
Методические указания и контрольные задания для студентов-заочников Салаватского индустриального колледжа по специальностям 140102 "Теплоснабжение и теплотехническое оборудование" (стр. 16 из 19)


b) theatre

c) exhibition

10. Какой вопрос относится к подчеркнутому слову?

Mary loves Nick, her neighbour.

a) Who loves Nick?

b) Whom does Mary love?

c) What is Nick?

d) Why does Mary love Nick?

Задание 2

Прочитайте текст, письменно переведите его, задайте 4 типа вопроса ко всему тексту:

1) общий вопрос;

2) специальный вопрос;

3) альтернативный;

4) разделительный;

Для специальности 140102 «Теплоснабжение и теплотехническое оборудование»


This is an advertising booklet of the Teploizolyatsia (Thermal Insulation) joint-slock company, one of the oldest and well-established organizations on thermal and cooling insulation. Having almost a forty years' experience and an adequate license, the company together with its branches and production divisions carries out any kind of work on insulation of the equipment, pipelines, compressor refrigerating plants, as well as jacketing for building constructions and refrigerating chambers on numerous projects of the Russian Federation. We can supply our clients with designing estimates, make calculations of heat losses and perform work ai a low cost. We guarantee high quality and the shortest possible order schedules. Highly efficient materials and insulating coatings will reduce heat losses to a minimum and produce a long-lasting operation of the equipment. We would be happy to have new clients and partners and arc ready to establish a long-term business cooperation. The Teploizolyatsia joint-stock company, the former State All-Unjon trust Teploirolyatsia under the Ministry of

Building and Assembly Work of Ihe USSR was founded in 1959 on the basis of not numerous and poorly-equipped organizations, performance, to minimize heat losses and ensure specified, parameters of technological processes.


The Teploizolyatsia joint-stock company has close contacts with the open joint-stock company Pipelines Drushba. At many petroleum pumping stations the jacketing of block-boxes and shelters, as well as the repair of the equipment and heat supply system insulators are effected. On the photo: a jacketed block-box of the diesel room at the petroleum pumping station Klin. The work has been performed by the Ulyanovsk division. The Samara division plant on glass cloth impregnation supplies all production divisions with this kind of coating. The stocks of materials and equipment on the basis of the Samara division commissioned in 1996, The Samara branch has also at its disposal the motor transport, truck loaders, special cars and buses to carry out work on heat Insulation in any point of the Russian Federation. All these facilities enable to fully provide themselves with metal stock and, if necessary, to render assistance to other production divisions. On the photo: heat insulation of the 5000 cu m capacity tank at the Kuznetsk thermalelectric plant No.3 (Penza region) performed by the Ulyanovsk division. This division is also responsible for chemical protection of this lank.


Shurmkhin A., director of the Ufa branch, a distinguished builder of the Republic of Bashkortostan, a holder of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor and the Badge of Honor, veteran of labor. The personnel of the Ufa branch having celebrated their jubilee recently are successfully working at the projects of Bashkortostan and rightfully occupy the leading place in the company.

Thermal insulation of up to 30 m high columns of the plant for hydrogen cleaning in the Ufaneftekhim association carried out by the Ufa branch team. The team can boast of having carried out thermal insulation of such unique projects as ball-shaped tanks of 12 m in diameter. 102 m high columns, high-pressure steam line with the heat-transfer agent temperature up to 540 degrees and many others. One of the numerous most com-Г heated projects earned out by the Ufa branch — the polypropylene plant in the Ufaorgsyntez association. The motto of the Ufa branch workers is high quality performance, minimal order schedules, lower heat losses in comparison with the allowable ones and low costs.

The Ufa branch workshop on cutting, forge-rolling and creasing of metal stock equipped with the up-to-date production equipment and staffed with highly skilled personell provide assembly sections with precast heat insulating constructions and metal coatings.


Marat Mansurov, director of the Sterlitamak branch. M.Mansurov tias a 15 years' experience of working in the area of thermal insulation. After graduation from the Civil Engineering Institute he worked his way up from foreman to director of the branch. At the meeting of Board of Directors held in June 1996 he was elected Chairman, Being a highly qualified specialist and having excellent managerial abilities and business initiative M.Mansurou has done his best to promote development "of the branch which one can be proud of.

Mechanized semiautomatic decoilers established in workshops of the Sterlitamak branch enable to ensure the uninterrupted operation of the production line for making metallic coatings of thermal insulators.

The use of heavy-duty tracks and freight containers makes it possible to deliver in one trip up to 54 cu m of heat-insulating materials to any place where the Sterlitamak branch is performing work..

The spot welding of galvanized taps has found its application in production shops of the Sterlitamak branch and enabled ia considerably increase labor productivity and production standards. One of the veterans of labor, Rashid Safarof. has mastered the spot welding and makes taps of excellent quality ready for assembly.


Vladimir Kolyshkin (second left), chief engineer of the Salavat branch, is discussing with engineers and technicians N.Burkov (first left) — head of the division, G.Bagautdinova (third left) —job superintendent and A.Aznaev —- foreman the design of the forhcoming work on heat insulation to be carried out in the association Salavatnefteorgsyntez. The quality of work carried out by the Salavat, branch is always very high. This is one of the production plants of the association Salavatnefteorgsyntez. The work has been fully completed and start-up and setting-up operations are under way.

Tagirov M; a veteran of labor, leader of tinsmiths' team, holder of two orders of the Red Banner. He has worked in the Salavat branch for more than 35 years and participated in the construction of major industrial projects in Salavat, Ishimbai, Meleuz and Kumertau. All the tasks on cutting and manufacturing complex metallic coatings are always fulfilled by him with high quality and in the shortest possible time schedules. He willingly shares his rich professional and life experience with young people. Along with the main activity the workers of the Salavat branch also produce consumer goods, namely buckets, tanks, watering cans, larmiers and window cantilevers, chimneys, etc.

Для специальности 240404 «Переработка нефти и газа»


The colour of petroleum varies from light yellow to red, while some very dark grades are opaque. The higher the specific gravity, the darker the oil.

The nature and composition of crude oil usually determines its odour. Unsaturated hydrocarbons, sulphur and certain nitrogen compounds are responsible for disagreeable odours. Crude petroleum from the USSR, Rumania and California has an aromatic odour. Pennsylvania petroleum has an agreeable gasoline-like odour. Other oils vary in odour depending on the quantity of light hydrocarbons present in the oil, and of the impurities present. The petroleum from South Texas and Mexico has a strong disagreeable odour, due to hydrogen sulphide and other sulphur compounds. Petroleum is lighter than water. The specific gravity is influenced by physical factors and by the chemical composition of the crude oil. It varies from 0.7684 to 0.992.

The viscosity, or the measure of the resistance to flow, is an important factor with lubricating oils. Crude petroleums are quite different in viscosity. Some are very mobile, while others, like Mexican crude, are quite viscid. Heavy petroleum in general is composed to a large extent of these hydrocarbons. The viscosity increases with the density. The viscosities of oils of the same specific gravity, but from different sources, are not always the same. This is due to the difference in chemical composition.


When chemical substances have the same molecular formula and molecular weight but different properties, they are called isomers (of each other) and the reaction of transformation of one isomer into another is called isomerization. The reason for this phenomenon lies in the molecule.

There are, for example, two different compounds with the chemical formula C4H10:

CH3 – CH2 – CH2 – CH3 and CH3 – CH - CH3



n-butane iso-butane

These compounds have different properties.

Isomerism is prevalent among more complex compounds. Thus glucose is one of 16 isomeric sugars of the composition C6H12O6.


Natural gas is an inflammable gas that occurs in the earths crust and is found with or near accumulations of crude oil. Being in gaseous form, it may occur alone in separate reservoirs.

Typical natural gas consists of hydrocarbons having a very low boiling point. Methane (СН4), the fundamental member of the methane series, with a boiling point of – 254o F, makes up approximately 85 per cent of the typical gas. Ethane (С2Н6), with a boiling point of – 128o F, is present in amounts up to 10%, and propane (С3Н8), with a boiling point of – 44o F, up to 3%. Butane (С4Н10), pentane (С4Н12), hexane and octane may be present.

Nearly all natural gas is inflammable. It has no distinct odour. Its main use is for fuel, but it is also used to make carbon black, natural gasoline, liquefied petroleum gas, and certain chemicals.

A method has been perfected to change methane into liquid form.


Petroleum is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons. It contains small amounts of oxygen, nitrogen, and sulphur compounds, and traces of metal salts. Hundreds of compounds of varying composition, molecular weight, and structure have been identified. Their properties are extremely varied: some boil below room temperature, some cannot be distilled without decomposition; all are combustible. Many special products come from petroleum: lubricants, waxes, solvents, asphalts for roads, medicinal oils, and numberless chemical derivatives. But the tremendous growth of the petroleum industry has been based on demand for fuels: gasoline, diesel oil, house heating oils for industrial furnaces and steam and power generation.


The petroleum refining industry is one of the largest manufacturing industries.

Crude oil is a mixture of many different hydrocarbon compounds, making the chemistry of petroleum refining extremely complex. The refining processes can be grouped under three main headings: (1) separating the crude oils to recover the desired products; (2) breaking the remaining large chemical compounds into smaller chemical compounds by cracking; (3) building the desired chemical compounds by chemical reactions, such as polymerization, reforming, isomerization, etc.

Refinery products, such as gasoline, kerosine, diesel oil, and others, are not pure chemical compounds but mixtures of chemical compounds.

Для специальности 270112 «Водоснабжение и водоотведение»


The idea of biosphere originated rather casually more than a century ago. The concept played little part in scientific thought, however, until it was developed by the Russian scientist V.I. Vernadsky. It is essentially his concept of the biosphere that we accept today.

The first living cells emerged between 4 billion and 3.8 billion years ago. At present biosphere includes vast numbers of plants, animals, and other life-forms of our planet, many of them are yet to be discovered. Biosphere is a relatively thin life-supporting layer around the Earth containing living organisms, which is strongly influenced in composition, structure and energetics by the living organisms. Part of the biosphere containing the highest concentration of living matter - the Earth's thin and fragile "film of life" - varies from a few meters in deserts and tundra to a hundred meters in tropical forest regions and oceans.

The biosphere is a complex system of energy use and material cycling. This system runs on energy flowing into it from the Sun and it gives off energy (primarily as heat) to space.


Ecology is a branch of science which treats the world of nature - including its human component - at certain levels of biological organization. It is the study of the living organisms interactions with each other and with their environment. Particular concern of the ecologists is with the "higher" levels of life organization: from populations to biosphere. The functional unit in ecology is the ecosystem because it includes all of the interactions of communities with both their living (biotic) and their nonliving (abiotic) environments.

Ecology is a multidisciplinary science. Facts about ecological systems are drawn from biology, geology, chemistry, physics, and other sciences. Originally ecology was treated as environmental biology. Modern ecology has to deal with environmental problems caused by human activities.


The accident, which was of global concern was the accident in Ukraine in the Chernobyl power plant located in Polesye on the River Pripyat.

On 26 April, 1986, Unit 4 of the Chernobyl nuclear plant suffered a major accident. The Chernobyl 4 reactor was a graphite-moderated, light-water-cooled system. The installed electrical generating capacity was 1 GW. The accident followed some engineering tests of a generator.

During the tests, basic operating safety rules were being violated. Most control rods were withdrawn from the core and the safety systems were switched off. Two explosions and a fire that followed them damaged the reactor and the containment building. The graphite started to bum. Explosive energy was released, which resulted in the 1000 ton cover plate of the reactor being lifted up.

A prolonged release of large quantities of radioactive products transported by the cloud from Chernobyl was detected not only in northern and southern Europe but also in Canada, Japan, and the US.

The major part of the release took place over the period of about ten days. There were two peaks in release rate (26th April and 5th May). Later on, the release continued for many weeks at a lower rate before the destroyed reactor was finally sealed, which took place some five months later.

Initially the cloud of radioactive material was carried over the Baltic Sea into Scandinavia. After a few days the wind direction rotated clockwise and the cloud travelled eastwards across the USSR and southwards to Turkey.


Icebergs towed from Antarctica to the Red Sea could provide an economic source of fresh water for Saudi Arabia. There are по technical problems to which we cannot find а solution.

In France а detailed plan for towing the icebergs, each weighing 100 Mt, across the Indian Ocean, and through the Gulf of Aden to the mouth of the Red Sea was developed. There they would be chopped into manageable pieces (about 1 Mt each), using heated cables and towed through the shallow Bab el Mandeb straits to the Saudi coast.

Even in tropical temperatures, natural thawing of the icebergs would not be quick enough to match demand for fresh water and the problem is of working out ways of speeding up formation of the fresh-water pools by induced melting. That is the last of the problems to be solved, and it should not be а difficult one.

The giant icebergs must be wrapped in an insulating jacket to cut down melting losses on their 8,000 km journey. At an estimated towing speed of 1 knot, it will take 6-8 months for five tugs to pull the icebergs along а computer plotted route, taking advantage of prevailing currents and winds and dodging high ways.


Few, if any, countries are as heavily polluted as Japan, where 110 million people — about half as manу as live in the United States — are crammed into an area about-the size of the State of Montana.

According to one estimate waste generated per square mile in Japan is 10 times larger than in the US.

Government statistics disclose that nearly 100 persons have died and mоrе than 6,000 have become ill of "pollution related" diseases since an official count began in December, 1969. Some experts believe the real toll is at least twice as high.