
Методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов Iкурса Института лесного и лесопаркового хозяйства (стр. 7 из 7)

plant – растение; сажать

grass – трава

grassland – травяные угодья

flower – цветок; цвести

blossom – цветок (на дереве); цвеcти (о деревьях)

high – высоко, высокий

height – высота

mountain – гора

desert – пустыня

species – вид, разновидность, род

ago – тому назад; (not) long ago

impossible – невозможный, невозможно; it’s impossible

without – без

to breathe – дышать

breath – дыхание

food – пища, продовольствие, корм; кормить, подавать (топливо, корм)

animal – животное; animal products

useful – полезный

use – употреблять, использовать, применять; in use

thing – вещь, нечто существующее

timber – лесоматериалы, строевой лес

wood – лесоматериал, лес

forest – лес

to changeменять, изменять


seedсемя, зерно, семена; to seed

to developразвивать(-ся), разрабатывать


grainзерно, структура (дерева)


unknown – неизвестный

scientist – ученый

science – наука

certainly – конечно

simple – простой; simplicity

nature – природа; natural

earthземной шар, земля

groundпочва, земля

landземля, суша

to linkсоединять, связывать

sunlight – солнечный свет

matter – материя, вещество; as a matter of fact; What is the matter?

leaf (leaves) – лист (листья)

duringв течение (о времени)

to die – умирать; dead; death

necessary – необходимый




to wantхотеть, желать


protection - защита, охрана

to protect - охранять, сохранять

to keepдержать, хранить


unitединица; единица измерения; установка

cellклетка (биологическая); ячейка

thinтонкий; редкий

thickтолстый; густой



2. Прочитайте и переведите следующие слова и словосочетания..

Plants, man and plants; grass, flowers, trees; trees grow everywhere; high in the mountains; far out in the ocean; polar regions, in many deserts and polar regions; over 350 000 species of plants; the giant sequoia trees; over 100 metres high, about 9 metres wide; living things; pines; impossible; without; we breathe, we breathe oxygen; animals eat plants; man built houses; useful products; to get food; fields of grain; to grow food plants; to sow the seeds; develop new plants; in this way man developed new plants; for example; for instance; wild corn; little ears of wild corn; to use grain; over large territory.

3. Прочитайте и переведите предложения.

1) Plants grow everywhere.

2) Plants grow in many deserts and polar regions.

3) There are over 350 000 species of plants.

4) We see some plants only with a microscope.

5) Sequoia trees are over 100 metres high and about 9 metres wide.

6) There are platans in Russia 2000 years old.

7) Life is impossible without plants.

8) Plants also give beauty.

9) Man began to change plants about 10 000 years ago.

10) Christopher Columbus came to the New World.

11) The new corn grew over large territories there.

4. Прочитайте и переведите текст.

Man and Plants

Plants – grass, flowers and trees – grow everywhere: high in the mountains, far out in the ocean and in many deserts and Polar Regions.

There are over 350 000 species of plants. Some are so small, that we see them only with a microscope; some are very large, such as the giant sequoia trees in California, they are over 100 metres high and about nine metres wide. Plants are very old living things. Pine trees live 300-350 years. There are platans in Russia 2000 years old.

Life is impossible without plants, everyone knows it. We breathe the oxygen which comes from plants; we eat the food which also comes from plants or from animals that eat plants. Many thousand years ago man built houses and made useful things from timber which he got from trees. He made his clothing from plants too.

Plants also give beauty. People like to look at flowers, at fields of grain, they like to be in the forest.

Man began to change plants about 10 000 years ago, when he began to grow the first food plants. The first farmers saw that there were good plants and not so good plants. They sowed the seeds of good plants from them. In this way man developed the basic food crops of the world. For example, the Indians developed little ears of wild corn into large ears with many grains, which we use today. When Christopher Columbus came to the New World the new corn grew over large territory there.

5. Перескажите текст по следующей схеме.

1. The title of the text (article). The title of the text is …

The text is entitled …

The text comes under the title…

2. The main idea of the text (article). The main idea of the text is …

The text is about …

The text is devoted to …

The text deals with …

3. The contents of the text (article). According to the text …

The author touches upon (illu-

strates, raises a problem of,


In conclusion …

The author comes to the con-

clusion that …

4. You opinion of the text (article). I found the text interesting (useful,

of no value, too hard to under-


I think (believe, should say, con-


In my opinion …

It seems to me …

From my point of view…

6. Прочитайте, переведите и воспроизведите диалог.

(Peter comes to see Kate in her hostel)

Peter: May I come in? Hello, Kate. I saw you in the reading room in the evening. What did you read?

Kate: Hello, Peter. I read about plants in the English encyclopedia. It was very interesting. Do you know how many plants there are in the world?

Peter: Haven’t got any idea. How many?

Kate: Scientists think, there are over 350 000 but nobody knows for sure. And do you know the difference between plants and animals?

Peter: Certainly. They look absolutely different.

Kate: Now I see you don’t. Plants make their own food; animals do not make food. They eat plants or other animals that eat plants. Isn’t it interesting?

Peter: It is, and very simple. Now I understand the difference between them.

Kate: Let’s read this encyclopedia tomorrow. I’m going to help you with your English, you know.

Peter: Thank you, Kate.

7. Прочитайте и переведите слова и словосочетания.

Organic nature; on the Earth, one third of the Earth; to live without plants; the cycle of nature; natural process; the sun gives energy; living things; to accumulate sunlight; to use sunlight; to give off oxygen, to give off oxygen during the natural process; to breathe in the oxygen; to breathe out carbon dioxide; water and minerals; after plants and animals die; a hectare of pine forest; 20 000 square kilometers; enough oxygen for the population; to play a very important part; conservation and protection of nature.

8. Прочитайте и переведите текст со словарем.

Plants and Nature

Plants and animals are organic nature. On the Earth plants make one third.

Animals and man will not live without plants, because the cycle of nature links them. This natural process gives men and animals oxygen and food. The Sun gives energy for this process. Plants are special living things: they accumulate and make organic matter from inorganic in their leaves. Plants use sunlight and make their food; they give off oxygen into the air during this process. Man and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide, which plants combine with sun energy, water and minerals from the soil and in this way make their food. After plants and animals die, rotting process will give back minerals to the soil, where plants will again use them.

Plants also play a very important part in conservation and protection of soil, water and animals. They protect soil from the wind and keep water in the soil.

Trees give off a lot of oxygen into the air. For example, a hectare of pine forest gives oxygen for ten people. It is necessary to have 1000 square kilometers of forest for ten million people.

If there are many parks and trees in a city and many forests around it, then its population will have enough oxygen to breathe.

9. Составьте аннотацию текста.

Кавтрова Надежда Викторовна

Английский язык: методические указания по развитию навыков устной речи для студентов I курса Института лесного и лесопаркового хозяйства. Часть I

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