
Методические указания Волгоград, 1995 ббк грамматические аспекты научного стиля речи / Сост. О. В. Леднева, А. М. Митина, И. Ф. Янушкевич; Волггту. Волгоград, 1995. 27с (стр. 2 из 4)

UNIT 3. The Sequence of Tenses

Exercise 1. Translate the following sentences into Russian.

1) They confessed they did not know the answers. 2) We were told that biologists alone couldn't solve this problem, neither could physicists. 3) The director stressed that more and more ser­vice and auxiliary operations were being done by automatic devices. 4) The chief of the laboratory said that the process could be easily simulated in laboratory, no matter how peculiar its mecha­nism might seem to a non-specialist. 5) We knew that the compound was being analysed. 6) Не said that he was disappointed with the final results of the experiments. 7) Suddenly he understood what it meant. 8) One of the philosophers said that to know everything is to know nothing. 9) Galileo proved that the earth moves round the sun.

1) He said he had done this on purpose. 2) The scientist re­ported that he had spent five years on the problem. 3) It was known that Pierre Curie had given up his own research to join Marie Curie in her studies of radioactivity. 4) It was pointed out that the adequate theory had prevented scientists from making ma­ny useless experiments. 5) It was considered that the phenomenon had already been explained. 6) The post-graduate declared that the model had been modified and was being used in many fields. 7) He said he had had many doubts and therefore had asked many questions. 8) She could not believe that he had known nothing about their ex­periments.

1) He said he would take upon himself the whole responsibi­lity. 2) They believed that the paper would interest most specia­lists. 3) We were told that they would carry out some important experiments. 4) The secretary said that they would be called into his room in alphabetical order. 5) He said that he would try to realize the possible consequences of their intervention. 6) The participants of the conference agreed, that they would, develop co­operation in this field. 7) They thought that the applied, method would increase the accuracy of results. 8) He told us that the report would be hardly satisfactory.

Exercise 2. Translate from Russian into English.

l) Вчера сообщили, что конференция состоится в мае этого года. 2) Он не знал, откуда она это получила. 3) Нам сказали, что боль­шое внимание будет уделено проблеме потребления топлива. 4) Никто не мог поверить, что этот молодой человек изобрел машину. 5) Все знали, что у него много публикаций по теме диссертации. 6) На ка­федре было решено, что аспирант выполнил свой план. 7) Он сказал, что, несмотря на трудности, эксперимент проводится. 8) Ученый сообщил, что новый научный метод был разработан сотрудниками его лаборато­рии. 9) Докладчик отметил, что преимущества и недостатки нового метода будут еще уточняться. 10) Она посмотрела на меня с удивлени­ем и спросила, как я попал туда. 11) Не было сомнений в том, что в ходе дальнейшей научной разработки необходимо использовать больше компьютерных и электронных устройств. 12) Он был уверен, что никог­да не поздно учиться.

UNIT 4. Conditional Sentences

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian.

1) If you apply this method, you will obtain better results in your research. 2) In case they told him everything, what would he try to do? 3) The new operator would not have broken this device on condition that you had instructed him how to operate it. 4) He would possibly come to another conclusion in case be tried a new approach. 5) If he had used this method of analysis, he would have solved the problem. 6) Provided you had modified the conditions at the very beginning of the experiment, you would have obtained better results. 7) If you stay another two days you will have the chance of seeing the results of our research. 8) We should certainly in­form you of the opening of the session, if you gave us your address or telephone number. 9) It you compare these two forces, you will see that the difference is negligible. Id) If be had been able to speed up his research, he would have completed his dissertation by now. 11) He would willingly accept this post in case he were offered it. 12) If you analysed the data in tine you could write a paper on the subject. 13) If he tried a new approach he would possibly come to another conclusion. I4) He might have done the work quite easily if he had prepared the material beforehand. 15) If he states his requirements clearly we shall try to meet them. 16) They would finish the work in time, provided they had the ne­cessary material. 17) If you observe the rules of operating this machine, you will be able to increase its productivity. 18) I should not have been able to realize what a wonderful instrument it was unless I had seen it in action.

Exercise 2. Restore the sentences using a proper conjunction translate into Russian.

1) Could we have a few more examples to judge we might change the hypothesis. 2) Were I permitted to carry out this test myself I should be really happy. 3) Had he noticed his mistake before, he would certainly have corrected it. 4) Were it possible we should begin this work at once. 5) Should anyone offer them to take part in this research, they would willingly agree. 6) Had they tested this compound before, the results would have been quite different. 7) Should life be discovered on another planet it would be a monu­ment to our age. 8) Had there been something more realistic to mo­tivate the research, our attitude towards it would, have been different. 9) Had we begun a new series of experiments last year, we would have received reliable results by now. 10) Should our plane become unsuitable for humanity, the fault would be ours. 11) Should the prediction come true, there will be no lake here to speak of in about a decade. 12) The tendency would be more popular were it not for the recent dramatic history which everybody remembers only too well.

UNIT 5. Emphatic Constructions

Exercise 1. Translate into Russian. Try to paraphrase in Eng­lish.

1) The idea of the biosphere was introduced a century ago but it was not until the mid-forties that the problem of environment was first recognized. 2) It is the peculiar character of this pro­cess that should be studied. 3) It is the availability of liquid water in substantial quantities that was one of the conditions indispensable for the development of life on the Earth. 4) It is a fact that since his early days on the Earth man has been interfe­ring with nature and it is this interference that is at the root of the present day global crisis. 5) The rate of progress in par­ticular fields of science exceeds that in fundamental knowledge and it is this discrepancy that is ultimately at the root of the environmental situation. 6) It was the invention of the steam en­gine that revolutionized all production processes.

Exercise 2. Identity the logically important part and give its Russian equivalent.

1) Everybody knows that to predict future is a most difficult task. Yet people do try to do it. 2) This formula is generally criticized. Yet it does describe the essential characteristics of the process. 3) There is ample proof that aesthetics and engineer­ing can and do influence each other. 4) This does not mean that chance has no role in the inventing process. Chance does act. 5) For a long time scientists did not believe the validity of the geographical data of the ancient authors. However, the archaeolo­gists did find a number of ancient cities with the help of these data. 6) The present work is essentially a study of the radio com­munication. Nevertheless it does provide an over-all picture of general communication behavior.

Exercise 3. Translate into English.

1) Действительно, требуются и время и немалые усилия, чтобы выполнить серьезное научное исследование. 2) Мы гордимся тем, что именно русский ученый А.С. Попов построил первую радиостанцию в мире. 3) В то время, если женщина очень хотела получить высшее образование, она обычно уезжала за границу. 4) Только упорный труд делает талантливого человека великим ученым. 5) Несмотря на все трудности, ему все-таки удалось доказать правильность своей гипо­тезы. 6) Именно С.П. Королев создал целый ряд выдающихся конструк­ций реактивных кораблей для исследования космоса. 7) Полет Ю. Гагарина неопровержимо доказал, что теория К. Циолковского верна. 8) Только Д.И. Менделееву, русскому ученому, профессору Санкт-Пе­тербургского университета, удалось создать периодическую класси­фикацию всех известных тогда элементов, расположив их в таблицу. 9) Как раз в 19 веке, в результате развития науки об электричестве появилась новая отрасль - электротехника. 10) Именно процесс рас­щепления сделал возможным создание ядерного реактора и атомной бомбы. 11) Только путем выполнения многочисленных экспериментов и сбора данных, многие из которых окажутся позднее нерелевантными, и может происходить прогресс. 12) Как раз наш великий ученый М. Ломоносов первым открыл закон сохранения материи.

UNIT 6. Modal Verbs

Exercise 1. Choose the proper Russian equivalents of modal verbs.

1) One can assume this to be self-evident. 2) One can expect the scope of research to expand steadily. 3) One can watch more and more people move into biology from other areas of research. 4) One can hardly tolerate one's ideas being criticized, without an attempt to defend them. 5) One can hardly expect a true scien­tist to keep within the limits of one narrow long-established field. 6) One should always keep an open mind receptive to new ideas, so one should not completely oppose speculation, but one must take care not to get too involved in it. 7) One should start a new subject of research with collecting experimental evidence and classifying it. 8) One should be able to pick out the most important things from the great wealth of information. 9) To be a successful scientist one must at the very least be able to ask questions. 10) One has to test the validity of a theory by expe­riments. 11) One need not solve a great many problems to be a great scientist. 12) One does not have to accept this viewpoint.

Exercise 2. Study the usage of modal verbs followed, by per­fect and non-perfect infinitive.

1) Most primitive tools and devices must have been invented independently by different civilizations. 2) If there was some­one to put a question there must be somebody, sooner or later, to answer it. 3) There has to be a way out of any situation. 4) By that time the resources of the planet nay have been complete­ly exhausted. 5) A scientist may freely choose his line of rese­arch. 6) Everyone might be granted the right to be occasionally wrong. 7) They might have put the sample in freezer; it would be more effective. 8) At all the times there were ideas which should have been given more attention than they actually were. 9.) Good ideas should be written down before they are forgotten. 10) Not a single scientist shall work on the problems whose solution may be a threat to mankind. 11) They cannot have reached the sa­me level of development. 12) Nature would never be exhausted to challenge man with more riddles. 13) With our present-day tech­nology such phenomena could not have been observed in the labo­ratory; what was registered must, in fact, have been due to some malfunctioning of the recorder. 14) Intelligence of human qua­lity is not to be achieved overnight; there ought to pass plenty of time for anything comparable in complexity to human brain to evolve. 15) A true scientist will enjoy his work more than any­thing else and would often be prepared to sacrifice his weekends and vacation in order to proceed with his research.

Exercise 3. Grammar in proverbs. Translate these sentences into Russian and suggest Russian sayings of similar leaning.

1) A fool may ask more questions than a wise man can answer. 2) Who seeks blows shall perish by blows. 3) Friends may meet, but mountains never. 4) You may lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink. 5) He who would search for pearls must dive below. 6) What can't be cured must be endured. 7) People who li­ve in glass houses should not throw stones. 8) Accidents will happen. 9) The cat would eat fish but would not wet her feet. 10) Bad seed must produce bad corn. 11) What's done cannot be undone. 12) It would make even a cat taught. 13) None so deaf as those who won't hear. 14) If we can't as we would, we must do as we can. 15) The beggar may sing before the thief.

Exercise 4. Bead the text. Substitute the proper English verbs for the Russian words in brackets.

Those who wish to become students at the university (обязаны) take their entrance examinations. Recruitment of students to the university follows certain procedures which no one (разрешено) ignore. If a perspective student is ill and (не в состоянии) appear before the examination board he (надлежит) present a certificate to this effect, in which ease the examination (приходится) be postponed. Another rule is that no student (не должен) be late for his examination. Also, students (не должны) argue with the examination board, although this is not a regular rule, but rather wise advice. However, whether they strictly observe the rules or not, there are always people who (могут) fail in their examinations and those who (обычно) succeed. This (всегда была и будет) be the situation at all times.

UNIT 7. The Participle

Exercise 1. Identify Participle I and Participle II as an attribute and translate into Russian.

1) The engineer making that experiment took a lot of measure­ments. 2) The scientist chooses between several procedures men­tioned above. 3) We give the results of the made calculations in decimals. 4) The scientist theoretically predicted complicated interaction between the components involved in the process. 5) The original idea of a discovery is often the product of one man working in a group environment. 6) The method applied increased the accuracy of the results. 7) The approach designed by the gro­up of engineers is very nearly the same as that introduced in the thirties. 8) After a heated discussion the laboratory applied the method improved by Dr. N. 9) The procedure proposed provided the required mechanism of reaction. 10) The text includes fragments of the opinions concerning the subject under discussion. 11) At that time the problem presented increased danger of radioactive contamination and encountered opposition at most laboratories. 12) The results obtained disagreed with earlier data reported by Dr. D. 13) The hypothesis concerned synthesized materials and did not apply to natural products. 14) The discovery came at the very time when most researchers engaged in the work were about to give it up. 15) Such studies require very detailed information concern­ing the processes at work.

Exercise 2. Identify Participle I and Participle II as an adverbial and translate into Russian.

1) Being designed by a talented scientific worker the device was a success. 2) Confining his attention to one problem the sci­entist will surely achieve its solution much sooner. 3) Having solved that equation the mathematician found the ratio between the numbers. 4) Comparing these preliminary estimates we arrive at the following conclusion. 5) Having been given all the instru­ctions the engineer started his work at once taking into account all the points of the received instruction. 6) Recognizing a pro­blem the scientist makes the first step to its solution. 7) Being too expensive the project could not be approved. 8) If completed the experiments will make it possible to draw definite conclusi­ons. 9) When applied the method increases the efficiency of the process. 10) If realized the problem becomes something man can cope with. 11) Having made a great number of experiments with different substances the chemist found out that most of them co­uld be decomposed into other substances. 12) Having been tested the new apparatus was recommended for research in all the laboratories. 13) If properly treated these raw materials can provide us with all necessary substances. 14) While explaining the re­sults of the experiment the professor wrote many formulae on the blackboard. 15) Increasing the amount of available technical information scientists also contribute to transformation of some well-rooted beliefs.