
Методические рекомендации к выполнению контрольной работы (стр. 6 из 36)

6. The firm does business … different countries.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1.You … see a lot of telexes, letters and cables on the desks.

a) must b) need c) can

2. The engineers of our Ministry … know foreign languages.

a) may b) must c) need

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

They … mining equipment, power equipment at this month.

a) sold b) sell c) sells

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. Have you got any (a lot of) friends?

4. Who is your best friend?

5. What is his (her) name?

6. How old is he (she)?

7. How long have you been friends?

8. Where did you meet for the first time?

9. Where does he (she) live?

10. What features do you like in your friend?

11. Why can you say that he (she) is a real friend?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Олег.

2. Я студент колледжа торговли, экономики и сервиса.

3. У меня есть много друзей.

4. Мой лучший друг – Иван.

5. Мы знакомы давно.

6. Он живет на улице Ленина.

7. Ему 22 года.

8. Он тоже студент.

9. Мы часто играем в футбол.

10. Иван - лучший игрок в нашей команде.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. My friend (is, was) late yesterday.

2. We (finish, finished) our work two hours ago.

3. She often (sings, sang) English songs.

4. The students (cannot, could not) speak English last year.

5. I (get up, got up) at 8 o’clock yesterday.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и напишите их в три столбика.

Be – was - been

Begin - … - …

Come - … - …

Do - … - …

Eat - … - …

Find - … - …

Give - … - …

Have - … - …

Keep - … - …

Learn - … - …

Make - … - …

Вариант 2

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

Russia’s foreign trade.

Russia has trade relations with different countries. Our trade contacts are developing from year to year. Russia is a big country of stable economy and this helps us to develop our foreign trade. We can know in advance what goods we shall require and how much we must buy or sell. Russia exports and imports different kinds of goods, such as machines, equipment, raw materials, manufactured goods, consumer goods and foodstuffs.

Russia concludes trade agreements with foreign countries. They are Britain, Germany, Italy, France, Finland, Spain, China, Japan, USA, Brazil, Canada and etc. There are many managers, engineers and experts at our Russia’s foreign trade. They must know foreign languages to do business with foreign firms.

You can see a lot of telexes, letters and cables on their desks.

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Trade, Russia, relations, countries, with, has, different.

2. A, stable, big, is, Russia, of, economy, country.

3. Exports, kinds, different, goods, imports, of, Russia, and.

4. Are, the, developing, to, from, year, contacts, year, trade.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (with, from, of, to, on, in, at).

1. … the basis of these agreements the firm signs contracts.

2. Our country has trade relations … different foreign firms.

3. It is a country … stable economy.

4. Mr. Black is … London.

5. These telexes are … the desk.

6. This contact is developing … year … year.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. They … know foreign languages to do business.

a) can b) need c) must

2. You … see a lot of letters, telexes and cables on their desks.

a) must b) can c) need

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

Russia … different kind of goods nowadays.

a) will export b) exported c) exports

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What’s your job?

3. Where do you work?

4. Do you enjoy your work?

5. Where is your office situated?

6. Do you get up early? Is it easy for you to get up early?

7. How do you get to your office?

8. How long does it take you?

9. What time do you come home?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Владимир.

2. Я студент колледжа торговли, экономики и сервиса.

3. Я – товаровед.

4. Я работаю в торговой компании.

5. Наш офис находится в центре города.

6. Мне нравится моя работа.

7. Я прихожу домой в 9 часов вечера.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. She (stays, stayed) at home, because she was ill.

2. We (dance, danced) well last night.

3. Did you (go, went) to the library yesterday?

4. They (see, saw) our doctor last Monday.

5. I (finish, finished) our work two hours ago.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и

напишите их в три столбика.

Be – was - been

Drink - … - …

Eat - … - …

Find - … - …

Give -… -…

Have -… -…

Keep - … - …

Learn - … - …

Let - … - …

Meet - … - …

Read -… -…

See - … - …

Sleep -… - …

Take -… -…

Write -… -…

Вариант 3

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

At the Food Shop.

The Ivanovs leased a food shop. There are four of them: Pavel Petrovich, the head of the family, Vera Nikolaevna, his wife, Bob, their son, and Ann, their daughter. Pavel Petrovich is fifty. He is a hard-working and energetic man. Vera Nikolaevna is forty-five. She helps her husband in everything. She works in the shop from morning till night. Bob and Ann help their parents about the shop in the morning and in the daytime. In the evening they study at the Institute of Trade. Bob is twenty-one. Ann is nineteen. The Ivanovs have many relatives, and six of them work in this shop. They all work very hard. It’s a self-service shop. There are many customers in their shop. They can buy all necessary foodstuffs: meat, fish, milk, grocery, baked items, sweets, the cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables and fruit. At the meat counter the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, sometimes veal, poultry and game.

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Study, at, institute, they, in, evening, the, of, the, Trade.

2. Is, a, man, hard working, energetic, and, he.

3. Have, the, many, relatives, Ivanovs.

4. Good, is, she, manager, a, district.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (in, from, till, at, for, with, on, about).

1. There are many customers … their shop.

2. The office is … the second floor.

3. She works in the shop … morning … night.

4. We help our parents … the shop.

5. … the meat counter they buy beef, pork and mutton.

6. The firm does business … different countries.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. They … buy all necessary foodstuffs.

a) can b) must c) need

2. We … have the certificates of the Institute of Trade.

a) may b) need c) must

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

It … a self-service shop.

a) was b) is c) are

VII. Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. How old are you?

4. Are you married?

5. Where do you live?

6. When is your birthday?

7. How do you celebrate it?

8. Where do you work?

9. Where do you study?

10. What is your hobby?

11. What education did you get?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Дмитрий.

2. Мне 25 лет.

3. Я женат.

4. Я живу в городе Омске.

5. Я - товаровед.

6. Наша торговая компания находится в центре города.

7. В свободное время я играю в футбол.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. Did you (go, went) to college yesterday?

2. I (see, saw) my students last Monday.

3. (Was, were) the General Director in his office yesterday morning?

4. He (stays, stayed) at home, because he was ill.

5. My friend (is, was) late yesterday.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и напишите

их в три столбика.

Be – was – been

Buy - … - …

Catch - … - …

Do - … - …

Eat - … - …

Fall - … - …

Go - … - …

Have - … - …

Know - … - …

Learn - … - …

Make - … - …

Pay -… - …

Read - … - …

Вариант 4

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

At the Food Shop.

It is a self-service shop. There are many customers in this shop. They can buy all the necessary foodstuffs: meat, fish, milk, grocery, baked items, sweets, the cooked sausages, smoked foods, vegetables and fruit. At the meat counter the customers can buy beef, pork, mutton, sometimes veal, poultry and game. They have a wide choice of fish. There is live carp, pike, bream and sheat-fish. There is much fresh-frozen fish: perch, cod, plaice and some other. There is herring and kipper. In the grocery aisle there are all kinds of cereals: oatmeal, semolina, rice, buckwheat, millet, pearl barley, cooking soda, spices, flour, peas and potato flour. You go for white and brown bread to the bread section. You can buy: sugar and granulated sugar, caramel, rich sweets, chocolates, biscuits, pastry, tarts, wafers and also tea, coffee, cocoa. Next to this is the delicatessen and smoked meats and sausages. Here you can buy all kinds of sausages: boiled, half-smoked and smoked, liver paste, ham, tinned beef and pork, lean boiled pork with spices (buzhenina).

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. Are, this, in, many, shop, there, customers.

2. Of, choice, they, fish, wide, have, a.

3. Go, bread, to, section, the, you, for, bread.

4. Can, all, foodstuffs, the, buy, necessary, they.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (of, in, at, for, to, with, by, behind).

1. Our shop does business … different trade firms.

2. There are many customers … the meat counter.

3. They come to the shop … bus.

4. You go …bread to the bread section.

5. The customers have a wide choice … fish.

6. She comes by car, which she parks … the shop.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. They … buy all the necessary foodstuffs.

a) must b) can c) need

2. At the meat counter the customers … buy beef and pork.

a) need b) must c) can

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

Don’t … about cauliflower, radishes and green peas.

a) forgot b) forgets c) forget

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. Do you have a lot of free time?

4. How do you spend your weekend?

5. What’s your hobby?

6. Have you ever collected anything?

7. Do you like computer games?

8. Do you play any musical instruments?

9. What do you do when the weather is bad?

10. What do you do for fun?

VIII. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1. Меня зовут Сергей.

2. Я студент колледжа торговли экономики и сервиса.

3. Я работаю товароведом в гипермаркете “Континент”.

4. У меня мало свободного времени.

5. У меня есть хобби.

6. Я коллекционирую старинные монеты.

7. У меня есть более 100 монет.

8. Я люблю читать книги на эту тему.

9. Моей семье нравиться мое хобби.

IX. Напишите предложения, употребив нужную форму глагола.

1. (Was, were) your day out yesterday?

2. The waiter (shows, showed) us into the restaurant hall yesterday.

3. Yesterday my sister (cooks, cooked) a good dinner.

4. It (is, was) last summer.

5. We (have, had) many apples last autumn.

X. Найдите Past Indefinite и Past Participle следующих глаголов и

напишите их в три столбика.

Be – was – been

Win - … - …

Understand -… -…

Tell - … - …

Stand - …- …

Ring - … - …

Pay - … - …

May - … - …

Learn - … - …

Know - … - …

Hold - … - …

Вариант 5

I. Прочитайте, спишите и переведите текст.

At the Department Store.

There are many fine goods in our department store. Let us drop in. It is a four-storey building. On the ground floor you can buy ready-made clothes for men and women, a nice assortment of underwear, shirts, dresses and fabrics (all wool, silk and cotton). On the first floor there is a wide choice of footwear: shoes, evening shoes, low shoes, sandals, slippers, canvas shoes and high-grade style footwear.

Booties are not in season. You can buy footwear on high, medium or low heels.

High- grade style footwear is very expensive. Next comes the counter of knitted goods, socks, stockings, panty hose, then haberdashery and perfumery. There are a great variety of furs, fur coat, fur caps, and fur hats on the second floor. You can also have felt and straw hats. There are many women at the jewellery counter. You can have silver and golden rings, ear-rings with precious stones, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, chains and lockets.

II. Составьте словарь незнакомых слов и терминов из текста.

III. Составьте предложения из данных слов.

1. A, is, building, it, four-storey.

2. Very, style, is, footwear, high-grade, expensive.

3. Are, women, counter, there, many, the, at, jewellery.

4. At, he, a, shop, is, manager, the.

IV. Вставьте пропущенные предлоги (in, on, for, of, to, with, by, at).

1. There are many customers … the jewellery counter.

2. There are a great variety … fur coats.

3. We come to the shop … car.

4. There are many ready-made clothes … men and women.

5. … the first floor you can see perfumery and haberdashery.

6. Booties are not … season.

V. Выберите правильный модальный глагол.

1. You … buy footwear on high heels.

a) must b) can c) need

2. The customers … also have felt and straw hats.

a) can b) must c) may

VI. Выберите правильную видовременную форму сказуемого.

Next … the counter of knitted goods.

a) came b) come c) comes

VII. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. What is your surname?

3. Do you live in a block of flats?

4. Which floor is your flat on?

5. How many rooms are there in your flat?