
Методические рекомендации к выполнению контрольной работы (стр. 9 из 36)

9. Задать как можно больше вопросов к следующему предложению;

In a interlinked global economy, consumers are given the opportunity to buy the best products at the best prices.

10. Перефразировать предложения, употребив пассивный залог, где это возможно:

1. Honduras exports bananas to Switzerland.

2. Money flows out of die importing nation.

3. Government allows its citizens to produce and export goods or services.

11. Переведите на русский язык следующие термины:

  1. prepare documents
  2. intend
  3. Deputy Managing Director
  4. Warehouse Manager
  5. prospective customer
  6. invoice
  7. world market
  8. sales catalogues
  9. discount
  10. export terms

Вариант 4

1. Прочитать и перевести текст "Joint ventures",

Russian enterprises have a right to set up joint ventures on the Russian territory with foreign firms. A joint venture can be created between any number of foreign and Russian enterprises.

A joint venture has limited liability. It should be self-supporting and self-financing.

Joint ventures offer foreign investors direct access to the Russian market, it may be set up in any branch of Russian economy: agriculture, industry, trade, construction, service sector, etc. A foreign participant may repatriate his share of profit abroad.

The main features of interest to the Russian participant are:

- to satisfy the requirements for the domestic market,

- to attract foreign technology and foreign management experience,

- to improve the export base of the Russia and reduce irrational imports by means of import substitution.

If the parties want to form a partnership a Protocol of Intent is normally signed.

A joint venture becomes a juridical person after it has been registered with Ministry of Finance. 'The foundation documents and the Feasibility Study are the most important documents for the application procedure.

A joint venture is a legal person. It is protected under Russian law from any requisition or confiscation by the administrative authorities. It may sue and be sued and may also appeal to Russian and third party courts. A joint venture may be liquidated if its activities are inconsistent with the objects defined by the foundation documents. In case of dissolution, the foreign participant has a right to recover the initial contribution he made to the authorized fund.

2. Ответить письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What liability has joint venture?

2. Where may be joint venture set up?

3. When is a Protocol of Intent Signed?

3. Найти в тексте производные от следующих слов:

to require

to invest

to manage


to confiscate

4. Заполнить пропуски английскими эквивалентами слов:

1. A joint venture .... a juridical person after it has been
registered with.... 2. A joint venture is protected under Russian ... from any
requisitions or confiscation by the —
становится Министерство Финансов закон органы власти, администрация

5. Выписать из текста и определить функцию причастия настоящего,

прошедшего времени, герундия.

6. Вместо пропусков вставить один из предлогов: for, on, of, to.

1. A foreign participant may repatriate his share ... profit abroad.

2. A foreign participant recovers the initial contribution„.the authorized fund.

3. A joint venture can be created ... the Russian territory.

7. Выписать из текста предложения с модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

8. Выписать из текста 3 прилагательных и образовать степени сравнения.

9. Задать как можно больше вопросов к следующему предложению:

Joint venture offer foreign investors direct access to the Russian market.

10. Перефразировать предложения, употребив пассивный залог, где это возможно:

1. A foreign participant may repatriate his share of profit abroad.

2. The foundation documents are the most important documents for the application procedure.

3 A foreign participant recovers the initial contribution.

11. Переведите на русский язык следующие термины:

  1. executive
  2. reduce the price
  3. Chief Executive Officer
  4. Training Manager
  5. offer
  6. long-term agreement
  7. foreign currency
  8. publicity materials
  9. reliable
  10. apply

Вариант 5

1. Прочитать и перевести текст "Marketing today".

Marketing is a new science. What has been around previously is the art of salesmanship. Salesmanship is the art of manufacturing something and making another person want it. Marketing is the art of finding out what the other person wants, then manufacturing it for him

In a market of multiple choice, it is no longer sufficient to produce a product and show your customers mat it satisfies one of their basic needs. You must show them it provides benefits other products fail to provide, mat it can be supplied at a competitive price and above all, supplied reliably. But in this fast changing world, competitors catch up more quickly man ever.

Preferences that consumers have for this or that product work for shorter and shorter periods. Choice makes marketing work.

Companies need to be constantly engaged in product development, if they wish to grow and make profits. Coca-Cola was successful for many years with one product in one size until Pepsi Cola challenged them with a bottle double the size at the same cost to the consumer. Since then Coca-Cola has made many changes. Today Coca-Cola has many different soft drinks, cheeses, wines, movie companies, television production companies, to name only a few of its holdings.

Multiple choices for the consumer is the motor that drives the marketing vehicle.

2. Ответить письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What are the key elements of marketing?

2. What is the driving force of marketing?

3. What is the best way to win long-term loyalty to a product?

3. Найти в тексте производные от следующих слов:


to sale


to develop

to find

4. Заполнить пропуски английскими эквивалентами слов:

1. Companies need to be ... engaged in product
development if they wish to grow and may.... 2. Today Coca-Cola has many different ..., cheeses,
wines, television production companies, to name
only a few of its ....
постоянно прибыль безалкогольные напитки холдинг

5. Выписать из текста и определить функцию причастия настоящего,

прошедшего времени, герундия.

6. Вместо пропусков вставить один из предлогов: of, for, at, with.

1. Marketing is the art... salesmanship.

2. For many years Coca-Cola was successful... one product.

3. Marketing isn’t manufacturing something...person.

7. Выписать из текста предложения с модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

8. Выписать из текста 3 прилагательных и образовать степени сравнения.

9. Задать как можно больше вопросов к следующему предложению:

Pepsi Cola challenged Coca-Cola with a bottle double me size at the same cost to the consumer.

10. Перефразировать предложения, употребив пассивный залог, где это возможно:

1. Multiple choice drives the marketing vehicle.

2. A product satisfies оде of the basic needs of person,

3. Choice makes marketing work.

11. Переведите на русский язык следующие термины:

1. accountant

2. expand

3. Accounting Manager

4. Transport Manager

5. propose a deal

6. confirm

7. attract

8. sample

9. expand

10. references

Вариант 6

1. Прочитать и перевести текст "Specialized accounting services".

Because accounting affects people in many different fields, public accounting and private accounting include specialized services.

Auditing is the accounting profession's most significant service to the public. An audit is the independent examination that assures the reliability of the accounting reports that management prepares and submits to investors, creditors, and others outside the business. In carrying out an audit, CPAs (Certified Public Accountants) from outside a business examine the businesses financial statements. If the CPAs believe that these documents are a fair presentation of me business's operations,, the CPAs give a professional opinion stating that the firm's financial statements are in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles, which is the standard. Why is the audit so important? Creditors considering loans want assurance that the facts and figures the business submits are reliable. Stockholders, who have invested in the business, need to know that the financial picture management shows them is complete. Government agencies need accurate information from business.

Internal auditing is performed by a businesses own accountants. Many large organizations maintain a staff of internal auditors. These accountants evaluate the firm's own accounting and management systems. Their aim is to improve operating efficiency and to ensure mat employees and departments follow management's procedures and plans.

2. Ответить письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. What is auditing?

2. What is internal auditing performed by?

3. Who wants assurance in the reliability of the accounting reports?

3. Найти в тексте производные от следующих слов:

to present

to manage

to inform


an audit

4. Заполнить пропуски английскими эквивалентами слов:

1. The CPAs give a professional... that the film's financial... are in accordance with the standard. 2. Government agencies need ... information from business. заключение документа точная

5. Выписать из текста и определить функцию причастия настоящего,

прошедшего временя, герундия,

6. Вместо пропусков вставить один из предлогов: in, with, by, at

1. Internal auditing is performed ... a business's own accountants.

2. Stockholders, who have invested .. the business, need to know that the financial picture management shows them it complete.

3. Tax accounting has 2 aims: complying ... the tax laws and minimizing taxes to be paid.

7. Выписать из текста предложения с модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами.

8. Выписать из текста 3 прилагательных и образовать степени сравнения.

9. Задать как можно больше вопросов к следующему предложению:

Public accounting and private accounting include specialized services because accounting affects people in many different fields.

10. Перефразировать предложения, употребив пассивный залог, где это возможно:

1. Many large organizations maintain a staff of internal auditors.

2. Government agencies need accurate information from business.

3. The CPAs give a professional opinion stating.

11. Переведите на русский язык следующие термины:

1. headed notepaper

2. in accordance with

3. top quality

4. Office Manager

5. efficient

6. Order Confirmation

7. bill of lading

8. in large quantities

9. contract terms

10. business letter

Вариант 7

1. Прочитать и перевести текст "Market segmentation".

Research is the basic too! of marketing. A marketer must determine what customer needs are. Marketing experts have developed techniques for determining the needs of prospective customers. It's done by way of market segmentation.

How can market segmentation be of help to a manager who wants to develop a new product? Every market can be divided into segments or, in other words, into separate groups of consumers. First mere are demographic factors like age, income, educational background, occupation, size of family, type of home and neighborhood, etc. Then mere are psychographic factors - me customer's opinions and interests, hobbies, vacation sports, favorite sports, etc.

Then a product is compared with the goods already established in the market by quality and quantity standards. To be a success you must be ahead of your competitors.

Competition never stops. That is why market segmentation must never stop as well. It should be on a permanent bases

In introduction of a pioneer product can immediately change the composition and number of a consumer grouping.

The fundamental principles for a marketer are:

1. understand the customer (through research)

2. understand the grouping (to which me customer or his business belongs)

3. create a choice (a difference in price, concept or value that will distinguish your product)

4. communicate that choice (through promotion and advertising).

Consumer marketing should be based on understanding consumer values, wants and needs.

2. Ответить письменно на следующие вопросы:

1. How are customer needs determined?

2. What is understood by market segmentation?

3. Why should market segmentation be made on a permanent basis?

3. Найти в тексте производные от следующих слов:

different to understand

4. Заполнить пропуски английскими эквивалентами слов:

1. There are demographic factors like age, ... occupation, ..., income, etc. 2. A marketer must ... what customer... are. Образование размер семьи определять потребности

5. Выписать из текста и определить функцию причастия настоящего,

прошедшего времени, герундия.

6. Вместо пропусков вставить один из предлогов: by, on, into, in