
Учебно-методическое пособие для студентов всех специальностей и всех форм обучения www (стр. 4 из 7)

The Present Perfect Tense

I. Назовите З основные формы следующих глаголов:

to find, to take, to give, to be, tо go, to get, to thank, to learn, to trans­late, to play, to sit, to put, to see, to send, to know, to do, to speak, to read, to begin, to write, to make, to have, to meet, to come, to bring, to buy, to sell, to decide, to work, to swim, to let, to spend.

II. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. I’ve found your book. Here you are. 2. You may take the magazine. I’ve gone through it. 3. Has your son ever seen the sea? 4. I’ve just seen Mr. Sergeev. He is at his office. 5. Have you finished the letter yet? 6. We’ve sold a lot of power equipment this year. 7. They haven’t discussed the prices yet. 8. We’ve made a contract with a German firm lately.

1. I haven’t been to the Crimea sinece 1963. 2. He hasn’t skied since 1966. 3. Since when have you worked at the Ministry? 5.How long have you known Mr. S.? I’ve known him for 10 years. 5. We haven’t met since he last came to Moscow. 6. It has been cold since last week.

III. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную форму:

1. We have done business with this firm. 2. She has been to the theatre this week. 3. They have come back today.

4. She has phoned you this morn­ing. 5. They have had a good time.

1. The film has been on since last week. 2. I have known him for ten years. 3. They have lived in Moscow for a long time. 4. We have received two letters from him since he went to London.

IV. Поставьте наречия на соответствующее место в предложении:

1. He’s been to London. (never) 2. Have you bought this book? (yet) 3. They’ve gone for a walk. (just) 4. She has done well. (lately) 5. Have you swum in the sea? (ever) 6. The childien have not got up. (yet) 7. Has it got light? (yet) 8. Who’s telephoned you? (just)

V. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. Have you made any contracts with some British firms lately? 2. Have you received any foreign businessmen today? 3. Have you sent any en­quires to foreign firms this month? 4. Has your office received any enquiries for your goods lately? 5. How many contracts have you made this year. 6. What countries have you been to? 7. What interesting films have you seen lately? 8. How many new performances have you seen this year? 9. Whom have you seen today? 10. Whom have you telephoned today? 11. Which of you has listened to the news this morning? 12. Which of you has been to the Caucasus?

13. Who has received a new flat this year? 14. How many English words have you learned since you began to learn English? 15. How long have you known Mr. X.? 16. How long have you been an engineer? 17. How long have you been married?

18. Since when have you lived in Moscow?

VI. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. С какими странами вы заключили контракты за последнее время? 2. Мы только что обсудили условия поставки. 3. С этой фир­мой мы никогда не вели торговли. 4. — Вы получили наши каталоги и прейскуранты? — Да. — Вы уже изучили наши каталоги?— Нет. 5. — Ваша контора когда-либо продавала этой фирме горношахт­ное оборудование? — Да. Мы с ними вели торговлю два года тому назад. 6. — Этот фильм еще идет?— Да, но я его еще не видел. 7. — Секретарь уже принес почту?—Нет еще, 8. Ваш завод когда-нибудь изготовлял это оборудование?

9. Мы только что послали фирме телеграмму об этом. 10. Он никогда не проводил отпуск на Кавказе.

Grammar and Vocabulary Exercises

VII. Прочитайте и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Have you made an appointment with Mr. Lake yet? Yes, we’ve made an appointment with him for Friday.

2. The firm is interested in buying our new model of boilers. 3. Mr. Semenov has got all the necessary materials for the talks. 4. Milk is necessary for children. 5. We are going to have talks with a British firm one of these days. 6. I asked the secretary not to make any appointments for tomorrow.

1. The Buyers require the goods this month. Have you shipped the goods yet? 2. I believe we can buy their goods at this price. They’ve reduced it. 3. We’ve never sold this firm our goods on f.o.b. terms. 4. The representative of Brown and Co. says they’ve accepted our offer. 5. I’m afraid we can’t buy your goods at these prices. 6. I’ve been here since Sunday but I haven’t gone sightseeing yet. 7. We’ve just contacted Frank and Co. They say that they can’t reduce their price. 8. Their goods are in great demand now and they’ve received a lot of enquiries for their goods lately.

VIII. Поставьте всевозможные вопросы к следующим предложениям:

1. We are interested in selling our mining equipment. 2. Our office is going to sell our new model of cars. 3. The secretary has made an appoint­ment with Mr. Brown for 12 o’clock. 4. We were having talks when the secretary brought us the cable.

1. She was at the Tretyakov Gallery last week. 2. They have reduced their prices. 3. I’m going to contact my people tomorrow. 4. The firm has accepted our offer of boilers.

IX. Найдите в тексте и диалоге эквиваленты к следующим предложениям и словосочетаниям:

1. Покупатели интересовались котлами различных моделей. 2. Быть готовым к переговорам. 3. 3 апреля.

4. На следующий день у него были переговоры с г-ном Буниным. 5. Он получил не­обходимый материал. б. Они назначили встречу на 6 апреля.

1. Надеюсь, что вы хорошо проводите время. 2. Мне очень нра­вится здесь. 3. Вы уже осматривали достопримечательности? 4. Я только что был в Кремле. 5. Рад слышать это. 6. Чем могу быть вам полезен? 7. Я полагаю. 8. Боюсь, что ваши цены слишком вы­соки. 9. Я не думаю. 10. На них большой спрос. 11. Понимаю. 12. А каковы ваши условия поставки? 13. Мы бы хотели получить их в мае. 14. Прекрасно. 15. Мне хотелось бы связаться со своей фир­мой и сообщить им ваш ответ. 16. Любое время.

X. Поставьте глагол в нужном времени, употребив одно из данных обстоя­тельств:

1. I (to send) them the offer (this week, yesterday, just, a fortnight ago, this morning, last week). 2. We (to go sightseeing) today (three days ago, last week, just, the other day, this week). 3. They (to be) in (to) Kiev never (last year, lately, 2 years ago, this month).

XI. Раскройте скобки, употребив глагол в нужной форме и воспроизведите диалог:

Basov: Hello, (to be) that Lake and Co? I’d like to speak to Mr. Lake.

Lake: Yes, Lake (to speak).

Basov: Good afternoon, Mr. Lake. This (to speak) Basov of Avtoexport. We (to see) your new model of cars lately and we (to be interested) in buying some of your new cars. Can you send us your offer?

Lake: I (to believe) we (to send) you our offer, Mr. Basov. You (to receive) it?

Basov: Not yet. When you (to send) it?

Lake: We (to send) it a week ago, I (to believe).

Basov: Then we must receive it today or tomorrow.

Lake: I (to think) so. How many cars would you like to buy?

Basov: 5 or 6.

Lake: Good. And when you (to require) them?

Basov: In April or in May.

Lake: I (to believe) we can ship you the cars in April.

XII. Заполните пропуски активными словами:

to have talks, buyers, to contact, representatives, offers, to be interested, to make appointments, acceptable, to be in great demand

Russia does business with different coun­tries of the world. Every day our Ministry receives ... and enquiries from different firms. Our goods … and we have a lot of ... in different countries now. They ... in buying our equipment and raw materials. They send their enquiries to our country or their businessmen come here ... with our ...

When they come to our country they usually ... different offices of our Ministry and ... with our businessman.

During the talks they discuss different questions with them. When our prices, terms of payment and delivery are ... to them we make contracts.

XIII. Заполните пропуски глаголами to say, to speak, to tell в соответству­ющей форме и переведите на русский язык:

1. The representative of the firm ... that our terms of payment are acceptable to them. 2. I’m afraid I cannot... you about it now. I can let you know our answer tomorrow morning. 3. The President ... to the represen­tatives of the firm about their offer when I came into the room. 4. What did you ... ? I didn’t hear you. 5. He ... to us, "We require the goods this month." 6. You see, I don’t know English well. I cannot. ... it in English. The President ... the secretary not to contact Brown & Co. that day.

The President is out now. Please, ... Mr. Ward to telephone us in half an hour. 9. Mr. Brown ... that 12 o’clock is quite convenient to them. 10. ... the representative of the firm that we are interested in buying their goods. 11. Mr. Harris ... their goods are in great demand now and they cannot reduce their price. 12. I’ve ... to Mr. Brown on the phone. He ... he is going to come to Moscow.


Speech Exercises

XIV. Ответьте на следующие вопросы и на основе ответов составьте рассказ:

1. What office do you work at? 2. What goods do you sell to foreign firms? 3. Are these goods in great demand in foreign countries? 4. What prices do you sell your goods at? 5. Do you sometimes reduce your prices? 6. What firms have you done business with lately?

1. Do you often have talks with foreign businessmen? 2. When did you last have talks? 3. What businessmen did you receive? 4. What goods were they interested in? 5. What questions did you discuss during the talks? 6. What materials did you require for the talks? 7. Have you made a contract for the goods?

1. What firm are you having business with now? 2. What questions have you discussed? 3. What is the price of the goods? 4. Is the price acceptable to the foreign businessmen? 5. Have they asked you to reduce the price? 6. What answer have you given them?

1. What contracts have you made lately? 2. What goods have you bought? 3. Have you bought the goods on c.i.f. or f.o.b. terms? 4. When is the firm going to ship the goods? 5. What time of shipment is convenient to you? 6. Are you very much interested in doing business with this firm?

XV. Задайте вопросы по заданию и ответьте на них:

1. Ask Mr. X. what goods they are interested in. 2. Ask Mr X. for what time he has made an appointment with a representative of a foreign firm. 3. Ask the representative of a foreign firm when he’d like to go sightseeing. 4. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what you can do for him. 5. Ask the representative of a foreign firm at what price his company sells power equipment. 6. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what models of boilers are in great demand.

7. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what goods they can offer you. 8. Ask the representative of a foreign firm what terms of shipment are acceptable to them. 9. Ask the represen­tative of a foreign firm what goods they require. 10. Ask Mr. X. since when they have done business with Brown & Co.

XVI. Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

1. What do we do when we are interested in selling some goods? 2. What do we do when we require some goods?

3. On what terms can you sell (buy) goods? 4. When do you usually send enquiries? 5. What did you do when you received an offer from the firm the other day? 6. What do you do before you make a contract with a firm? 7. What do you do when you find that the firm’s price is too high? 8. What does a representative of a foreign firm do when he wants to make an appointment with you?

XVII. Составьте краткий рассказ на основе следующего диалога:

Secretary: Mr. Smirnov, this is Mr. Gray to see you.

Gray: How do you do, Sir?

Smirnov: How do you do, Mr. Gray. Will you sit down, please?

Gray: Thank you.

Smirnov: What can I do for you, Mr. Gray?

Gray: You see, Mr. Smirnov, my firm is interested in your boilers.

Smirnov: Glad to hear it. We can offer you different models of boilers. Have you seen our catalogues yet?

Gray: Yes, I have. We require boilers, Model BL-220.

Smirnov: I see. And how many boilers do you require?

Gray: I believe, we can buy 2 boilers of the model. I must say, we would like to have the machines in July or August. Smirnov: Very good. We can promise you July shipment, c.i.f. Manchester. Are these terms acceptable to you?

Gray: Yes, quite. But what about the price?

Smirnov: I think we’ve written in our offer that our price is £ ...

Gray: Can you reduce the price?

Smirnov: I’m afraid we can’t, Mr. Gray.

Gray: All right.

a machine- машина; to promise- обещать

XVIII. Составьте диалоги ни основе следующих ситуаций:

Mr. Sanin meets Mr. Black in his office. There are cigarettes on the table, and they smoke. Mr. Black has brought catalogues and price-lists. He offers our representative their power equipment. They discuss the time of shipment and the price.

Mr. Sanin asks Mr. Black to reduce the price. Mr. Black can not give his answer. He is going to contact his people.

Mr. Minin of Machinoimport has come to the London office of Wilson & Co. Mr. Wilson asks Mt Minin how he likes London. Mr. Minin lets Mr. Wilson know that Machinoimport is intrested in the goods of the company. He asks Mr. Wilson about the terms of delivery and the time of shipment. The Sellers ran offer the goods c.i.f. Petersburg.

XIX. Составьте ситуации или диалоги сo следующими словами и словосочетаниями:

1. to be interested, to send an enquiry, to let the firm know, to sent catalogues and prise-lists, to go through, to be acceptable;

2. to have talks, to discuss, prices, to ask, to reduce, to accept, an offer;

3. to offer, to be in great demand, c.i.f. Petersburg, to be acceptable, to require, to ship;

4. to come to Moscov, representative, to have talks, to go sightseeing, to go to the Art Theatre, the Tretyakov Gallery, the Kremlin.

XX. Выполните следующие задания:

1 . Позвоните фирме и попросите секретаря назначить вам встречу с президентом компании на завтра. Скажите также, что вам требу­ются их каталоги и прейскуранты. 2, Сообщите г-ну Кэмпу при встре­че, что вас интересуют товары его фирмы. Скажите также, что вы хотели бы обсудить с ним условия поставки и что вам требуются товары в июле этого года. 3. Обсудите с представителем фирмы цены на товары. Скажите, что вы полагаете, что цены слишком высоки и неприемлемы для вас. Попросите его снизить цены. 4. Спросите г-на Кэмпа, был ли он в Москве раньше. Поинтересуйтесь также, посетил ли он Кремль и Третьяковскую галерею. Предло­жите ему билеты в театр на вечер.