to travel business class
to schedule
to reschedule
on schedule
to order a taxi
to hire a car
to distribute
to be delighted
to confirm by fax
to reconfirm
to go from … to …
to check in time
to deliver materials
to upgrade
car category
four-door saloon
unlimited mileage [maılıdз]
full collision waiver
corporate charge card
driver’s license [‘laısns]
at one’s expense
quick question
courtesy [’kз:təsı] bus
STEP 3 Watch the video scene by scene and check how you understand it.
Scene 1: What are Kate and Don talking about?
Does Kate think they can make January 28th?
What does Don say they must do?
What must Kate do? Why?
Scene 2: Is Sakai happy with the presentation?
What does he want to do?
Where will Sakai fly to next? When?
When does he want to fly?
Scene 3: Do Phil and Edward agree on the design for the display unit?
What will Edward do?
What deadline does he give?
Does he know about Sakai’s question?
Can Phil make the deadline?
How will Edward go back to his office?
Scene 4: Who is Jenny talking to?
What does she ask about?
What class is Sakai travelling?
Scene 5: Is Don happy about Edward’s meeting with Phil?
When will RUYJ Advertising deliver the packaging and display materials?
What does Don say?
Scene 6: What does Jenny ask the travel agent for?
Where will Kate fly to?
What kind of ticket does she want?
When will she return?
Is Kate polite when she talks to Jenny?
Why does she talk in this way?
Scene 7: Is Jenny successful in trying to change Sakai’s flight?
Watch again and write down Sakai’s travel arrangements:
a) time of flight to Frankfurt
b) check-in time
c) terminal
d) class
e) arrival in Frankfurt
f) time of flight to Japan
g) stopover in …
h) reconfirmation
Will Clive visit Japan? When?
What does Jenny give to Sakai?
Scene 8: Is Derek happy with the new deadline?
Does he think they can meet the deadline?
Why is it difficult to say?
Scene 9: What kind of car does Kate want to hire?
How long does she want the car?
How will she pay?
What does Kate show to the car hire clerk?
Scene 10: What does Big Boss say?
Is Derek happy?
STEP 4 Work in pairs.
A: Greeting B: Ask to hire a car
A: Ask what type B: Answer
A: Ask how long for B: Answer
B: Ask how much it costs and what is included in it
A: Answer
A: Ask how they will pay B: Answer
A: Ask to show driver’s document
A: Greeting B: Ask for a taxi
A: Ask when B: Answer
A: Ask where to B: Answer
A: Ask where from B: Answer
A: Greeting B: Ask to reserve a flight to…
A: Ask what day and time B: Answer
A: Ask how many passengers B: Answer
A: Ask what class B: Answer
B: Ask about a stopover
A: Answer
Lesson 7
Staying at a Hotel
STEP 1 Watch the video.
STEP 2 Word Check
to check in
to check out
to make a reservation
to book a room
to pay cash
to pay by credit card
to complete (fill in) the form
to put the signature
to complain about = to make a complaint about
to garnish with snow peas
to steam slightly
suite [swi:t]
bill = check (Am.)
for one night
under the company name
car registration number
bell hop
at the standard rate
entirely our fault
with our compliments
strips of farm fresh baby pullet
fluffy baked Idaho potato
with a tad of sour cream or yogurt
Starters: tomato soup, leek soup
Main course: chicken, steak
Vegetables: peas, potatoes
Deserts: ice cream
Beverages (drinks)
Strong drink: wine
Soft drink: carbonated (non-carbonated) mineral water
Charge it to my room
STEP 3 Answer the following questions before watching Video 7
scene by scene:
1. What do you say and do when you check in at a hotel?
2. Do you have to give anything or show anything to the receptionist? What questions does the receptionist ask you?
3. What does the receptionist ask you to do?
4. What can you add to such menu items like starters, main course, vegetables, desserts and beverages?
5. Have you ever made a complaint?
6. What did you complain about? What really happened?
STEP 4 Watch the video scene by scene and check how you understand it.
Scene 1: Where is Kate?
Can the hotel offer Kate a room?
What kind of room?
Which floor is it on?
What does it cost?
How will Kate pay?
What information must Kate give?
What newspaper does she order?
What question does Kate ask and what is the answer?
Scene 2: Who has Mr. Sakai another meeting with?
What is the name of Mr. Pearson’s company?
Is it a successful company? How do you know?
Scene 3: Who is Kate calling?
Can she speak to them? Why (not)?
Whose voice can you hear on the answerphone?
What message does Kate leave?
Scene 4: Refer to the menu items in Word Check.
Why did Kate manage to get a table?
Does she want a big dinner?
What does she choose?
Scene 5: Does Pearson know about Sakai’s visit to Bibury Systems?
Does JK Toys have some new developments?
Is Mr. Sakai interested to hear about them?
Scene 6: How do you know Kate has finished her dinner?
What does Kate ask the waiter to do with the bill?
Scene 7: What does Pearson tell Sakai about?
Is the new product innovative?
When will it be launched?
Will it be cheaper or more expensive than Big Boss?
Scene 8: Is Kate leaving the hotel or is she going to stay another night?
Who does Kate speak to?
What information did she give about the booking?
What explanation did the assistant manager give?
Was it Kate’s fault or the hotel’s?
Will Kate pay the cost of the suite?
What other offer does the assistant manager make?
STEP 5 Translate the following flashes of conversation into English:
- Вам бы хотелось поселиться в дорогом номере?
- Нет, мне не нужен дорогой номер.
- Я буду платить наличными.
- Такая форма оплаты нас устраивает.
- Как Вы будете оплачивать?
- Кредитной карточкой.
- Есть ли бронь на Ваше имя?
- Да, я заказывал номер на десять дней.
- Чем могу помочь Вам?
- Я бы хотел снять номер в Вашем отеле.
- Чтобы зарегистрироваться в нашем отеле, Вам
необходимо заполнить этот бланк, указав свой
домашний адрес и паспортные данные.
- Я должна поставить свою подпись здесь?
- Мне бы хотелось выписаться из отеля на два дня раньше.
- У Вас есть какие-то жалобы?
- Нет, просто изменилась ситуация.
STEP 6 Prepare a simple menu or bring in a real menu if you can find
one in English. Sit in small groups. Choose somebody to play
the waiter. The waiter moves between the groups taking orders.
Call the waiter politely (“Excuse me, waiter…).
Lesson 8
Showing Visitors Around the Company
STEP 1 Watch the video.
STEP 2 Word Check
to commit 5% of the profit to
sales brochure [‘brəu ∫ə]
solar energy
rival = competitor
conference facilities
conference room
projection facilities = projectors
slide projector
stereo sound
guided tour
green site
production line
under license
expertise [, ekspз:ti:z]
standard rate
CEO (Chief Executive Officer)
niche product
high income
young professionals
STEP 3 Consider things that are most important choosing a new supplier.
cost good production facilities
location hospitality
competence technology
STEP 4 Watch the video scene by scene and check how you understand it.
Scene 1: Why was Phil late?
Has he been to Bibury Systems before?
What did Edward offer to do?
What is Phil thinking?
Scene 2: What are Clive and Don discussing?
Did Don like Southford Components?
Was he happy about anything?
What did Clive think?
Why did Edward interrupt them?
What did Don give to Clive?
Scene 3: Why was the receptionist sorry?
Was the assistant manager angry?
What does Kate want to arrange?
How much time has she got to look at the facilities?
How many agents will come to the presentation?
Scene 4: What is the cost of the conference room per day?
Is Kate happy with the price?
What will she do?
Make a list of the conference facilities that the hotel can offer.
Scene 5: Did Edward like Phil’s designs?
What was his opinion?
Did Don agree?
Who are Bibury Systems targeting at?
Scene 6: Who is Geraldine talking to?
Can the man leave the deliveries in reception?
Scene 7: Who called Bibury Systems?
What does Clive say to Kate?
Scene 8: How many different toys does Phil see in the development
Did Phil know Derek before? How do you know?
What questions did Phil ask?
Who does the market research for Bibury Systems?
Do they sometimes buy market research expertise from outside the
What picture did Derek show to Phil?
STEP 5 Translate into English (if necessary refer to the video again):
брошюра по сбыту
компетентные люди
зеленая зона
управляющий компанией
выделять деньги на развитие
пара вещей
встречаться с поставщиками
быть конкурентом
хороший вариант
Это впечатляет.
У нас есть все, что пожелаете.
STEP 6 Participate in the role-plays.
Role-Play 1:
А: Вы показываете брошюру по сбыту своему руководителю и говорите, что сотрудники компании N показались Вам весьма компетентными людьми. Отвечая на вопрос, где находится компания, Вы объясняете, что она находится рядом с магистралью, около переезда в обширной зеленой зоне среди новостроек. Вы рассказываете, что встречались с управляющим компанией. Вам понравились их роботы и высокотехнологический конвейер. В брошюре Вы показываете фотографии их лабораторий. Говорите, что у компании большой бюджет, и они выделяют 5% всей прибыли на развитие этого направления. Отмечаете, что у них ведутся интересные разработки в области использования солнечной энергии. Но Вам не понравилась пара вещей: во-первых, у них дорогая продукция и можно найти более дешевый источник комплектующих; во-вторых, они являются поставщиками очень многих компаний, включая Ваших конкурентов. Вы считаете, что это хороший вариант, но на следующей неделе Вы встречаетесь с другими поставщиками.
В: Взглянув на брошюру, привезенную сотрудником, Вы спрашиваете, где находится компания N, с кем встречался А в компании N. В заключение отмечаете, что все это впечатляет. Но все же спрашиваете, что не понравилось.
Role-Play 2:
А: Вы хотите поговорить с кем-либо об имеющихся в гостинице возможностях для проведения конференции. Помощник менеджера интересуется, о каком количестве людей идет речь, и спрашивает, есть ли у Вас время взглянуть на эти условия. У Вас не очень много времени, поэтому Вы просите сделать это побыстрее. Вам нравятся условия, поэтому Вы интересуетесь, сколько стоит один день. Арендный тариф Вам кажется дорогим.
В: Вы как помощник менеджера отеля предлагаете посмотреть на условия проведения конференции, интересуетесь, о каком количестве людей идет речь. Вы выясняете, сколько времени есть у А, и показываете основной зал для проведения конференций, в котором установлены прекрасные проекторы, видео, слайды. Вы говорите, что у Вас есть все, что пожелает клиент. Вы говорите, каков стандартный тариф за день, включая стоимость кофе и печенья. Так как тариф показался высоким клиенту, Вы обещаете что-нибудь придумать и предлагаете пройти в кабинет, чтобы обсудить детали.
Lesson 9
Explaining How Something Works
STEP 1 Watch the video.
STEP 2 Word Check
to represent
to go through a basic process
to invest
to be 100% certain
to store
to activate
to select
to wind up [waınd]
to be covered with lead [led]
wide product range
chip technology
latest prototype
photosensitive cells
major breakthrough
management committee
development money
feasibility study
freelance designer
mass market
key indicator
trigger word
from different backgrounds
eight year olds
the Victorian (1830-1900 AD)
STEP 3 Watch the video scene by scene and check how you understand it.
Scene 1: Has Ms Wong (representing Hazelford Systems, UK) seen the Bibury Systems products?
What does she think about their product range?
Can she supply Bibury Systems with the components they need?
Scene 2: What is Derek telling Phil about?
Where is the microphone?
Which part of Big Boss do you press when you program it to say