
Методические указания и контрольные работы (стр. 9 из 14)

Ответьте на вопросы.

1. What is your name?

2. How old are you?

3. What family are you from?

4. What nationality are you?

5. What town are you from?

6. Where are your parents, sisters, brothers?

7. Where are you now?

8. Why are you here in Mos­cow?

9. What kind of school is your school?

10. What is your future profes­sion?

11. What problems are you to handle?

12. What are you to do?

13. Is your profession difficult?

14. Are you proud of it?

Read and retell the text


I am a freshman of the… Higher (Militia) School. It is one of the militia colleges in our country. We are future militia officers — detectives and investigators — our future Sherlock Holmeses for the agencies (organs) of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (the Interior). My schoolmates are envoys of many regions of this country.

They are from different towns and families, they are of different nationalities but they are equal members of our multinational college family.

Training at our college is difficult but very interesting. A state grant, medical services and other conveniences are at our students disposal. According to the regulations the trainees are to wear a special militia uniform: we are not future civil lawyers we are future militia officers.

Our future profession is law, crime detection and crime investi­gation.) We are to handle big problems of life and perform well under operational conditions. Our future work is not easy, so we are to be ready for that work and study many different subjects which are important for it — Crime Detection, Criminal Law, Criminal Pro­cedure, Crime Psychology, etc. Besides we are to get professional skills and abilities — to drive a car, to use the weapon, to inter­view and to interrogate witnesses and criminals, to search a crime scene. But fighting crime is not the only task of our future work. The C.I.D. man is also responsible for the prevention of crime, that is why knowledge of special means, methods and forms of crime prevention and crime detection is quite necessary for us. Special subjects are not the only subjects of our curriculum. As it is in every institute of our country, social sciences and foreign languages are in the programme of our studies too. They are to form our world outlook and improve our general education. As one of the main principles of the effective educational system is to unite theory and practice, and the final object of our college training is to perform satisfactorily under operational conditions, everything is necessary and useful for us: practical instructions, lectures and seminars at school and practice at the laboratories and in Militia organs.

It is of interest to note that many operatives of the C.I.D., opera­tives of the E.C.I.D., investigators, field-criminalists, divisional inspectors and inspectors of corrections of the organs of the Interior in different parts of our country — in the North and in the South, in the West and in the East — are graduates of the MIA Higher (Militia) Schools. They are experts in the broad sense of the word.

Some new words:

only ['ounli] adv — только, а — единственный
college ['kOliG] колледж, специальное учебное заведение
agency ['eiGqnsi] орган
Ministry of Internal Affairs амер. the Interior ['ministri qv in'tWnl q'fFqz] ['Di in'tiqriq]— МВД
envoy ['envOi] посланник
different ['difrqnt] различный
equal ['i:kwqllЪ равный
member ['membq] член
multinational ['mAlti'nxSqnl] многонациональный
hostel ['hOstq] общежитие
conveniences [kqn'vi:njqnsiz] комфорт, удобства
service ['sq:vis] служба, обслуживание
state grant [gra:nt] государственное пособие, сти­пендия
at the disposal [dis'pouzql] в распоряжении
according to [q'ko:diN tu ] согласно
regulations ["regju'leSqnz] устав
trainee [trei'ni:] проходящий подготовку, обучение
wear [wFq] носить
uniform ['ju:nifO:m] форма
civil [sivl] гражданский
easy ['i:zi] легкий
important [im'pO:tqnt] важный
Criminal Procedure ['kiminl prqsi:Gq] уголовный процесс
Crime Psychology ['kiminl sai'kOlqGq] судебная пси­хология
besides [bisaidz] кроме того, помимо
habit ['hxbit] привычка, обычай, навык
skill [skil] умение, мастерство
ability [q'biliti] способность, умение
drive [draiv] вести, гнать
use [ju:z] v — использовать, применять
[ju:s] n — польза, применение
useful ['ju:sful] полезный
weapon ['wepqn]— оружие
interview ['intqvju:] опрашивать
interrogate [in'terqgeit]|— допрашивать
interrogation [in"tera'geiSqn] допрос
interrogator [in'terqgeitq] допрашивающий
witness ['witnis] свидетель
fight [fait] v , n — бороться, борьба
responsible [rls'pOnsqbl] ответственный
prevention [pri'venSqn] предотвращение, предупреж­дение
that is why [Dxt iz'wai] вот почему
means [mi:nz] средство
quite [kwait] совершенно, вполне
curriculum [kq'rikjulqm] учебный план
foreign ['fOrin] иностранный
language ['lxNgwiG] язык
world outlook ['wO:ld'autluk] мировоззрение
improve [im'pru:v] совершенствовать, улучшать
general ['Genaral] общий, главный
education [edju:keiSqn] образование, воспитание
unite [ju:'nait] объединять
perform [pq'fO:m] выполнять
satisfactorily ["sxtis'fxktqrili] удовлетворительно
instruct [in'strAkt] инструктировать, обучать
practical instructions ['prxktikql in'strAkSqnz] прак­тические занятия
note [nout] замечать, отмечать
corrections [kq'rekSqnz] исправительные учреждения
graduate ['grxdjuit] n – выпускник
['grxdjueit] v – выпускать
broad [brO:d] широкий
sense [sens] смысл
North [nO:T] север
South [sauT] юг
West [west] запад
East [i:st] восток
in the North на севере
in the South на юге
in the West на западе
in the East на востоке

Ответьте на вопросы:

1. What kind of school is your Higher (Militia) School?

2. Are you a future lawyer?

3. What is your future profession?

4. Is it difficult to study at your School?

5. What is at the disposal of the students of your school?

6. What problems are you to handle in your future work?

7. What are the tasks of the students at School?

8. What is the final object of your education?


The Krasnodar Law Institute is one of the Colleges in the system of law enforcement professional education in Russia. It was founded in 1994. The college trains detectives and investigators for our territory.

There are about two thousand students at our Institute. They are future lawyers, officers of the Internal Affairs Ministry. There are two departments at the Krasnodar Law Institute: day department and correspondence department. There are three faculties. In order to enter the Krasnodar Law Institute an applicant must pass the entrance examinations successfully. The students of our college have all conditions for getting a good education. On the staff of the Institute there are many law enforcement experts of great practical experience, many Doctors and Masters of law, assistant-professors, professors, senior teachers and teachers.

The term of training is four or five years, depending on the faculty. The students study many subjects: such as Social Sciences, Criminalistics, Civil and Criminal Law, Criminal Procedure, a foreign language, etc. The cadets learn the ways of crime investigation, how to inspect a crime scene, search for and find evidence. They are to take pictures, to use weapon, to drive a car etc. After classes , very often, our students patrol the streets, maintaining public order.

The Krasnodar Law Institute is very large. There are many specially equipped classrooms, lecture halls, two libraries and several reading rooms, up-to-date laboratories, computer classrooms, a firing range. There are big conference halls, a complex of sport facilities, several gyms and sport grounds.

There are student hostels, with all modern conveniences. A shop, a snack bar, post office, medical services, a large Zoo are at our students disposal. After graduation from our Institute the students get a diploma of a lawyer and become lieutenants of militia. They may work as operatives of the CID, investigators, divisional inspectors of the Administrative practice, etc.

Some new words:

a graduate - выпускник

to graduate from - оканчивать

to enter the college - поступить в институт

to pass the entrance examination – сдавать вступительные экзамены

a applicant - абитуриент

specially equipped laboratories -специально оборудованные лаборатории

a diploma - диплом