy.

ML.: Yes.

Int.: What management style do you respond well to?

ML.: Well, I like them, really I like my manager to be fairly hands-off, yet available, so I’m allowed to do what, I’m allowed to get on with it and the manager is there to support me.

Int.: OK. I know you worked in Spain and Britain. Atre there any differences between the workplace culture in the two countries?

ML.: Mmm, it was a while, a few years ago that I was in Spain, and I think that Britain and Spain have probably become more similar, but the thing I noticed most was that the Spanish work in order to enjoy their lives far more so than they do in Britain.

Int.: Right, could you describe your best manager?

ML.: … A woman I worked with in Spain, who enjoyed her job, enjoyed life; we had good time at work, and most of all she allowed me to get on with it, make my mistakes – it wasn’t the end of the world, and I learnt a lot from it.

1) Job satisfaction. Three things that are important to Morna in a job: ________.

2) Management styles. She likes a manager to be ________, but ________.

3) Workplace culture. Spain and Britain have one major difference: ________.

4) Managers. Morna’s most favourite manager was ________, because ________.

7. Распределите следующие качества и высказывания на две группы. В зависимости от того, для какого стиля руководства (мужского или женского) они характерны:

Confrontation, competitiveness, personal achievements come first, share credit for success, force, self-protection, challenge, constant direction, in-control, collaboration, welcoming contributions, talking about personal matters, hysteria;

“It’s very simple. The point is…”, “But we need to take account of …”, “ You look worried. What do you think about the new plan”, “That’s rubbish”, “I built the department from nothing”, “Thank you for your kind words, but this really was a team effort”, “It was so funny. He looked ridiculous”.


Обратите внимание, что в задании может быть несколько правильных


Правильный артикль

1. … equipment of Blake & C is very good.

a) -

П: b) the

c) an

d) a

2. Our company has … better financial status than yours.

П: a) a

b) an

c) the

c) –

Правильное число существительного

3. According to Economic Development and Trade ministry statistics the average national income was … in 2004.

a) 3600 thousands dollars.

П: b) 3600 thousand dollars

c) 3600 thousand dollar

d) 3600 thousands dollar

Правильное местоимение

4. Let … show the equipment to our customer.

П: a) them

П: b) Mr. Brown

c) his

d) they

Правильная форма прилагательного

5. New York City is … city of the States.

П: a) the biggest

b) biggest

c) bigger

d) the most biggest

6. My secretary is as …. as yours.

a) better

П: b) good

c) the best

d) best

Правильный союз

7. Solving the problem of choice, a consumer wants to satisfy his demands …much…possible.

a) so…as

П: b) as…as

c) as…so

d) such …as

8. При переводе каких предложений следует употребить «чем…тем».

П: a) The larger the wealth to be invested, the larger the demand for time deposits.

b) The more rapid inflation of the previous years means the quicker devaluation of bank deposits.

c) The lower value of national currency gives rise to the larger exports.

d) The higher revenue is due to the higher labour efficiency.

Правильное местоимение

9. …. office manager often meets foreign businessmen and discusses prices for different goods with ….

a) our, their

b) us, their

c) ours, their

П: d) our, them

Правильное слово

10. I'd like to discuss …. Business questions with you.

П: a) some

b) any

П: c) many

d) much

11. No matter how … money you have you can open a bank account.

П: a) little

b) a little

c) few

d) a few

Правильный вариант

12. ... several relationships that may grow up between business in Great Britain and the United States of America.

a) it is

b) it was

c) there were

П: d) there are

Правильная форма глагола

13. As a rule, a private company …only one director.

a) have

П: b) has

c) had

d) has to

14. Large commercial banks … automatic teller machines nowadays.

a) install

b) installs

c) is installing

П: d) are installing

15. -Has Mr. Blake looked through the latest catalogues?

- Yes, he … yesterday?

П: a) looked them through

b) has looked them through

c) have looked them through

d) has look them through

16. Statistics shows that consumption per capita has …in developed countries.

a) rose

b) rise

П: c) increased

d) to raise

17. … the terms of payment and delivery yet?

П: a) Have you discussed

b) Did you decided

c) Has you discussed

d) Have you discuss

18. The firm … shares by next December.

a) will issue

b) will be issued

П: c) will have issued

d) will issued

19. The firm ... its machinery when the bank ... to repay the loan.

a) has already sold, demanded

П: b) had already sold, demanded