
Методические рекомендации к выполнению контрольной работы (стр. 7 из 36)

6. Is your flat comfortable?

7. Are there all modern conveniences in your flat?

8. Is there a lift in your house?

9. Where do you usually have your meals?

10. What is your kitchen like?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Виктор.

2. Я студент колледжа торговли, экономики и сервиса.

3. Я живу в панельном доме.

4. Моя квартира находится на втором этаже.

5. В моей квартире две комнаты.

6. Моя квартира очень уютная.

7. В ней есть все современные удобства.

8. В нашем доме есть лифт.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. They (order, ordered) a good dinner last Sunday.

2. I (prepare, prepared) the breakfast myself yesterday.

3. It (is, was) a nice day last week.

4. He (has, had) many guests yesterday.

5. We (cook, cooked) delicious dishes.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и

напишите их в три столбика.

Be – was – been

Catch - … - …

Do - … - …

Eat - … - …

Fall - … - …

Go - … - …

Hang - … - …

Let - … - …

Meet - … - …

Pay - … - …

Read - … - …

Sell - … - …

Вариант 6

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

Industry of the United Kingdom.

In the past English industrial prosperity rested on a few important products, such as textiles, coal and heavy machinery. Now the UK has a great variety of industries, for example heavy and light industry, chemical, aircraft, electrical, automobile and many other industries.

For instance, Newcastle is famous for coal industry, the county of Lancashire for its textile industry. The Midlands, or the central counties of England, are famous for the production of machinery, coal, motorcars and chemicals.

Speaking about the cities of the UK the first mention should be made of London, the capital of the UK. It is a big port on the River Thames, a major commercial, industrial center. Leeds is a center of clothing industry producing woolen articles.

Glasgow is a major port on the River Clyde where shipbuilding industry is developed.

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Is, a, industry, of, center, Leeds, clothing.

2. For, is, industry, Newcastle, coal, famous.

3. UK, the, is, London, capital, of, the.

4. The, counties, Midlands, central, is, of, the, England.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (in, on, of, for, to, at, by, with)

1. They come … car.

2. Glasgow is a major port … the River Clyde.

3. The Midlands are famous … the production … machinery.

4. … the past English industrial prosperity rested … a few important products.

5. He is a manager … the office.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. You … work hard at your English.

a) can b) must c) need

2. … you tell me the time?

a) may b) must c) can

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

Each of the four parts of the UK … of a few counties.

a) consist b) consists c) will consist

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. What’s your occupation?

4. What office do you work at?

5. How many days a week do you work?

6. What do you need for your work?

7. Do you have to wear a uniform?

8. What difficulties of your profession can you name?

9. Do you work and study at the same time?

10. Have you made up your mind what to be in the future?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Борис.

2. Моя фамилия – Петров.

3. Я работаю в офисе в центре города.

4. Работа у меня трудная, но интересная.

5. Я работаю 6 дней в неделю.

6. Я работаю и учусь в колледже торговли, экономики и сервиса.

7. Я хочу быть товароведом , когда получу диплом.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. We (finish, finished) our work five hours ago.

2. Did you (go, went) to the library yesterday?

3. They (order, ordered) a good dinner last Saturday.

4. Yesterday my mother (cooks, cooked) the cake.

5. I (see, saw) my students last Tuesday.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и

напишите их в три столбика.

Be – was – been

Catch - … - …

Do - … - …

Eat - … - …

Fall - … - …

Get -… - …

Hear - … - …

Know - … - …

Lay - … - …

Make - … - …

Pay - … - …

Ride - … - …

Sell - … - …

Вариант 7

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

At the Food Shop.

You can buy vegetables and fruits at the food shop. Juicy pears, apples and plums look very appetitive. In season you can buy grapes, oranges, tangerines, bananas, lemons and pineapples. In spring and summer the shop has a great variety of berries: strawberries, cherries, raspberries, black and red currants, gooseberries. In autumn and winter-red bilberries and cranberries and all year round you can have fruit and berry jams. If you feel thirsty you can drink a juice to your taste.

The shop is clean and fine. There are flowers in all sections. Every day I do shopping. When I come into the shop, I take a food basket and choose the necessary products. It doesn’t take much time. I come up to the cashier’s desk, pay the money and leave the shop. The saleswomen and salesmen are very polite. That is why I like to do shopping in this self-service shop. Welcome to this shop!

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Like, I, go, to, shop, the, to.

2. Can, he, buy, fresh, lemons, oranges, bananas, and.

3. Is, shop, it, self-service, a.

4. A, manager, she, at, is, office, the.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (to, of, with, from, in, on, for).

1. Mr. Ivanov is a President … this company.

2. I take a food basket … food.

3. There are flowers … all sections.

4. Mr. Black went … London.

5. This letter is … the desk.

6. The office is … the second floor.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. In season you … buy grapes, oranges and tangerines.

a) can b) must c) need

2. You … see a lot of telexes on the desks.

a) may b) need c) can

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

Mr.Lipman … a President of this company.

a) was b ) is c) are

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. Do you work and study at the same time?

4. Where do you study?

5. Where is your college situated?

6. What department do you study at?

7. What subjects do you study in your first year?

8. What foreign languages do you study?

9. How many times a year do you have your exams?

10. How long have you been learning English?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Игорь.

2. Мне 25 лет.

3. Я студент колледжа торговли, экономики и сервиса.

4. Я учусь на экономическом отделении.

5. Я изучаю экономику, менеджмент, бухучёт и др.

6. Сессия у меня - два раза в год.

7. Я буду изучать английский язык два года.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. I (speak, spoke) with my student two hours ago.

2. We (take, took) many books at the library yesterday.

3. They (begin, began) this work last Monday.

4. My sister (is, was) late yesterday.

5. I (buy, bought) this bag last week.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и

напишите их в три столбика.

Be – was – been

Blow - … - …

Can - … - …

Dream - … - …

Fly - … - …

Go - … - …

Have - … - …

Keep - … - …

Leave - … - …

Mean - … - …

Pay - … - …

Read - … - …

See - … - …

Вариант 8

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

At the Food Shop.

You may go for white and brown bread to the bread section. There is a rich choice of items in the confectionary: sugar, granulated sugar, caramel, rich sweets, chocolates, bars of chocolate, biscuits, pastry, jam-puffs, fancy-cakes, tarts, fruit cakes, wafers, marmalade and also tea, coffee, cocoa. Next to this is the delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages: boiled, half-smoked and smoked, liver paste, ham; lean boiled pork with spices, tinned beef and pork.

The green grocery and fruit aisles look very attractive. Here you can buy fresh, tinned and dried vegetables and fruits; potatoes, carrots, beets and onions are in string bags, fine fresh cabbages, spring onions, greens and lettuce have different shades of green colour. Don’t forget about cauliflower, radishes and green pears!

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Like, I, rich sweets, fancy-cakes, wafers, and.

2. Can, buy, she, pork, and, tinned, beef.

3. The, look, Mr. Smith, through, catalogues.

4. Forget, radishes, don’t, about, pears, and, green.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (for, to, from, of, in, on, at)

1. I go … white and brown bread … the bread section.

2. She reserved a room …the hotel.

3. A representative of “Black & Co.” came … Moscow.

4.There is a computer … every desk.

5. There is rich choice … items … the confectionary.

6.We are managers … this office.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. The managers of our Foreign Trade Company … know foreign languages.

a) need b) may c) must

2. The firm … buy these tinned products today.

a) can b) need c) must

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

The shop … clean and fine.

a) are b) is c) was

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What’s your name?

2. How old are you?

3. Where do you live?

4. Have you got a family?

5. Is your family large?

6. Have you got a sister or a brother?

7. Have you a grandmother?

8. Who looks after the small children in your family?

9. Who runs the house in your family?

10. Do you spend a lot f time with your family?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1.Меня зовут Виталий.

2.Я студент колледжа торговли, экономики и сервиса.

3.Я живу в городе Омске.

4.У меня есть семья.

5.У меня есть сестра, мама и бабушка.

6.Сестра помогает маме и бабушке.

7.Я учусь и работаю.

8.Я работаю в торговой компании.

9.У нас очень дружная семья.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. The students (was, were) at college last week.

2. Did you (work, worked) at an office two years ago?

3. The pupils (cannot, could not) speak English last year.

4. Bob (was, were) the laziest boy in our group two years ago.

5. (Was, were) you there last winter?

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и напишите

их в три столбика.

Be – was- been

Begin - … - …

Do - … - …

Drink - … - …

Eat - … - …

Find - … - …

Give - … - …

Have - … - …

Keep - … - …

Learn - … - …

Meet - … - …

Вариант 9

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

Agriculture of the UK.

Three-quarters of the United Kingdom’s land is dedicated to agriculture. About two per cent of the population of the United Kingdom are engaged in agriculture, but the yields of English farms and pastures are very high. Wheat, barley, oats and potatoes are the most important crops grown. Sheep, cattle and pigs are the most numerous types of livestock.

Sheep is a source of both wool for textile industry and mutton for food industry. Mutton is the best liked English meat. Leeds is a center of clothing industry producing woolen articles. Liverpool on the River Mersey is a flour milling and engineering center. Manchester is famous for textiles manufacturing.

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. The, meat, liked, mutton, is, English, best.

2. Of, industry, Leeds, is, clothing, center, a.

3. Is, country, London, the, of, capital, the.

4. Manager, I, a, personnel, am, the, at, office.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (for, on, of, in, to, by, at, about).

1. Three-quarters … the UK’s land is dedicated … agriculture.

2. The yields … English farms are very high.

3. … 2 per cent of the population of the UK are engaged …agriculture.

4. Manchester is famous … textiles manufacturing.

5. They come … bus.

6. He is a manager … the office.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. The managers of Foreign Trade Company … know foreign languages.

a) need b)can c) must

2. … you give us a 10 % discount?

a) must b) may c) can

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

London … the capital of the United Kingdom.

a) was b) are c) is

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. How old are you?

4. Where do you live?

5. Have you got a family?

6. Have you got a lot of friends?

7. What is his (her) name?

8. How old is he (she)?

9. Where does he (she) live?

10. Why can you say that he (she) is a real friend?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Ирина.

2. Я живу в Омске.

3. Я работаю товароведом в торговой компании.

4. Я студентка колледжа торговли экономики и сервиса.

5. У меня есть много друзей.

6. Мы часто собираемся вместе.

7. Мы ходим в театр, кино и спортивный клуб.

8. У меня есть большая, дружная семья- мама, папа, сестра, брат и бабушка.

9. Я люблю отдыхать с моей семьёй вечером.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. I (look, looked) through this catalog yesterday.

2. We (make, made) a contract with Brown & C the day before yesterday.