Таблица 3
Крылатые слова и выражения
А.С.Пушкин «Евгений Онегин» ГЛАВА I, строфа V | ||
Пушкин | цитата | Мы все учились понемногу, Чему-нибудь и как-нибудь |
толкование учились, понемногу, Чему-нибудь и как-нибудь | 1. Учиться – усваивать какие-то знания, навыки; приобретать опыт. 2. Понемногу – постепенно, с небольшими долями. 3. Как-нибудь – каким-нибудь неопределенным способом, так или иначе | |
Clarke | quotation | We've all of us spent too long learning the wrong subjects the wrong way |
definition | 1. spent learning - to use time doing a particular thing: knowledge gained through reading and study 2. too long – more than is right or necessary, or more than you want for a long time 3. Wrong way - not the one that you intended or the one that you really want. | |
Deutsch | quotation | Since but a random education Is all they give us as a rule, |
definition | 1. education – the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or university 2: since give as a rule - to try to make sure that you always do something. from a particular time or event in the past until the present, or in that period of time 3. random - happening or chosen without any definite plan, aim, or pattern: | |
Emmet | quotation | We've all received an education Fed to us in fits and starts, |
definition | 1. Received an education – to get the the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or university 2. Feed – to give someone information or ideas over a period time. 3 in fits and starts - if something happens in fits and starts, it does not happen smoothly, but keeps starting and then stopping again | |
Falen | quotation | We've all received an education In something somehow, have we not? |
definition | 1. Received an education – to get the process of teaching and learning, usually at school, college, or university 2. have we not – disjunctive construction 3. somehow - in some way, or by some means, although you do not know how | |
Johnston | quotation | We all meandered through our schooling haphazard |
definition | 1. schooling – an school education 2. Meandered through - to walk somewhere in a slow relaxed way rather than take the most direct way possible 3. haphazard - happening or done in a way that is not planned or organized |
Таблица 4
А.С.Пушкин «Евгений Онегин» ГЛАВА I, строфа XLIII | ||
Пушкин | цитата | И не попал он в цех задорный |
толкование цех задорный | 1. Цех – В западной Европе в эпоху феодализма: сословная организация ремесленников одной профессии. 2. Задорный – запальчивый, задиристый | |
Clarke | quotation | unruly guild of people |
definition | 1. guild of people - an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests 2. unruly - violent or difficult to control [= wild] | |
Deutsch | quotation | the bumptious guild |
definition | 1. guild - an organization of people who do the same job or have the same interests 2. bumptious - too proud of your abilities in a way that annoys other people [= arrogant] | |
Emmet | quotation | the fever'd crowd |
definition | 1. crowd - a large group of people who have gathered together to do something, for example to watch something or protest about something 2.fever'd - extremely excited or worried [= feverish]: | |
Falen | quotation | the faction |
definition | 1.the faction - a small group of people within a larger group, who have different ideas from the other members, and who try to get their own ideas accepted: | |
Johnston | quotation | that sharp profession |
definition | 1. profession - all the people who work in a particular profession 2. sharp - having a very thin edge or point that can cut things easily [≠ blunt]: |
Таблица 5
«Пушкинская» лексика
А.С.Пушкин «Евгений Онегин» ГЛАВА I, строфа XLII | ||
Пушкин | цитата | Причудницы большого света! |
толкование Причудницы | Причудница - Женск. к причудник (человек с причудами, прихотями) | |
Clarke | quotation | the society ladies with their absurd affectations |
definition | the society ladies - the fashionable group of women of a particular type or age who are rich and powerful affectations - a way of behaving, speaking etc that is not sincere or natura | |
Deutsch | quotation | capricious Great ladies, of whom he'd been fond; |
definition | capricious - likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way | |
Emmet | quotation | Capricious belles of drawing rooms |
definition | capricious - likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way belle - a beautiful girl or woman | |
Falen | quotation | Capricious belles of lofty station! |
definition | capricious - likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way; belle - a beautiful girl or woman | |
Johnston | quotation | Capricious belles of grand Society! |
definition | capricious - likely to change your mind suddenly or behave in an unexpected way; belle - a beautiful girl or woman |
Таблица 6
Имена собственные
А.С.Пушкин «Евгений Онегин» ГЛАВА I, строфа XLIII | ||
Пушкин | цитата | По петербургской мостовой |
толкование петербургская мостовая | 1. Мостовая – вымощенная или покрытая асфальтом проезжая часть дороги 2. Петербургская - город Санкт-Петербург, который был основан Петром Великим | |
Clarke | quotation | along the St Petersburg streets |
definition streets | 1. the streets - a public road in a city or town that has houses, shops etc on one or both sides 2. St Petersburg - a city on the Baltic Sea which was the capital of Russia from 1712 to 1918 | |
Deutsch | quotation | O'er Petersburg's dark pavements |
definition dark pavements | 1. pavement - a hard level surface or path at the side of a road for people to walk on 2. Petersburg – Saint Petersburg | |
Emmet | quotation bridged girth | Across our Peter's bridged girth |
definition | 1. girth - the size of something or someone large when you measure around them rather than measuring their height 2. Peter's – the city who was constructed by Peter 3. bridged – past participal of noun: a structure built over a river, road etc that allows people or vehicles to cross from one side to the other | |
Falen | quotation | Along the Petersburg chaussee |
definition | 1. the chaussée -(french) a wide main road that joins one town to another 2 Petersburg - Saint Petersburg | |
Johnston | quotation | over the Petersburg pave |
definition pave | 1.the pave – (from paving) material used to form a hard level surface on a path, road, area etc 2. Petersburg - Saint Petersburg |
Таблица 7
Восклицания и междометия
А.С.Пушкин «Евгений Онегин» ГЛАВА I, строфа XLIX | ||
Пушкин | цитата | «Пади, пади!» Раздался крик |
толкование | «Пади, пади!» - "Пошёл, трогай!" (обращение к ямщику) | |
Clarke | quotation | the cry rang out 'Make way! Make way! |
definition | 'Make way! Make way! - to move to the side so that there is space for someone or something to pass | |
Deutsch | quotation | "Make way! Make way!" along they fly |
definition | 'Make way! Make way! -to move to the side so that there is space for someone or something to pass | |
Emmet | quotation | "Make way! Make way!" the cry rings out |
definition | 'Make way! Make way! - to move to the side so that there is space for someone or something to pass | |
Falen | quotation | The cry resounds: 'Make way! Let's go!' |
definition | a) Make way! - to move to the side so that there is space for someone or something to pass b) Let's go! - used to make a suggestion or to offer help | |
Johnston | quotation | 'Make way, make way,' goes up the shout |
definition | 'Make way! Make way! - to move to the side so that there is space for someone or something to pass |
Таблица 8
Бытовые реалии: русские и иностранные
1) средства передвижения