
Методические указания по английскому языку к учебнику English for Businessmen для студентов экономических специальностей всех форм обучения (стр. 3 из 9)

Нью-Йорк известен широкими и прямыми авеню, высокими зданиями, богатыми музеями.

Бродвей (Broadway)—одна из самых интересных улиц мира. Там вы можете увидеть много ресторанов, кинотеатров, магазинов. Это самая длинная улица города.

Уолл-Стрит (Wall-Street)—одна из самых старых и коротких улиц Нью-Йорка. На этой улице много банков, известных во всем мире.

В течение многих лет самым высоким зданием было Эмпайр стейт билдинг (the Empire State Building). Позднее появились более высокие здания.

Но не все районы города такие красивые, как центр. В Нью-Йорке много грязных, перенаселенных районов с узкими улицами. В этих районах живут рабочие.

2.2 Работа с текстом

Пояснения к тексту:

1. Great Britain [´greit ´brit«n] -Великобритания

2. Europe [Û ¾u«r«p] - Европа

3. Regent’s Park [Û r"ùdZ«nts] - Риджентс-парк

4. Westminster [Û westm"nst«] - Вестминстер

5. Piccadilly [Û p"k« Û d"l"] - Пиккадилли

6. Oxford Circus [Û ksf«d Û s«ùk«s] - Оксфорд Серкус

7. Great Russel Street [Û gre"t Û rÃsl Û str"ùt] - Грейт Рассел Стрит

Задание 2.2.1 Прочитайте тексты, найдите в них ключевые слова:


Getting about London

What is London?

We can say that it is one of the largest cities in the world, that it is one of the world’s most important ports and that it is the capital of Great Britain.

But all these answers do not give any idea of London.

London is more than two thousand and five hundred years old. About seven million people live there. There are more than 10 thousand streets in London.

Most of the streets are not very wide and most of the buildings are not tall, but multistorey buildings have also appeared in London and almost all of them are hotels and offices.

London Underground is the oldest and longest in Europe. There are eleven different lines with more than 500 stations.

Although London is a crowded and noisy city you can find many pleasant parks and green squares there.

Regent’s Park is the most beautiful park and Hyde Park is the largest, it is one of the most popular places of rest of Londoners on hot summer days.

There are three main parts in London: the City, the West End and the East End.

The oldest part of London is the City, the business centre. But the political centre is Westminster which is in the West End.

The West End is famous for its rich shops, hotels, restaurants, cinemas, museums and other places of interest. Only rich people live there.

The East End is another part of London. Many houses there are poor and many streets are narrow and dirty. The East End is famous for its docks but they have closed. Now people are building houses there. Already there are offices, shops and restaurants, a cinema and a large hotel for a modern traveler. By 2000 there will be a sports centre, a shopping centre, an airport and many other new buildings.

There is so much to see in London that even Londoners can always find new sights. They like to say: “When a man is tired of London, he is tired of life.”


Asking the Way

On the first day of his stay in London Borisov went sightseeing. He saw Piccadilly, one of the most famous streets of London. Then he decided to go to the British Museum. He asked a passer-by to show him the way there.

Borisov: Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the British Museum?

Passer-by: I certainly can. It’s a 30 minutes’ walk from here, but if you

want to get there quickly you can go by bus from Oxford Circus.

Borisov: How do I get to Oxford Circus?

Passer-by: Go straight on, turn right at the traffic lights and in three

minutes you are there.

Borisov: What bus do I take?

Passer-by: The 73.

Borisov: At what stop do I get off?

Passer-by: At Great Russel Street. The bus stops at the museum.

Borisov: One more thing: how long will it take me to get to the museum?

Passer-by: Not more than 15 minutes.

Borisov: Many thanks.

Passer-by: Not at all.

Задание 2.2.2 Скажите, какие предложения точно передают со-держание текстов:

1. London is the capital of Great Britain.

2. London Underground is the oldest and the longest in the world.

3. Multistorey buildings have not appeared in London.

4. The East End is famous for its rich shops, hotels and restaurants.

5. There are no quiet places in London.

6. Borisov saw the British Museum, then he decided to go to the Piccadilly.

7. He did not know how to get to Oxford Circus.

8. Borisov decided to walk to the museum.

Задание 2.2.3 Расположите вопросы в логической последователь-ности и ответьте на них:

1. When did Borisov go sightseeing?

2. How many parts are there in London?

3. What is London?

4. Who showed Borisov the way to the museum?

5. Why is London a crowded and noisy city?

6. What is the political centre of London?

Задание 2.2.4 Составьте план текста: “Getting about London”.

Задание 2.2.5 Представьте, что Вы гид-экскурсовод. Скажите, что бы Вы рассказали группе путешественников о Лондоне.

2.3 Слова к тексту

1. the world [w«ùld] n - мир, вселенная
e.g. Our company is doing business with different countries of the world.
in the world - в мире
all over the world
the world’s largest - самый большой в мире
Существительное world всегда употребля- ется с определенным артиклем. Оно может употребляться в притяжательном падеже.
2. important [im @pùt«nt] adj - важный
important | information
| event
e.g. This order is very important to us. It’s important for us to discuss the matter today.
3. a port [pùt] - порт
at the port - в порту
to arrive at a port - прибыть в порт
4. a capital [ @kQpit«l] n - столица
5. about [« @baut] adv - примерно, около
e.g. I’ll be back in about 10 minutes.
6. a street [stri: t] n - улица
in the street - на улице
e.g. I met him in Pushkin street yesterday.
Перед названием улиц и площадей артикль не употребляется.
7. wide [waid] adj - широкий
wide street
8. a building [ @bildiN] n - здание
large |
small | building
9. to build [bild] v - строить
to build houses, underground, etc.
10. tall [tùl] adj - высокий
| building
tall | block of flats
| man
11. multistorey [ @mÃlti @stùri] adj - многоэтажный
| building
| block of flats
multistorey | office
e.g. My friend lives in a multistorey block of flats.
12. to appear [« @pi«] v - появляться
e.g. A lot of multistorey buildings have appeared in our district lately.
13. almost [ @ùlmoust] adv - почти
e.g. Almost all engineers of our firm go on business every year.
14. an underground [ @Ãnd«graund] n - метро
in the underground - в метро
to take the underground - садиться в метро
to get | by underground
to go |
underground | trains
| station
e.g. Take the underground at Oxford Circus.
Обратите внимание на отсутствие артикля: Moscow| London | underground Oxford Circus | Nogin Square | underground station
15. a line [lain] n - линия, зд. линия метро
underground | line
telephone | - телефонная линия
16. a station [ @steiSn] n - станция, вокзал
underground |
large | station
nearest |
17. although [ùl @Dou] conj - хотя
18. crowded [ @kraudid] adj - полный, переполненный
| visitors
| people
to be crowded with | holiday-makers
| cars
19. noisy [ @nizi] adj - шумный
| street
| airport
noisy | children
| traffic
e.g. It’s noisy here.
20. a square [skwE«] p - сквер, площадь
in a square
21. main [mein] adj - главный, основной
| street
the main | part
| problem
22. a part [ pa: t] n - часть
part of the | city
| country
e.g. In what part of Moscow do you live?
23. a shop [Sp] n - магазин
to buy smth. at a shop
24. famous [ @feim«s] adj - известный
| city
famous | novel
| actor
famous for smth.
e.g. Brighton is famous for its beaches.
25. a restaurant [ @restrN] n - ресторан
e.g. The other day I had dinner at the Arbat Restaurant.
Перед названием ресторанов употребляется определенный артикль.
26. rich [ritS] adj - богатый
rich peole
27. a museum [mjuù @zi«m] n - музей
e.g. There are a lot of famous pictures at the Pushkin museum.
Перед названием музеев употребляется определенный артикль.
28. pleasant [ @plez«nt] adj - приятный
pleasant | park
| woman
e.g. It’s pleasant to sit in a quiet park.
29. a place of interest достопримечатель- ность
A place of interest - то, что принято считать интересным для показа, например: музеи, картинные галереи и т. д.
to visit |
to see | places of interest
to show |
e.g. What places of interest of Moscow have you seen?
30. poor [pu«] adj - бедный
| houses
poor | people
| districts
to be of poor quality - быть низкого качества
e.g. The goods of this company are of poor quality
31. narrow [ @nQrou] adj - узкий
narrow | street
| beach
32. dirty [ @d«ùti] adj - грязный
33. working-class n - рабочий класс
working-class people
34. even [ @iùv«n] adV - даже
35. sights [saits] n -достопримечатель-ности
Sights - более широкое понятие, чем places of interest. Включает и просто красивые дома, сады и т.д.
36. to go sightseeing [ @saitsiùiN] - осматривать достопримечательности
e.g. If I visit a city for the first time I always go sightseeing.
37. to decide [di @said] v - решать
to decide to do smth. - решать сделать что-л.
e.g. We decided to go to the country this weekend.
38. a passer-by [ @paùs«bai] n - прохожий
39. to excuse [iks @kju: z] v - извинять, прощать
Excuse me. - Извините
Excuse me употребляется при обращении к людям, когда нужно получить какую-л. информацию. Sorry употребляется для выражения сожаления.
40. to tell [tel] v - сказать, рассказать
(told [tould], told)
e.g. 1) Mr Bell told me that their goods sell very well.
2) Mike told me everything about his trip to Leningrad
to tell smb. the way - рассказать к-л как
to some place пройти куда-л.
41. a walk n - прогулка
a thirty minutes’ walk
Неопределенный артикль относится к существительному walk.
42. quickly [ @kwikli] adv - быстро
to walk | quickly
to answer |
43. straight [streit] adj - прямой
straight | street
| line
straight on adv - прямо
e.g. Go straight on and you are there.
44. to turn [t«ùn] v - повернуть
to turn | right
| left
45. traffic-lights n - светофор
at the traffic-lights - у светофора
46. a stop [stp] n - остановка
bus stop - автобусная остановка
e.g. At what stop are you getting off?
47. to stop v - 1. останавливать, -- 2. останавливаться
e.g. We stopped the passer-by to ask him the way to Oxford Street.
48. a coat [kout] n - пальто
summer | coat
winter |
Речевой образец:
Most of the streets in London are not very wide. - Большинство улиц в Лондоне не очень широкие.