left, threatening, called, written, armed, drunken
Published recently was a paperback (1) ..... by a south London copper (2) ..... 'Policeman's Progress'. Here are some random quotes.
'It is one of the few occupations (3) ..... in present day society where a person can arrive for work and have no idea what the day will bring. It could be an accident, a murder, an (4) ..... robbery, arson or a request for directions. I was called upon to chastise (5) ..... husbands (occasional success) and errant wives (hundred percent failure). I received anonymous (6) ..... letters , phone calls and an anonymous cake for my birthday (it was stale).'
6. Translate the sentences into English using the Participles as an Attribute.
1) Я еще не просмотрел всех журналов, присланных нам из Лондона.
2) Машины, заказанные на заводе, прибудут через несколько дней.
3) Все студенты, принимающие участие в этой работе, должны собраться в Академии в десять часов.
4) Он положил спящего ребенка на диван.
5) Он показал нам список товаров, экспортируемых фирмой.
6) Железная дорога, соединяющая два этих района, была построена недавно.
7) Книги, издаваемые для детей, обычно хорошо иллюстрированы.
8) Я надеюсь, что вы не повторите ошибок, сделанных в прошлом диктанте.
9) Человек, сидевший у открытого окна, смотрел на детей, игравших в саду.
10) Его неожиданный ответ удивил всех нас.
7. Put in the correct form of the Participles as an Attribute using the verbs in brackets.
1) The results ..... are consistent and may be summed up in one single rule. (obtain)
2) Of the three instances ....., only the last possesses a verbal suffix which is regularly found in other words. (cite)
3) A proper noun is a name ..... to one particular person or thing. (give)
4) The information ..... throws a flood of light upon the mode of action of the human vocal apparatus. (gain)
5) The following figures, partly ..... the territory ....., illustrate the extent of losses ..... by the fire. (cover, investigate, cause)
6) The two men ..... to were highly-placed officials. (refer)
7) At last we saw the picture so much ..... about. (hear)
8) The ruling elite in old Japan, ..... with its families to about one sixteenth of the population, was a hereditary class of fighters, ..... to pursue any other vocation. (amount, forbid)
9) The language processes apply not only to English, but to all languages. In all of them you will find words ..... out, and words ....., words ..... and old words ..... together to form new words, words ..... from other languages and words ..... their use and meaning. (die, be born, create, put, take, change)
8. Complete the sentences using either the Participle or a clause bearing in mind that in the function of an Attribute Participle I is usually not used to express a past or a prior action.
1) The study was dimly lit by a candle (burn) in the ajoining room.
2) Latin was the ancestor of all the languages (mention).
3) The review is divided into three parts (follow) by a brief comment.
4) The conclusion appears reasonable that Italian (speak and write) by the multitude of correct speakers and writers, is a compromise language (continue) the traditions of various dialects.
5) They dined outside upon the terrace (face) Vesuvius.
6) The girl (bear) all the ups and downs of her life with great indifference, broke down on this and burst into tears.
7) Mr.Orson told his sons to follow him into the little guest-chamber out of which two pretty maids (arrange) the room ran out.
8) The gentleman lit his pipe and went up to the driver (unharness) the horses.
9. Translate the sentences into English using either the Participle or a clause.
1) Мне вспомнился портрет, который я видела в картинной галерее.
2) Он человек, которого все любят и которым все восхищаются.
3) Забор, окружающий сад, недавно покрашен.
4) Мы любовались звездами, мерцавшими на небе.
5) Он обратил внимание посетителей на висевшую над его головой картину, написанную маслом.
6) Его мать, знавшая все его привычки, убирала эту книгу подальше.
7) Его очень интересовала линия метро, которую прокладывали в нескольких кварталах от его дома.
8) Законы, существовавшие в Америке в то время, позволяли покупать и продавать негров.
9) Женщина отправилась в сторону канадской границы, в город, расположенный на берегу реки.
10) Она постучала в дверь небольшой таверны. Женщина, открывшая ей дверь, была хозяйкой.
11) Она успокоила своего ребенка, плачущего от усталости.
12) Она положила ребенка на кровать и подошла к окну, выходившему на реку.
13) Она стояля у окна и глядела на реку, находящуюся между ней и свободой.
14) Вдруг она увидела работорговца, купившего ее ребенка.
15) В комнате была дверь, выходившая к реке.
16) Она бросилась к реке, держа ребенка на руках, и прыгнула на большую льдину, плывшую недалеко от берега.
17) Она смотрела на человека, стоявшего на другом берегу и молила его о помощи.
10. Translate into English using Participle II as an Attribute.
1) На листе бумаги было несколько строк, написанных карандашом.
2) В вазе было несколько увядших роз.
3) Он не любил смотреть на посаженных в клетку животных.
4) Вот новые учебники, присланные для вашей школы.
5) Представьте себе замужнюю женщину, обреченную жить изо дня в день без единой ссоры со своим мужем!
6) Он направился к машине, стоявшей на стоянке.
7) У них обоих была хорошая натренированная память.
11. Write out in two separate columns the word-combinations with the Gerund and those with Participle I. Comment on them doing the transformations as shown:
Advertising campaign – A campaign of/for advertising goods. (the Gerund)
Advertising company – A company that advertises goods.(Participle I)
a) Advertising role, advertising firm, advertising objectives, advertising people, advertising plan;
b) Marketing strategy, marketing agent, marketing activity, marketing people, marketing policy;
c) Working people, working premises, working facilities, working machines, working hours.
12. Complete the sentences with the Participles as a Predicative from the box.
astonishing, boring, convincing, demanding, disappointing, worrying, thrilling, tempting, terrifying, touching, encouraging
1) The film ‘Titanic’ is so ....., I advise you to see it.
2) I don’t believe you to have done it deliberately. But anyway, it was extremely ..... .
3) Your suggestion to miss the classes at university today sounds very ..... .
4) When the chairman speaks of devotion to high ideals in business he seems quite ..... and even ..... .
5) The performance was so ..... that I could hardly stay till the end of it.
6) Even to listen to the story of your dangerous adventures is really ..... .
7) The effect of the manager’s words was ..... .
8) Mr.Jackson didn’t understand your mission. His voice sounded so ..... .
9) The situation became so ..... that we all were at a loss.
10) The fact that she can’t remember the origin of her information seems very unusual and ..... .
13. Translate the sentences into English using the Participle as a Predicative.
1) Удивительно, что он не выполнил свое обещание.
2) Кажется, твоя работа очень утомительная.
3) Его слова показались ей оскорбительными.
4) Встреча с родными и друзьями после долгого отсутствия всегда волнующая.
5) Звуки были настолько раздражающими, что у меня заболела голова.
6) Жизнь без путешествий стала для него скучной.
7) Условия соглашения были унизительными.
8) Было заманчивым принять такое предложение.
9) Его поведение кажется ужасным.
10) Их доводы кажутся убедительными.
14. Make one sentence out of two using Participle I as an Adverbial Modifier of Time. The first sentence has been done for you.
1) She finished her work. Then she went home. >
Having finished her work, she went home.
2) We bought our tickets. Then we went into the theatre.
3) They continued their journey. They did it after they had had dinner.
4) Lucy did all her shopping. Then she went for a cup of tea.
5) She found a hotel. Then she looked for somewhere to have dinner.
6) Jim was playing tennis. He hurt his arm.
7) I was watching television. I fell asleep.
8) The man slipped. He was getting off a bus.
9) I was walking home in the rain. I got wet.
10) Margaret was driving to work yesterday. She had an accident.
11) Two firemen were overcome by smoke. They were trying to put out the fire.
15. Put in the correct form of Participle I as an Adverbial Modifier of Time or Cause.
1) ( take) ..... a key out of his pocket, he opened the door.
2) (feel) ..... tired I went to bed.
3) (be) ..... unemployed, he hasn't got much money.
4) (have-neg.) ..... a car, she finds it difficult to get around.
5) (see) ..... already the film twice, I didn't want to go to the cinema.
6) (think) ..... they might be hungry, I offered them something to eat.
7) (be) ..... a foreigner, she needs a visa to stay in the country.
8) (know-neg.) ..... his address, I wasn't able to contact him.
9) (travel) ..... a lot, Sarah knows a great deal about other countries.
10) (be able) ..... to understand English, he didn't know what I wanted.
11) (spend) ..... nearly all our money, we couldn't afford to stay in a hotel.
16. Exchange the compound or complex sentences by those with the Participles in different Adverbial functions.
1) He walked out of the room and slammed the door behind him.
2) If you want to order a vehicle, you have to pay a deposit.
3) She lay awake all night and recalled the events of the day.
4) When I tried to open the can, I cut my hand.
5) As I was anxious to please him, I bought him a nice present.
6) If you are travelling north, you must change at Leeds.
7) Unless you pay by credit card, please pay in cash.
8) Though he admitted that he had received the stolen jewellery, he denied having taken part in the robbery.
9) When it was viewed from a distance, the island looked like a cloud.
10) Although it was built before the war, the engine is still in perfect order.
11) Unless it is changed, this law will make life difficult.
12) If you are accepted for this post, you will be informed.
13) He is so ill that he can't go to work yet.
14) He's had been ill for a very long time, so he needs/needed more time to recover before he can/could go back to work.
15) I have been made redundant, so I'm going abroad.
17. Put in the appropriate preposition/conjunction with the Participles as an Adverbial Modifier.
1) ..... annoyed, he used to go to his room and lock himself in.
2) She is a terror ..... roused.
3) Here the tram lines ended, so that men returning home could doze in their seats ..... roused by their journey's end.
4) He didn't usually utter a word ..... spoken to.
5) 'Minister?' said David Rubin, ..... surprised.
6) He had to think it over, for even ..... posted now, the letter could not reach John till Monday.
7) Sitting there, he could not help perceiving a certain vagueness about such an inspiration, even ..... confined to England.
8) ..... urged, he never mentioned his wound or his decoration.
9) ..... sitting there I looked at various posters.
10) She stopped speaking ..... waiting for him to speak.
11) Much of the afternoon I looked out of the window ..... thinking, but not really thinking.
12) ..... dancing she floated, so light she was, like an eager little spirit.
18. Use the suitable Participle from the verbs in brackets.
1) (Approach) Malta Street, Soho, Soames thought with wonder of those years in Brighton.
2) When (question), Annie answered that she was anxious about her brother-in-law.
3) (Be) a little in that line myself, I understood everything.
4) It was a dreadful thing that he now proposed, a breach of the law which, if (discover) would bring him into the police court.
5) She began to walk carefully, (set) heel to toe, heel to toe, and (count) her steps.
6) This was said as if (think) aloud.
7) As if (tear) with inner conflict and indecision, he cried.
8) Her spirit, though (crush), was not broken.
19. Complete the stories with the correct forms of the Verbals and reproduce the stories.
Once in a train a (1) well-(dress) ...... man discovered that his cigarette case was missing and told the man next to him that he would take him to the police at the nearest station. (2) (Look) ..... down however the (3) well-(dress) ..... man found his cigarette case (4) (lie)..... under the seat. He apologised to the other passenger (5) (say)..... he was sorry (6) (think) ..... badly of him. 'Never mind', said the passenger. 'You thought I was a thief and I thought you were a gentleman. And we were both mistaken'.
An American lady (1) (travel)..... in England got into a compartment in a (2) (smoke) ..... carriage where an Englishman was smoking a pipe. For a while she sat quietly (3) (expect)..... that the Englishman would give up (4) (smoke)..... . But when the train had been on the way for half an hour or so she started (5) (cough) ..... (6) (show)..... him that she objected to his (7) (smoke)..... . At last (8) (see)..... that all her efforts (9) (attract)..... his attention were in vain she addressed him impatiently.
'If you were a gentleman, you would stop (10) (smoke) ..... when a lady got into the carriage'.
'If you were a lady', replied the Englishman, 'you wouldn't get into a (11) (smoke) ..... carriage'.
'If you were my husband', said the lady, 'I would give you poison'.
'If I were your husband,' replied the Englishman, 'I would take it'.
20. Complete the news report with appropriate Verbals from the verbs in brackets and reproduce it.
Julian Snow, the 'Daily News' war correspondent (1) (cover) the civil war in Mandanga, has been reported (2) (miss). He was last seen yesterday morning (3) (drive) his Land Rover near the front line. The vehicle was found yesterday evening , but there was no sign of him. Snow has been a war correspondent for many years and has covered a number of conflicts, (4) (include) the Middle East.