9) “Remember to switch off the light when you leave,” he said.
10) “You’d better apologize for being so rude,” said my mother.
11) “Why don’t you travel on foot? It’s much more exciting,” I said.
12) “You must see this movie! It’s worth it,” said all my friends.
13) “Don’t leave your room till I let you do it,” he said.
14) “I’d be very grateful if you’d forward my letters while I’m away,” she said.
15) “Would you mind moving your car?” he said. “It’s blocking my door.”
16) “Would you like to wait outside?” said the receptionist.
17) “Don’t say anything to make him angry,” she said.
18) “Write to me as often as you can,” said his girlfriend.
19) “Don’t go near the water,” mother said to her children.
20) “Don’t forget to feed the dog in time,” he said.
6. Report the following using the simple past of the verbs in brackets.
1) “Don’t wait for him. He won’t come,” I said to her. (tell)
2) “Go on holiday when the weather gets a little bit warmer,” she told him. (advise)
3) “Keep out of this house at all times,” she said to them. (warn)
4) “Remember to water the flowers once a week,” she said to me. (remind)
5) “Don’t enter my study while I’m working,” he said to them. (ask)
6) “Please, please don’t tell him about it,” she said. (beg)
7) “Let’s have a walk in the park,” he said to her. (invite)
8) “Leave the child alone,” she said to him. (order)
9) “You should go to bed and have some rest,” she said. (advise)
10) “You’d better slow down. There’s a speed limit here,” she said. (suggest)
11) “Follow that bus,” the policeman said to the taxi-driver. (ask)
12) “You must come with us. You won’t regret it,” he said. (insist)
13) “Do make the coffee a bit stronger,” he asked her. (beg)
14) “Don’t forget your sandwiches,” she said to him. (remind)
15) “Put down that gun. It’s loaded,” he said. (warn)
7. Report the dialogue.
J: Oh, hello, Bill, how are you?
B: Fine, Jim. Listen, could you lend me your food processor for a couple of hours? Mine has stopped working.
J: Sure. Do you know how to work this one? Is yours the same make?
B: Let’s see. No, it isn’t. Could you give me a demonstration?
J: Sure, just sit down. I’ll make some breadcrumbs, I need them for tonight. Or why don’t you make them?
B: OK, what do I do first?
J: Put the bowl on and turn it until it clicks. Yeah, then put the blade in and push it down.
B: Does it matter which way I put it in?
J: No, just put it in any way. But don’t forget to push it down until it clicks.
B: Now what?
J: Cut the bread into squares – about six squares per slice, and put them in. OK, now put the top on with the tube to the left of the front, and then turn it to the right to start it.
B: Well, it’s easy enough. Mine is much more complicated.
J: Yeah, well, I don’t think you’ll have any problems. Do you think you could bring it back when you’ve finished with it?
B: Sure, don’t worry. I’ll have it back by eight, if that’s OK.
J: Fine, see you then. Bye, Bill.
B: Bye, Jim, and thanks a lot.
8. Convert into Reported Speech.
1) “Get up, Jo-Lea,” Mr Bingham said.
2) “Daddy – oh, Daddy,” the girl said, “oh, let me stay.”
3) “Martha!” he called in a loud, commanding voice that echoed up and down the corridor. “Martha, come back here!”
4) “Gretta, please say something,” he begged. “I’ve got to know if you are all right.”
5) “Both of you come with me,” Conder said, “and have a drink at the Fidzroy.”
6) “Now you go and get me my hammer, Will,” he would shout. “And don’t you go, Maria.”
7) She went to the window and looked out. “Do come and look, Arthur,” she said.
8) “And now, mamma,” said Sylviane, “let us have this wonderful news.”
9) “Lilly, Lilly,” he said, “don’t go away!”
10) He turned to her with a rough gesture. “Don’t worry, Savina!”
11) “Do me a last favour, Betteredge,” said Mr Franklin, “get me away to the train as soon as you can!”
9. Report the dialogue.
Daniel: | Where shall we have our picnic then? |
Rachel: | This looks all right. Shall we sit here? |
Emma: | Oh, I’ve forgotten the sausages. They are in the car. |
Matthew: | Shall I get them? |
Emma: | Oh, thanks, Matthew. |
Vicky: | We could sit by those trees. It looks nicer over there. |
Rachel: | No, it’s fine here. |
Daniel: | Yes, it’s better here, I think. |
Emma: | Would you like a sandwich, Vicky? |
Vicky: | Oh, thank you. |
Emma: | Will you have one, Rachel? |
Matthew: | And here are the sausages. Would anyone like one? |
10. Mr Andrews is the boss at Techniques. He tells everyone what to do. Report his orders and requests.
1) Would you mind making some tea, Alan?
2) You must inform me of any developments, Susan.
3) Could I have the latest sales figures, please?
4) Would you like to arrange a meeting some time next week, Fiona?
5) I want everyone to read the report.
6) Can I see the file, please, Mark?
7) Would you mind putting it in writing, Alan?
8) I wonder if you could translate this letter, Linda.
9) Could you meet our customer at the Airport, Frank?
10) Can you keep me informed, Mark?
11) Can everyone be quiet for a minute, please?
12) Would you mind sending me a copy of the catalogue, Linda?
11. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.
1) “Will you meet me at the station?” she asked. “Yes, of course,” he said.
2) “Wow!” they said as the fireworks exploded in the sky.
3) “You’ll try to come to the meeting after work, won’t you?” he said to us.
4) “How delicious!” she said as she tasted the pie.
5) “What a surprise!” he said when he unwrapped the present.
6) “Splendid!” she said when she saw the play.
7) “Well, good luck, then,” she said to him.
8) “Can you repair the bike?” she asked. “No,” he said.
12. Give the original words represented by the following reported sentences.
1) He politely declined my invitation to dinner.
2) He offered me to look after my kids.
3) We were given a warm welcome by our relatives.
4) The teacher reprimanded the student for failing to do the task.
5) My cousin suggested we all go and have a drink.
6) We were warned not to go near the edge of the cliff.
7) The hotel porter offered to carry my cases.
8) The doctor inquired after his daughter’s health.
9) He expressed great satisfaction with the way things had turned out.
10) He complimented his girlfriend on the way she looked that night.
11) He expressed his gratitude for what we had done.
13. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Он попросил меня никому об этом не рассказывать.
2) Она посоветовала мне не есть так много сладостей.
3) Марта напомнила мне, чтобы я купил продукты по дороге домой.
4) Он ей сказал, чтобы она не запирала дверь.
5) Хозяйка квартиры предупредила нас, что мы должны платить за квартиру вовремя.
6) Мы его предупредили, чтобы он нас не ждал.
7) Доктор попросил их не будить больного.
8) Секретарь настоял на том, чтобы они не отправляли письма.
9) Мой приятель предложил, чтобы мы сходили на вечеринку.
10) Она предложила нам провести день за городом.
11) Доктор посоветовал мне поехать на юг.
12) Она предложила перевести для нас статью.
13) Мы ему сказали, чтобы он пришел к пяти часам.
14) Полицейский приказал водителю следовать за белой машиной.
15) Жена попросила меня уделять ей больше времени.
1. There are changes in the verb tenses of some modal verbs in Reported Speech:
2. Would, could, used to, mustn’t, should, ought to and had better remain the same.
1. Turn the following sentences into Reported Speech.
1) “How shall I tell Tom the bad news?” she said.
2) “You must try my home-made pie,” she said.
3) “Can I go home now?” he asked her.
4) “May I call you by your first name?” he asked.
5) “You can come in, but you mustn’t make any noise,” she said to him.
6) “What time shall we arrive in London?” he asked.
7) “She must try harder if she wants to succeed,” he said.
8) “My father will be angry with me if he finds out,” she said.
9) “You ought not to drive so fast,” he said to him.
10) “They don’t have to come if they don’t feel like it,” he said.
11) “You had better speak to the manager,” she said to him.
12) “I may not be able to meet you at the airport,” he said to her.
13) “You must be very tired, you look so pale,” she said to him.
14) “How many instruments can you play, Natasha?” he asked.
15) “Shall I show you the way?” he asked.
16) “You’d better sit down,” she said.
17) “You must report to me every day,” the boss told her.
18) “I won’t be able to come to the meeting,” he said to them.
19) “You don’t have to do all the work yourself,” she said.
20) “Susan may know the address,” he said.
2. Open the brackets. Use the appropriate verb form.
1) She asked if she (can) have some more tea.
2) He said that he (must) go to Plymouth the following day.
3) He said that after the lecture he (have to) rush home.
4) Father said that Tom (must) work harder next term.
5) My employer said that I (not need) to come to work the next day.
6) She said that she (have to) drive his pigs out of her garden.
7) He said that he (can) speak six languages fluently.
8) He said he (can not) come to the meeting on Friday.
9) He asked if they (may) go swimming that day.
10) He told me that I (not have to) do all the work myself.
11) He inquired if he (shall) consult the lawyer in that situation.
12) They said that they (will not) be there next September.
13) He wanted to know if he (may) give me a ring the following day.
14) My parents said that we (must) be in bed by nine.
15) The boss told Laura that she (has to) get to work on time.
3. Turn the conversation into Reported Speech.
Vicky: What time do we have to be at the coffee morning?
Rachel: The invitation says ten o’clock.
Vicky: Well, it’s ten now. We’d better hurry. We shouldn’t be late.
Rachel: Oh, it won’t matter if we are a bit late.
Vicky: I think it would be rude, wouldn’t it? I don’t think people ought to arrive late when they’ve been invited to something.
Rachel: You worry too much. You shouldn’t take everything so seriously, Vicky. It’s a coffee morning, not a job interview. We don’t have to get there exactly on time. We may be a little bit late.
4. Report the dialogue.
Tom: I can’t come out tonight, Margo. I ought to do some more work. I’m behind with everything. I’ve got so much to do.
Margo: You shouldn’t worry so much, Tom. Don’t panic. You ought to relax sometimes. You could take a break.
Tom: I know I shouldn’t panic, but I do. I can’t help it.
Margo: Anyway, you’re doing OK, aren’t you? Your results have been good.
You should be pleased. You oughtn’t to invent problems for yourself.
5. Convert the conversations into Reported Speech.
1) Melanie: David’s broken his leg. He had to go to hospital.
Harriet: Oh, no! How long will he have to stay there?
Melanie: I don’t know.
2) Claire: I parked my car outside the hairdresser’s, and while I was in there, the police took the car away. I’ve got it back now. But I had to pay a lot of money.
Henry: How much did you have to pay?
Claire: Two hundred pounds!
3) Claire: My sister and I are going a different way.
Guide: Oh, you mustn’t go off on your own. It isn’t safe. We must keep together in a group.
4) David: I’ll put these cups in the dishwasher.
Laura: No, you shouldn’t put them in there. It might damage them. In fact, we needn’t wash them at all. We didn’t use them.
5) Tom: I can’t sleep sometimes. My neighbours play music all night.
Sarah: That’s a nuisance. They shouldn’t play music all night.
6) Matthew: I’m sure the computer didn’t make a mistake. That’s impossible.
Emma: No, of course, the computer couldn’t have made a mistake.
6. Translate from Russian into English.
1) Он сказал, что может перевести эту статью за два часа.
2) Она сказала, что может переехать в новую квартиру уже на следующей неделе.
3) Он сказал, что мне следовало бы навещать его в больнице почаще.
4) Администратор сказала, что мы должны освободить номер к семи часам.
5) Она сказала, что нам лучше поторопиться.
6) Мальчик спросил отца, сколько времени он может проводить за компьютером.
7) Она сказала, что мы должны будем отчитаться в конце этого года.
8) Он сказал, что мне следовало посоветоваться с ним, прежде чем принимать какое-либо решение.
9) Он сообщил нам, что собрание должно закончиться с минуты на минуту.
10) Она сказала, что я могу приходить к ним, когда захочу.
11) Полицейский сказал, что здесь нельзя парковать машину.
12) Она сказала, что сможет прийти только завтра.
1. Find a statement consistent with the adverbs given.
1) … he said patiently. | a) Don’t ask me such silly questions. |
2) … he commented derisively. | b) You should treat your elders with more respect. |
3) … he observed sarcastically. | c) I will love you forever. |
4) … he said agreeably. | d) Mind your own business. |
5) … he said pompously. | e) No one cares how you feel. |
6) … he whispered shyly. | f) I thought you said you were ill yesterday. |
7) … he answered sharply. | g) That’s your problem. I don’t care. |
8) … he said sympathetically. | h) You can go to the devil! |
9) … he said fiercely. | i) You could try doing it the write way. |
10) … he said brutally. | j) What should I tell her. |
11) … he said angrily. | k) You think you are brilliant, don’t you. |
12) … he said accusingly. | l) I understand how you feel. |
13) … he said callously. | m) Let’s try again. It’s rather difficult. |
14) … he said passionately. | n) I think it’s been a very good day. |
15) … he said defiantly. | o) I’ve made very good progress. |
16) … he said complacently. | p) No one is going to stop me! |
2. Rewrite the following sentences in Reported Speech.