
Методические указания по изучению дисциплины для студентов заочного отделения (стр. 2 из 2)

c) sold, demanded

d) sold, had demanded

20. Limited liability companies …. into public and private ones.

П: a) are divided

b) is divided

c) divided

d) divide

21. A limited liability company ….. by the board of directors.

a) heads

П: b)is headed

c) was headed

d) headed

22. No agreement …. among financial experts yet.

П: a) has been reached

b) has reached

c) reached

d) was reached

23. He … the date for the next appointment.

a) don't fix

b) doesn’t fix

П: c) hasn't fixed

d) won’t fix

Правильный предлог

24. We are interested … the long-term growth.

П: a) in

b) into

c) to

d) on

25. My secretary is translating this contract …. English.

a) in

b) to

П: c) into

d) on

26. The goods are sold …a high price.

П: a) at

b) by

c) on

d) to

27. TS shares dropped … 10% this afternoon.

a) to

П: b) by

c) on

d) with

Правильный модальный глагол

28. The businessmen ….observe various rules.

П: a) should

b) is to

c) has to

d) must

29. Nobody answers the phone. They … be out.

a) should

b) would

c) can

П: d) must

30. The telephone lines can be so busy that people ….to wait for an hour to get through.

a) ought

b) are

П: c) have

d) are able

Правильная форма глагола

31. If the competition get tough they … business elsewhere.

a) would start

b) started

П: c) will start

d) start

32. When they … the new method productivity will rise.

a) introduce

П: b) introduce

c) introduced

d) to introduce

33. If governments reduced restrictions and tariffs, it … the expansion of world trade.

a) promote

b) promotes

c) will promote

П: d) would promote

34. Such a big corporation would run business successfully if experienced managers … hired.

П: a) were

b) was

c) are

d) to be

Правильный ответ

35. «Is it possible to adapt your equipment to our needs? » - asked Mr. Cartwright.

a) Mr. Cartwright asked if is it possible to adapt our equipment to their needs.

b) Mr. Cartwright asked is it possible to adapt our equipment to their needs.

П: c) Mr. Cartwright asked if it was possible to adapt our equipment to their needs.

d) Mr. Cartwright asked if it is possible to adapt our equipment to their needs.

36. «I'll show you our factory tomorrow», - said Mr. Simpson.

a) Mr. Simpson said that he would show us their factory tomorrow.

b) Mr. Simpson said that he will show us their factory tomorrow.

П: c) Mr. Simpson said that he would show us their factory the next day.

d) Mr. Simpson said that he will show us their factory the next day.

37. «What do you know about our company?» - asked Mr. Smith.

a) Mr.Smith asked what do I know about their company.

b) Mr.Smith asked what I know about their company.

П: c) Mr.Smith asked what I knew about their company.

d) Mr.Smith asked what did I know about their company.

38. « Please remind me who Mr. Pospelov is», - said Mr. Allen to his secretary.

П: a) Mr. Allen told his secretary to remind him who Mr. Pospelov was.

b) Mr. Allen told his secretary remind him who Mr. Pospelov was.

c) Mr. Allen said to his secretary to remind him who Mr. Pospelov was.

d) Mr. Allen told to his secretary to remind him who Mr. Pospelov was.

Правильное по смыслу слово

39. People have to choose the …way of living provided the … situation in the country in unfavorable.

a) economic, economical

П: b) economical, economic

c) economic, economic

d) economical, economical

40. One of the important tasks of a firm is to obtain the maximum amount of a commodity using any given quantity of … .

П: a) input

b) commodities

c) costs

d) revenues

41. Some branches of economy such as agriculture greatly … climate.

П: a) depends on

b) include

c) impose on

d) rely on

42. In some industrial countries producers don’t … the government regulation and make all decisions themselves.

a) impose

П: b) rely on

c) supply

d) affect on

43. Calculating expenditures on running a business it is necessary to … expenses on maintaining building in good repair.

a) impose

b) influence

П:c) include

d) improve

44. The theory of supply shows that an increase in production cost … output level.

a) leads

П: b) reduces

П: c) decreases

d) depends

45. … of countries regulating their economics is constantly increasing.

a) The amount

b) The quantity

П: c) The number

d) The numbers

46. The demanded … of a good depends on a particular market, the number of consumers, their tastes and even the season of the year.

П: a) quantity

b) amount

c) number

d) quality

47. The aim of producers using this new technological improvement is to … higher profits.

a) raise

П: b) receive

c) affect

d) offer

48. The producers have to … total output as the demand has grown.

П: a) increase

b) rise

П: c) raise

d) supply

49. Different sweets and chocolates are known as … goods for sugar.

a) normal

П: b) substitute

c) complementary

П: d) alternative

50. The decrease in production costs leads to the … in the total profit obtained.

a) reduce

П: b) increase

c) decrease

П: d) rise

51. The situation at the market when the consumer demand is higher than the quantity supplied is known as …

a) excess

П: b) shortage

c) reduction

d) decrease

52. High level of profits can be … by producers through improvements in technology.

a) owned

П: b) received

c) maximized

d) offered

e) owned

53. Every day money is … from one bank to another in thousands of cities.

a) contributed

b) considered

П: c) transferred

d) replaced

54. … in the relationship between factor inputs and outputs of goods and services.

a) Production cost

b) Investment

c) Efficiency of labour

П: d) Efficiency

55. Chemical industry provides … for farming.

a) ore

П: b) fertilizers

c) natural resources

d) raw materials.

56. …can be measured in physical terms or … terms.

a) Efficiency of labour, investment

b) Investment, property

c) Purchasing power, following

П: d) Efficiency, cost

57. The total … of goods and services produced in an economy in one year is called … .

П: a) value, gross domestic product

b) value, gross national product

c) measure, wealth

d) distribution, average standard of living

58. The … made to the gross domestic product by the various sectors of the economy can be … in a variety of ways.

a) share, measured

b) assets, determined

П: c) contributions, considered

d) investment, used up

59. … economic mechanisms may be … to allocate resources.

П: a) Various, employed

b) Essential, added

c) Following, provided

d) Most, applied

e) Required, varied

60. High taxes are … on expensive goods for the purpose of … money for the poor.

a) imposed, existing

П: b) levied, raising

c) determined, getting

d) fixed, collecting