Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of these verbs:
1) He … the book carefully on the shelf.
2) Please, …that all lights are switched off.
3) If you don’t place the objects in an appropriate Feng Shui way, it will … a bad energy to your home.
4) The owl … wisdom and learning.
5) You’d better … placing sharp things near your desk.
6. Combine the words into phrases:
1) to run a) business contacts
2) to follow b) a home office
3) to bring c) business
4) to attract d) good energy
5) to situate e) prosperity
6) to accumulate f) feng shui instructions
Fill in the gaps with these phrases:
1) According to Feng Shui some objects can … .
2) It is necessary … in sectors which correspond to career, wealth, skills and fame.
3) He didn’t … in furnishing the room.
4) She wants … when she graduates from the university.
5) According feng shui, the proper placement of office machines will … .
6) Some people don’t believe that if you design a home office in a feng shui manner, it … .
7. Answer the questions:
1) How can feng shui help us in decorating?
2) What is feng shui?
3) Remember your working place at home. What is arranged according feng shui? What does not correspond to the directions of feng shui?
4) Are you a follower of feng shui? Do you follow feng shui directions in designing your home? Why?
8. Find any picture or photo of an office. Describe the design of the room from the point of feng shui. Use the following phrases in your description:
to be located (to be situated, to be placed) in a sector of …
the sector corresponds to …
it is an ideal location (position, place) because …
to bring prosperity, to attract business contacts, to support in your life
to symbolize
to create negative energy, to accumulate good (positive) energy
9. Project. Draw a sketch of a study (office, working place) where objects and furniture are arranged in accordance with feng shui directions. Describe it using phrases from the text and ex.8.
1. Read the text
Feng Shui Bagua Map
The feng shui bagua map is an octagonal shaped map, which allows you to evaluate in feng shui terms any living or working space. The feng shui bagua is a very important feng shui tool and indispensable when we wish to harmonize a place and the elements in it.
According to the feng shui bagua map, each part of your house corresponds to a different life aspect. The life aspects are nine and each one of them has its own characteristics and elements. By properly harmonizing each of the bagua areas within your home or working place, you will be harmonizing each area of your life.
The nine life areas symbolized in the feng shui bagua are: prosperity, fame and reputation, relationships and love, family, health, creativity and children, skills and knowledge, helpful people and travel, and career.
Prosperity is the area which you should pay attention to when you are having money related problems, its color is purple and the elements you should use in it are wood and water.
The feng shui bagua life area called fame and reputation is the one, which should be paid attention to when wishing a reputation improvement of any kind; it is represented by the red color and its most important elements are fire and wood.
Relationships and love area is the one which should be improved when looking for starting or improving a relationship of any kind. Its color is pink and the elements are earth and fire.
Family is another feng shui bagua life area and you can harmonize family boundaries by working on it, its colors are green, black and blue and its main element is water.
Health, another life area represented in the feng shui bagua map, can be improved by working on that area of your house. Health colors are yellow, brown and orange, and its main elements are earth and fire.
The next feng shui bagua life area is creativity and children. Creativity and children should be harmonized when having problems with children in the family, when wishing to have children or when wishing to improve our creativity. The colors of this area are yellow and earth tones, and its element is metal.
On the other hand, the colors you should use in order to improve the skills and knowledge life area are black and green and the element you should add is earth.
Helpful people and travel is another feng shui bagua life area, it can be improved by using the colors white and black, and by making sure, it contains the elements metal and water.
The life area of career can be harmonized and improved by using blue and white in the space, which corresponds to it as well as by adding some metal in it.
octagonal – восьмиугольный
family boundaries – семейные узы
2. Find the English equivalents in the text:
оценить, соответствовать аспектам жизни, обладать отличительными признаками, гармонизировать, мастерство (умения), улучшение репутации, улучшить творческий потенциал
3. Find the synonyms to the following words:
feng shui instrument, essential (very important), to focus on
4. Answer the questions:
1) What is the feng shui bagua map?
2) How many life aspects are there in our house?
3) Do they have its own characteristics? What do they have in common?
4) What do these areas symbolize?
5) What color and elements correspond to each life area?
6) What do the necessary colors and elements of the areas help to improve?
1. Read the text, then think of the title to this article.
Cheap interior design ideas come in many forms these days: from television shows to magazines. The industry is trying to teach the consumer how to design cheap. In the past, ideas such as cheap design would have left most interior designers horrified. The industry of interior design has changed dramatically over the past few years in order to better accommodate consumers.
In its early to mid stages of evolution, interior design was an industry of prestige. Now, due to the demand for design for the average customer, designing on a budget and cheap interior design has become a topic of much interest and acceptance. Of course, you will always find the designers who insist that durability and style of a design is identifiable with the brand name. The brand is associated with the contents therein, which relates back to the price tag. Most everyday people do not relate to this line of thinking. A secret tool to marvelous rooms, which are created using cheap interior design ideas, is a good decision making. By purchasing some slightly more expensive key items of furniture and by cost-cutting on the smaller items or accessories you can save big bucks and still achieve the same look that is achieved in other more expensive, brand name rooms.
The first question that pops into your mind here is “where do I buy the bargain items?” It can be easily answered! Your hunt for cheap interior design ideas and items can begin successfully at any bargain-type store. The stores and availability of items in these stores will vary according to your locations. There are locally known bargain-fairs or stores at which you can by slightly damaged or used items at a fraction of the cost associated with similar store bought items. When buying at these stores, be careful not to overspend. Many of us have a tendency to get overly enthused and purchase items that are not good bargains or ones that we are not very likely to use. Save your money for where it counts. You will find the perfect items in the bargain shop that fit into your lifestyle and space. If you search and search for a certain item and are unable to find it, try to improvise or select another similar item to take its place. Cheap interior design ideas are abundant to the creative thinker who is willing to overcome obstacles with unusual, cheap solutions.
Other places where you can find cheap interior design ideas are yard sales, estate sales, and flea markets. Remember again when shopping in areas such as this that it is easy to get caught up in the moment and overspend. Take your time and comb the items carefully for objects of value. Many times in these types of sales the physically larger items tend to be sold for more than cost value and the smaller valuable items are looked over in haste. Cheap interior design ideas are not limited to large items! If you find an accessory or such, especially if it is part of a group or collection of items, buy it and use it to accentuate your other items.
Cheap interior design ideas are easy to find these days, you just have to know the right places to look and the right items to purchase. Time is the essential element in designing cheaply. Patience pays off in most any situation, including interior design.
due to – из-за, благодаря, обязанный (чему-л.)
identifiable – опознаваемый
to purchase – покупать
to cost-cut – сбивать цену
to pop into – неожиданно появляться
to overspend – тратить слишком много; сорить деньгами
to enthuse – приходить в восторг; проявлять энтузиазм
to be abundant – быть в изобилии
2. Find the English equivalents in the text:
приспосабливаться к потребителям, престижное производство, спрос на дизайн для среднего потребителя, настойчиво утверждать, срок службы и стиль, наличие предметов в магазине, подходить вашему стилю жизни, в спешке
3. Find the synonyms to the following words:
low-priced, a matter of high importance and significance, pieces of furniture, good deal, spoiled or second hand things, to solve problems, not to be in a hurry,
expensive things, to put the accent on, important component of decoration
4. True or false?
1) The ideas of cheap design have always been popular among interior decorators.
2) All the changes in the sphere of interior design have happened due to the demands of the average customer.
3) Most people nowadays think that only the name brand design can be stylish and durable.
4) You won’t be able to achieve the marvelous look of a room if you use cheap items of furniture and accessories.
5) You can buy necessary cheap items at any bargain-type store.
5) If you have a creative way of thinking it’ll be easy for you to realize your cheap design ideas.
6) You don’t need a lot of time and patience in cheap designing.
5. Match the words to their synonyms:
1) to accommodate a) to look for, to examine carefully
2) to demand b) to connect, to relate
3) to associate c) to create spontaneously
4) to purchase d) to adapt
5) to achieve e) to waste a lot of money
6) to overspend f) to require
7) to search g) to emphasize, to put a stress on
8) to improvise h) to reach
9) to accentuate i) to buy
Fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of the verbs:
1) He will never … his objectives if he doesn’t work harder.
2) The roads are built … gradual temperature changes.
3) I always … the smell of those flowers with my childhood.
4) The dark frame … the brightness of the picture.
5) He was a creative thinker and it could … very easily.
6) This work … your immediate attention.
7) We … for some cheap items of furniture in the shop.
6. Make up sentences with the following phrases:
to accommodate (подгонять; приспосабливать(ся))
to accommodate oneself to smth. – приноравливаться к чему-л.
to accommodate oneself to smb. – привыкать к кому-л.
prestige (авторитет, престиж)
to enjoy, have prestige – иметь вес/авторитет
to damage smb.'s prestige – подорвать чей-л. авторитет, чью-л. репутацию
to gain prestige – завоевать авторитет
tendency (склонность, стремление, тенденция)
to display a tendency, to show a tendency – проявлять склонность к чему-л. growing tendency – набирающая силу, возрастающая тенденция
7. Answer the questions:
1) What do you think about cheap interior design? Does it have the right to existence?
2) Are cheap design ideas popular nowadays in this country? Why?
3) Do you agree with the opinion that cheap design is worse than expensive name brand design? Why?
4) Have you got any ideas how to decorate a room without spending a fortune?
8. Translate the sentences:
1) В настоящее время дизайнеры интерьера стараются приспособиться к запросам среднего потребителя.
2) Обычно известная торговая марка ассоциируется с качеством, надежностью и стилем.
3) При оформлении интерьера вы можете творчески комбинировать дешевые и дорогие вещи.
4) Вы можете приобрести дешевый аксессуар, который подчеркнет остальные элементы декора интерьера.
1. Read the text
If you are looking forward to spruce up a room that you are tired of, but do not want to invest a lot of money, the following tips will help you do some affordable interior decorating.
1.Rearrange the furniture. Pull the furniture away from the walls and position it at new, more inviting angles, and you will change the look and dimension of your room.
2. You’ve always heard "to spruce up a room, paint it." Paint one wall your favorite accent color. The color can be as bold or as subtle as you like. Just make sure the surrounding room complements the color. Now, hang a new piece of art on the wall that has the same or similar colors. You will be amazed at how often your eye is drawn to that area of the room.
3. Bring nature inside. Plants always add a touch of newness to any room. If you do not have a green thumb, look through some magazines to get ideas on using plants to decorate.
4. A new area rug is a great way to soften a room. Find one that complements the room, but also has a touch of jazziness to it. Put it at an angle under a coffee table or dining room table.
5. Make a framed picture collage on the wall.
6. Update your bathroom fittings/fixtures. By coordinating new bathroom fittings with your current fixtures and adding vanity lighting, you can change the appearance of your bathroom.
7.Light up your room with new lamps. You can mix and match lamp bases and shades for a new lighting solution in any room,
8.Replace your cabinet hardware with new pulls and knobs. Plenty of styles are available to help modernize the look of your kitchen.
to spruce up – прихорашиваться; наряжаться
dimension –. 1) измерение 2) размеры, величина; объем; протяжение
green thumb – садоводческое искусство
to soften – смягчать
fittings – оборудование
fixture – приспособление, прибор
vanity – зд. комплект, состоящий из раковины и туалетного столика (тж. vanity unit)
2. Find the English equivalents in the text:
ожидать с нетерпением, допустимый (по средствам), переставить мебель, дерзкий или утонченный, служит дополнением к цвету, произведение искусства, оттенок новизны, пестрый (броский) оттенок
3. Find the synonyms to the following words:
to smarten up an interior, to spend a fortune, more attractive position, to be astonished, the look of the bathroom, door handles, to renovate