1. Many of the most serious environment problems of the technological nations result from the use of energy. Every form of energy production is known to cause some damage to the surroundings. A large part of urban air pollution is probably caused by emission from internal combustion engines. Other forms of urban air pollution result from the combustion of coal and low grade oil in steam electric plants or central heating plants.
2. Hydroelectric plants are considered to cause serious problems in the environment as well. One major problem of hydroelectric plants is the enormous weight of the water that fills the lake behind the dam rather quickly after the dam is constructed. The added weight places severe stresses on the geological formation , causing earthquakes in the area. The most severe earthquake - 6.5 on the Richter scale - happened as the lake behind the dam in Kogna ( India ) was filled.
3. Perhaps, the most tragic problem created by the Aswan High Dam on the Nile River is the increase of diseases. The still waters behind the dam prove to create a good ground for insects carrying diseases
4. Another form of environment degradation common to electric power generation is thermal pollution - the dumping of wasted heat into streams of water or the atmosphere. The warmed water is rather quickly mixed with the streams of water in a lake, this having harmful effect upon ecological balance of the lake.
5. In order to obtain enormous amounts of energy we are building powerful atomic electric stations which open up fine prospects in atomic power industry. However nuclear plants are capable of polluting the environment with radioactive atoms of various elements. Moreover, nuclear reactors of the types now being built will not be widely used as a source of energy because of the scarcity of the isotope "U" which is used as fuel.
6. The largest potential source of nuclear energy is thermo-nuclear fusion by which the nuclei of small atoms are combined to form larger nuclei. However these power plants also contaminate the environment with radioactive elements that are released when the fuel is burnt.
Упражнение 6. Прочитайте шестой абзац текста и вопрос к нему. Из приведенных вариантов ответа укажите номер предложения, содержащего правильный ответ на поставленный вопрос:
What substances do power plants contaminate the environment with?
1. ... with radioactive elements;
2. ... with wasted heat;
3. ... with gases.
1. Without up-to-date crystallographic equipment it would be impossi-ble to study the atomic structure of materials.
2. In order to satisfy the demands of comprehensive automation the output of automatic instruments should be greatly increased.
3. The work having been done, they went home.
4. As matter and weight are closely connected we usually measure the amount of matter in an object by weighing it.
5. The main disadvantage of plastics in likely to be poor resistance to heat.
1. Had man learnt to control thermo-nuclear explosions he would have a practically inexhaustible source of energy.
2. Liquid lubricants evaporating in vacuum, scientists developed solid lubricants for space engineering.
3. For a long time scientists dreamed to obtain electric power directly from the sun.
4. The salts being catalysts, the rate of the reaction increases twice.
5. This plant is known to have been operating since last year.
1. Through television we can see events as well as hear programmes even if they take place many kilometers away.
2. The experiment is said to be of great importance for this branch of industry and should be done again.
3. Having subjected crystals to X-radiation the scientists could obtain materials with special properties.
4. Man has recognized that sunlight is a powerful source of energy since ancient times.
5. Hydroelectric energy requires no fuel for electricity to be produced from the energy of falling water.
1. For a long time scientists dreamed to obtain electric power directly from the sun.
2. The experiment which is said to be of great importance for this branch of industry should be discussed at our conference.
3. In the field of chemistry lasers are used either for diagnostic purposes or for producing chemical changes.
4. Radioisotopes being produced in atomic reactors, the engineers be-gan to apply them for physical measurements and in radiography.
5. We know the moon to be a body with a metallic core at its center.
1. For many centuries the problem of air pollution was not paid attention to.
2. Carbon as well as metals conduct electricity.
3. Provided the temperature were high, the metal would melt.
4. When attacked by ozone, all the metals change into their oxides.
5. England was the third country in the world to experience industrialization.
1. We should protect the environment for it is in danger of human activity.
2. The evolution of the globe and of life on it is due largely to chemistry.
3. We must say that at the prices fixed in your catalogue there would be little hope of getting your goods placed.
4. We thought that the construction of our machines and very com-petitive prices would ensure steady and increasing sales in your country.
5. As to the advantages of this method they leave no doubt.
1. Industrial enterprises must use filters for exhaust gases to be purified.
2. The problem concerned is known to be the most difficult one.
3. The experiment being very important, we should pay special atten-tion to the product obtained.
4. Further supplies would be invoiced to you 10% below export price-list.
5. Phosphorus is said to be more reactive then sulphur towards oxygen.
1. The experiment is expected to last for three hours.
2. If non-metals hadn’t borrowed electrons, they would not have com-bined with metals and formed salts.
3. We shall promise delivery in two months if we receive your order immediately.
4. When elements combine heat energy is either liberated, or absorbed, and a compound is formed.
5. Many discoveries are known to have been forgotten for decades to be rediscovered in some other country and by some other scientists.
1. The chemical industry would gladly make use of the oxidizing po-wer of ozone.
2. White phosphorus should be handled with extreme caution.
3. Metallurgists consider the ferrous metals to include iron and its alloys.
4. If you find our offer of some interest we shall prepare materials for patenting.
5. Phosphorus is said to be more reactive then sulphur towards oxygen.
1. There are some black markets in which people buy things at prices much higher than they should be.
2. We would like to draw your attention to the fact that our company sells licenses on know-how.
3. To decrease prices you should reduce the cost of the product.
4. If we were present at the meeting, we should know better the ques-tions discussed.
5. For many centuries there existed an atomic theory.
1. It is important that the control of inflation should be given priority in government policy.
2. He said that he would carry out this experiment once more.
3. If I had had a dictionary, I should have translated the article.
4. For a quantity of watts to be obtained we multiply volts by amperes.
5. The temperature being raised, the kinetic energy is increased.
1. It should be noted that oxygen is widely used in industry.
2. For the reaction to take place we have to combine two solutions.
3. The experiment was supposed to be carried out next week.
4. The evaporation increases with the temperature, other conditions being equal.
5. I saw neither your camera nor the pictures.
1. It is necessary that the work should be done in time.
2. As soon as he saw bubbles on the surface of the liquid he stopped the experiment.
3. He wanted the new method to be used in our laboratory.
4. Radioactivity is a natural process that has been investigated since the end of the last century.
5. Common salts consist of tiny cubes, some of them being perfect ones.
1. He demanded that they should do it.
2. Energy is defined as the ability to do work.
3. A lot of time needed for the crystallization occur.
4. The most common of the solvents is known to be water.
5. They have to compare their experiments, their results being different.
1. I should like to take part in the discussion of this method.
2. Carbon as well as metals conduct electricity.
3. This material being used in electronics, its properties should be stu-died closely.
4. I have not seen him since he graduated from the institute.
5.They bought neither a newspaper nor a book.
Перевод предложений на русский язык с указанием различных функций глаголов should и would.
1. Would – вспомогательный глагол для образования формы Future in the Past.
Он сказал, что будет занят на заводе завтра.
2. Should – вспомогательный глагол для образования формы сос-лагательного наклонения.
Необходимо, чтобы компьютеры использовались в химической промышленности.
3. Should – модальный глагол.
Вам следовало бы сделать это сейчас.
4. Would – вспомогательный глагол для образования Future in the Past.
Я сказал ему, что вы уедите из Москвы в понедельник.
5. Should – вспомогательный глагол для образования формы сос-лагательного наклонения.
Он пошел бы туда, если бы у него было время.
Перевод предложений с инфинитивными и причастными оборотами.
1. Когда все приготовления были сделаны, они начали эксперимент.
(независимый причастный оборот)
2. Статья посвящена микроволнам, причем особое внимание уде-лено радиолокации.
(независимый причастный оборот)
3. После того как были проведены опыты, они начали новые исследования.
(независимый причастный оборот)
4. Мы знаем, что они закончили университет.
(объектный инфинитивный оборот)
5. Я слышал, как упоминали о его работе.
(объектный инфинитивный оборот)
6. Известно, что все тела имеют вес.
(субъектный инфинитивный оборот)
7. Оказалось, что этот метод новый.
(субъектный инфинитивный оборот)
8. Когда его спросили, он ответил, что использовал серную кисло-ту как катализатор.
(зависимый причастный оборот)
9. Когда его спросили, он нам все рассказал.
(зависимый причастный оборот)
10. Так как работа была закончена вовремя, она была очень полезна.
(зависимый причастный оборот)
Перевод предложений, включающих союзы и предлоги, имеющие различные значения.
1. Он сделает для вас все, что может.
2. Они еще не заплатили за товар.
3. Я буду здесь два часа (в течении двух часов).
4. Поскольку вы больны, я сделаю эту работу за вас.
5. Он живет в Москве с прошлого года.
6. Мы получили ваше письмо, так же как вашу телеграмму.
7. Как он, так и она являются студентами нашего института.
8. Заведующий или в офисе, или в лаборатории.
9. Дальнейшие эксперименты показали, что движение не может быть обусловлено током.
10. Мы предпочитаем электронные приборы вследствие их точности.
1 - подлежащее
2 - сказуемое
2...2 - вспомогательный и смысловой глаголы сказуемого
3 - прямое дополнение
4 - обстоятельство, занимающее четвертое место
0 - обстоятельство, занимающее нулевое место
I - 1-я форма глагола - основа инфинитива
II-ed - 2-я форма стандартного глагола - простое прошедшее время
II - 2-я форма нестандартного глагола - простое прошедшее время
II(ed) - 2-я форма стандартного или нестандартного глагола
III-ed - 3-я форма стандартного глагола - причастие II
III - 3-я форма нестандартного глагола - причастие II
III(ed) - 3-я форма стандартного или нестандартного глагола, т.е.причастие II
I ing - причастие I
О ing - герундий
to V - инфинитив
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5. Косачева И.Е. Коновалова Л.Г. Значение и функции внешне идентичных глагольных форм на -ed. Причастие II.Технологии изучающего чтения. / Алт. гос. техн. ин-т им. И.И. Ползунова, БТИ. - Бийск. Изд-во Алт. гос. техн. ун-та, 1997.