8. Britain in early Middle Ages: Kings of the period. Richard I the Lion heart.
9. King John Lackland. The Magna Carta and its meaning.
10. Britain in early Middle Ages: Simon the Monfort and the Parliament.
11. The plague. Wat Tyler and the Peasants’ revolt.
12. The reigns of Edward II and Edward III in later Middle Ages (13th – 14th centuries). The Hundred Years’ War.
13. The implications of the Plantagenet period.
14. The Wars of the Roses (1455 – 1485).
15. The development of the country in the 15th century. English as the common national language.
16. Henry VII and the absolute Monarchy.
17. The reign of Henry VIII. Cardinal Thomas Wolsey. The Reformation. The Act of Union.
18. The Tudor reign: Queen Mary I and Elizabeth I.
19. The English Renaissance.
20. The Puritan Ideology of the 17th century and James I. The Gunpowder Plot.
21. The reign of Charles I. High Treason.
22. Oliver Cromwell. New Mode Army. The Rump. The Interregnum.
23. The Restoration of the Monarchy. Charles II. Declaration of Indulgence and Habeas Corpus Act.
24. The reign of William III and Mary II. “The Glorious Revolution”
25. Great Britain in the 18th century: War of Spanish Succession. The Union with Scotland.
26. The Hanoverian dynasty.
27. The Technological Revolution of the 18th century.
28. Great Britain in the 19th century: The Parliament Reform.
29. Queen Victoria. The Crimean War. Indian Mutiny.
30. Great Britain in the 20th century: The Great War. The Great Depression. The Partitioning of Ireland.
31. Great Britain in the 20th century: World War II. The End of the British Empire. The Commonwealth.
32. Multicultural Britain in the World.
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[1] Развернутые планы лекционного курса представлены в УМК «Лингвострановедение и страноведение Великобритании»
[2] Развернутые планы семинарских занятий представлены в УМК «Лингвострановедение и страноведение Великобритании»
[3] Задания и методические рекомендации по выполнению самостоятельной работы представлены в УМК по курсу «Лингвострановедение и страноведение «Великобритании»