The white walls are, surprisingly, not of concrete or stucco but of wood boards typical of vernacular New England building. The interiors are of elegant simplicity and display many pieces of furniture by various members of the modern movement. The house is now landmarked and open to visitors.
to increase – возрастать, увеличиваться
entrance - вход
to support – поддерживать
tubular - трубчатый
external - внешний
spiral – спиральный, винтовой
generous - щедрый
concrete - бетон
stucco - штукатурка
vernacular - просторечный
landmarked – знаковый
2. Find the English equivalents in the text:
прямое влияние, лидеры движения, прекрасный пример, плоская крыша, такие как, трубчатые колонны, винтовая лестница, деревянные доски, типично для, элегантная простота, открыт для посетителей.
3. Answer the questions:
1. When did the direct influence of International Style modernism increase?
2. What is Walter Gropius?
3. What typical details did he use in his house?
4. What building materials did he use for the outside part of his house?
5. How can you characterize the interior design of his house?
6. Is it a living house now?
4. Speak about one of the outstanding figures in the interior design and his achievements. The following words and phrases may help you:
to be a well-known designer/architect, to be famous for, to stand out as the inventor of, to be the first to use, to introduce, to make use of, to develop, to influence.
1. Read the text.
What colors are the rooms in your house painted? Would it surprise you to learn that the colors around you can affect how you feel? Well, it’s true, color can drastically affect your mood. So it makes sense to surround yourself with colors you like and ones that will put you into a positive frame of mind.
Red, for example, is a strong color, so too much of it in a room can be overwhelming. But, in small amounts, red is energizing and can make us feel active and excited. Red is best used outside or in a room where we spend a short amount of time each day.
Orange can make us feel enthusiastic and talkative. Extroverts usually prefer this color because it makes them feel adventurous. Orange stimulates our appetites too, so it would be perfect for the kitchen or dining room.
Yellow is an uplifting color and can make us feel cheerful and happy. However, it is a color that should be used sparingly because too much can make us feel impatient.
Blue is the color that is most universally preferred, and blue rooms instil peacefulness so it is a good choice for studies or doctors’ waiting rooms. Blue can also help us feel calm and confident, but it suppresses our appetites so it’s only a good choice for the kitchen if you are on a diet.
Green is often used in hospitals because of its soothing properties. It has the power to make us feel relaxed and refreshed. Therefore, don’t paint a work area green because you won’t get much work done. Green is a good choice for bedrooms.
White is often used in doctors’ offices because it gives us an impression of cleanliness. However, it does nothing to relax us – we just feel cautious and nervous. It can also make us feel isolated and withdrawn.
Therefore, we should think carefully about our color schemes when the time comes to redecorate because different colors can affect how we feel in a number of ways. That said, though, we should rely on our taste and surround ourselves with the colors we like and feel comfortable with. Use your favourite colors to create a color scheme you know you can live with.
drastically – круто, резко
a positive frame of mind – положительный настрой
overwhelming - подавляющий
sparingly – скупо, нечасто
impatient - нетерпеливый
to instil – внушать, вселять
confident - уверенный
to suppress - подавлять
soothing - успокаивающий
property - свойство
cautious - осторожный
isolated - изолированный
withdrawn – сдержанный, замкнутый
to rely on – полагаться, рассчитывать
2. Find the English equivalents in the text:
слишком много, разговорчивый, смелый (авантюрный), бодрый (веселый), всемирно предпочитаемый, внушать спокойствие, хороший выбор, подавлять аппетит, чувствовать себя отдохнувшим и посвежевшим, рабочая зона, впечатление чистоты, сочетание цветов, полагаться на собственный вкус, любимый цвет.
3. True or false:
1. Red color always makes us feel active and excited.
2. Orange can make us feel talkative.
3. Yellow is a color that can improve our mood.
4. Blue is the best choice for the kitchen.
5. Blue is the most universally preferred color.
6. Green would be perfect for a work area.
7. White helps to relax.
Compare the following adjectives: surprised/surprising and depressed/depressing. They are different in meaning.
We use the -ed form of the adjectives to describe people's feelings. People are surprised, bored, excited, etc. We use the -ing form of the adjectives to describe things or situations. They are depressing, boring, exciting, etc.
We often use the pattern I find + noun + -ing adjective. For example: I find the party really boring.
4. Speak about different colors. Say how each of them influences us and our mood.
Example: I find red an exciting color. I’m excited by red.
5. Match the color and the effect it has on people:
1)red 2)orange 3)yellow 4)blue 5)green 6)white | a) talkative, adventurous b) calm, confident c) relaxed, refreshed d) cheerful, happy e) isolated, withdrawn f) active, excited |
6. Make up your own sentences, using the following phrases:
… makes us …
… helps us …
Due to … we can be …
Example: Red color makes us active and excited.
7. What color would you paint these rooms? Why?
1) a dining room
2) a child’s room
3) a play area
4) a living room
5) a bedroom
6) a study
Example: I would paint a dining room orange because it stimulates the appetite.
8. Study the following idioms with different colors:
a red-letter day – a holiday
to do smth. in a blue moon – to do smth. very seldom
black and white – clear and simple
to be green – to be inexperienced
to tell a white lie – to deceive smb. In order not to hurt
to have green fingers – to be good at gardening
9. Fill in the correct idiom:
1. Sophia goes to the cinema once ……… . She doesn’t like it very much.
2. Angela definitely ……… – everything in her garden grows really well.
3. He is a bit ……… - he hasn’t done much of that job before.
4. They knew that if she found out the truth it would hurt her feelings so they told her a little ……… .
5. She doesn’t want to say anything until she has seen the facts in ……… and ……….
6. I’m always looking forward to ……… day.
10. Speak about the color schemes you would like to have in you room and explain why.
1. Read the text.
Architect Yury Andreev says he likes simple things and simple, ordinary food; but VILLA, the restaurant he has designed on Moscow's Myasnitskaya street, offers only refined European cuisine. He also says he does not like to travel doing so only when absolutely necessary and preferring a little evening reading, especially of architectural albums, to a change of scenery. But since the disappearance of the Soviet Union, he has spent his life travelling between two countries: Russia and Latvia. Yury is convinced that an interior decorator is simply an architect in truncated form, and for this reason never engages decorators to take part in his projects. He designed and decorated VILLA, his latest creation, from start to finish entirely on his own in the best traditions of Art Deco. The simple, but elegant furniture combined with the exotic decor; the abundance of sculpture in the interior; the beauty of line; the expressiveness of the materials; the blue, red, brown, and gold: all this is evidence of style. Add the genuine smell of money in the air and what you get is Art Deco, a style "whose main goal was the creation of prosperity and luxury in the years of the lost generation," as Soviet art critics used to write. They, of course, hated Art Deco as a class enemy — but we love it.
art deco – арт деко (декоративный стиль, популярный в 1930-е годы; отличается яркими красками и геометрическими формами)
refined European cuisine – изысканная европейская кухня
to a change of scenery – зд. для смены обстановки (scenery – 1) декорации сцены; 2) вид, пейзаж; ландшафт)
in truncated form – в усеченной форме
to engage – зд. нанимать (Syn. to hire)
abundance – изобилие, богатство
genuine – истинный, подлинный
2. Choose the most suitable title to the text:
1) The life of the architect Yury Andreev.
2) The style of architecture in Moscow.
3) The best traditions of Art Deco in modern architecture.
4) The style of restaurants in Moscow.
3. True or false?
1) Yury Andreev thinks that an interior decorator and an architect are the same.
2) He designed and decorated the restaurant “Villa” without assistance.
3) The restaurant he has designed is famous for its simple, ordinary food.
4) Art Deco is remarkable for its rich decoration.
5) Yury Andreev is fond of traveling very much.
6) He used the ideas of Art Deco in that project.
4. Find the English equivalents in the text:
Предлагает, особенно, архитектурный, дизайнер интерьера, архитектор, принимать участие, последнее творение, самостоятельно, изысканная мебель, изобилие скульптуры, выразительность, признак стиля, процветание и богатство.
5. Find the synonyms in the text:
Elementary, to originate, landscape, to be confirmed (to be sure, to be persuaded), a designer, to participate (to collaborate), indication of style, an aim, real (true, authentic).
6. Translate the sentences into English.
1) Ресторан «Вилла» в Москве спроектирован архитектором Юрием Андреевым.
2) Дизайн интерьера выполнен в лучших традициях стиля арт деко.
3) Декораторы никогда не принимают участия в его дизайнерских проектах.
4) Интерьер ресторана поражает изобилием скульптуры, красотой линий, выразительностью материала и цвета.
5) Идея автора заключается в создании атмосферы процветания и богатства.
7. Make up sentences with the following phrases:
1) project (проект, план; программа (строительства и т. п.)
to take part in a project – принять участие в проекте
to carry out a project — осуществлять план, выполнять программу
to shelve a project — откладывать проект "в долгий ящик"
2) tradition (традиция; старый обычай)
in the best traditions of – в лучших традициях
to break with tradition — порывать с традицией
to establish, to start a tradition — устанавливать традиции
to maintain, to preserve a tradition — поддерживать, хранить традицию
3) furniture (мебель, обстановка)
antique furniture — старинная мебель
garden, lawn, outdoor, patio furniture — мебель для сада
modern furniture — современная мебель
office furniture — офисная мебель
secondhand, used furniture — мебель, бывшая в употреблении
a piece of furniture — предмет мебели/обстановки
4) sculpture (изваяние, скульптура)
to cast a sculpture — отливать скульптуру
to create, produce a sculpture — создавать скульптуру
5) style (стиль, манера)
to develop style — развивать/улучшать стиль
to polish one's style, to refine one's style — шлифовать стиль
6) sketch (набросок, схематичный рисунок, эскиз)
to draw, make a sketch — сделать набросок
composite sketch — сложный эскиз
rough sketch — предварительный набросок
8. Describe the style of Art Deco using the phrases from the text:
- elegant furniture - the expressiveness of the materials
- exotic décor - the blue, red, brown and gold colours
- the abundance of sculpture - the creation of prosperity and luxury
- the beauty of line - the genuine smell of money
The following phrases can help you:
Nowadays Art Deco is one of the most popular styles of design…
The best traditions of Art Deco style are …
The interior in traditions of Art Deco can be…
The interior designed and decorated in art Deco style is usually…
The most expressive evidence of Art Deco style is…
The colours used in Art Deco are …
1. Read the text.
Museums come in different categories: there are treasure houses of world importance and small provincial museums on the other.
Every second summer, Monaco hosts a true festival of all the arts. Since 1975, Monaco has held a biennial antiques fair, which attracts all the most expensive art of private collections. Everything on sale here has to pass a tough selection procedure, and this turns the fair into a parade of top-quality world art.
The Monaco Antiques Fair is the brainchild of three towering figures from the European antiques world — Mario Bellini, Jacques Perrin, and Maurice Segoura. They based the event on a very clear concept: a limited number of participants and objects of truly exceptional quality.
Visitors have the opportunity to feast their eyes on canvases in gilded frames; graphic art by French, Italian, and Flemish masters; contemporary painting; and a great quantity of furniture, pieces of applied art, old gobelins, carpets, and some lavish sculptures.
The antiques dealers display their treasures in the Sporting d'Hiver, building in the Art Deco style. The fair is visited by up to 20,000 antiques aficionados.
treasure house – сокровищница
biennial – повторяющийся каждые два года
antiques fair – ярмарка антиквариата
to turn into – превращать
brainchild – замысел, изобретение, идея